We just heard "the facts" from Irvine's Baghdad Bob or spokeshole Sam Allevato about The Great Pork in today's Register.
OK OK it has only been three years NOT six years since the park "opened". Therefore, $18 million a year instead of $9 million a year has been flushed down the toilet so far. WOW! Twice the waste in half the time! Irvine Government at its finest!
Baghdad Bob was also kind enough to let us know that a 27 acre preview park will be debuting in July and we are all invited! Oooooh boy I can't wait! Since 54 million has already been squandered, "development" costs has averaged about $2 million an acre so far. At that rate, not adjusted for inflation The 1300 acre park that is proposed should end up costing about $2.6 billion dollars. Now where will that kind of money ever come from? Lennar is on death's door. Why have no fear Comrad Agran, Comrad Boxer will come to the rescue with a federal bailout courtesy of U.S. taxpayers!
Lennar is on death's door. Runways are contaminated and can not be removed as toxic dust will blow into neighborhoods. Great Park is ready for commercial airplanes.
Never going to happen. Not now, not ever!
Denial, denial. Airport already is there. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Lights went out a long time ago and not just at El Toro!
Turn on the lights, Vernon.
De lights is your name, Vernon. Shine the light of truth about the must have planned El Toro International Airport onto anti-airport reactionaries.
OK, one last time. The ways the laws are written the city that the proposed airport is in has to give approval for the airport. Since the City of Irvine annexed El Toro they will never approve an airport there. Now Vern, I know this is a fun little hobby for you but El Toro is a done deal. An airport will never be built there. Time for a reality check.
Ok, here's the scoop. The city in which the airport is in can open the airport. That's the way it is in Los Angeles and Long Beach. It's easier to take over a city than a county, state, nation, or world. Even diehard opponents of the planned El Toro International Airport will come around when it is carefully spelled out to them. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
And just who is going to take over Irvine? To open an airport the city would have to vote on it and the citizens would never vote in favor of an airport in their backyards.
There isn't a city in this nation that won't live up to its responsibility when it is carefully spelled out to them. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
You are so right! And therefore Newport Beach will welcome the runway extension at John Wayne over the CDM freeway and the expansion of the terminal. As we all know, Newport, like every other city in the nation, will live up to their responsibility now that it has been spelled out to them. Turn up the lights at John Wayne, Vernon! Ha!
El Toro International Airport in waiting already is built. No money. No bridges. No opposition. Irvine can do it. Turn on the lights Vernon.
Bogus statements! It will cost millions to convert to a commercial airport. And how can you say there is no opposition? The county twice voted no airport. There is tons of opposition and the anti airport movement is still strong and active. No opposition! Ha! How about the only pro airport people live in Newport/Costa Mesa?
Irvine can open it, and the so-called anti-El Toro International Airport county-wide movement is irrelevant. Stop the hate. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Don't worry about the costs. Los Angeles World Airports offered 2 billion to the Navy for El Toro. They could easily foot the bill. Now what sugardaddy out there will cough up 1.5 billion for Larry's Great Pork?
Vern, how is the majority of the voting public irrelevant? The airport got voted down twice and the last time it was written so there will never be another vote. The airport is dead, unless you're a billionaire and want to help Irvine out?
The majority of the voting public is irrelevant because the airport belongs to Irvine, and Irvine can open it. The rest of the voting public is irrelevant.Get used to it worshippers of Measure W and Measure F. You got snookered by Larry Agran.
And for some stupid reason you actually think the citizens of Irvine will open the airport? You really are an idiot!
Yes. But it's not stupid to open the planned El Toro International Airport.
Yes, actually it is.
You got snookered by Irvine. Larry Agran actually is working for the planned El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
What the hell are you drinking? Or is dementia setting in? Oh, and one more thing, there is no planned airport at El Toro. There used to be, but it got voted down...........TWICE!
Baghdad Bob stands at the entrance to runway 34 and says, there is no airport a El Toro. Then he walks a mile to the intersection with runway 7 and says again, see, there is no airport at El Toro. There used to be but it got voted down twice. Ha. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
We should have ANOTHER vote........
Should, but can't! The airbase is now privately owned
That man in the beret, he looks just like Vern leading his NIMBY Beach idiots to cry louder for an airport at El Toro, even though they know it will never happen.
Never say never NIMBY!
Right back atcha, NIMBY Kool Aid drinker.
See that picture? That's Baghdad Vern, leading his socialist goons in some ritual chant about an airport at El Toro. Must be drinking too much Kool Aid.
That must be Larry Agran telling the sheep of South County that there will someday be a Great Park. Time's up, he failed to deliver. Time to circulate the petitions for another vote on El Toro.
No, no it's just Vernon telling his sore loser socialist NIMBY's that there is no airport at SNA, it's just their imagination.
Poor Vernon and his loser followers just can't accept defeat.
I don't care what method is used to open El Toro International Airport, as long as there is an international airport there that is open for jumbo jets 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
105, do you hear that crying? No? That's because it's you, you fool. You are so dumb you can't hear yourself crying.
LOSER!! El Toro will NEVER be an airport and we can't wait for the caps to be lifted at SNA.
That's some lather you got going.
Sleep while you can, NIMBY!
El Toro is an excellent airport. It needs to be opened. Cry me a river when it opens, loser. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
300 why can't you wait for the caps to be lifted at John Wayne. Are you that vindictive and vengeful of a sore winner? Nah!
You sure have no qualms about Orange and Tustin getting impacted along with Newport Mesa. At least most of us in Newport Mesa will be getting a buyout while most of Orange and Tustin will not, as they have far fewer homes in the noise zone. Sucks to be them. But then again they voted the wrong way on El Toro; so shit happens!
There's no buyout in Newport, unless you count Santa Ana Heights. You foolish people were stupid enough to buy your houses right next to a major airport, now you get to choke on it. What's the matter, don't you love the smell of jet fuel in the morning.
Long live SNA!!!
Santa Ana Heights is in Newport, dummy. It's part of the elite. What makes you think John Wayne Airport is permanent, double dummy? Wake up and smell the coffee on El Toro. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Does it hurt to be so stupid? How much you wanna bet that there is never an airport at El Toro?
And IF an airport was going to be built, just who is going to pay for it? The airlines have already said they won't. Cmon, double dumbshit!
Let's make this perfectly clear. There's an airport there now. Long jumbo jet cross runways pointing to where airplanes need to go. Nobody is in the noise zone. If Irvine opens it they'll make all the money. If LAWA buys it they'll operate it fairly and profitably. Turn on the lights, Vernon. El Toro is waiting for the airplanes. The NIMBYs will have a heart attack.
You better review your knowledge of laws. Irvine won't make tons of money. There is no noise zone. LAWA can't buy it.
Sorry to rain on your parade NIMBY, don't have a heart attack just because you're a loser.
LAWA can buy it. LAWA has lots of Money. Lennar is broke. Great Park is broke and not done.
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