Ladies and Gentlemen, I am finally back from a long vacation where I traveled on my yacht. I did not have regular access to the internet. Thus, this blog was not maintained regularly. But judging by the participation on here by our audience, El Toro is alive and well in the hearts and minds of everybody. If it was really dead as the NIMBYs so wrongly claim, they would not be on here incessantly spreading more lies and class warfare. Economic necessity along with the failure of the great pork dictates that the re-opening of El Toro International Airport is only a matter of time. Resistance is futile.
Anyhow, here is a great letter that appeared in the Daily Pilot by the great Donald Nyre reminding Daily Pilot readers of the need for El Toro. As a traveling businessman, I do not feel that John Wayne should die on the vine entirely, and should remain open for private aircraft, while the flying public makes use of the much larger El Toro facilities. 10,000 foot runways and a 4700 acre base are better suited for such purposes.
As one whose time is valuable, I prefer to fly privately and not be forced to share the runways and airspace with the masses. I also would not be willing to share Newport Harbor with commercial passenger ships. It is nice to have my own boat space to come and go as I please. One day John Wayne Airport will also be that way.
Here’s an idea: Let JWA die on the vine
Local activists’ eloquent pleas for a regional solution to air traffic demand wisely point out that John Wayne Airport already is the second largest provider of service in the Los Angeles area behind LAX, (“Better transportation solution to airport woes,” Jan. 21.)
They point out that 30% of users are vacationers, and if better surface transportation were available, people could land at some airport out in the sticks and ride the train to their destinations.
Ontario Airport ranks high on the list of airports out in the sticks that does not attract customers, because it does not have a train connecting the airport to tourist destinations of Anaheim and Newport Beach. As long as there is LAX or JWA, passengers will continue to use them, with, or without, a train.
Los Angeles opened Ontario as a reliever airport when LAX is fogged in.
It was not intended to be a destination airport. Similarly, I have been denied landing at San Diego’s Lindbergh Field and had to land at Ontario. Of course we all hated it because we wanted to land in San Diego.
By contrast to airports out in the sticks, Los Angeles has its eye on the closed El Toro International Airport, which is in an area with a proven track record for attracting passengers. I believe a regional solution to our air transportation problem is to open El Toro International Airport, let Los Angeles run it, and let dinky John Wayne Airport die on the vine.
Newport Beach
Wow, that's a good letter to the editor supporting El Toro International Airport. It shows the futility of trying to make people take a train to the country to catch a flight and it reminds us that this is a proven area for attracting passengers, unlike those airports out in the sticks where nobody lives, nobody wants to go to, and nobody can afford to fly. Turn on the lights, Vernon. I'm glad you're back from your trip on your yacht.
And the lies just flow like the crap in the sewer. It never stops flowing form the likes of Vernon and his NIMBY small brained minions. The class warfare and hate never cease from the airport dreaming NIMBY's
139, and here's that lone lonely poster posting his hate, filth, jealousy and mockery on this fine El Toro International Airport website. This NIMBY knows he is a liar but you see he may be paid to spread lies. If he's paid, let's get to the bottom of a conspiracy. I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out that he lives in Dana Point. He couldn't live in Newport Beach and say those things. As Donald Nyre says, Los Angeles has its eyes on you. As Vernon Delights says, Resistance is futile. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
244, we all know Donald Nyre is a crazy old man, just as Vernon is. Los Angeles has it's eyes on me? HA! That's laugh! Resistance is futile? Huh? Resistance to what, the airport that got voted down and will never be built? Couldn't live in Newport Beach? Why not? Last time I checked it's a free country and I can live anywhere I choose. I choose to keep my house in CDM, where I've lived for almost 50 years.
Enjoy your commute to LAX, boys, that's the only area airport for your beloved jumbo jet red eye flights.
Welcome back Vern. Out on the boat again I see, wasn't it you smuggling those Mexicans they caught in San Diego last week? Did Donald in Denial make your bail?
Cheer lead all you want, if Donald's rambling pile of nonsense and non sequiturs is going to make El Toro happen you are more delusional that he is. But keep on dreaming, the rest of us in the real world will keep on laughing.
Resistance to El Toro International Airport re-opening is futile. And Los Angeles has its eyes on you. Keep on laughing all the way to the clean, green, safe re-opened El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. If I were you, I wouldn't let a NIMBY anywhere near my yacht.
Thanks again Donald in Denial, you continue to make this the funniest 9and most pathetic) site in the Internet.
940, your strange posts on this El Toro International Airport website are noted by its readers. Los Angeles has its eyes on you. Resistance is futile. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
What readers, both of them? Four at the outside, evenly split between supporters and anti airport people? Two each! What a joke. And Los Angeles is watching us? Yeah, right. Los Aneles is too busy trying to stop the money they're bleeding at Ontario and Palmdale.
And which alien is watching you Donald? Wearing your aluminum hat I hope.
317 & 402, Los Angeles is watching you. Resistance is futile. El Toro International Airport works. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY wears an aluminum hat with blinders and ear muffs. Our millions of readers are laughing at this NIMBY who doesn't know how to give up.
Millions of readers? Ahhhhhahahahahah! 421, you are a loon to be sure. El Toro International Airport works? What airport? There never was an El Toro International Airport. It was a pipe dream, pure fantasy, and you, 421, are Mickey Mouse leading Vern through fantasy land.
Los Angeles is laughing at you, 421, laughing hard and long.
558, there he is, the lone anti-El Toro International Airport poster, desperately dropping his dogma on this fine website. Los Angeles has its eyes on you. Readers everywhere are laughing at you. I know you wear a tin hat with ear muffs, blinders, solar cells and wind mills. Support El Toro International Airport, and it will set you free. This NIMBY needs light and wind on his hat.
1046, there he is, the lone airport supporter, desperately telling his lies and hoping that if he tells them often enough not only will he believe them but perhaps others will, too. The people of Los Angeles have their eyes on you, 1046, and they're laughing hard and long.
There's nothing at El Toro to support except a park. Perhaps you can use the wind from the empty space between your ears to power that windmill you keep touting.
This NIMBY needs to take off his rose colored glasses and see the light, El Toro is dead.
805, you're up at work early. Tell me, is this your only job? Defiling this El Toro International Website is not something you should take seriously. El Toro is clean, green, wanted, needed, FAA approved, safe and popular with the airlines. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY is a reactionary and he won't learn the new ways. Los Angeles is watching this NIMBY.
923, cmon, it's time for you to come up with a new line. We're tired of your old, re-cycled line of lies.
I'm not defiling this silly web site, just pointing out all your lies and delusions.
You may be right about one thing, 923, Los Angeles may be watching. Watching jealously that we kept them out of El Toro forever!
This NIMBY is a sore loser and he won't learn the new ways. The new ways of a clean, green park instead of a dirty, polluting airport.
1005, you're on an early lunch break, or is this your only job? Your choice of words to describe El Toro International Airport is so limited that it is embarrassing for you. We need the clean, green, wanted, needed, safe, FAA approved ready to use, El Toro International Airport. The rest of Irvine is on board. Why can't you, the lone NIMBY, reform? Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Oh 302, you poor pathetic loser NIMBY. Please, stop with the lies or show us where just two elected officials in Irvine are pro airport. Post a link to just two newspaper articles saying they want an airport. You can't because no such articles have been printed. Irvine leaders AND residents are on board as being against the airport.
We don't need the dirty, pollution causing, unwanted, un-needed, FAA expired, not ready El Toro airport.
El Toro is dead, long live the Duke.
Quit embarrassing yourself, 302, Los Angeles is watching your lies and laughing at you.
437, you can't stop the clean, green, safe, FAA approved, needed, wanted, already built, money making El Toro International Airport. It would be funny if you were funny, but you're not. Los Angeles is watching you. You need a new career. You're not converting anybody with your stressed out posts. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Every leader in Irvine is in favor of this fine airport. You just have to ask them.
you wrote:
"We don't need the dirty, pollution causing, unwanted, un-needed, FAA expired, not ready El Toro airport."
If airports are dirty and polluting, as you claim. Why did you also write:
....."long live the Duke."
Because it's a small airport and keeps the pollution to a minimum. Besides, since Vern and his silly lot think airports are green then they should keep SNA open so their neighborhoods will stay nice and green.
136, leave it to a NIMBY to try to change the subject. This website is all about El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. We need to show the NIMBYs what a jumbo jet airport really is like. It's clean, green, wanted, needed, safe, FAA approved, already built, available for Los Angeles to run, and a cash cow for polluted Irvine.
Ahhhhahahahahaha. The NIMBY lies are so old that all you can do is laugh at them. The airport NIMBY's are truly the stooges, they think there is an airport where there used to be a Marine Base, but they're getting ready to tear up those precious runways. Ahhhhahahahaha!
618, those runways always will be there because they are needed by the soon to be opened El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY is living in a dream world of wishes and wailing. Poor NIMBY. When the flights begin he may have a heart attack.
NIMBY heart attack? Surely he will have a STROKE! He does STROKE it every night!
1222, NYMBYism never manages to get in the last word, although the lone NYMBY does try. El Toro International Airport will open because it is wanted, needed, safe, FAA approved, popular and a great cash cow to clean up Irvine's pollution. Did you know the TCE plume under Woodbridge has reached the city of Santa Ana? The Irvine Ranch Water District is having a stroke. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The airport already is built.
More lies from the poor, pathetic, delusional NIMBY's. There isn't one single thing in 337's post that is true. The pro airport NIMBY's can't tell the truth if their lives depended on it.
136 if JWA is just the "right size" so as not to cause much pollution, then surely you would not object to El Toro operating at 10.8MAP!
702, in case you haven't noticed I am against opening El Toro. Actually it's a moot point as El Toro is closed forever, as we all know.
1023, everybody knows you're against the re-opening of El Toro International Airport, but you've never explained the reason why. Everybody knows you love dinky John Wayne Airport and are always trying to change the subject of this website. Everybody knows you live in Dana Point and yet claim to live in Newport Beach. Turn on the lights, Vernon. What kind of an irrational NIMBY is this?
How can 1023 say El Toro spews pollution while John Wayne does not. Do pollution particles somehow steer clear of South County?
I never said that. There's the NIMBY's trying to put words in my mouth, typical.
247, liar liar pants on fire. You certainly did say that. You hate El Toro International Airport and you hate Newport Beach where you claim to live. But really we know you're a Dana Point pointee head. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Liars can't even answer a question.
It's Al Anon Donald, Al Anon
947, hate will get you nowhere. It simply comes back to roost. Love for El Toro International Airport is what makes the world go around. Turn on the lights, Vernon. There is a south county need for redeyes from El Toro International Airport.
Donald, hate for NIMBY Beach gets me everywhere I want to go. And where I want to go is can be had when The Duke go 24/7. May the blue ice fall upon Case de Delusional. No one likes NIMBY Beach.
227, hate comes back to roost. Clearly you hate Newport
Beach more than you hate El Toro International Airport. Newport Beach is elite and it always gets its way. When El Toro International Airport opens, we'll name a terminal after you. Turn on the lights, Vernon, 227 is consumed with hate.
Indeed I do Donald, as NIMBY Beach exists and El Toro International doesn't. No one can hate somthing that doesn't exist.
And thanks for putting my name on a fantasy terminal. For your kindness I'll guarantee you and Vern a job in front handling baggage. It will be a step up in social standing for you both.
139, glad to hear you will accept a terminal named after you at El Toro International Airport. Usually that honor is reserved for politicians such as Tom Bradley or Tom Riley. El Toro will be the first airport with a terminal named anonymous hate monger NIMBY. Turn on the lights, Vernon. I believe he is coming around. He hates Newport Beach more than El Toro International Airport.
In return, I'll name the first airport terminal built on Jupiter Mars after you Donald. And I guarantee yours will be opened and operating long before mine ever will. The current schedule for El Toro International is 5 days after never.
Turn on the lights Vern, Donald is heading for outer space.
842, humor, insults, filth, anger and mimicry. None of it really works, does it, when you're on the wrong side of El Toro International Airport.? Turn on the lights, Vernon. Newport Beach always gets itw way. A NIMBY is looking for salvation.
I'm on the quiet side of the former El Toro Marine based and the planned magnificent Great Park. I'll find my salvation in the bucolic tranquility to be had there. You, on the other hand, are stuck in NIMBY Beach. I pity you.
1221, now it's pity is it. Turn on the El Toro International Airport lights, Vernon. NIMBYs never get in the last word. This is a pro-El Toro International Airport website. The Great Park is toast.
Actually, NIMBY 828, the Great Park is progressing much better than your fantasy airport that will never be built. When the Park if finished you poor sap, loser NIMBY's will still be ranting on this silly site about an airport that will never be built.
Dream on, NIMBY's, that's all you can do.
827, the Great Park is toast. El Toro International Airport is waiting in the wings. Deny all you want, 827, but El Toro International Airport already is built. The next thing you can do is open a website entitled "Stop taking our parks."
No, the next thing I can do is open a website entitled "stop selling alcohol to 123". Listen, you drunken fool, El Toro is history. It's a done deal. Or, as you like to say, it's toast. The county couldn't open it and Irvine never will (no matter how many lies you tell). So put the gin bottle away and go pass out somewhere, the DT's will only last a little while.
838, there you go again. When you lose the argument you resort to personal attacks, which is all right but does not stop El Toro International Airport from opening. Turn on the lights, Vernon. We all need that fine airport open, 838 is toast.
I didn't lose an argument, I pointed out facts. Something you seem unable to do. Too bad for you but your only flights are out of the beloved Duke or your boy, Tony V's little airport up the 405.
414, there you go again with losing arguments designed for Measures W, F, and S. Measure W, F, and S are toast, and so is El Toro Reuse Planning Authority, ETRPA. Irvine runs things now and it knows we need El Toro International Airport for 35 million annual passengers, 95 if LAX closes and 105 if JWA closes. Turn on the lights, Vernon. El Toro International Airport is on schedule.
1135, better hurry out the door, you don't want to miss last call.
814, the NIMBY monopoly is broken by the trust buster boosters of El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Those new citrus trees need to be fed by life-giving CO2.
103, if you would lighten up on the Tequila shots you might find that when sober your rants might make a tad more sense. In your drunken stupor it's just a lot of smelly hot air. Go pass out somewhere, would you please.
The lights are always on and the gin bottle always open at Casa de Delusional, right Donald? Keep on dreaming of El Toro as those jets from the Duke get ready for their 3:00 AM takeoffs over NIMBY Beach.
The El Toro trust busters have spoken. Great Park is toast. NIMBYs are irrelevant. Turn on the lights, Vernon. We just talk to the NIMBYs for fun. El Toro International Airport is all that matters.
445, happy hour doesn't start until 5:00, yet here you are, pouring yourself a double while spewing your lies. The voters don't care about the El Toro buster liars, it's the majority of voters that said no to your stupid airport that matter.
Have another shot, NIMBY, all you can do is drink your sorrows about El Toro away.
Long live the Duke!
Poor Donald will never be happy because those South County meanies took his precious fantasy airport away from him. All he has left are delusions of being "elite" and his twisted view of the world as seem though a gin bottle.
Turn out the lights Vern, Donald's crying in his beer (with a chaser) again.
El Toro International Airport is all that matters. The NIMBYs have nothing to be for, only blind opposition to an existing airport which can be opened. Turn on the lights, Vernon. I want to see a grown man NIMBY cry.
The only ones crying on this silly blog are Vern and Donald the Delusional. I live in an elite, bucolic and jet free neighborhood, as it will always be. I can only smile. Crying is for despondent Newport NIMBY Losers. Stand up and be counted.
Turn off the lights Vern, and get Donald a hanky. He's still crying in his beer (with chaser) at The Boo-Hoo bar. Reality hurts.
818, the only way to make sure you live in an elite, bucolic and jet free neighborhood is to open El Toro International Airport so we know exactly where the jet airplanes fly. Of course you didn't say where you live, but the only way to be sure is to have more controlled airspace around here. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY thinks he is safe with El Toro closed and John Wayne open. We'll see.
We already know where the airplanes fly Donald, right out of the Duke and over NIMBY Beach. The Duke is a perfect, natural location for an airport, centrally located next to a major freeway, with fuel saving straight runways pointing to where the airplanes need to go. And the CO2 generated by the jets will keep all of NIMBY Beach clean and green.
Convenient, crowd free, clean, green and soon 24/7, The Duke is the permanent answer to the OC's travel needs.
Turn on the lights Vern, those 3 AM red eyes will be flying over NIMBY Beach before you know it.
121, you forgot to mention that the natural Duke is right next to three major freeways.
The Duke is forever and El Toro is history, toast, yesterdays news, history, effete, etc.
155 you are absolutely correct, all roads lead to The Duke, the airport for Orange County's today, tomorrow and all eternity.
El Toro International Airport is the only natural airport site in Orange County, and everybody knows that. It has long low straight in approaches over a Wilderness Park and golf course. It has fuel saving jumbo jet cross runways pointing to where airplanes need to go. Hate speech from NIMBYs do not make this natural airport site go away. The runways already are built and all we have to do is turn on the lights. Turn on the lights, Vernon. You've been right all along about silly NIMBY class warfare against elite Newport Beach. Newport Beach always gets its way.
Well NIMBY, I guess the fake elite in NIMBY Beach don't get their way this time, now do they. Chew on that while you're flying the Duke forever!
732, we're onto you, lone NIMBY. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY is part of a conspiracy. But El Toro International Airport will open, because NIMBYs no longer count.
Hey loser NIMBY 835, how does if feel for the denizens of NIMBY Beach to get their asses handed to them with the defeat of El Toro? Still sore about that loss after all these years? Poor NIMBY's!
901 is still bitter that El Toro was ever proposed in the first place. You are a sore winner if you feel the need to come spew your Newport hatred on here.
Everyone hates NIMBY Beach Donald, that's why you lost. No sympathy for the "elite" who are dumb enough to live under an airport and whine and cry when the planes fly over. Next time you inherit a house try to get one in a quieter neighborhood, like those of bucolic South County.
South County posters are STILL bitter to this day.....even though they supposedly won. They are scarred for life by El Toro. They will need a lot of therapy to heal from it.
949, still bitter and a sore winner they are. The lone NIMBY gets no sleep as he trys harder and harder to make his losing points on this website. Therapy and re-education will welcome the NIMBYs back to our society. Turn on the lights, Vernon. El Toro International Airport forever.
949 and 1121 (probably the same person) finally got one right, the anti airport, Measure W supporters are winners! We won with the passage of Measure W and the NIMBY's have been whining ever since. Poor loser NIMBY's can't ever be winners, just whiners!
136 is a whining winner if they must come on here and complain about this blog. Haven't you moved on from El Toro yet? You are scarred for life.
136, aha, 949 and 1121 the same person eh. Remember, there are millions of people reading this website who want El Toro International Airport opened. Of course they may sound alike, but that does not mean they are the same person, only like minded as Larry Agran used to say. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Measure W was a loser for the whining NIMBY winners. They're scared and scarred for life. W no longer stops El Toro International Airport from opening.
Well Donald, one would think (although we know you can't) that with millions of supporters more than you, Vern and Flatulentmythbuster (probably Vern again) would be posting their enthusiastic support. Instead all we ever hear from are NIMBY Beach's Three Stooges with the same tired, worn out lies we've all heard for the last decade. Keep pouring that rubbing alcohol down your throat, you only have one more brain cell to kill. Poor pathetic NIMBY losers.
1152, there you go, insulting flyingmythbuster again. Pro-El Toro International Airport activsts tell no lies. Anti-El Toro International Airport NIMBYs can't tell the truth. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Truth is this NIMBY seems to be stuck in a rut.
Still waiting to hear from any of the other "millions" of El Tor supporters allegedly lurking on this silly blog. And yet all we ever get is Donald and his hackneyed "turn in the lights" jabber. Talk about stuck in a rut. When was your last original thought, 1956? Or have you ever had one?
Millions of people read this website and agree with the its news. Only the lone NIMBY opposes it because of his hate for El Toro International Airport and elite Newport Beach. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Tune in. Turn on. Fly away.
STILL waiting to hear from one of the "millions" pro-airport types on this silly blog beyond Donald, Vern and Mythbuster. And I suspect that Vern and Myth are one in the same anyway. Only in El Toro delusional-land does 1+1 = 1 million.
Of course, reality is at best an afterthought in the Land Of Loony Donald.
1244, you can be sure that millons of people read this website and agree with it. They're the silent majority. If they didn't agree they would be on here posting hate for El Toro International Airport like the lone NIMBY is. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The lone NIMBY is the noisy minority.
"If they didn't agree they would be on here posting hate for El Toro International Airport..". Interesting point of view Donald, must be addition by subtraction. I'll add this to my "Pro-El Toro airport comments made by nuts" collection.
The pro-El Toro zealots had plenty to say during the airport wars, yet I don't see any of the V-planners, Santa Ana Heights residents, or anti-Long Beach expansionists posting here although they were certainly more than vocal before Measure W killed their wet dream. Even the AWG die hards have been quiet, except for you. So it's quite obviuous to me that the last El Toro proponents on this planet are you and Vern/Mythbuster. An army of two, and one of them desrerves a section 8. Guess who that is.
WILL THOSE MILLIONS OF EL TORO SUPPORTERS READING THIS BLOG PLEASE STAND UP AND BE COUNTED. Being the silent majority puts Obama in the White House. Come on, Donald is drowning, throw him a life preserver.
956, the lone NIMBY, swoops in and attacks the silent majority that agrees with the news on this fine website. He had a monopoly until Vernon Delights started publishing. He says pro-El Toro International Airport posters have disappeared. Not true. They're all here. 956 doesn't see them because he's infatuated with Donald. Pro-El Toro International Airport people are busy destabilizing Irvine over the pollution issue which prevents construction or destruction at El Toro until the existing airport is opened. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The noisy minority is drowning in a sea of lies.
Hmmm, 956 posting at 102 in the morning. What happened, get kicked out of the bars again? Nice to see that in your drunken stupor all you can post if your usual list of lies.
1130, anti-El Toro International Airport NIMBYs had a monopoly until this website came along. Now they are spinning in the wind and losing every argument. Pro-El Toro International Airport advocates are everywhere. They're on this website and they're busy destabilizing Irvine for an early takeover to open El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The airport already is built.
Yes Donald, millions of supporters on this web site yet only two are interested enough to post a message. It's lonely out there, isn't it?
Turn on the lights Vern, Donald is all alone in the dark.
742, millions of readers agree. Only the lone NIMBY disagrees. So he posts and posts and looks pitiful as he does. Calling all pro-El Toro International Airport supporters. Let's show this NIMBY who we are. Now shut up for awhile, 742, to give supporters a chance to post. Each poster counts for 500,000 votes. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Nobody, absolutely nobody, is in the noise zone of El Toro International Airport.
Congratulations, eltoroairport.blogspot. Good website.
Nice Donald, are you going to post something 5 million times and pretend that you're 5 million different people? You get crazier by the minute.
Donald loves to pat himself on the back whenever he can. Over and over.
501, the lone NIMBY and his alter ego continue to waste internet resources while pro-El Toro International Airport advocates are trying to post.
Congratulations www.eltoroairport.blogspot.com on this fine website.
956, the reason why other El Toro factions have long disappeared is the AWG chased them off.
So let AWG figure out the best way they know how to revive El Toro or close John Wayne.
1017, I'll count that as a pro-El Toro International Airport vote. We're on our way to millions. I don't think anybody ever wanted to close John Wayne Airport. That was just lies spread by south county. The elite private pilots of Newport Beach want to have John Wayne Airport as their very own. The other factions, 956, they're all here. Santa Ana Heights residents were brainwashed by you at the beginning of the war but now that they're part of Newport Beach they have become elite and have something to save. The V-planners have gone underground and are building an ominous force. The anti-Long Beach expansionists are still mad at south county for suggesting Long Beach expand. Now if the lone NIMBY will shut up for awhile we'll gather up millions of supporters for El Toro International Airport.
Congratulations, eltoroairport.blogspot.com on such a fine website.
Donald I could shut up for a million years and you could never get a million supports here. I could give you a million years and you couldn't get five. No one ever took the V-planners seriously, the AWG has you as it's mouthpiece so no one will ever take them seriously again, King George is busy ripping off security deposits, LAWA has two dead airports to worry about, and your Long Beach buddy Rex tossed in the towel years ago. But kep looking for those millions of El Toro supporters.
Why don't you start naming the dust bunnies under your bed and pretend they are posting? They can be your best friends at Casa de delusional.reffitio
635, Pro-El Toro International Airport advocates are formidable. Your NIMBY friends are fair weather friends. They think they won. Only you are afraid of the flight of the Phoenix, so you post and post and post. How do you expect all the El Toro International Airport supporters to post when you hog the internet, jumping in with your pig talk? Shut up for awhile and let the advocates post. Congratulations eltoroairport.blogspot.com on such a fine website.
There are still 24 hours in a day Donald, so even your 5 million phantom airport supporters should be able to find a time to post. And now I hog the Internet? You must think the 'Net is even smaller than your brain.
And why all the nastiness Donald? Is the pressure of reality getting to you? Can't find a sympathetic ear among your 5 million phantom supporters? Or are the hangovers just getting too rough? This isn't the closed-to-NIMBY-Beach-Only AWG board. You want to spew your fantasy garage expect to be challenged to back it up. Every time I you have been challenged you regress to your tired "fuel saving crossed runways" mantra. Come up with some facts, not just your AWG B.S. for a change. The maybe you might find that you've doubled the numbered of El Toro supporters to two. If you can't handle the pressure than maybe you just turn off your computer and go back to watching cartoons on TV. Seems to be more your speed.
303, I might have known you couldn't keep quiet for even 24 hours to let the millions of pro-El Toro International Airport boosters post their congratulations. You're hogging the internet and wasting valuable resources. Remember, NIMBYs should be seen and not heard. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY is standing in the doorway to El Toro International Airport and he won't prepare for unconditional surrender.
The capacity of the Internet is more than sufficient for all of you to stop by and give Donald a big thumbs and help spew out his hate, class warfare and lies abut El Toro. I would be more than happy to respond to each and every one of your posts.
Hello, I'm waiting. Come on Donald, call up some of your millions of AWG buddies and have them stop by to say hello. Or are your friends just as imaginary as your airport? The door, and the Internet, is open for you.
1001, there he is, the lone NIMBY, unable to resist the last temptation of El Toro International Airport. He brags about being able to post millions of responses to El Toro supporters, but he freezes them all out by hogging the internet with his vile. Turn on the lights, Vernon. We need El Toro International Airport for 30 million annual passengers. SCAG says it's so. Congratulations www.eltoroairport.blogspot.com for such a fine website.
Well Donald, another day has gone by and STILL none of your imaginary millions of El Toro supporters have bothered to post a single word to prove they care, or even exist. Yet there is still plenty of bandwidth available on the Internet, as proven by your ability to post your incessant rants and drivel.
It's lonely in loony land, isn't it? Why don't you invite some of your imaginary supporters over for drinks? Hell, invite all 5 million over, plenty of room for imaginary people at Casa de Delusional. And while you're at it invite all of them to hop a plane at The Duke and drive it down the 405 so you can admire those very empty and useless crossed runways that will soon be history. And as long as you're there take a ride in the balloon. It's plenty big enough to accommodate all 5 million of your imaginary El Toro supporters at once.
Poor Donald. The sound of one hand clapping, living for a dream that died 10 years ago. Maybe you should go back to talking to your imaginary friends on the AWG website. Oh sorry, they post anything over there either.
Turn out the lights Vern, there's only only NIMBY left standing and he's a waste of electricity.
812, lone NIMBY, how can you ever expect to start the pro-airport posters when you won't stop blocking the doorway? Another day had not passed until you were compelled to interfere. Congratulations www.eltoroairport.blogspot.com for such a fine website.
And yet ANOTHER day has gone by and STILL not one of Donald's millions of El Toro supporters can find the bandwidth to help him out. Oh well, I guess imaginary people also have imaginary ISP's as well. maybe that's the problem, all the pro-airport supporters are hooked into the imaginary Internet. That figures!
If you had had a brain Donald you'd flip some kid $5 to post anything here so you don't look so foolish. Off course looking foolish is a lifestyle for you by now.
I'm done. Here's some open bandwidth for all your imaginary friends to stop by and say hello.
750, there you are at the head of the line, blocking off supporters of El Toro International Airport. You are so childish which reminds me, NIMBYs should be seen and not heard. Turn on the lights, Vernon. I'm counting every NIMBY post as a positive vote. We always knew NIMBYs can't tell the truth.
Congratulations www.eltoroairport.blogspot.com on such a fine website. Next.
Good work Donald, I see you tried to make it look like you paid your next door neighbor to post at 9:17. Except that your screen name gives you away. But keep wasting your time trying to prove that you and Vern are not the last El Toro NIMBY's standing. The rest of us know better (and the rest of us are not imaginary, like your friends and "supporters").
Turn out the lights Vern, Donald can only see his imaginary friends in the dark.
1013, I said Next. Not you, dummy. Congratulations www.eltoroairport.blogspot.com on such a fine website. Next.
Donald Next? Your new nom de plume?
Funny how those millions of supporters can't seem to find the time, desire or bandwidth to stop by and express their support for El Toro. Reality is lonely, isn't it? Ever think of getting a cat to keep you company?
But light a candle and keep you nose pressed to the window, those millions are on their way. I suspect they'll arrive about 20 minutes after the sun burn out. But keep on wishing.
257, be careful what you wish for, lone NIMBY. There are better monikers for you that you won't like. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The lone NIMBY rides alone because there are no other NIMBYs.
I do not care what happens at all. I just like to watch people argue. Put me down for being neutral.
109, be careful about going in the middle of the road. You may get run over from both sides. When neutral El Toro International Airport opens, you'll like it. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
How do you make any airport "neutral"?
You just make it a fantasy airport 832, just like Donald has done. The you can claim the jets make less noise than a sleeping baby, that the jet exhaust smells like a rose garden, and the airport will end racism, hunger, illiteracy, and cure cancer. And then the Christians, Muslims, gays and Hari Krishnas will all hold hands at the center of the crossed runways and sing Kum By Ah.
Yes sir, when you live in the fantasy world that Donald lives in anything is possible. Quiet airports, neutral airports, green airports, plaid airports, cinnamon airports. It's all good. Too bad there will never be an El Toro airport.
But there was an El Toro Airport. Some want it to be revived and some want it to stay closed.
No, 1030, there was an El Toro Marine Corps Air Station. There never was an El Toro Airport except in fantasy land.
Long live the Duke!
That's a real stretch, air station versus airport, 903. You've been using that lie over and over and that's why we call you a NIMBY. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Let's put those jumbo jet runways of El Toro International Airport to use.
It's no lie, 1003, you can look it up. Your beloved jumbo jet runways are soon to be gravel. Poor, poor you.
Cmon NIMBY, tell another lie, we need the laugh.
124, don't you wish you could tell the truth. My beloved jumbo jet runways cost billions to build, and no effete NIMBY can change it to gravel. It's 30 million annual passengers, NIMBY. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Air Station, Airport. Just a bunch of semantics. Why is March Air Force Base good enough to be used for civilians and not El Toro?
Because the people of that area are all for it.
The Nimbys developed that word play to brainwash their own people and have not graduated from it ever since. Nimbys will use El Toro International Airport too, and that will be the end of their semantics. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
802, you sure don't know much about March. When DHL left March, the locals cheered.
So why again is an Air Force Base acceptable for civilian use and an Marine Corps Air Station not acceptable?
March is zoned for aviation use. El Tor isn't, and will never be again. It's 2009, not 1999. El Tor's days as an airport/airbase/Marine station are over. The only thing flying out of there are butterflies.
Hey, according to the Newport NIMBY's the Martians will be coming to El Toro very soon!
Zoning laws? Some towns don't even have them. The Martians don't know anything about zoning laws and private pilots disregard them when they have engine trouble and have to land on one of those grand El Toro runways. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The first step is rezone Great Park an airport when we take over.
Unfortunately for you Irvine has zoning laws, and they are not about to be changed for NIMBY Beach. Unfortunately for you there are no longer any avigation easements either, which are impossible to resurrect. Illegal to build an airport on the ground, illegal to fly out of one even if existed. Yet the delusions continue.
Think you can rezone Irvine? Wait until you see how NIMBY Beach gets rezoned when the Duke goes 24/7.
729, I see you're a believer in zoning laws. When the Great Park is rezoned, you'll be posting, stop taking our parks. ha ha ha. I see Newport Beach already is rezoning business to residential by John Wayne Airport in the Lockheed Triangle, Maybe the elite know something you don't know. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The lone NIMBY believes zoning laws will keep El Toro International Airport closed.
808, you only talked about zoning laws. You NEVER did address why an Air Force Base is feasible for an airport, but a Marine Corps Air Station. Are you implying that Marines are inferior pilots?
Donald, NIMBY Beach can zone the entire city as a nuclear waste dump for all I care (it might be an improvement, actually). Your lies and hypocrisy may know no boundaries but the city of NIMBY Beach does. Irvine will remain airport free. Keep dreaming, NIMBY.
Enlarge John Wayne immensely and reorient the runways towards Irvine.
Yes, 808, is stuck in the 20th century and he is not ready for the new realities. El Toro International Airport exists, and all we have to do is turn on the lights. Who cares about zoning laws? The lone NIMBY is jealous that his airport of choice does not have fuel-saving cross runways like El Toro International Airport has. One lone NIMBY post says Irvine will remain airport free. What a whopper that is. Irvine already has one of the biggest airports in the nation, El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY thinks that if it is closed it doesn't exist. No harm will come to him when the airport opens.
Harm will come to the NIMBY when El Toro opens......because JWA will not get expanded as a result.
Good for you Donald, why don't you try to imagine even a bigger airport at El Toro? Heck, you and your millions of imaginary supporters should have enough muscle to build the entire thing by hand if you wanted to. Just imagine an airport on 470 million acres with 30 million crossed runways and 200 billion happy passengers waiting to go somewhere. And it would still be clean, green, and not a single person would ever hear a peep from it. Come on Donald, if your going to have your delusional airport fantasies at least make then worth the effort. Maybe Jesus will appear and become head traffic controller for you. Maybe Godzilla can unload the baggage. Think big, because your fantasy jets will be flying out of your ears long before any jet ever flies out of El Toro again.
Turn out the lights Vern, it's easier to imagine those 200 billion happy passengers in the dark.
903, yes, we must think big when we think about El Toro International Airport. This could happen if other airports have to close because they're not greeen like El Toro is. There is no question that El Toro International Airport exists. It is a $10 billion gift from the federal government. Great Park boosters want to destroy this labor-saving monument to progress. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Welcome the NIMBYs into the 21st century. They still are stuck with the Luddites of the 19th century.
What makes El Toro a green airport? Is there a lot of green bud growing between the cracks in the runways?
Are we back to the $10 billion gift from the government lie? That one is over a decade old, no one bought it then and no one will buy it now. Talk about living in the past, the Luddites are far more advanced than you.
Can't find any of his imaginary friends to help him out, hasn't had an original thought in decades. The NIMBY Beach "elite" are the most pathetically out of touch bunch on this planet. We'll build a special playground for them at The Great Park, where Vern can play cut and paste and Donald can draw X's in the dirt and pretend they're crossed runways. Just keep the children away from them.
We can have a pharmacy at the great pork for all the south county NIMBYs who STILL suffer from bitterness and anxiety. Lots of Prozac and Xanax should be made available for them.
Good idea, a pharmacy at the Great Park. Donald will be in the express lane. What's a good med for delusions foe grandeur (i.e. thinking he is "elite") and auditory hallucinations ("millions of El Toro supporters" living in his head)?
Turn out the lights Vern, Donald is visiting the psychiatrist. Long over due.
854, El Toro International Airport is a $10 billion gift from the federal government. It is clean, green, safe, already built, FAA approved, quiet, invisible and ready for turning on the lights. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The lone NIMBY had a panic attack because he was being ignored.
Now it's invisible? Much like you millions of pro-airport supporters. Only visible people can vote and that all said NO AIRPORT. Not now, not tomorrow, not ever.
Give 939 a Xanax, she is sure cranky. Someone needs to tell her El Toro was settled many years and to stop getting her panties in a wad. No jets are going to fly over her.
Nice try, lone NIMBY. We know you are cooking the books with double posts, imaginary critics, and just plain hate. All to ignore the reality of El Toro International Airport which can be opened by the boss of Irvine.
Only in your imaginary world with your imaginary 30 million friends, 1135. In the real world we all know that El Toro is forever closed and the bosses of Irvine will NEVER let another airplane fly in our out of there. Well, except the RC planes that cut the corner for landing.
Keep dreaming, NIMBY, that's all you can do cause El Toro ain't coming back. Not now, not ever. You get to keep the Duke.
Dr. Donald, 753 needs more Prozac. She has not recovered from the fact that El Toro was merely discussed and debated upon to be a civilian airport. Other than the flight tests in June 99, almost 10 years ago, no civvies have flown out of there. But 753 is STILL Traumatized and still sucking on the Bitter Ale. Get her some professional help.
Well, let's look at the facts. El Toro International Airport is more than a bad memory for the NIMBYs. It is a real honest to gosh airport already built, clean, green, FAA approved, wanted, needed, safe, quiet, efficient and popular with the airlines. All we have to do is turn on the lights, Vernon. I didn't know 753 was a woman. I didn't know 446 was in favor of El Toro International Airport. Or are they not just the same person pretending to be two?
And we didn't know 920 is really Donald and Vern. Three idiots for the price of none. Such a deal.
So, lets look at the facts, 920, El Toro closed, the Marines took their toys and moved south. A commercial airport was voted down and isn't coming back. That thought gets you all lathered up and your panties get all twisted in a wad and you rant on and on. But the biggest fact is, no El Toro International today, no El Toro International tomorrow, no El Toro International ever.
The really good news, the Duke is expanding!
Long live the Duke!
Never say no El Toro Airport, today, yesterday or tomorrow. The airport is there and there is nothing you can do about it. God made that airport and the Marines paved the runways. Any more questions? Turn on the lights, Vernon. Show the lone NIMBY some religion.
Oh, now God made the airport?!? Did he make SNA, too? How about LAX? Funny, in all the research I've done on El Toro and the thousands of old pictures I'm rooted through I don't remember seeing a single one of God driving a tractor.
And you wouldn't know religion if you were nailed to a cross.
802, God made El Toro International Airport. It's a natural site for an airport, just as San Diego, San Francisco and Seattle are natural sites for harbors. Mankind made L.A. Harbor, John Wayne Airport and LAX, but only El Toro is a natural site for an airport which planners took advantage of with landings on Runway 34 and fuel saving jumbo jet cross runways pointing to where airplanes need to go. You're nailed to the cross runways. Unconditional Surrender, NIMBY.
The NIMBY's already surrendered. They surrendered when Measure W put the final nail in their coffin.
That's some fantasy world you live in where God only made on airport in the world. Did he make your house, too? If God made El Toro then he must have made SNA, too. Now that is a perfect site for an airport, and will be for eternity.
806, you're nailed to the cross of El Toro's fuel saving jumbo jet cross runways and there's nothing you can do about it. God made El Toro International Airport and the federal government paved the runways. Turn on the lights, Vernon. We're very fortunate to have such a fine airport here and only the lone NIMBY opposes it.
The lone NIMBY? What a laugh! There are more posters on her against your fantasy airport than there are supporters. Unless, of course, you count those 30 million voices in your head.
God made SNA, and the county paved the runways, it's the perfect place for an airport!
Long live the Duke.
1009, the Lone NIMBY posts over and over pretending to be more than one NIMBY. He is a memory and bandwidth hog which doesn't accomplish anything except turn millions of pro-El Toro posters away. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Lone NIMBY must know El Toro International Airport is not a fantasy at all.
Ahhhhahahahaha! We turn away millions? I had no idea I had that much power and influence. I am truly flattered. I never knew that just telling the truth and correcting your lies set so many people straight.
You are right on one thing, El Toro is not a fantasy, it's a bad dream that came and went. I wish you'd go, too.
757, only the Lone NIMBY hogs this website with his lies, filth, insults and malaproprisms. We've shown El Toro International Airport is needed, wanted, safe and planned for 30 million annual passengers. I wish the Lone NIMBY would go too, on the first flight.
The lone Newport NIMBY hogs this website with his lies, filth, insults and acyrologia. He's shown that El Toro is not needed, wanted, safe or well planned. I wish the Lone NIMBY would go away, on the next flight out of our beloved SNA.
Lone NIMBY lurks around this website all day long wasting his employer's time and money. Then he goes home and wastes his own. We have shown that El Toro International Airport is needed, wanted, approved and safe for 30 million annual passengers. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Lone NIMBY 531 lies then lies some more. We all know El Toro is not needed, wanted, approved or save. Keep the lights on, Vern, Donald wants to catch the first red eye out of the Duke when it goes 24/7.
546, so was that post from work or from home? Either way it's the mark of a liar. Now that you've vented your jealousy, hate, and un-neighborly feelings about elite Newport Beach, let's get down to the business of opening El Toro International Airport.
Work is home and home is work. Such is the way of a highly successful entrepreneur. I get to sit in my home office, looking out over the Pacific Ocean and during my slow times correct our lies.
No jealousy here, just laughing at your pathetic rants. I just love it when you get your panties in a wad, it's pretty amusing.
727, back to two paragraphs. Now we know. Lone MIMBY's job is to correct his own lies. What lie that is. It's fun to see Lone NIMBY get all upset when we promise to take over Irvine, already have, and will open El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Once again idiot Donald promises to take over Irvine, then says he already has. His so confused he doesn't know if he should lie and say he's going to take over or should he lid and say he's already taken over or should he just go open another bottle of gin?
Poor, sad, delusional, confused, liar, NIMBY Donald. He lost the battle, lost the war, but still claims victory.
442, here's the Lone NIMBY again crowing about an imaginary verbal victory. He doesn't know the difference between future tense, present tense and past tense. Split infinitives and dangling participles. Already we rule Irvine and we'll open the airport when we take over if they don't do it first. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Lone NIMBY is all wrapped up in grammar.
That's really some fantasy land you're created in your head, Donald. Donald says, "we've lost the battle, lost the war, lost the election but we won. We've taken over Irvine and as soon as we take over Irvine we'll open the airport. I have 30 million very close friends that want to fly out of El Toro and I can prove it just as soon and I can find 30 million friends. I'm not really crazy, I'm just a little un-well. I don't hate anybody except anybody that's against an airport at El Toro, then I hate them."
Time for some professional help, Don, you have more than just one screw loose.
Hey, how's that terminal coming at El Toro? Almost time for the ribbon cutting?
224, now is the time for every good NIMBY to come to the aid of El Toro International Airport. What terminal? .. but we won? Turn on the lights, Vernon. It's not pretty to see NIMBYs lose so much.
You're right, Donald, it isn't pretty to see you lose so much, but what are ya going to do? El Toro is history, the Duke expansion is coming in WAY under budget and pretty soon you can catch your beloved red eyes out of there.
Long live the Duke!
431, well I see Lone NIMBY is getting his traveling shoes on after your new anti-stalking rules became law on this website. It's a shame to see NIMBYs so much in denial that they can't see the seeds of revival right before their eyes. Turn on the lights, Vernon. We'll name a hangar after him.
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