Coast Community College District 3 Trustee and white collar criminal Armando Ruiz is up for re-election. We strongly recommend voting for his opponent Lorraine Prinsky.
While she seems to be a little treehuggerish as she affiliates with The Bolsa Chica Land Trust, she appears to be a clean, well qualified candidate who enjoys widespread bi-partisan support. The other candidate whose name appears on the ballot, Don Apodaca has dropped out and endorsed Prinsky. So please do not vote for him, lest the anti-Ruiz vote is divided.
We are adamantly opposed to Armando Ruiz's re-election as a "trustee" because he has strong ties with the infamous sleazy socialist Larry Agran. Ruiz's name has even appeared on Great Pork mailers endorsing Agran's Abomination. Typically people who align themselves with Agran are white collar criminals.
Ruiz is definitely no exception. He is an outright untrustable "trustee". Ruiz took advantage of a state loophole, and retired as a college administrator, then ran for election as a trustee. His retirement happened AFTER the ballots were printed. His maneuvering allowed him to double dip on the pensions. He is collecting an additional $60,000 in retirement that our tax dollars paid for.
Now, I know some you Newport hating class warfare NIMBYs on here will likely want to cut Mr. Ruiz a check just to spite me, and blindly support him simply because he is a Great Porker.
However, use your brain just once and THINK for a change BEFORE you actually cut "The Honorable" Mr. Ruiz a check, FIRST read these articles about Mr. Ruiz's lack of ethics. Then ask yourself if you would like to have YOUR NAME to show up as one of his "contributors". The reputation you save may be your own!
Even the liberaloc is against Mr. Ruiz's re-election. Typically they are like a dead watch; which would be right twice a day. Their opposition to Armando Ruiz is one of those rare instances.
The Orange Juice Blog weighs in:
Plus all these Register article's about Rude Ruiz