Best Places to Live: Top-Earning Towns
4. Newport Beach, CA
Population: 79,661
Median Family Income (Per Year): $144,917
Median Home Price: $1,008,000
Many Hollywood elites, professional athletes and business moguls who prefer life south of Beverly Hills and Malibu call sunny Newport Beach home.
Some locals flock to Fashion Island to clean the racks of luxury shops located within the open-air shopping plaza with Pacific Ocean views. Others dock and dine, catch an independent flick or stroll through the art galleries along the brick sidewalks of Cannery Village. Virtually wherever they go, residents have a picturesque setting at their backs.
The fact is opposition to keeping El Toro open for air travel is deeply embedded in intense class envy and jealousy of Newport Beach, as we are a world famous city that so few can afford to reside in. The Newport-hating nihilistic NIMBYs goal is to get the John Wayne Airport acreage significantly enlarged so that they can condemn as many of our homes as possible.
Of course, doing so would be very expensive as we are the most prestigious place to reside in all of Orange County, if not the nation. Even lower tier sections of our city like Santa Ana Heights dwarfs the property values of many South County cities. Obviously they are not economic experts, therefore they can only wealth hate versus wealth create.
The NIMBYs are also irate that Newport Beach which is near an airport somehow has higher property values than their sub-prime financed homes which are now under "jet free skies" and near a so called world class "Great Park". After all, the NIMBY Nirvana they were promised by all that deceptive anti El Toro campaign propaganda has failed to materialize.
Therefore, Newport Beach must be punished for this glaring economic inequity by eliminating as much as our great city as possible. The socialist NIMBYs would finance this by confiscating our wealth via taxation to pay for the eminent domain against our highly valued properties.
In the meantime, they play the professional victim by claiming El Toro would be "destructive" to their quality of life. It was around for several decades BEFORE many of them moved near it. The only thing that El Toro is destructive to, is to their insatiable lust to condemn Newport Beach. Like the Israel hating Palestinian radicals, they literally want to push Newport Beach into the sea. Keeping El Toro open completely negates any possible need to grow John Wayne Airport beyond its current boundaries.
If the haters want to be wealthy like us, they must first support economic engines like El Toro that would create thousands of jobs. Nobody has ever became rich by being jealous of others, they became wealthy by having a job and investing their money wisely. Re-opening El Toro International Airport would be a start in the right direction for wealth creation.