Sunday, August 30, 2009

Business as usual with the Great Pork

An audit was recently done on the greatest bait and switch in Orange County history. Examining the Great Corpse was like opening up a dumpster as the stench of the corruption was pretty strong!

According to the Orange County register, the findings include:

•A possible double billing of about $15,500 from one unnamed consultant. The audit notes that the consultant denied the double-billing when asked about it by the design studio, but provided no records disputing it. City officials did not disclose the name of the contractor.

•Work on contract change orders that was carried out before Great Park staffer's approval.

•Explanations for work performed by the design studio that were "brief, vague and general," making it impossible to tie their descriptions of what had been completed to what they were required to produce.

•A "lack of discernible evidence" that consultants' time cards had been reviewed or approved by supervisors.

Several consultants who didn't meet insurance requirements, with some having expired insurance certificates and some never obtaining them.

•A "number of problems" with travel and reimbursable expenses, although the audit doesn't specify what those problems are or which design team members are involved. The design studio was paid $156,000 for travel and $246,000 in reimbursable expenses during the contract covered by the audit.

Now does this really surprise anybody; except the most gullible out there who actually thought they would be getting a park? Larry Agran and his band of thieves do not care about creating a park; even though they do spend millions in advertising their make believe park.

They certainly did not and do not care about the "quality of life" for South County residents by "protecting" them from that "big bad evil" airport called El Toro. If they "cared" so much about the people, then why do they consistently approve residential development literally across the street from John Wayne? All they care about is getting rich from land that El Toro International Airport sits on.

Now we all know that airports bring in tourism revenue and create jobs. However, since the county or an airport entity like Los Angeles World Airport Authority would run the show, then Agran and his cronies could not get their "gravy", as Agran once told the late former council member Dave Christiensen.

As Rush Limbaugh once said, "I hope Obama fails". Therefore, I say "I hope the Great Pork fails." Ladies and gentlemen that is indeed what is happening in both instances. Obamamism will only make the people revolt and return America to its true conservative values. Agranism continues to turn people off from the park. As a result, more and more people all the time, including his formerly brainwashed victims in South County are seeing they have been scammed.

Look at the Register message boards and more posters are saying all the time, "It should be an airport". It is only a matter of time economically before TWO BILLION DOLLARS from Los Angeles is just too much to turn down. In the meantime, The Agranistas will continue to make the Great Pork self destruct from the weight of its own corruption. That is why we endorsed them for re-election. Keep up the "good work" boys.

Friday, August 21, 2009

This week in review

The continued implosion of the Great Pork

We endorsed the Agranista slate last November to insure the continued self destruction of the Great Pork and we are please to report that it is indeed happening. Two Great Pork directors who were not allowed to review documents related to a hiring search. Then they turned around and successfully sued the board majority in court and now The Great Pork is on the hook for $75,000 in lawyer fees. Let the infighting and lawsuits continue. This is like a snake eating its own tail.

Irvine PD to strike?

Another consequence of Irvine not keeping El Toro International Airport in operation is they do not have enough money to pay their police officers. Apparently, Irvine signed a contract their officers that they can no longer honor without dipping into reserve funds. However, they would not be in that position if they were to simply put that golden goose called El Toro back to work. Los Angeles has offered them TWO BILLION DOLLARS just to merely lease the property!

If Irvine came to their sense, their coffers would surge with revenue from all that job creation and economic activity. Paying their police would not be an issue. In fact, they could easily afford to enlarge their department. But instead the Agranistas cannot admit they were wrong about the Great Pork and hold their hands out for a few slivers of federal porkulus. The Great Pork Board fiddles while Irvine burns. Especially when unemployment for O.C. hovers around 10%

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Lennar turns everything it touches into crap!

The latest Lennar miscue is their failure to "renovate" the El Toro International Airport Golf Course. They closed a perfectly good course and tore it up and now they cannot afford to re-open it. Wasn't keeping the golf course around one of the many "promises" that were made on behalf of the Great Pork? Only in Irvine could Lennar get away with reneging on their deal to rebuild the golf course. The best thing to do would have been to leave it alone. Now nobody can enjoy it!.

If Los Angeles were allowed to lease El Toro International Airport for $2 BILLION DOLLARS, the golf course would have been kept open for business. Instead Irvine tried to go it alone and rely on Lennar to foot the bill. The problem is, Lennar is bleeding money like a stuck pig and will cease to exist one day. Irvine should kick Lennar to the curb and call L.A. to lease them El Toro International Airport. This would create lots of jobs, fill Irvine's coffers, and of course get the golf course back open for business. But then the Agranistas would have to admit they were wrong! Pride goeth before the fall.


You know things are bad for the Great Pork when letter writers from South County turn against it. The Agranistas used the people of South County and lied to them about the airport. They manipulated them with fear of an airport (that was already there.) and promises of a tax free Great Park complete with a 45 hole golf course.

Here is the letter that appeared in yesterday's Register.

Teed off in Irvine

Our local politicians are just as adept at changing their promises as those at the national level. During the hype and promises, plans were laid out to try to get us to vote for a Great Park instead of an airport. The Irvine political class, lead by Larry Agran, touted two 18-hole golf courses for the new park.

Then, it became one golf course. Now, with hardly a murmur, the latest deal with Lennar makes it zero ["City Council backs revisions to Lennar deal," Local, Aug. 13]. Expediency must be an inbred political trait. Well, we do have the big orange balloon, so I guess us little folks should be quiet and happy. But, then we vote for them, so I guess we're to blame. Shame on us.

Chris Olsen

Lake Forest