We just heard "the facts" from Irvine's Baghdad Bob or spokeshole Sam Allevato about The Great Pork in today's Register.
OK OK it has only been three years NOT six years since the park "opened". Therefore, $18 million a year instead of $9 million a year has been flushed down the toilet so far. WOW! Twice the waste in half the time! Irvine Government at its finest!
Baghdad Bob was also kind enough to let us know that a 27 acre preview park will be debuting in July and we are all invited! Oooooh boy I can't wait! Since 54 million has already been squandered, "development" costs has averaged about $2 million an acre so far. At that rate, not adjusted for inflation The 1300 acre park that is proposed should end up costing about $2.6 billion dollars. Now where will that kind of money ever come from? Lennar is on death's door. Why have no fear Comrad Agran, Comrad Boxer will come to the rescue with a federal bailout courtesy of U.S. taxpayers!