Here is the latest news with the ever cost-increasing acreage-shrinking Great Pork. Out of sheer desperation Comrad Agran from the People's Republic of Irvine has enlisted Comrad Boxer's help. She hails from The People Republic of Marin County.
Didn't the Great Pork promise there would be no need for any tax revenue to finance it? They had all these rosy projections from the housing market that failed to materialize. Now even more tax dollars will go down the toilet to fund this boondoggle, while gas is now above $4 a gallon for one to drive out to LAX or Ontario. Coincidentally, The People's Republic of Irvine had a 1.8 million dollar shortfall and had to dip in to their reserves. On parking lot revenue alone for an airport at El Toro they could have a revenue surplus! But that would be too logical.
The Great Pork has very little public interest in it that they must give out FREE balloon rides out of desperation to attract visitors. In the meantime El Toro continues to languish and be utterly useless to taxpayers of Orange County.
Her community garden, refurbished hangar, and storm water control are compatible with the planned El Toro International Airport. Let Barbie bring the bucks to build it.
Keep dreaming! El Toro is a closed air base and will stay that way! NEXT!
Yes, the air base is closed. The airport can be opened by Irvine in its Great Park.
What are you smoking? The airport is a dead issue!
The only thing dead is an anti-El Toro Inernational Airport reactionary.
Are you threatening me? That sure sounds like one.
Let Barbie improve the planned El Toro International Airport. No room for hate on this positive website. This is not an anti-airport website.
Not an anti airport website? Then you must love John Wayne! That's great news, lets expand it since it's already there with a big beautiful terminal.
Yeah Vern, turn up the lights at John Wayne!!!
No room for hate on this positive pro-El Toro International Airport web site. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
What are you talking about? Vern (Don) hates everybody that doesn't live in Newport Beach. He's even said so.
El Toro International Airport is a dream come true. 10,000 foot cross runways. Mountains all around. Calm breezes.
FAA approved it for 4 million annual passengers. Can squeeze in 16 MAP. Airport is polluted and can not be removed for 1,000 years. Great for the airport. Lousy for a park. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
This will be the best park ever. The last plane left El Toro years ago, never to return.
Poor Vern lost the light switch.
Promises, promises, promises. The land at El Toro is polluted, the airport can not be removed, and all Irvine can do is open it. Nobody is in the noise zone so it's a win win for all. Irvine will make the money, and the people will get their El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
More lies from the NIMBY Kool Aid drinkers. The airport can be removed. In fact many parts already have. Another little lie, there is no noise zone.
Poor little cry baby NIMBY's can't get their way so they cry all the way home.
More denial from the NIMBYs. The great park cannot be built. There is no money for it...............
Yes, there is no money to build the Great Park. The airport can not be removed and houses can not be built on polluted land. Irvine must open the airport in order to make some money. Then it can clean up the pollution that is making Irvine sick. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Irvine is being sued by Forest Lawn Cemetaries and Recycled Materials Company for breach of contract. Stop the suits. Open the airport.
Irvine doesn't need to clean up El Toro, the Navy is doing it right now. Oh wait, you don't like to let little things like facts cloud your view of life, do you?
Support your local suit, the airport will never open.
The airport needs to be cleaned up by Irvine, not the Navy. El Toro International Airport needs to be opened now. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Stop the suits by Forest Lawn and others.
Another of your lies. The Navy is in the process of cleaning up the contamination, or don't you read the papers?
The Federal Government has always said base clean up was the Governments responsibility.
... but not to the level of pristine land for a park. The Navy is pushing the contamination out into Woodbridge and beyond. That's not cleanup. That's dispersal which contaminates more people. Opening the airport will solve all of this. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Oh yes, we all know how clean airports are. That will clean it right up for sure.
El Toro International Airport is a green airport. That means it is clean, and the money from the airlines will improve the standard of living and quality of life in your area. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
El Toro is a green airport? Ahhh hahahahahahah! Your lies and distortions just keep getting better and better. You must stay up way past your bed time thinking this crap up.
A green airport. Yes, and pigs have wings, too. Idiot!
El Toro is green if you count the now the closed golf course. Lennar has no money. Lennar cannot open golf course. But LAWA has money and LAWA can open airport and golf course. El Toro will be a great place to play golf and catch a flight.
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