It was revealed that Ford and Mollrich is receiving $100,000 a month whether they spew any propaganda or not. For a park that is so called environmentally friendly, they sure kill a lot of trees with their incessant assault on flyers and mailers. First it was to sucker gullible voters into buying their make believe park. Now it is non stop propaganda that the park is a success.
During Thanksgiving weekend I had some relatives visit. I took my grand kids to the Amtrak station in Irvine and had them look at El Toro from the foot bridge. I asked them what they observed. The responses were runways and warehouses. But NO mention of a park. Just because Ford and Mollrich is paid 100,000 a month to tell the public that it is a park does not make it a park.
El Toro is an idle airport collecting dust. Someday Irvine will be so broke or fearful of the low income housing mandate from SCAG that they will face reality and re-open El Toro International Airport for business. Over Thanksgiving weekend travelers paid a Great Pork tax with high fares at John Wayne or longer commutes to cheaper airport like LAX. Even with the shuttle from Irvine it is $50 round trip and 2 hours each way. Some day the taxpayers will be able to use El Toro, the $10 billion aviation asset that their taxes paid for.
Yes, Vernon, you are absolutely right. Some day the taxpayers will be able to use El Toro International Airport which they paid for. There's $10 billion worth of concrete there in the form of fuel-saving cross runways pointing to where airplanes need to go. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Grand children are smarter than PR people, including the keyboard of Lone Nimby.
Second verse, same as the first. How do you spell "boring"?
I have only one question, Vernon. Is that military briefer, Mr. Ford or Mr. Mollrich? What a quaint way to waste money. Words never change reality. El Toro International Airport is there and ready to go. Love those fuel-saving cross runways pointing to where airplanes need to go. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
1229, use a dictionary if you need help spelling a word.
846, that would be the infamous Baghdad Bob. He was Saddam Hussein's propaganda minister who was spinning the news that Iraq was "winning". He is perfectly qualified to work for Ford and Mollrich.
In your case Vern it's spelled "booring".
Baghdad Bob was spokesman for the NIMBY Beach El Toro propaganda team. He went by the name of Tom Wall back then. All are now deceased.
So there's Baghdad Bob speaking against the jewel of El Toro International Airport and pretending there is a park when even a child can see it's an airport and wonders where the airplanes are. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Lone Nimby must work for Bob. Borrrring!
Lt. Col Tom Wall was a fine man and a patriot who served his country in Viet Nam while you were likely smoking dope, burning flags and spitting on soldiers you pinko!
Lt. Col Wall FLEW out of El Toro as a Marine Corps pilot so he had far more credibility than Larry Agran ever had.
Agran has never served his country, and he is not a licensed pilot. However, when socialists, RINOs, and liberals comprise the majority of South County, Lt. Col Wall does not stand a fair chance against Comrad Agran.
Donald, I am absolutely shocked that you would mention a true hero such as Mr. Wall. After all, he was a reserve police officer in a city that you loath, Laguna Beach! Further, you note his flying career as if it gives him great credibility in the El Toro debate. You conveniently omit the fact that he flew helicopters and not fixed wing aircraft. Big difference in an airport debate between fixed wing and rotary wing aircraft, don't you think?
I think if Mr. Wall were alive today he'd tell you to knock off using him as a pawn in your wet dream of an airport just so you can pawn off your jet noise on others.
How about this, my father was a career Marine aviator that flew many years out of El Toro...IN JETS! He always said El Toro was a lousy place for a commercial airport. My father flew combat missions in three wars while you were trying to sneak into the movies for free. Too bad you were never a patriot to this country. Keep smoking the dope, Donald, it's legal now with a doctors prescription.
813, like father like son or daughter. But was your father a commercial pilot too? I like Tom Wall because he was a patriot and spoke highly of El Toro International Airport, and how the Nimbys always lose. Remember the fight against the Toll Road east of Laguna Beach? Your people lost, didn't they? Turn on the lights, Vernon. We'll show this loser another loss.
That's right, Donald, like father, like son, both smart enough to spot a ruse when they see one.
After my father finished his Marine career, he director of flight operations for the CIA in South East Asia. After that he flew for United, so yes, he flew commercial. He retired with over 33,000 hours of flight time. How many hours do you have?
Nice of you to use the toll road comparison, that was brilliant! Compare El Toro to the money losing toll roads that the tax payers will have to bail out. Nice going. Hey, lets not forget the Coast freeway that the NIMBY's got cancelled. You know, the one that would have sliced right through Corona del Mar.
Turn up the lights at JWA, Vern, we'll show loser Donald another loss, just like the forever closed El Toro.
625, 30,000 hours is not very much unless it's commercial at El Toro. Did he fly the flight demonstration? The Toll road that you lost mostly is used by the wealthy of Newport Beach for which time is money and money is cheap. We need to finish the foothill toll road behind San Clemente to the Trestles. Turn on the El Toro International Airport lights, Vernon. Like father like sibling, neither sees the value of that jewel of El Toro International Airport. When it opens they'll be rich enough to use the toll roads. Now it is for us and national defense.
Donny, you have shown your complete lack of knowledge when you state 30,000 hours of flight time isn't very much. Do some homework and you'll see that that is actually one hell of a lot of flight hours.
The toll road is used by the wealthy in Newport? Ahahahaha, that's a good one. I guess there aren't very many rich people in Newport, then, since that toll road is constantly in the red. And money is cheap? Thank God you don't run my business. You sound like Obama when you say stupid things like that. How's the Kool Aid today?
I thought you believed in a democracy. The voters said no to the toll road through Trestles, or don't you believe in elections anymore? Or do you only believe in them when you win but not when you're a loser?
And your last gem, the toll roads are for national defense? Where do you come up with this crap?
Enjoy your fantasy life, Donny, it seems to be all you have.
846, toll roads are for national defense. Voters didn't say no to the toll road by the trestles. Only a vote against El Toro International Airport, but that doesn't count any more. The airport is there and Irvine will open it when the time is right. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The time is right for opening El Toro International Airport.
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