It appears that only Irvine Democratic City Councilmen Larry Agran and Sukhee Kang and council hopeful Shiva Farivar have bothered to form an election slate. The Republicans have not put together their own slate as of yet.
This is great news as Irvine will CONTINUE to have the same old inept, out of touch Great Pork board. They will continue to squander millions of dollars on frivolous public relations work for the fake park. The runways will stay intact. The city council will keep losing money and dipping into the reserves. The Agranista slate are sailing full steam ahead for a municipal bankruptcy. Then, they will have no choice but to call Los Angeles and lease the runways for billions of dollars to save their city. And save their city it will, as thousands of jobs will be created, and billions will be pumped into the economy.
Irvine Voters, please elect
Larry Agran
Sukhee Kang
Shiva Farivar
Do not change the course, full steam ahead!
Elect Jeff Lalloway.
You hit the drain pipe right where it flows, Vernon. The only tangible result of great park spending has been preserving runways for airplanes. Riparian corridors will never see the light of day.
738, typically I favor Republicans. But in this case I want the Great Pork to continue to fail!
To the person who said they had pictures, I accidentally deleted your post. Please email them to vernon.delights@gmail.com
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