Best Places to Live: Top-Earning Towns
4. Newport Beach, CA
Population: 79,661
Median Family Income (Per Year): $144,917
Median Home Price: $1,008,000
Many Hollywood elites, professional athletes and business moguls who prefer life south of Beverly Hills and Malibu call sunny Newport Beach home.
Some locals flock to Fashion Island to clean the racks of luxury shops located within the open-air shopping plaza with Pacific Ocean views. Others dock and dine, catch an independent flick or stroll through the art galleries along the brick sidewalks of Cannery Village. Virtually wherever they go, residents have a picturesque setting at their backs.
The fact is opposition to keeping El Toro open for air travel is deeply embedded in intense class envy and jealousy of Newport Beach, as we are a world famous city that so few can afford to reside in. The Newport-hating nihilistic NIMBYs goal is to get the John Wayne Airport acreage significantly enlarged so that they can condemn as many of our homes as possible.
Of course, doing so would be very expensive as we are the most prestigious place to reside in all of Orange County, if not the nation. Even lower tier sections of our city like Santa Ana Heights dwarfs the property values of many South County cities. Obviously they are not economic experts, therefore they can only wealth hate versus wealth create.
The NIMBYs are also irate that Newport Beach which is near an airport somehow has higher property values than their sub-prime financed homes which are now under "jet free skies" and near a so called world class "Great Park". After all, the NIMBY Nirvana they were promised by all that deceptive anti El Toro campaign propaganda has failed to materialize.
Therefore, Newport Beach must be punished for this glaring economic inequity by eliminating as much as our great city as possible. The socialist NIMBYs would finance this by confiscating our wealth via taxation to pay for the eminent domain against our highly valued properties.
In the meantime, they play the professional victim by claiming El Toro would be "destructive" to their quality of life. It was around for several decades BEFORE many of them moved near it. The only thing that El Toro is destructive to, is to their insatiable lust to condemn Newport Beach. Like the Israel hating Palestinian radicals, they literally want to push Newport Beach into the sea. Keeping El Toro open completely negates any possible need to grow John Wayne Airport beyond its current boundaries.
If the haters want to be wealthy like us, they must first support economic engines like El Toro that would create thousands of jobs. Nobody has ever became rich by being jealous of others, they became wealthy by having a job and investing their money wisely. Re-opening El Toro International Airport would be a start in the right direction for wealth creation.
Donnie, the more you rant, the more moronic you become. Nobody takes you seriously, your rants have become pathetic and the brunt of many jokes in the local watering holes.
I feel sad for you, you lonely, pathetic old man.
Congratulations, Vernon, your "Eat your heart out Newport Haters" contains all the right secrets for south county to raise its self esteem. El Toro International Airport will bring thousands of jobs and raise median income and home prices. Yes, the temporary disgraceful Great Park is the residence of bad planning. South county needs something to covet. Irate Nimbys are ready for takeover. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
735 Many Hollywood elites, professional athletes and business moguls call sunny Newport Beach home, but opposition to re-opening El Toro International Airport, which could bring parity, is deeply embedded in intense class warfare. Anti-El Toro International Airport Nimbys cower in their sub prime hovels, lashing out at success as if it could be gained by hate, jealousy and insults. They can't even keep the cast of characters straight. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Give visitors to south county watering holes something to raise their self esteem. Wealth can indeed be shared by opening the popular El Toro International Airport.
For a man with "nothing left to say" your verbal diarrhea seems to continue like an endless stream. To bad that your hate-filled brain just can't seem to comprehend that the war is over, and NIMBY Beach lost. No one is jealous of you, we just find you repugnant. So enjoy your paranoia and delusions in NIMBY Beach while the rest of us enjoy the quiet skies over the Great Park.
"yawn" the rantings of a crazy old man have become so boring.
Nothing left to say was an April Fool's joke. Besides, if I stopped posting, you would miss me. Why do you visit this site if you hate it so much?
The fact is you are insanely jealous of Newport Beach. Why are your property values with your "Quiet skies over your alleged Great Park" LOWER than ours? Yet, we have an airport nearby and no Great Park. It must really hurt to not have the NIMBY Nirvana you were promised. NOTHING will make you happy until Newport Beach is wiped off the map.
In the meantime, South County could have economic prosperity instead of harboring old grudges and being envious of their more successful neighbor to north.
You say crazy old man like its a bad thing.
My rantings are so "boring" that you come here to READ them. Thanks for the laugh.
Leave it to Vernon Delights to set the record straight, and believe it or not, Lone Nimby climbs out of the sewer with nothing but sewage with which to polute this fine website.
Yes, runways 34 and 7 are preserved, so soon we can open the El Toro International Airport with runways arranged in a fuel-saving cross configuration. The recent donation of 20,000 acres of pristine parkland gives a buffer at both ends of 34. The balloon at the front of 7 does not interfere. That runway is used only for takeoffs. Visitors on the balloon can watch the planes take off on 7 and 34 and land on 34 over the industrial town of Aliso Viejo and the clubhouse at Laguna Woods.
You've got the Nimbys on the run, Vernon. The only fools are the April Fools. They keep coming back for more. Nimbys can't seem to see that the airport war for them was lost when they turned El Toro Marine Corps Air Station over to Irvine. Bring on that green private airport, Vernon.
Hate to break it to you Vern, but whether posting or not you have nothing of any value whatsoever to say. I just get a strange enjoyment out of listening to the rants of the deranged.
Just because you are wealthier than us folks in South County is no reason for you people in Newport Beach to be so mean spirited and dump an airport 5 times the size of John Wayne upon us.
Maybe some of us can't afford yachts and diamonds, but it doesn't mean we deserve to be treated like peasants and have our civil rights violated.
Having a Great Park and quiet skies is one nice thing we have going for us in South County, even if we have far less wealth than Newport Beach.
439 It's nice to hear from the little people every once in awhile. The things that made Newport Beach great has never been the plan to dump an airport 5 times the size of John Wayne Airport onto south county. It's a simple case that the great park and quiet skies, both are an illusion and a failure. We need El Toro International Airport because this is where the demand is. You have the airport and we have the demand. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The little people will thank you in the long run.
Little People????? Why do you people in Newport Beach have to be such patronizing jerks?
You may have money, but you do not have a right to dump YOUR garbage onto others! If airports are so lovely, please lobby to REMOVE the artificial caps at John Wayne!
The only way out of sub prime poverty for the little people is to open El Toro International Airport. This is the most exciting website since the disgraced Al Gore discovered the Internet. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The little people will thank you.
Calm down, 1008, Donald only thinks he's elite. I know for a fact that he is not. He's just a commoner that most likely inherited his Newport home, which I can attest to, is not that great. Besides, the caps at John Wayne expire in just a few short years and then Donald and his fantasy twin brother, Vern, can bask in the glory of 24/7 flights at the Duke. Now that should make him VERY happy, since that is where the demand is!
Viva la Duke!
El Toro International Airport will lift the little people out of sub prime poverty and Lone Nimby will have to get a job. El Toro International Airport is the only way to fly.
It's all part of the plan.
you better not make fun of the little people anymore, or else one of them might jump up, and punch you in the kneecap!
Lone Nimby,
I never said little people were short people. I said they should stop listening to you and support El Toro International Airport which will lift them out of their sub prime poverty and allow them to keep their homes. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Little people are not short people.
Jesus, I love this blog.
Newport Beach: Expensive homes filled with cheap people. Inherit Grandpa's old beach house, embezzle a few bucks and try to pass yourself off as "elite". How pathetic.
Listen to some facts boys. El Toro is controlled by Irvine, and no matter how crooked Larry Agran may or may not be, an airport just isn't going to happen. The avigation easements are ancient history, and there is ZERO impetus at the county, state or national level to waste money an an unneeded, unwanted and unsafe airport. So if continuing this fantasy is all you have to grasp onto in NIMBY Beach, then continue enjoy the delusion. An dwhile you enjoy the sound of those jets taking off from JKWA, just think that if you had enought sense to appoint anyone but "Wild Hair" Barb as your spokeswomen you just might have just gotten away with your airport scam. Unfortunately that window closed a LONG time ago, and NIMBY Beach is on the outside looking in. HA HA.
Stupid is as stupid does. But keep this blog going Vern, the idiotic rants of two delusional old farts really makes my day.
942, nice to hear you love this pro-El Toro International Airport website and want to see it continue. Here are a few park facts that fool you.
Runways 34 and 7 are preserved, so a $10 billion investment has been saved. We can open El Toro International Airport with fuel-saving cross runways pointing to where airplanes go. The recent donation of 20,000 acres of pristine parkland adds buffer at both ends of 34. The balloon at the front of 7 does not interfere because that runway is used only for takeoffs. Visitors on the balloon can watch the takeoffs and landings.
Thank you great park planners from both coasts. You know where bread is buttered.
El Toro International Airport is approved by the FAA. It is green, safe, needed and wanted. 30 million travelers can't be wrong. We must keep up with the rest of world. The United Nations must be served.
Turn on the lights, Vernon. Lone Nimby refuses to look up.
942, I have a good idea of who you are. While I admit that El Toro is as dead as your brain cells, I do find it a real treat to read your rants. Please keep on posting.
I have seen your numerous letters to the editor and it has been a real joy to watch you have a meltdown complete with emotional diarrhea. I really wish I could have been a fly on your wall when you wrote your letters.
Your best one you ever wrote was when L.A. merely proposed to take over El Toro. There was no chance in hell it would ever happen, but watching you shit your pants over the whole thing was great!
El Toro will never happen as just like your emotional scars will never heal. All this because of a civilian takeover was merely proposed for a pre-existing military airbase. Perhaps, you should sue George Argyros, Smith, Coad, and Silva for inflicting a lifetime emotional distress upon your fragile psyche.
Vernon, I don't quite share you and Donnie's optimism of El Toro ever coming back, but it is sure fun to watch the NIMBYs still be bitter about it many years later.
BTW, my home in Santa Ana Heights has gone up in value since El Toro was defeated. Maybe because it was annexed by Newport Beach.
548, welcome to Newport Beach, where the elite meet to beat the Nimbys at their own game.
Here are a few facts. Great park Runways 34 and 7 are preserved. We can open El Toro International Airport with fuel-saving cross runways pointing to cities where airplanes go. The recent donation of 20,000 acres of pristine parkland to the county adds buffer to both ends of 34. The balloon at the front of 7 does not interfere. Visitors can watch takeoffs and landings.
Runway 7 is used only for takeoffs, downwind uphill into rising terrain. 34 is used for takeoffs over Loma Ridge and landings over the industrial town of Aliso Viejo.
Thank you great park planners on both coasts. The FAA has approved El Toro International Airport.
Even 942 agrees Irvine controls El Toro. A city is easier to run than a county. Eat your heart out Newport Haters.
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