No matter how many millions Irvine spends trying to convince the public there is a "Great Park" at El Toro, people still know it is an idle airport. Look at the picture above. Other than the golf course (which Lennar subsequently ruined) does that look like a park? An objective observer would see large runways, hangars, and plenty of space. If it walks like a duck, if it quacks like a duck, if it flies like a duck......
The Great Pork is an awful lot like the inept Oakland Raiders. We are talking SEVEN STRAIGHT YEARS OF FUTILITY! Between Larry Agran and Al Davis, it is a close tie as to who has done the most damage to the organization they represent. They are both laughingstocks that have no credibility. They resemble the regime in North Korea, secretive and paranoid.
In 7 years, the Raiders have 25 wins since their Super Bowl appearance.
In 7 years, The Great Pork has 27 acres since conning the voters. Either way over two hundred million dollars has been wasted with very little progress to date.
People know they have been scammed by the Agranistas. If El Toro were "dead" as the NIMBYs and Agranistas would like you to believe, there would not be letters to the editor and comments on message boards supporting the re-opening of El Toro International Airport. Until the runways are completely gone, the people see that there is an idle airport at El Toro waiting to be re-opened.
By Russ Niewiarowski
Updated: Saturday, October 10, 2009 10:37 PM PDT
Daily Pilot
October 11th, 2009
Imagine a world in which local government bodies were ruled under Mike Aguilar’s logic (“You made the choice, now live with it,” Oct. 8).
Negative impacts from airports, freeways, railway corridors, chemical plants and even violent gangs would rule and worsen, and the only way out would be to move to some isolated remote forest.
Aguilar states that he chose to live near John Wayne Airport and that it would be foolish to speak up when the noise and negative impacts worsen. The opposite is true. To not speak up is foolish.
Fortunately, this is not how the real world operates. As the population grows, so do the negative impacts associated with growth.
It is the duty of responsible citizens to speak up and to get involved to lessen negative impacts to better their community and to make a positive difference for future generations.
Look at the case of hydroelectric dams. The Columbia river has several, which power much of the northwest. Yet these beneficial dams were also destroying the salmon population. The negative impacts were studied and solutions were implemented so that both sides benefited.
Aguilar does not know the current facts associated with the JWA, nor does he know the historical facts of aviation in Orange County.
The fact is, the residential community of Santa Ana Heights was established in the 1920s, long before JWA existed.
The tract of homes I live in was built between 1962 and 1964.
The airport was used primarily for general aviation, and in 1967 it opened for commercial service.
The original NIMBY was none other than Newport Beach resident John Wayne himself who fought against the Eddie Martin airstrip being converted to accommodate commercial jets.
My community has lived with the airport and will continue to live with it. It is our desire to ensure that the airport remains a tolerable, responsible neighbor.
John Wayne and countless Newport Beach residents fought to protect their homes and communities from the negative impacts from commercial jets.
Because these activists spoke up and got involved we have a settlement agreement in effect today.
Imagine if the community had Aguilar’s attitude of “living with it” however the airport owner decided to dish it out.
There would be no cap and no curfew and many residents would be forced to move out of the communities that many, including myself, grew up in long before JWA became the looming threat it is today.
In comparison, it was Marine Corps Air Station El Toro that was built in a place and a time when Irvine and the surrounding environs was nothing but cattle grazing fields, orange groves, farming and open fields.
Even today, 50,000 contiguous acres of permanent open space exist to the north and southwest of the former MCAS El Toro base, despite the build up of residential communities that sprouted up knowing military jets were their neighbor.
Such a vast expanse of open space does not exist at JWA, but a vast expanse of homes and schools do. It is our responsibility to speak up and to be active in pursuing and implementing every viable option to safeguard and lessen the negative impacts to our communities to ensure that Newport Beach does not become the next Playa del Rey.
RUSS NIEWIAROWSKI lives in Newport Beach.
Los Angeles Times
October 13th, 2009
Conflicting views of the Great Park
Re “A soaring vision or just hot air?” Column One, Oct. 1
Is there really a question? With all the talk about creeping growth at John Wayne Airport and the lack of movement on the part of the Great Park advocates -- with the exception of the appearance of landscape architect Ken Smith, standing nobly in front of that ridiculous tethered balloon -- I think it's about time to put the question of making El Toro an airport to a vote again.
We voted for it, only to be bamboozled by Irvine's expensive PR campaign.
Nora Lehman
Newport Beach
I appreciate the focus on the Orange County Great Park. I wholeheartedly agree with the first part of your headline, "A soaring vision."
It reflects master designer Ken Smith's award-winning Comprehensive Park Plan, completed this year, that promises to put our Great Park in the same league with giants such as Golden Gate Park and Balboa Park.
We are well on our way. Major construction begins this year. Meanwhile, you missed the many events that are ongoing, such as the just-completed summer concert series that drew thousands.
Also, we are actively working to turn our nationally acclaimed design into a playground of sports fields, community farms and museums for all ages and for all time.
Larry Agran
The writer is chair of the Great Park Corp.
Comrad Larry, you have all of 27 acres and a ruined golf course after $100 million down the drain. Your Great Pork is a bigger bust than Ryan Leaf and Jamarcus Russell combined.
Ken Smith can make pretty pictures, but that does not mean there is a park. Star Wars artists can create neat models of the Death Star, that does not mean the Death Star actually exists......unless you count Irvine City Hall.
Also, ANY location can have thousands of concert goers. For example, right here in Newport Beach, there are plenty of bands that play in garages. That would not make their garages "parks". Music can be played anywhere there is electricity.
Great Pork = FAIL!
Thanks Vernon. There they are, in all their glory, El Toro International Airport's fuel-saving jumbo jet cross runways pointing to where airplanes need to go. And your selection of pro-El Toro International Airport messages reveals a new set of people for Lone Nimby to hate -- Russell, Nora and even Larry. And Larry doesn't mention how his micro-park visitors were exposed to TCE while sitting on the ground, listening to Arlo Guthrie, and gazing at that fading balloon. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Lone Nimby is ready for prime time. I'm ready for my flight.
YAWN....another sleeper from the Donald.
102, and there's Lone Nimby raining on our El Toro International Airport parade. Just when we're moving forward with that needed airport, Lone Nimby returns like a bad penny or an Obama dollar. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Lone Nimby probably voted for Obama. Tsk. Tsk.
Donald, you're not ready for your flight, you're ready for yet another gin and tonic. One lime or two?
Even stuffy Register has come around to El Toro International Airport, Oct 17, by placing a picture of the new terminal at land-locked John Wayne Airport next to the California Supreme Court's rejection of Irvine's appeal of SCAG's mandate to build 35,660 junky housing units, until Irvine opens El Toro International Airport whence the mandate is irrelevant. SCAG wants it open for 30 million annual passengers. Lone Nimby is toast. Welcome to the fight, Register. Now I know our side will win.
Vern, for once in your loathsome existence you are correct. You can't kill something that's already dead.
200, loathsome, eh? Lone Nimby has sunk to a new low of jealousy, insults and hate. El Toro Airport won't hurt a fly, but afordable houses certainly will.
Your headline is right on, Donald. How can something die when it's already dead?
Viva la Duke!
Great headline, Vernon. How can Lone Nimby say it's dead when there are 4 (count them) jumbo jet fuel-saving cross runways waiting for my airplanes?
Viva El Toro International Airport!!!!
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