What is that? Another grand jury investigation? A woman dies at the ice rink and her family has hit The Fake Park with a lawsuit? How many lawsuits is the park board now defending? Why have only 50 acres been completed after $200 million down the drain?
Most of the voters have buyers remorse and can see they got sold a lemon by the Agranistas. The Fake Park was simply a bait and switch to trick fearful and gullible voters to go against an already established international airport. Even Comrad Agran himself admitted that one cannot simply say no to the airport and expect to win as shown by the crushing defeat of Measure S at the polls. The airport needed to be replaced by something that can appeal to the voters. Hence, The Fake Park. Too bad it was just a ruse.
Just how many people has The Fake Park employed? How much economic stimulus does it provide Orange County? Not much. But if one asks how much gravy does it give to the Agranistas? Then the answer is quite a bit! But they are only a tiny minority of the population. The rest of us receive no benefit from this boondoggle.
Just as congress has finally wised up to stop giving perpetual unemployment benefits to the lazy loafers of America, I bet a lot of the local loafers sure wish that El Toro International Airport was open for business. Since they are now forced to get a job and to stop mooching off the rest of the productive citizens of society, the incentive to work for them has never been greater. If El Toro was re-opened, it would create over 100,000 jobs and increase local property values.