Since the socially deviant cities of Irvine, Aliso Viejo, and Laguna Beach enjoy that kind of activity, they would want to get in on the action by re-opening the idle El Toro International Airport. Instead they will have their grope-a-dope moments up in the orange balloon.
Leave it to liberals and RINOs to ruin the air travel industry. Whether it is the Obama administration retaliating against voters or socialist NIMBYs in South County, flying is much less pleasant for passengers these days. It is bad enough if one wants to get a cheap flight out of LAX as one must battle traffic. What awaits passengers is long lines, and overzealous TSA screening. At nearby John Wayne, do not expect it to be more convenient. That sorry excuse for a (commercial) airport is crammed on less than 500 acres. Space there is at a real premium. If Orange County was instead using El Toro with its spacious 4700 acres, there would be much more elbow room and passengers could be processed much quicker. Besides, The Great Pork is a failure and an epic waste of money. Millions of dollars down the toilet and less than 30 acres of park to speak of.
Lucky for me, I fly privately and do not have to deal with this nonsense. But for those who were foolish enough to vote for Comrad Agran's Great Pork, have fun with the congested drive to outlying airports and the long lines and invasion of privacy. Most normal people would object. But then again the denizens of Irvine and Laguna would actually like it. The Irony is the opportunity to become a Grope-A-Dope screener in their own backyard could prompt those cities to support re-opening El Toro International Airport.
Socially deviant cities? What does that even mean? Vern, I used to find you mildly amusing, but now you're just another shrill, angry voice railing against imaginary monsters. In a single post, you call cities deviant, take a swipe at "the liberals", and tell us you think TSA policy might somehow influence a long-dead airport. Vern, it's old and no longer relevant. Shut 'er down and go fishing, buddy.
Oh, and happy Festivus,
Hey Vernon, Happy New Years Day.
Now that it is 2011, The Duke gets to increase its artificially limited capacity from 10.3 to 10.8!
10.8 IS GREAT!
You should love this Vernon as all those extra passengers will create more jobs and stimulate the local economy. What I don't understand is why you have not asked for more capacity at The Duke.
That sure beats spending billions of dollars to turning a Great Park into an "airport".
At least the Bush tax cuts did not expire in 2011, and you get to keep more of your inherited wealth.
Grope-A-Dope says it all. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Now it's jobs for the gropers and flights for all.
Mathew and Mark are anti-El Toro International Airport goons. This website is for pro-El Toro International Airport supporters.
Welcome back Donald. We know your brain is dead, I figured the rest of you had joined it.
Only a more civil discourse about El Toro International Airport will bring peace and happiness and a win win to all, but opponents must know that lone Nimby alone can not raise the discourse. Both city planners and airport planners work together in Irvine, but Lone Nimby, the brain dead loser can be changed. Turn up the lights at El Toro International Airport, Vernon.
Well Donald, you were quiet for so long we hoped you had finally seen the light (and not the mythical one at The Great Park).
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.
Mark Twain
627, it's way too late for that. We all already know Donald's a fool. He proved that long ago.
Hey Donnie, how are those plans to turn JWA into a shopping mall coming along?
El Toro is great.
Haters gonna hate!
El Toro International Airport -- Ten thousand foot runways are better than 10,000 words. Turn on the lights, Vernon. More flights. Lower prices. Win win!
Hate will do you in, Lone Nimby. El Toro is great. Haters gonna hate!
This blog continues to be the sound of irrelevance.
The blog site name should be changed to "Donald's Delusions". That would be a lot more accurate.
Reality is on the side of El Toro International Airport. Nobody, absolutely nobody, is in the noise zone. It is approved by the FAA, and it has efficient cross runways that are ultra-safe.
Lone Nimby supports socially deviant cities. Lone Nimby, sadly, just imagines no airport. But runways don't lie. They're ready for jumbo jet flights today, yesterday and tomorrow.
Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Keep up the good work Donald, as I said before you can either keep quite and let the world think you are a fool, or open your mouth (or keyboard) and prove it. And you have proven it beyond all reasonable doubt.
The only one who thinks anon is Donald is Lone Nimby. It's great that you are so dumb. Keep up the dumb posts, Lone Nimby. Turn on the lights, Vernon. I have a redeye to catch at El Toro International Airport.
Aviators gonna Aviate.
Haters gonna Hate.
The park is Great.
Donald's gonna Hate.
Keep up the dumb work, Lone Nimby.
Reality is on the side of El
Toro International Airport. Nobody, absolutely nobody, is in the noise zone. It is approved by the FAA.
The only one who thinks anon is Donald and the only one who thinks Vernon is Donald, is Lone Nimby.
Keep up the good work, anon!
Hey Donny, I'll bet that if El Toro was open there never would have been an earthquake in Japan.
I'll bet Lone Nimby doesn't have the slightest idea who Donny is. Turn on the lights at El Toro International Airport, Vernon.
Start the flights before the earthquake stops the flights at other airports.
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