First, the city of Laguna Beach was snookered by the city of Irvine into wasting millions of tax dollars into opposing El Toro. Irvine lied to them and tricked them into thinking that jets from El Toro would go over their city, which they would not.
However, once John Wayne flights increased, there were howls of protest out of Laguna Beach about this. What poetic justice that was! You see folks, flights from John Wayne actually do go over Laguna Beach! Imagine that! Today, Irvine has a worthless great pork that provides very little economic stimulus, unlike an airport would, and is of no benefit to the clueless denizens of Laguna Beach.
Now Laguna Beach is clueless again, and wants to go against the will of California voters and overturn proposition 8, which bans gay marriage. It is well known that Laguna Beach is full of liberals and those who practice alternative lifestyles. I really don't care, so long as they keep it to themselves and away from Newport Beach. Heck they can open more gay bars for all I care. But they should not go around trying to redefine marriage, which is a centuries long tradition between a man and a woman. The majority of the state does not share Laguna Beach's "values".