It was revealed that Ford and Mollrich is receiving $100,000 a month whether they spew any propaganda or not. For a park that is so called environmentally friendly, they sure kill a lot of trees with their incessant assault on flyers and mailers. First it was to sucker gullible voters into buying their make believe park. Now it is non stop propaganda that the park is a success.
During Thanksgiving weekend I had some relatives visit. I took my grand kids to the Amtrak station in Irvine and had them look at El Toro from the foot bridge. I asked them what they observed. The responses were runways and warehouses. But NO mention of a park. Just because Ford and Mollrich is paid 100,000 a month to tell the public that it is a park does not make it a park.
El Toro is an idle airport collecting dust. Someday Irvine will be so broke or fearful of the low income housing mandate from SCAG that they will face reality and re-open El Toro International Airport for business. Over Thanksgiving weekend travelers paid a Great Pork tax with high fares at John Wayne or longer commutes to cheaper airport like LAX. Even with the shuttle from Irvine it is $50 round trip and 2 hours each way. Some day the taxpayers will be able to use El Toro, the $10 billion aviation asset that their taxes paid for.