First, the city of Laguna Beach was snookered by the city of Irvine into wasting millions of tax dollars into opposing El Toro. Irvine lied to them and tricked them into thinking that jets from El Toro would go over their city, which they would not.
However, once John Wayne flights increased, there were howls of protest out of Laguna Beach about this. What poetic justice that was! You see folks, flights from John Wayne actually do go over Laguna Beach! Imagine that! Today, Irvine has a worthless great pork that provides very little economic stimulus, unlike an airport would, and is of no benefit to the clueless denizens of Laguna Beach.
Now Laguna Beach is clueless again, and wants to go against the will of California voters and overturn proposition 8, which bans gay marriage. It is well known that Laguna Beach is full of liberals and those who practice alternative lifestyles. I really don't care, so long as they keep it to themselves and away from Newport Beach. Heck they can open more gay bars for all I care. But they should not go around trying to redefine marriage, which is a centuries long tradition between a man and a woman. The majority of the state does not share Laguna Beach's "values".
Congratulations, Vernon, for another Pulitzer quality essay about the three stooges of Laguna Beach that first fought against El Toro International Airport and now fight against the will of the people of California upholding traditional values. If Laguna Beach were smart and not liberal it would promote opening El Toro International Airport and stop fighting Proposition 8. Yes, John Wayne Airport departures more and more are taking off over Laguna Beach, Irvine, and Mission Viejo, and there's nothing these cities can do about it, until El Toro International Airport is opened and that airport has its own 5 mile radius circle of control. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The three stooges are at it again. But they can be saved by opening El Toro.
You're almost on the right track for once in your life Donald, but you have too many letters in "Pulitzer". I think "Putz quality" is more appropriate.
If only Vern could get his airport built, then there would be no gays at all. El Toro International Airport would solve and cure every single social and medical ill in the world.
Oh bother, what will we do? No airport, so sad.............
I wonder how Vern deals with his gay neighbors? I'll bet he even has a gay son or daughter.
Vern and Donald are both in the closet.....together.
I hear they have a light in there that Vern likes to turn on.
The remarkable foolishness of Laguna Beach NYMBYs is only exceeded by Aliso Viejo and Lake Forest. The former voted 95% for the defunct Measure W and the latter doubled its ante to try to stop El Toro International Airport, which Irvine snookered away from them. Turn on the lights Vernon. Laguna Beach, Aliso Viejo and Lake Forest are now enjoying John Wayne Airport when they just as well could enjoy El Toro International Airport. Good news. Irvine will open El Toro, and the three stooges will see the airplanes.
Good news, we know 507 is a liar of the highest caliber and El Toro is closed forever.
Accept the truth, 507, Irvine never wanted an airport and certainly doesn't want one now.
The Duke forever!
616, there's Mrs Malaprop posting lies about no airport at El Toro, when anybody with an eye can see those jumbo jet runways raring to go. If Irvine didn't want the airport open they never would have taken it away from you NIMBYs who fell for the Measure W hoax. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
After El Toro International was ratified twice, NIMBYS reacted with money and lies to force a third vote. NIMBYs claimed that El Toro was "unwanted and unneeded," and then they claimed that there would be an airplane "taking off and landing every seven seconds."
Evidently all these planes would be empty.
NIMBYS railed at everyone who opposed them, claiming "God is on our side."
Now we have a ridiculously priced orange balloon, and a skate rink and billions of unfulfilled promises.
"Green" Irvine will come through, though, and build a park to attract millions of visitors a year from all over California to our "Green" city.
Make sense? Of course not. That's NIMBYism for you.
And the pro airport master spin doctors continue their work..........
...... and the lone NIMBY posts to try to set the record wrong.
Donald, you have never spoken the truth in your pathetic life. But keep dreaming, you and Vern are the funniest duo since Abbott & Costello. Sad and delusional, but hilarious nonetheless.
846, and the lone NIMBY posts with Who's on first, What's on second, and I don't know is on third. Then he says I don't give a darn, but that's our short stop. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY is worse than a duo, funnier than a writer, and more pathetic than ETRPA.
You mean the same ETRPA that exposed all your lies and beat you at the ballot box? That ETRPA?
Poor loser NIMBY's.
But unlike you, this NIMBY has no jets flying over his bucolic home, and intends to keep it that way. Next time you inherit property hope it's in a quieter neighborhood.
1143, yes the same ETRPA which snookered you into supporting an effete Measure W and an unconstitutional Measure F. Now Irvine owns the airport and can open it whenever it pleases. Nobody is in the noise zone of El Toro International Airport. 1240, be quiet and listen to the jets from John Wayne Airport all over your bucolic existence. I find the John Wayne jets quite noisy in Laguna Beach, Monarch Bay, Lake Mission Viejo and soon to come Irvine Turtle Rock and Shady Canyon. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The only way to save South County is to open El Toro International Airport, because nobody is in its noise zone.
Ahhhhhahahaha, 535, you are one funny guy. Where do you come up with this stuff? Oh my, I can't stop laughing at you.
Donald, exactly what are you going to save South County from? All your NIMBY Beach bad breath? I listened closely all day, and didn't hear a single jet fly over my house. I'm a long way from the noise zone, for sure. And for all your incessant whining,you're not in the noise zone either. So lean back, take you meds, and let those clean, green, quite jets flying out of the Duke lull you off to sleep. Soon they'll be over head all night long, sprinkling their clean, green, needed and wanted jet fairy dust all over you and Casa de Delusion. South County will save NIMBY Beach from itself.
752, When El Toro International Airport is re-opened, South County will be saved from ETRPA which took your money and gave the airport to Irvine. You got all lathered up over effete Measure W, unconstitutional Measure F and defeated Measure S, but it didn't occur to you that you were being snookered by Irvine which wanted to get the most money out of El Toro by opening El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. NIMBYs are misinformed and they won't shut up.
You are so right, 208, liar, pro airport NIMBY's really won't shut up. How about you set an example! Just think, if you shut up, the lies will stop.
Yes Donald, I'm so misinformed that I don't hear a single jet blasting over the roof of my quiet home in my bucolic neighborhood. Too bad you can't say the same. Now why don't you do your job and run out side and shout "Da plane boss, da plane!" like the good mental midget that you are. Plenty of planes to point at, and soon they'll be flying 24/7 right over your Casa de Delusional. Don't worry about turning on the lights, just buy some ear plugs NIMBY.
The minister of propaganda is back, early and tense, spouting his falsehoods and trying to change the subject from El Toro International Airport to dinky John Wayne Airport. This website is all about El Toro International Airport. If you want to talk about John Wayne Airport start your own website, but nobody will read it as they don't read about the Great Park. Your only choice is to reform and support the opening of El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY needs new directions.
You mean your fantasy never-was-and-never-will-be El Toro Airport? Sorry Donald, you're still clinging to the past, lost in airport dementia. The Duke will no longer be dinky once it begins 24/7 operations. They're expandign it now, and will expand it more to keep those jumbo jets flying over your Casa De Delusion. Nothing flying over my house but a few sparrows.
Look at your calendar Donald, it's 2009, NIMBY Beach lost the war in 2002. Seven long years of your incessant "turn on the lights" has done nothing to change the situation, and never will. You'll never got over the fact that South County didn't just roll over and let the self-proclaimed NIMBY Beach "elite" have their way, will you? Quite a shock to discover that the sun does not revolve NIMBY Beach. Sorry you had to inherit property in such a poor location.
722, this website is all about El Toro International Airport. The lone NIMBY is obsessed with this website and with El Toro International Airport, which, for some unexplained reason, he continues to oppose. If you want to be taken seriously, you have to explain why you're against it. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY has some explaining to do.
This web site is about a self-proclaimed "elitist" and one delusional old FOOL who still believes El Toro will be an airport. Vernon is just an old queer, while Donald continues to play the role of El Toro Court jester. add the IQ's of the two together and it will be less than my belt size.
The truth remains: the failing of NIMBY Beach in the El Toro wars was that they believed that everyone in South County was as stupid as they were. When SC fought back with FACTS abiut l Toro , NIMBY Beach had nothing for a response. Great Park trumps airport, NIMBY Beach gets JWA 24/7. Donald continues to drool all over his shirt.
What part of "It's over" is unclear to you???????????????
JWA 24/7. Newport NIMBY'S: Call Bonnie O'Neil and Move. Now!
See there they go again with their hatred of Newport Beach. As usual, no valid case was made against El Toro International Airport.
1147, the valid case was the vast majority of voters that said no way, we don't want your planes flying over our houses. Why is that so hard for you to understand? Could it be that you don't want them flying over your house, either? What a loser NIMBY!
El Toro is closed and will stay that way.
805, the majority has no say over where airplanes fly, unless you are a restricted zone, such as the white house. That's the law. When El Toro International Airport opens, it will have a 5 mile radius around the airport which gives you some measure of control. Short of that, the airplanes will be flying more and more everywhere in South County. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY thinks the majority rules.
Too bad El Toro International Airport will never open Doanld. Hope your Casa de Delusional is within the 5 mile raddius around the Duke. That might give you some measure of control once it goes 24/7. Is that the clock I hear ticking? Why so it is. Turn on the lights Vern, The Duke is soon flying all night long.
707, El Toro International Airport will never open? Where do you come up with such nonsense? Show me proof. You can't, and that's a fact. Who you going to believe, my statement that El Toro International Airport can open and airplanes can fly where ever they please, or you who has no facts? Turn on the lights, Vernon. It's time to show this NIMBY airplanes can fly where ever they want and El Toro International Airport can open. Never say never, NIMBY. Too bad your majority doesn't rule.
And the delusions continue from 1001. OK, 1001, tell us, we all want to be as enlightened as you proclaim to be, just exactly when will your dreamy El Toro International Airport open? Give us a date, oh enlightened one. Give us a year! Give us something other than your delusional rantings and lies and fantasy. What? No facts?
El Toro is closed forever and that is the only fact that matters here. But hey, you can always dream.
718, tell us, oh vaunted enemy of El Toro International Airport, why do you oppose the opening of this fine airport? Now that this website has proved that El Toro International Airport is wanted, needed, clean, green, safe, FAA approved, available. already built, turnkey, popular with travelers, popular with airlines and no longer controlled by Measure W. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The public wants to know why 718 opposes it. The public has a right to know.
Just as I thought, no answers and more lies. Lies is all you have, isn't it, 1010?
Donald, is you last name really Disney, because you certainly seem to love living in Fantasyland.
El Toro is deader 8 track tapes, and none of your endless fantasy blather is ever going to change that. And I just love someone who can call a project with a $2.88 billion price (in 1999 dollars no less, excluding land acquisition costs) "turnkey". But facts just don't seem to matter in Fantasyland. Irvine will never open an airport, LAWA is out of the picture, King George is back on his island where he belongs, and the AWG is having bake sales to stay afloat. But you keep right on dreaming.
So go for a flight on the Dumbo Ride Donald, it's the closest thing to an airport is OC other than our clean, convenient, crowd free and soon to be 24/7 Duke. Of course, with the nose you have after telling s many lies you'll probably be mistaken for Pinocchio. Please don't scare the children.
Clueless is back and posting on this Laguna Beach clueless essay. You could be held in contempt of website for refusing to answer the questions. Why are you the enemy of El Toro International Airport? Turn on the lights, Vernon. Clueless refuses to answer the question.
$4 billion of taypayer money to be wasted on a white elphant porrly designed airport.
The only justification for El Toro was so NIMBY Beach could dump their noise, filth and pollution 7 miles down the road. Sorry, the sun does not revolve around NIMBY Beach, no matter how "elite" you think you are. North County aw the truth, South County saw the truth, and the majority decided that The Duke was really the answer all along. And we'll all cheer as The Duke goes 24/7 blasting right over NIMBY Beach.
Clear enough for you, Pinocchio?
913, clueless is back with a bunch of lies and he still refuses to answer the question. Why is he the enemy of El Toro International Airport? He is so sure of himself that it smells bad. Turn on the lights, Vernon. We have shown that El Toro International Airport is clean, green, safe, wanted, needed, turnkey ready, already built, FAA approved, has fuel-saving cross runways pointing to where airplanes need to go and is popular with the airlines. Yet, clueless says just about the opposite. All lies. And he throws in class warfare hatred of elite Newport Beach to boot.
I would say he made his point very clearly. Are you having a hard time reading, 1044?
Donald, you just keep living in Casa de Delusional. All the King's horees and all the King's men will not put El Toro back together again.
And by the way, I like your new identity of "Anon". I just think you need to add "Al" in front of it.
Clueless and Toothless, Clueless's alter ego, are back, and they can't tell the truth if their lives depended upon it. Clueless's anti-El Toro International Airport spiel is all lies and has been used over and over by our enemies. They can't read and they can't write. But they oppose the re-opening of El Toro International Airport. El Toro International Airport is needed for 35 million annual passengers. Does this mean it is unneeded? People all over the world want El Toro opened. Does this mean it is unwanted? This 60 year old airport has been judged safe and was approved by the FAA. Does this mean it is unsafe? Why go on answering Clueless's lies one by one. He uses them over and over and then lapses into class warfare blaming Newport Beach for everything. Elite Newport Beach never loses. El Toro International Airport wil open because Newport Beach wants it open. Turn on the lights, Vernon. El Toro International Airport is an issue that won't go away until it is open, and Humpty Dumpty is put back together again.
I'm so impressed by elite NIMBY Beach's success in opening El Toro to date I just may wet my pants. If you consider your success to date as winning, I shudder to think of how you would define losing.
I see your babbling at 7:13 Donald, missed the 7:00 o'clock dose of meds again I see. Keep on dreaming and spouting your lies and fantasies. People all over the world are laughing at you 24/7, just as The Duke will soon be.
729, there you are lurking around this website, ready to post nonsense as soon as the record is set straight. Newport Beach always gets its way. Ever wonder why there is no Coast Freeway? Ever wonder why the feds built a harbor just for the residents of Newport Beach? Ever wonder why El Toro Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) was closed, just so El Toro International Airport could be opened? Turn on the lights, Vernon. 729 still believes class warfare has legs.
Nice try Donald. If you really believed that the Feds closed El Tor just so you NIMBY's could get rid of The Duke then planes would be flying of of ET right now, and you and this entire web site would be superfluous. However, the only things flying out of the Great Park are the balloon and a few sparrows. So keep on pouting like the petulant child that you are because you didn't get your way. El Toro is history, NIMBY Beach is irrelevant, and 24/7 is coming to The Duke. You can spout your lies, class warfare and hate until you turn blue in the face. Balloons and birds are all you're going to see at El Toro.
Now wait a minute, 921. Vern told me just today that they are going to announce at any moment the opening of El Toro International Airport. He promised me red eye flights to the Orient "very soon". Since we know the pro airport NIMBY's NEVER lie then it must be true. I'm packing my bags as we speak, I can't wait to see the Great Wall. Especially if it's as big as the Great B.S. on this site.
Turn on the lights, Vern, the Newport NIMBY's can't wait for the red eye flights out of the Duke.
810, I suspect you've been smoking that crack pipe again. Newport Harbor was built just for Newport residents? No one else is allowed? Now that is a delusion of grandeur! And El Toro was only closed so there could be an airport? OK, now I know your mixing your crack with your meds. How many times have you been told that it's bad for you? Now go back to your nap and don't get up until you can recognize reality.
Newport Beach always gets its way. That's why it is elite. Newport Harbor was built by the feds just for the residents of Newport Beach. Coast Freeway was cancelled just for the residents of Newport Beach. El Toro Marine Corps Air Station was closed just for El Toro International Airport. Freeways were built on three sides of El Toro, just for El Toro International Airport. John Wayne Airport is closed from 10:00 P.M. to 7:00 A.M. just for Newport Beach. Newport Beach always gets its way and the NIMBYs always lose. Turn on the lights, Vernon. We have NIMBYs wanting to take a redeye at El Toro because they can't take it at John Wayne Airport. It would bother the residents of Newport Beach. Quality of life you know.
Wow 646, you are one hateful, liar son of a bitch. What hole did you crawl out of? It's assholes like you that give the rest of us in Newport a bad name. Please, do us all a favor, crawl away someplace and die.
Oh, and by the way, most of what you posted is pure bullshit. Just more lies from the Newport NIMBY's.
646, the lies just flow out of you like water out of a garden hose. You don't even take time to think them up, they just flow. Are you related to OJ? Just wondering.
Lets set some fact straight since once again, you as a NIMBY airport dreamer have told numerous lies here. Newport Harbor was not built by the feds and most certainly was not built just for the residents of Newport Beach. Granted, from time to time federal funds have been used in and around Newport Harbor, but the feds did not build it.
Next, Coast Freeway was not canceled just by and for Newport. It was a joint fight by several cities.
Your next one is a real gem: El Toro was closed JUST so and international airport could be built. What a crock! That was never the case and shows just how far the liars in NIMBY land will go. And then you take it further and say the freeways next to El Toro were built just for the airport? Again, another gem of a lie.
In case you missed it, the OC Register reported Wednesday that air traffic at the Duke is down 12% from a year ago. Hell, even LAX saw a 10% drop.
You think Newport always gets it's way? Tell me that when the caps come off at John Wayne in a few years. Boo-hoo, you lost that one just like you lost the fight for El Toro.
Cmon, time for you to tell more lies, we're waiting.
Classic Donald, the freeways were built accomodte El Tor airport? You mean that roads designed and constructed in the 1950's and 196's were planned and put there ro accomodate and airport that would appear 50 years? Wow that's REALLY some long range planning! Who was on the planning board, Nostradamus?
You have obviously forgotten to take your meds again. If we can plan airport 50 years in the future then you should be able to plan your daily medication; unless your "meds" come out of a gin bottle.
Back to sleep Pinocchio.
Gin's way too good for Donald, he only drinks Thunderbird!
I just realized that the picture for this thread is Vernon, Donald and Flyingmythbuster playing "Are Yo Smarter Than A Fifth Grader?"....and they lost!
Turn out the lights Vern, have you done your homework yet?
There's not much love in the anti-El Toro International Airport NIMBYs simultaneously attacking the airport, Newport Beach, and the mysterious Donald. if you would do your homework you would find that 68,000 Newporters want El Toro open, 2,000,000 Orange countyians want El Toro open and 200 million Americans want El Toro open. There is no question but that Newport Beach always gets its way. This means a harbor built by the feds just for Newport, closure of El Toro Marine Base just for the airport, and freeways on three sides of the airport, just for El Toro International Airport. Need I mention that rapid transit rail tracks pass right through the airport and two fuel pipelines exist that can deliver fuel to the airplanes? El Toro International Airport is clean, green, safe, needed, wanted, ready to go, already built and popular with the airlines with its fuel-saving cross runways pointing to where airplanes need to go. Only a few NIMBYs still oppose this fine airport, and now that it is controlled by Irvine it's a simple case to turn on the lights and show the NIMBYs they donated their money and effort to a futile losing cause. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The abundance of carbon dioxide produced by the airplanes will be food for the new donated citrus trees. The three stooges won't run the airport.
Yes Donald, opening El Toro airport was in the headline story in the Topeka newspaper today. Lots of debate out there whether you should be in a straight jacket or a padded cell. Better have you doctor check that prescription, the meds are definitely NOT working.
551, yes the abundance of carbon dioxide manufactured by the El Toro Airplanes will be food for the new citrus trees Larry has rustled up. Turn on the lights, Vernon. I can't think of a better way to celebrate the great park than by opening El Toro International Airport.
Isn't it funny how the pro El Toro loser lunatics can only come with lies and deceit against the anti airport people. Why can't the Newport NIMBY's tell the truth just once?
108, yes the truth is we need it for 35 million annual passengers. It is already built. It is safe. It is approved by the FAA. What more truths do you want? Oh, did I tell you nobody, absolutely nobody, is in the noise zone of this fine airport? Turn on the lights, Vernon. NIMBYs can't understand the truth but they can be re-educated. The carbon dioxide manufactured by the airplanes will be food for the new citrus trees.
Yes, 605, we've heard all your lies time and time again. Tell a lie long enough and somebody might believe it.
823, here's the truth and I can prove it. We need El Toro International Airport for 35 million annual passengers. If LAX is closed then 95. If JWA is closed, then 105. It already is built and has 10,000 foot jumbo jet runways. It is safe because it is approved by the FAA. Nobody, absolutely nobody, is in the noise zone of El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. NIMBYs are forgiven for being brainwashed.
OK Donald, prove it. All you ststed was another rendition of your endless collection of lies, fabrications and hallucinations. Where's the proof??? (and I don't mean 80 proof).
If they close LAX??? WTF? LAX will never close, you idiot! It's one of the largest airports in the world. In case you missed every single newspaper last week, air travel is down across the board. Every single airport in the country is reporting major cuts in air traffic, so just where is your need for El Toro? You can't because there isn't one.
Just more NIMBY lies, as usual.
619, closing LAX is a possibility because there are lawsuits against it. Should that happen our demand will rise from 35 to 95 million annual passengers. El Toro International Airport can accommodate because it is clean and green and the 405 freeway is being expanded as we speak. El Toro already is FAA approved. There are no environmental lawsuits against this fine airport. 1217, you have to specify which of 921's statements you want proved.
Well Donald, seems to me if LAX were to close then the LAWA "money tree" that is such a foundation in your delusions will dry up along with it. Is the AWG going to hold another bake sale to finance your fantasy airport?
As far as your other comment, try PROVING any one of incredible lies you have written about your fantasy airport. Simply spouting the same nonsense for a decade does not make it fact. Let's see some real, irrefutable proof, with source, citations, footnotes, the whole 9 yards.
912, ever hear of the stimulus package? LAWA is too big to fail, but LAX could close. The LAWA money tree never will dry up as long as we have a government. This NIMBY wants irrefutable proof, source, citations, footnotes, the whole 9 yards. Seems the El Toro SCAG demand number was all over the media for 35 million annual passengers, but the NIMBYs responded with a lawsuit demanding removal of transfers from the count which didn't change things one iota. Turn on the lights, Vernon. We need to open El Toro International Airport for 35 million annual passengers, 95 if LAX closes, and 105 if JWA closes. El Toro is a green airport and won't close.
It won't close because it already IS closed. What a dummy, still can't quote and real facts, just fantasy.
623 and Laguna Beach haven't a clue as to what airports can close, won't close, can open and won't open. LAX and JWA could close because they are not green. El Toro International Airport, currently closed, can open because the NIMBYs no long control it. Measure W is toast. After El Toro International Airport opens, it won't close, because it is green and its greatest case could handle itself, 35, LAX, 60, and JWA, 10, for a total of 105 million annual passengers. The more likely number is 35, because that's what SCAG says it is. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Laguna Beach and 623 now are up to date on closures and openings.
Well, I see 111 is putting gin on his cornflakes again. Relly, 111, if you're going to post at that time perhaps it would be a good idea for you to stay sober. It's really getting old watching you make a drunken fool of yourself. Might I suggest an A.A. meeting in your neighborhood in the near future? It probably won't help, but it won't hurt, either.
LAX isn't going to close, as you hope, and neither is John Wayne. El Toro HAS closed and will stay that way.
Poor pathetic, delusional, drunk NIMBY's, they just don't get it.
As expected Donald, I ask for supported FACTS and all I hear are your usual assort of lies and non sequiturs. As usual, you have zero credibility on any topic.
And your LAWA comment is priceless. Since LAWA'S source of funds is landing fees and concession revenue, if LAX were to close don't you think LAWA might just notice a rather large gap in their revenue stream? As in suddenly the largest revenue contributor is missing? Yet you try to convince yourself that the fantasy LAWA money tree can continue without money? I hope your wife pays the bills, your knowledge of economics seems to be as lacking as your knowledge of airports.
Why don't you just go back to posting on the AWG-PAC board where there is absolutely no one in the audience?
835, everybody knows El Toro has closed, but only you NIMBYs think it will stay closed. We need those jumbo jet runways to provide commercial passenger service for long range flights. Too bad you NIMBYs still believe in Measure W, F, and S. Those all are toast along with your precious ETRPA. 250, the LAWA money tree will always have money because it is too big to fail. It will get much more from El Toro International Airport. Ever hear of the government stimulus program? Probably not, down in your bucolic NIMBYland. Turn on the lights, Vernon. I'm ready for my redeye.
326, I see you have awaken from your stupor. How's the hangover? Lots of vicadin I assume?
You continue to rant about the opening of El Toro, yet as 250 pointed out and as I have pointed out previously you state absolutely no facts! Where are they? When will the airport open? Who in Irvine's leadership is in favor of an airport?
You told me a while ago to contact Irvine leadership and ask who is for a against your fantasy airport. I did as you suggested, I called every single Irvine City Council members office, and guess what I was told every single time? You guessed it, every single Irvine City Council member is against an airport at the now defunct El Toro Marine Base.
Why, I'm as shocked as you must be! That would make you, sir, a liar.
So you go ahead and book your red eye. Make sure you say hi to your buddy, Tony V. as you board your flight.
411, everybody in Irvine is in favor of El Toro International Airport. That's why the airport is there, over on the east side of town, out of the way, up against the toll road, Musik County Jail, and Cleveland National Forest. You NIMBYs no longer have any say. You should accuse the officials of Irvine of lieing if they say they're against the airport. The bottom line is all about money. Central Irvine is badly polluted by the plume which extends 6 miles up into the city of Santa Ana which is drilling test wells to plot the pollution. The Navy has made the problem worse by spreading the plume all over Orange County. When the airport is opened, the funds from rent will be available to clean up the pollution. If LAWA is hired to run the airport, it will clean up the pollution post haste, just like they promised to do to the feds. Turn on the lights, Vernon. LAWA will save Irvine and I can take a redeye from Orange County.
More lies. You are so pathetic. NIMBY 1107, are you really so stupid as to think we aren't on to your lies? What a dummy!
1116, you're up late trying to get the last word in. That's no surprise because you've probably lost your job over your NIMBY stance. Yes, it's all about money and Irvine needs it to clean up the airport and its polluted city. The Navy can't do it but LAWA can and will when Irvine allows it to open El Toro International Airport with redeyes for everyone who wants one in Orange County. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The NIMBYs are a little slow to pick up on this.
Ah, 1207, are you just getting out of bed for another night of your favorite watering holes to spread your lies about the forever closed El Toro. Try some tequila tonight just for a change. See if it makes your stories any more believable.
Poor delusional NIMBY.
Donald, sounds like the pressure of having to deal with reality is getting to you. Every post is more incoherent than the previous one, which for you is saying a lot. Maybe a few Xanax would help, whatever meds you're currently taking obviuosly are not the answer.
Turn out the lights Vern, Donald is cracking under the pressure of the real world. Do you know a liquor store that delivers?
1243, remember the El Toro International Airport boosters with the computer quick minds can dispatch your anti-airport ramblings post haste. It's amazing that El Toro International Airport is closer to operation today than it was 6 years ago. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Clueless NIMBYs haven't a clue, like dogs barking at the wheels of cars rolling by their bucolic hideaways. Barking doesn't change anything.
1251, what are you doing home so early? The bars kick you out for incessant lying?
A sure sign that El Toro is deader than a door nail is when the NIMBY's tell lies that are so far fetched that not even the most die hard airport lover can believe it. That's what we see here, the lie that El Toro is closer to opening than it was six years ago. WHAT AIRPORT? There's nothing there but cracked concrete and asphalt with weeds growing out of the cracks.
Turn on the lights Vern, this NIMBY can't find a clue in the dark and needs to dry out.
Donald, considering an airport at El Toro won't open at anytime in the next 5 million years I guess you're almost right for once in you life. And in that 5 million years you might have sufficient time to evolve something resembling a brain.
Turn on the lights Vern, evolution will be working overtime on Donald.
El Toro International Airport is closer to opening today than 6 years ago when effete Measure W passed. Turn on the lights, Vernon. I'm glad the Great Park is toast, and the NIMBYs no longer count.
Oh, I see it's happy hour for the NIMBY! Nice to see you getting started on your fantasy early today, 500. By your logic, El Toro International Airport is closer to opening than it was 50 years ago. Too bad for you it will never happen. The Great Park isn't toast, it's coming along nicely, especially since the Obamameeiah is giving money for it.
Oh, and I really enjoy your lie about Prop W. It lives just as the Duke does.
Bottoms up, NIMBY!
The truth, like water, will never pass over Donald's lips
This is great. Thanks for all the laughs. I hope El Toro is never permanently settled as in not opened AND the runways are not removed either. That way I can watch idiots argue amongst themselves indefinitely. The OC is a ship of fools.
Well, 104, I guess it takes a fool to know a fool. Welcome to the club!
104, welcome to the club of informed readers who want the airport preserved and no doubt opened. The only sinking ship of fools is the NIMBYs who lost the argument and now resort to alcohol and drug research, Shock and Awe. Too bad for them El Toro International Airport is located on a permanent jumbo jet cross runway site provided by Mother Nature that never can be taken away. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The ship of fools has lost the argument and I'm read for my redeye from El Toro international Airport.
Thankfully Mother Nature has provided a wonderful site for the Great Park. Mother Nature likes trees and birds far more than jet fuel and noise. Mother Nature does not like crybaby Newport NIMBY's. They are mutants befouling her wondrous works.
823, Mother Nature has provided a perfect site for an international airport with jumbo jet cross runways pointing to where airplanes need to go. You sound like a seminar poster with "mutants befouling her wondrous works." The Great Park is toast, but the donated orange trees will be fed by CO2 from the jets coming and going at El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. I love the smell of orange blossoms while taxiying for takeoff.
901, too bad you won't be able to smell those orange blossoms at the Duke as that will be the only Orange County airport you'll ever fly out of.
Tell us which will happen first, will the south rise again before El Toro?
Don't stress yourself, I know it's hard to think with all that alcohol in your system. It's a trick question, anyway. The south won't rise and El Toro is "toast". Too bad your beloved, jumbo jet, fuel saving, crossed runways, pointing to where airplanes need to go are slated for the gravel pit.
Have another drink and it won't hurt so bad.
152, too bad you're optimistic with pessimision, but that's the NIMBY in you. Fortunately you don't count any more. Measures W, F, and S are toast as is the Great Park. Turn on the lights, Vernon. I've got a jumbo jet flight to catch.
If you have to catch a jumbo then I guess you'll be driving up the 405 a ways, won't you? No jumbo will ever fly out of the Great Park but you can catch one of your beloved red eyes out of SNA in just a few short years.
730, do you get paid overtime for posting Sunday nights? I love your transfer conviction. Only a NIMBY or a paid one could speak like you. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The lone NIMBY may be paid to say these things.
Donald, it's still nice to know you're an idiot for free.
756 its nice to know you are still stressed out and bitter about El Toro after all these years.
Stressed out? Hardly, nothing is flying over my house other that a few crows. Bitter? Why should I be, I won, NIMBY Beach lost. No airport at El Toro, not today, not tomorrow, not ever. Am I repulsed by NIMBY Beach? Yes, I can't tolerate phonies no matter where they live. It just seems that the majority live in Newport Beach. And Donald? OK, I admit I enjoy watching the mentally deficient drool on themselves.
1102, stressed and a bitter winner you are. Why is your employer against re-opening El Toro International Airport. Why not be a whistleblower? Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Finally 1108 got one right. 1102 is a winner! He supported the winner Measure W along with the majority of OC voters. Way to be a gracious winner, 1102!
Interesting bit of luck Donald. Actually one of the owners of my company lives in NIMBY Beach and was pro El Toro. Too bad he lost. I told him to get over it. Unlike you, he did.
203, just as I suspected. Your boss, who supports El Toro International Airport, will fire you because your puny vote cancelled his big vote. What kind of justice is that? Enjoy unemployment NIMBY. Maybe sometime you can be the boss. For now you're wasting too much time posting hate speech on this website, morning, noon, and night. Turn on the lights, Vernon. We've got an airport to open, and the bosses are for it too.
He said nothing about being fired, 827. Man, those hallucinations of yours are getting really bad. You should see a doctor.
He will be fired because he talked down to his boss and his vote cancelled his boss's vote. Bosses want El Toro International Airport open. If you're going to vote against your boss, use the secret ballot. Better luck on your next job. Turn on the lights, Vernon. NIMBYs are really stupid.
Yes NIMBY 1039, we can all be in agreement that you are really stupid.
Surprise Donald, votes from NIMBY Beach are no bigger than votes from any place else. That's why you lost time and time again. Your own endless arrogance and self-proclaimed "elite" status continue to be your downfall.
And just to pop your little balloon one more time, I said he was one of the OWNERS of the company. He also happens to be an absentee owner. I am the boss. SO you can see I'm used to retraining brainwashed Newport NIMBY's about airport facts.
Send me a copy of your resume so I can reject it. I don't allow nitwits to work here.
1144, we can all be of like mind on one thing. The owner of your company is the boss and the bosses all want El Toro International Airport open. You must never talk down to your owner, who is your boss. Use the secret ballot and stop resurrecting old stuff from the past, where clearly you lost out. Turn on the lights, Vernon. We've got a NIMBY to train. He's using company time to post his dribble.
1144 what is the name of your company so that Donald can apply for employment and get off the dole?
1144, what is the name of your company so the elite can buy it and purge it of NIMBYs.
1019, what elite? There's none posting on this site.
Secret ballot? What are we voting for now? Maybe to send you to a mental health clinic to get the help you need? Put me down as one "aye".
As for my boss Donald, I have successfully reeducated him and he is now one proud Newporter completely supporting The Great Park. There is still hope for you and Vern. Come intro the light.
Clueless is back and dreaming of local control and the power of a lone NIMBY on this website. Nobody believes in voting anymore, now that we have eveything we want.
Praytell 844 why any Newporter should ever support the great pork when we have the likes of Kranser penning op-eds in the Register to enlarge John Wayne? You want to make love with Irvine and South County when they want to annihilate Newport Beach 7 plus years after the last El Toro election.
You have everything you want Donald? In your case that's obviously a case of gin, but one thing you DON'T and WON'T have is an airport at El Toro. So I guess that's the end of this silly debate. You've almost touched reality, good for you.
And 1133, reprogramming my commander was a challenging task. However, he finally can to see that El Toro would be a disaster for the entire county. JWA, even an expanded one, is by the far the lesser of the two evils.
And as for annihilating Newport, you NIMBY's didn't think twice about annihilating large portions of both North and South County with your El Toro airport monstrosity. Do you really expect pity or compassion now?
Well, 836, that's because Donald, Vern and their fantasy minions honestly believe that the world revolves around NIMBY Beach and it's supposed elite. I was born in Newport, have lived here all my life and I can assure you that these idiots are the type of people that us natives just cringe about. They are just sure they are better than everybody else it's sickening.
1133, nice comments for El Toro International Airport. And here's the lone NIMBY bragging about being born in Newport Beach but fighting the majority all the way. What kind of El Toro International Airport do you expect to get anyway? Certainly not the conviction of none, as NIMBY religion says. El Toro is the only place where there are jumbo jet long runways ready for the jumbo jets. We must stop using Los Angeles and we must not even think about going out into the sticks to where nobody wants to fly. El Toro International Airport forever. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The NIMBYs have their faith, and we have the truth on our side.
836 you have given reasons for South County to support an enlarged JWA as they cling to grudges....long after VICTORY.
Yet you cannot explain how someone in Newport Beach could rationally align themselves with people in South County who wish for the total destruction of Newport Beach.
If JWA grows significantly, it will not be limited to the likes of Donald, Vernon, and AWG, who do not know when to quit. It will also impact cities like Tustin, Orange, Lemon Heights who were not aligned with the pro airport group.
The reality is, South County NIMBYs believe in a scorched earth policy. The Kransers and the like of South County do not care if innocent people are harmed like those who are in the JWA flight path who did not vote for El Toro.
El Toro is dead, but the grudges live FOREVER.
The grudges live forever because idiots like you keep trying to force a dead airport down their throats. You are the one's holding the grudges, you poor pathetic loser NIMBY!
730, how can I trying to force an airport down anybody's throat when I just admitted El Toro was DEAD. Do you not read carefully?
You are yet to explain WHY the need to keep calling for an enlarged JWA when innocent people who had no role with El Toro would be impacted.
Or you do not care who ELSE gets impacted just so long as you can stick it to old Donnie and Vernie.
Don't you have a great park to go play in?
305, unconditional surrendur is the only way to end this airport war. They've got the airport and we've got the airplanes. An olive branch does no good when you're dealing with enraged irrational NIMBYs. If the NIMBYs had any sense they would support the clean, green, quiet, safe, FAA approved El Toro International Airport. Never give in to thugs, with the wrong weapons at their disposal, when your very life depends upon it. Some day we'll find out who the lone NIMBY works for and exactly what is his motive. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The three stooges of Laguna Beach would not make the same mistake today, now that they have the John Wayne Airport airplanes. No one, absolutely no one, is in the noise zone of El Toro International Airport.
Nice try, 757, but there seems to be be at least three anti El Toro people writing here. I wish I could take all the credit for their words of truth and wisdom, but alas I must give them credit for their honest prose.
305, you cannot expect them to read your stuff when they haven't even read the third party material contained on their own el-Toro info site. They didn't even read some of their referenced material given on this website.
None of this is surprising given the fraudulent nature of the El-Toro closing. Behind it was Christopher Cox, the one who was wilfully asleep at the switch during the Madoff goings on. Leopards do not change their spots and the same holds true for Chris.
South county-ers saw this as an oppurtunity to get rid of the base, turning a blind eye to the obvious problems and they campaigned on the basis of class warfare against The airline transfer.
It clearly is all on them.
Unconditional surrender Donald? News flash, we WON, you LOST. Why would the victors ever need to surrender? The only unconditional surrender I see is when NIMBY Beach unconditionally surrenders to clean, green, FAA certified and fully operational 24/7 Duke.
Thanks, flyingmythbuster for such an eloquent demolition of the NIMBYs. Unconditional surrendur is the only way to end the airport war, and I think we're getting closer and closer every day. We won, you lost, 1108, what kind of revisionism is that? You won one measure and lost on three. The one you won no longer applies because Irvine annexed the base, and she is ripe for an airport takeover. What kind of victory is that? The airport war will be over when El Toro International Airport is open and you NIMBYs unconditionally surrendur.
Funny thing is Donald, if you won where is your airport? If that's your idea of winning then you're you've really lost your mind.
And BTW if you really expect the anti-airport forces to surrender, you might want to check your lexicon and learn how to spell it. It's surrendEr, not surendUr.
Gotta love the NIMBY Beach "elite". Sore losers, delusional liars, and illiterate. The pride of Orange County.
437, the lone NIMBY must lead a very lonely life constantly monitoring this website to spread his lies. Anti-airport forces? What forces? I haven't seen any forces. Just the lone NIMBY and his alter ego. Turn on the lights, Vernon. It's El Toro International Airport and unconditional surrender for the NIMBYs.
The forces that are making El Toro into The Great Park. Certainly a much greater and more powerful force that NIMBY Beach losers who still think there's an airport there.
But I see you at least used the spell checker to spell "surrender" for you. Shows you might be capable of learning something.
Turn on the lights Vern, Donald is ready to be re-educated. He sees that ignorance is not bliss.
1221, beware the forces for the Great Park. The last thing those forces want is a park. How can they make any money with a park? I'm betting it's an airport they want, because it's the only thing that can be on that polluted land. Remember, the forces behind the forces live in Newport Beach, and Newport Beach always gets what it wants. I used the dictionary to check up on your spell check. How did you find out how to spell surrender? I thought you were a NIMBY. It's unconditional surrender for the Nimbys. Turn on the lights Vernon. Barack Obama flew over El Toro today to scope it out.
Good reply Mr. Spelling Bee champ. Arrogant, delusional and illiterate; you are truly the poster boy for NIMBY Beach. Too bad you can't see to comprehend NIMBY Beach has already unconditionally surrendered, pull your head out of your ass sometime and you might finally realize you are the sound of one hand clapping.
833, beware the park. Nobody wants it but everybody wants to make the maximum amount of money from El Toro and that means El Toro International Airport. It's unconditional surrender for the NIMBYs. Barack Obama flew over El Toro just to scope it out on his way to landing at Long Beach.
I heard he dropped some blue ice on NIMBY Beach. The man has his priorities in order.
311, as Barack Obama flew over El Toro he said, next time let's land there. Costa Mesa is where we want to go. He knows where the long runways are around here. El Toro International Airport is waiting in the wings.
Indeed he does know where the long runways are; Long Beach and Los Alamitos! Perfect places for big jets to land.
El Toro is dead, dead, dead! Long live the Duke!
900, he flew over El Toro and said this is the long runway for us. Perfect place for big jets to land. El Toro is alive, alive, alive!! Turn on the lights, Vernon. Long live El Toro International Airport.
The only thing living at El Toro is a few birds and the guys tearing up the place with the heavy equipment.
If your Obamamessiah is your last hope for an airport at El Toro I'd say your goose is cooked.
Long live the Duke!
122, tearing up the place? You should know El Toro International Airport can not be torn up. It's contaminated, you know. All that can be done is turn on the lights and start the flights. Too bad you live in virtual reality. I'll stick with the airport.
There is NO money to remove the runways!
And there is no money to build an airport. Bummer for you.
But is there money for a park? Its gonna take more than half a mil from Boxer.
I and my lover voted no on prop 8. We flew out of the Duke for our honeymoon. Homophobic hate and El Toro are dead.
1236, now the lone NIMBY is pretending to be from Laguna Beach where the John Wayne Airport airplanes fly over on their way to fly over the rest of south county. When El Toro International Airport opens, those incursions will stop. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Just like in reality, there are more anti-airport posters here than pro-El Toro types (and that's only you and Vern anyway). Surrender Donald, you're outnumbered. Viva la Duke!!
It's unconditional surrender for you lone NIMBY. You should not post so many times over and over. You're not fooling anyone with your multiple posts. El Toro International Airport already is built. It is clean, green, safe, wanted, needed, noiseless and invisible. It's the only way to stop the incursions from other airports.
Incursions from other airports, Ahhhhahahahahahaha! That's a good one, only to be out done by invisible. An invisible airport, only a loser NIMBY could come up with that.
649, you're the one that didn't want to see the airplanes. So we make them invisible just for you, except for the name of the Airline and the FAA number that has to be visible. This NIMBY sounds more and more like a loser. The only way to stop the incursions from other airports is to open El Toro International Airport.
Vern, Donald and your 30 million imaginary friends, could you possibly be more delusional? You are one scary nut case. With airport supporters like you it's no wonder El Toro got canned. The rest of the county saw you goons for what you really are, NIMBY nut cases that should be in padded cells where you can't hurt yourself or anybody else (including your 30 million closest illusions). If you want to see a real loser, 717, just look in the mirror, you'll get a close up of the poster boy for losers.
750, you were dumb enough to move next to El Toro. Then you whined when it was it was used by miliary jets and when the civilians simply wanted to continue the status quo. People already voted TWICE for the airport.
The 30 million annual passengers and supporters of El Toro International Airport seem to upset the lone NIMBY more than the incursions do. Yes, the citizens of Orange County voted over and over for El Toro International Airport. It's no wonder the NIMBYs got canned on that. The airport is wanted, needed, FAA approved, already built, clean, green, safe, efficient, and just about everything that is good. Turn on the lights, Vernon. They were dumb enough to move close to El Toro. Now they must live with a quiet airport.
In case you've forgotten (conveniently), once the facts were spelled out, the voters then voted twice against the airport.
And it was one thing for the neighbors to El Toro to deal with maybe 10 to 20 flights a day. It would have been quite different to deal with the flights of an airport the size and capacity wished for by the SNA haters. So it is true, it is no wonder that you got canned on that.
So, if you were stupid enough to move right next to one of the busiest airports in the country, then I guess you're just stupid, aren't you?
1213, name one fact your side ever spelled out. Hating El Toro International Airport does not make it go away. Nobody, absolutely nobody, is in the noise zone of that fine airport. 10 flights a day at El Toro? Your memory has failed, or your're lieing. I used to drive by there while a singe jet would touch and go circling over the toll road and landing 10 times while I drove the length of runway. The civilian airport, by contrast, will not have that sort of stuff. It's so quiet you won't even know it's there. We need it for 30 million annual passengers, more if Orange County goes high rise or other airports close for contamination reasons. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Let's make a NIMBY mad.
If El Toro will supposedly be so quiet then why do you NIMBY's cry about the noise from SNA? Bigger, louder jets means more noise. Oh, wait, but they'll be over south county and you couldn't give a big rats ass about south county, could you? Now that is the classic NIMBY attitude that you embrace.
Donald, by your own admission El Toro is contaminated so therefore if other airports must be closed due to contamination then El Toro should be closed (i.e. never opened, not that it ever will be) as well.
You really struggle with logic, don't you?
There are lawsuits to close other contaminated airports, but there are no lawsuits to close El Toro International Airport. NIMBYs thought they had closed it with their silly losing Measure W. Now Irvine has the airport and Measure W no longer applies. No struggling with logic here. Nobody is in the noise zone of El Toro International Airport. It's quack quack for you, lone NIMBY
There's no need to sue since we won and your airport idea got tanked. Just try opening the airport and you'll see more lawsuits than you could ever imagine. And last time I checked Measure W won so just how do you figure (with your brilliant logic) that it lost? I just love NIMBY logic, they say there's an airport when there isn't one, they say a measure lost when it won, they say airplanes at El Toro would be quiet but at SNA they're loud, they say an airport at El Toro is green when there is no such thing. NIMBY logic at it's best.
759, there's an airport there. You're in denial. Measure W won but you lost. Measure S was a huge loss. Measure F was unconstitutional. That's a loss. El Toro International Airport is green because it's the best planned airport in the world. There are no lawsuits to close El Toro International Airport. You thought you had won with W. Turn on the lights, Vernon. NIMBYs haven't a leg to stand on because no one is in the noise zone and the airport is green.
1105, it's no wonder you have to post late at night, you've told so many lies they keep you up. You can't sleep because you're trying to keep all your lies in order, trying to remember which ones you've told. If measure W won how could I lose? Another NIMBY lie, just like so many before it. Of course there are no lawsuits to close El Toro, it's already closed.....FOREVER!
The only thing green is the streak of lies coming out of your mouth.
The only thing green is what is coming into your mouth.
The lone NIMBY always lies. I always tell the truth. Measure W won but you lost. Measure S lost big time. Measure F won but you lost. The three stooges of Laguna Beach couldn't come up with a better loss. Turn on the lights, Vernon. El Toro International Airport is ready to train the potty mouth.
1112 always tells the truth? Ahhhhhahahahahaha! Oh, stop it, please! Let me catch my breath! Hahahahahaha! Oh, that's a good one.
1112, we all know you lie like a rug. You lie so much you believe your own lies. You remind me of O.J. Hahahaha.
Like I always say, reading the pro El Toro posts always gives me a laugh. What's sad is the idiots that post them actually believe what they right.
That's "write" not "right," 904. Kind of early in the morning for you I guess. The 3 stooges of Laguna Beach have made their share of mistakes. You're allowed one too. Turn on the lights, Vernon. We needed that airport in 2003.
850, I see your parents made a big mistake, too. Well, that's OK, it gives us something to laugh about every time you try to write something. Did you make them laugh a lot, too?
Isn't it about time for you to be hitting the bars?
I'm right and you're wrong, Lone Nimby. I know how to write. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Lone NIMBY hates parents and children too. We need El Toro International Airport for 30 million annual passengers, more if other airports contract.
You don't know how to write and you certainly aren't right. Tell us, Donald, why do you harbor such hate for South County? We all want to know.
1006, I'm right and I can write circles around you, Lone NIMBY. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY is wrong and he can't write.
Shine your light on stupid 428, Vernon, he doesn't know his write from his left and he hasn't figured out that he's never rite but always wrong. He also can't right worth a damn but the one thing he is good at is lying his ass off.
The Duke for ever, idiot, El Toro died and went to airplane heaven.
507, there's the Lone NIMBY playing with words again, but he doesn't know right from wrong. El Toro International Airport is a perfect already built jumbo jet airport that is clean, green, FAA approved, safe, needed, noiseless, wanted and able to make lots of money for its owners while provided a useful service. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Once an airport, always an airport.
For once you are right, 721, for once an airport, always an airport, and that is why SNA will server Orange County well into the future. The Marine base, on the other hand, is history.
Hey, did you hear that no one is in the noise zone for the Duke?
818, there's the Lone NIMBY acting very un-neighborly again even though he claims to live here. El Toro International Airport, by contrast, is just what the doctor ordered for Orange County. Turn on the lights, Vernon. 30 million annual passengers are waiting to take off.
30 million annual passengers are waiting to be found somewhere other than in Donald's head. Airports sure for real people, not figments of a demented old man's imagination.
Turn out the lights Vern John Wayne Airport is convenient, crowd free, lean, green, noiseless, and no one is in the noise zone. Plus the airport is still has hundreds of millions in bond debt to pay off. 30 million annual passengers will love flying from The Duke as soon as it goes 24/7.
316, beware the Old Lone NIMBY who has nothing to add but lies and always tries to change the subject. This website is all about El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Lone NIMBY tries to change the subject, but we know where the El Toro lights are, don't we?
Indeed we do, liar 847. The lights at El Toro are on the scrap heap. This web site is about a fairy tale airport but we're talking about the real thing, SNA, soon going 24/7 over the sunny skies of NIMBY Beach.
755, the Lone NIMBY is back with his lies. He doesn't know the difference between night and day, and that's why we need El Toro International Airport for 30 million annual passengers.
Those 30 million can fly into the Duke, 24/7.
Lone NIMBY is as dumb as the 3 stooges of Laguna Beach. Thay make the same mistakes over and over. El Toro International Airport is needed for 30 million annual passengers.
Lone NIMBY 522 is as dumb as pond scum. It was never 30 million, those are just voices in his head. The good paying passengers will love the Duke 24/7.
Quit making the same mistake over and over, NIMBY, you lost the battle and the way.
Poor Donald, repeating the same tired old lies over and over, like a broken record. You can tell the same lie 30 million times and nothing is going to change. El Toro airport is toast, The Duke is getting bigger, and NIMBY Beach will look like Newark in 20 years. have fun NIMBY.
831, it's 30 million annual passengers at El Toro and I can prove it. What can you prove, except that you're a liar? Turn on the lights, Vernon. El Toro International Airport is ready to fly, and this hate-filled NIMBY will have a nervous breakdown.
OK, so prove it! It will be the first thing you've ever proven on this site except that you're a liar.
And by the way, Donald, I don't hate anybody, I just feel tremendous sorrow for liars like you. It's really pretty pathetic how you keep telling the same lies over and over again, even after you have been proven wrong. Pretty sad, just like your life. How's the gin today?
724, you're up early. Maybe you should sleep in. Then you won't have so much bitterness, hate and jealousy. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Donald to the rescue.
Just as I thought, a non answer to his previous statement (lie). Typical of Donald.
317, just as I thought. NIMBYism is in full bloom by the NIMBY.
Still can't answer, can you, Donald. Poor loser NIMBY.
440, it's 30 million annual passengers for El Toro and I can prove it. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Yesterday, today and tomorrow. The Lone NIMBY is having a fit.
Then prove it, Donald. Quit blowing hot air out your ass and show us your proof! Otherwise you're just the liar NIMBY we know you to be.
It's 30 million annual passengers for El Toro International Airport and I can prove. It's right from SCAG and is in the newspapers and on the internet. If you want to book a flight from El Toro International Airport, call Irvine City Hall, American Airlnes or Great Park. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
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