I originally was not going to make any suggestions on how to vote on Proposition 8; as I am not one who likes to discuss divisive polarizing subjects that stir up people's emotions. :-) j/k. However, the outcome of proposition 8 is indirectly related to El Toro which I will address later in this post.
Personally, I would leave it up to each city within California as to whether or not gay marriage should be recognized rather than have a statewide blanket ruling. No church in conservative Newport Beach would even think about performing a gay marriage. So I would not have to deal with it. On the other hand, Irvine and Laguna are the modern day Sodom and Gomorrah of Orange County and would not only condone gay marriage, but actively promote it. Fine. They can keep that kind of activity to themselves and leave it out of my city.
Here is how prop 8 indirectly relates to El Toro. During the last El Toro election, the city of Costa Mesa voted 3-2 to bend over and grab their ankles rather than stand up and fight. The terrible triplets who got down on their knees to service South County would be Linda Dixon, Karen Robinson, and Libby Cowan. They governed Neville Chamberlain style and it came back to haunt them. Just months later, The Airport Working Group succeeded in keeping Linda Dixon from being re-elected. Then, Karen Robinson got out of dodge with a judgeship and no longer has to answer to Costa Mesa voters.
Finally, we have Libby Cowan who works for the city of Irvine and was their Agranchurian candidate who sided with her employer over her so called hometown. Plus, Cowan is openly gay. That in itself is not the issue. However, during her tenure she made a point of ramming through a "Dykes on Bikes" parade in Costa Mesa while surrendering on El Toro. As one can see, her priorities were seriously out of whack for Costa Mesa by promoting gayness over El Toro.
In addition, Libby Cowan has likely gotten married to her partner or probably desires to get married. By passing prop 8, and having her (pending) marriage voided, this would be the ultimate payback!
On the other hand, had Libby Cowan stood up for her Costa Mesa constituents and fought for El Toro, there would now be some powerful political and business interests that would be working to help defeat proposition 8 as a way of saying thanks to her for a job well done.
Instead Liberal Libby made far too many enemies who will be paying her back at the ballot box. I only wish I could be a fly on the wall in her household on election day, and watch her reaction when prop 8 passes!
You're a hateful, disgusting human being....and for that, I thank you. I plan to submit your screed to the newspapers as evidence of what the "yes on 8" campaign is really about---not families or marriage or traditional values, but pure bile and vengeance. You've helped our side immensely. Nice job.
Are you serious? That is disgusting! I agree with costa mesan
Yes, had Libby Cowan supported El Toro International Airport while she was on the city council of Costa Mesa there would be no need to pass Proposition 8 to outlaw her same sex marraige. Pure bile and vengeance is what motivates anti-El Toro International Airport class warfare bigots. When the jumbo jets return to El Toro, we can look forward to acceptance based on race, religion, national origin, and sexual orientation. Vote Yes on Proposition 8. I am not one who likes to discuss divisive polarizing subjects. Everybody will love each other when El Toro International Airport opens.
I agree with 737.
Lets face it, in the world according to Vern (Don in drag) if El Toro were opened as an airport all the ills of his world would suddenly come to an end, and that includes being gay. Isn't that right Don? Open El Toro and suddenly everyone will be straight.
I have a question for you, Don, while you're still in the closet do you turn on the lights in there?
Vern, only you and Donald the village idiot could ever tie El Toro and sexual orientation together. You are two are simply bitter old goats who can't accept the fact that the majority of Orange County saw through the NIMBY Beach El Toro smokescreen, and sent the airport to a well deserved death. I suspect you don't even begin to understand appreciate the hypocrisy of one who cries about "class warfare" against the self-proclaimed "elite" of NIMBY Beach yet are so eager to carry it out against others.
Stupid is as stupid does.
942 is living in the past. Orange County no longer controls El Toro International Airport. It is under local control of the city of Irvine which can open it without county support. But all will be happy. Stupid is as stupid does. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Proposition 8 is a step in the right direction.
1058 is an idiot. Everybody knows that Irvine will never open the airport.
Go back to sleep, NIMBY.
No, 1106, everybody doesn't know what you think they know. It's easier to take over a city than to take over a county, state, nation, or world. Turn on the lights at El Toro, Vernon. Take over that city while the NIMBYs are being re-educated. Vote Yes on Proposition 8.
first I sent money to Katrina Foley, and now I will be donating to the NO ON 8 Cause. It is my way of THANKING LIBBY COWAN!
Keep those picks coming.
NO ON 8 is a children's campaign and they don't vote. Don't waste your money. Keep those picks coming, Vernon. Turn on the lights so we can see the runways for landings and takeoffs.
let me get this straight. We should vote yes on 8 to punish Libby Cowan! You sir are a mean mean man. I will be voting NO on 8 to spite you and rest of the pro airport thugs.
Also, I have a nice little surprise for you. Stay tuned. =)
Frank, El Toro International Airport will be open before your surprise is revealed. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Vote YES on 8 so Frank can catch a plane.
Frank, 714 is having delusions of grandeur. Those of us that can think clearly know perfectly well that the only airport in Orange County, past, present and future, that any airlines fly out of is SNA. An airport at El Toro is just a sad figment of his imagination. It's one of those sad things that happens to some people when they get old and senile. Hell, lets just call it what it is, dementia.
Hey Vern, what are you and The Donald going to do when Obama wins and gets into his "redistribution of wealth" plan in full force? Sounds like the days of the NIMBY Beach "elite" may be numbered. Maybe you and Donald can move to Dubai, he seems to like it there.
Hey Frank, what's that nice little surprise you promised us? I want to think clearly about the schedule for opening El Toro. Proposition 8 is good. Turn on the lights, Vernon. I believe that poster was a Democrat.
Yeah, like you would have ANYTHING to do with El Toro opening. What a joke.
Yeah, 8 is great. Still waiting for that nice surprise, Frank.
I find it laughable that you people accuse me of being "hateful". You NIMBYs never cease to amaze me as you are so hysterical and self righteous.
If Libby Cowan had done the right thing and fought for El Toro like 68% of Costa Mesa residents had voted for, then I and others would now be working behind the scenes to defeat prop 8.
It is quite simple. We reward our friends and punish our enemies.
It was Libby who made a poor choice and now has to live with it. She should have thought about her actions while she in office. She was posing as a Costa Mesa "representative" while actually being a pawn for The People's Republic of Irvine. If prop 8 passes, then Libby has nobody to blame but herself.
1002 THANK YOU for posting. You re-enforce my point that South County NIMBYs are jealous hateful RINOs who want to "share the wealth". The South County school districts sure teaching Marxism well.
Obama wants to, get this, TAX our way out of a recession! If you think jobs are drying up now, how will businesses react when their taxes go up?
I will tell you. They will shed employees and pass on costs to consumers. Every time you want to "tax the rich" and punish success you only are pissing on your own shoes.
It is entrepreneurs who CREATE wealth, while it is trial lawyers and bureaucrats that CONFISCATE wealth. If Obama wins and has a super Democrat majority, we will relive the days of Jimmy Carter. That would be stagflation, gas lines, and economic ruin. Not to mention, Iran pushing us around because we are soft.
Be careful what you wish for.
Donald, I find it hysterical that you call others self righteous. I simply cannot stop laughing over that one. YOU are the most self righteous one on here, you're right and everyone else is wrong. Such is the way in in the land of Donald Williams. How pathetic.
THANK YOU Vern. Let me state for the record that I am not an Obama supporter by any stretch of the imagination, nor a RINO (nor a Democrat). Howevr, the thought of (what appears to be very likely) President Obama seems to have certainly struck a nerve with you. Of course, being part of the South County unwashed proletariat I have much less to lose and probbaly something to gain under Obama. You and the rest of NIMBY Beach may have a great deal to lose. My Lord, you may have to step down from a Mercedes S class to an E or maybe even a C class! Your maid may have a better car than you! At least Obama will end your delusion of class warfare, as there will be motre more NIMBY Beach self-proclaimed "elite" to war against. The we can all join hands at The Great Park and sing Kum Ba Ya together.
Turn out the lights Vern, I hear the clock ticking on the "elite". Enjoy the ride down.
1003 is not a Democrat, not a RINO, not a resident of elite Newport Beach, and not for the Democrat. We know he's against El Toro International Airport. What is he for? I hear the clock ticking on opening El Toro International Airport. And, Frank, where are you, and what happened to that nice little surprise? P.S. Nice comments, Vernon, turn on the lights, and yes, vote YES on 8. Libby and the eight ball.
Donald, I am also not a babbling old fool with delusions an El Toro airport filling up an apparently empty life.
What am I for? The Great Park, and the badly needed deep water cargo port in Newport Beach. Why should the OC give all that ocean freight to LA and Long Beach? We need a commercial sea port in the OC, and Newport is a natural spot for it. We need the 350,000 jobs and the $755 billion in economic output it will bring. The jetties are in place, and no one is in the noise zone. I love the Port of Newport. Turn on the lighthouse Vern, those ships are coming into the docks.
Crusty anti-El Toro International Airport NIMBYs haven't learned a thing since they passed Measure W and turned El Toro over to Irvine. They still refer to the will of the people. Commercial freight was tried in Newport but it didn't work at either Bayshores or MacFadden Wharf. The railroad tracks are gone, the freeway was stopped and state properties were sold back to owners from which they were confiscated. Turn on the lights, Vernon, and Yes on 8.
That was then, this is now. We need more space to unload badly neded Chinese goods, and NIMBY Beach is the place to do it. Just get rid of those pleasure craft in the harbor and let the big boys sail on in. Eminent domain will take care of the details. Newport is a natural port with fuel-saving water pointing to where the ships need to go. No is in the noise zone. Turn on the lighthouse, Vern, we need those jobs.
True then. True now. This is now, and El Toro is the place. It is owned by a city, Irvine. Newport Harbor is a pleasure harbor and it is owned by the county, ha ha. The water is not deep enough for big big boats. We have plenty of harbor space in Long Beach, San Pedro, San Diego, and San Francisco. But we're really short of airport capacity where the people live in California. Turn on El Toro International Airport lights, Vernon. Send that loon, 1126, down to Dana Point Harbor. Open this great big airport with the jumbo jet cross runways, which we really need. Remember Libby Cowan and the Golden Rule.
213, I'm very surprised that you would even know what the golden rule is.
344, there you are hovering over this website, poised with hate. Too bad Libby didn't know about the Golden Rule when she opposed El Toro International Airport. She can work now to open this fine airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
618, I can tell from your hovering that your idea of the golden rule is screw others before they can screw you.
Perhaps you need to screw off.
No problem Donald. We can dredge the harbor as deep as we need it. The county can cut through all the red tape and take care of zoning and other issues, and NIMBY Beach won't be able to stop the new harbor. After Obama gets done re-distributing your inherited wealth there won't be a pleasure boat left anywhere to get in the way of those big cargo ships. You'll be happy to have a job unloading Chinese electronics, and the strip clubs will provide much needed employment for NIMBY Beach no-longer-elite locals. The Duke will have plenty of capacity when the caps disappear in 2015. No one is on the noise zone, and there is plenty of water pointing to where the ships need to go.
Turn on the lighthouse Vernon, the ships are landing soon.
Turn on the lights at El Toro, Vernon. Cargo airplanes are linng up to land. Ships and rail are obsolete. Re-educate that NIMBY.
Ships and rail are obsolete? Ahhh hahahahahahahaha! What planet are you from, 309? Hahahaha. Without ships and rail you wouldn't have a car to drive or food to eat. You better stop and think a little more clearly while sipping that 12 year old single malt that came across the pond by ship and came to California by rail. What an idiot!
Dear Libby Lover 1255, Yes, ships and rails are obsolete. That doesn't mean, of course, that they're not used some for unimportant untimely cargo. The future is air freight using giant jumbo jet airplanes that can land on the runways of El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
The future is JWA 24/7 Donald. All your pathetic delusional rants aren't going to change that fact. Enjoy that single malt scotch at the Great Park and chill out.
Turn out the lights Vern, they draw liberals like moths.
There you are hovering around with hate in hand ready to play class warfare against elite Newport Beach with empty threats and no facts. Turn on the lights, Vernon. El Toro is where the aviation action is, 25/7. (I added an extra hour to the day to account for T. Boone Pickens' windmills slowing down the earth.)
714, The ONLY thing I will catch flying out of El Toro will be The Great Park Balloon!
Here's your surprise!
I made a blog to counter the lies, propaganda, and hate spewed forth by Vernon/Donald, the Irvine Tattler, The OC Register and other assorted pro-airport thugs.
One more thing.
I emailed several hundred anti-airport activists and Great Park boosters to vote NO on 8. Libby Cowan is a great anti-airport hero who deserves our support. Your hate campaign like your airport campaign will FAIL!
just like the Great Pork, your blog is a joke. However to help you out,
I endorsed Larry Agran's slate! :-)
Your Friend Vernon
PS if prop 8 is defeated, then I will blame it on you Nihilistic NIMBYs in South County.
When there are kids in Mission Viejo protesting for gay marriage, then you know the moral fabric of this once fine county has been destroyed.
Vern/Don, In case you weren't paying attention (and it's obvious you weren't) there were plenty of kids in NIMBY Beach protesting no on 8, too. Nice moral fabric you have in your own back yard. In fact, isn't the high school just right down the street from your house?
I'm sure there are some good teachers, but that job attracts a weird combination of social misfits. They're sending their non-voting students into the streets against the wonderful Propositon 8. They spent union money against the measure. Turn on the lights at El Toro, Vernon, Larry needs help opening El Toro International Airport. There's more than anti-airport hate around.
Frank, you dope, the Irvine Tattler is anti El Toro airport. Time to do a little more homework. Stephen Smith is also anti Larry Agran, as anyone with half a brain should be. The Tattler points out how he is ripping the good citizens of Irvine off and they don't seem to really care.
I did not mean to make it come off that The Irvine Tattler is pro-airport. However, like airport zealots and Vernon's blog, it is full of lies, attacks, and extreme partisanship.
Stephen Smith is a bitter traitor with an axe to grind. He has no credibility.
Did you hear that the frivolous lawsuit filed by Pat Rodgers and Greg Smith was DISMISSED!
Our opponents make attacks and file lawsuits that waste Irvine taxdollars. The Great Park team is committed to building a world class park. Under their watch, Irvine is one of the safest cities in America!
For the truth about the Great Park:
Frank, the Great Park Team is the best friend El Toro International Airport ever had. The team wastes money on sketches, cartoons, and public relation flyers, the balloon is unfriendly and the poison in the soil may affect concert guests for many years. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The airport will not poison anybody, but it will make lots of money for Irvine and Lennar. Oh yes, folks, Vote Yes on 8 which Frank hates. There's a whole lot of hate going around.
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