Here is the latest news with the ever cost-increasing acreage-shrinking Great Pork. Out of sheer desperation Comrad Agran from the People's Republic of Irvine has enlisted Comrad Boxer's help. She hails from The People Republic of Marin County.
Didn't the Great Pork promise there would be no need for any tax revenue to finance it? They had all these rosy projections from the housing market that failed to materialize. Now even more tax dollars will go down the toilet to fund this boondoggle, while gas is now above $4 a gallon for one to drive out to LAX or Ontario. Coincidentally, The People's Republic of Irvine had a 1.8 million dollar shortfall and had to dip in to their reserves. On parking lot revenue alone for an airport at El Toro they could have a revenue surplus! But that would be too logical.
The Great Pork has very little public interest in it that they must give out FREE balloon rides out of desperation to attract visitors. In the meantime El Toro continues to languish and be utterly useless to taxpayers of Orange County.