Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction. A golf ball hit a rock and caused a fire to break out in Irvine. Maybe God does not approve of Irvine's un-American sedition and immorality, which is gay friendly, but business and military hostile.
Speaking of golf, the brain trust that runs the Great Pork should have never closed the El Toro golf course. That was the one good thing the fake park actually had going for it, not to mention a revenue stream. But who needs self reliance when they can simply apply for government grants and stimulus for a "park"?

The best news I have heard in a long time is that The RINO of all RINOs Todd Spitzer has been
fired as an Orange County assistant district attorney! Break out the champagne glasses and have a toast! By the time Mr. Spitzer has a chance to run for D.A. in 2014, he will have became obscure and unelectable.
Spitzer is a case study in the RINO species. He started off as a DEMOCRAT when he was a trustee for the Brea School District. He conveniently switched to becoming a "Republican" in order to run for elected office in Orange County.
As a supervisor, he was incessantly grandstanding against El Toro and out on the trail with liberal Democrat Larry Agran promoting The Fake Park. How many jobs has the park created so far Mr. Spitzer? ONLY 19 JOBS! The Agranistas are even WORSE than the Obamanistas when it comes to job creation!

Speaking of Agranistas, the pinko clowns that run The OC Weekly are just crushed and devastated that the so called "Great Park" they were promised by Larry Agran has not been delivered. During the last airport/park election, they incessantly promoted his Great Pork with their biased ultra-liberal yellow journalism. Now they just cannot believe they have been taken for a ride by Larry Agran. They screwed up, they trusted him!
I have to wonder why The OC Weekly actually CARES that the park will someday completed. Hardly anyone else in this county actually EXPECTS a park anymore. Perhaps the oc weakly commune guzzled way too much Great Pork TCE laced Kool-Aid and woke up to a nasty hangover to see that their hero Larry Agran somehow spent over $200 million and has very little park to show for it, not to mention THE 19 JOBS created!
Maybe they care because they now look absurd for promoting this abomination in the first place. They are now trying to save what little journalistic credibility they have left by throwing Comrade Larry under the bus. I just love it when liberals eat their own.
In contrast to the gullibility of the weakly staff, the vast majority of Orange County voters KNOW, most especially the RINOs and NIMBY denizens of South County KNOW that the "park" was only placed on the ballot because it had good polling numbers and was a substitute for an airport. They simply do not care if there is ever a park. They are just relieved that their hero Larry Agran "saved" them from a job creating, economic stimulating airport. Besides, who needs jobs when congress keeps printing money and extending unemployment benefits? That is how Democrat voters are created. Simply confiscate wealth from the productive members of society to subsidize the unproductive members.
The NIMBYs and RINOs also hate El Toro International Airport because they want to get John Wayne expanded and have Newport Beach condemned and pushed into the sea. The Agranistas brainwashed them into thinking that wealthy people are evil. How many people have the Agranistas hired compared to the "evil" businesspeople of Newport Beach? Once again, 19! The majority of South County denizens are to Newport Beach, what Hamas is to Israel. They blame us for all of their problems and do not want us to exist.