After many tries, the Great Pork finally got some tax dollars. Irvine made this shameless grab for federal money despite the incessant lies they told during the infamous Great Pork campaign that NO TAXES would be required! North County did not buy that load of pig crap and soundly rejected Measure W. But the South County NIMBYs who were brainwashed and traumatized by irrational fear of El Toro fell for the Irvine lies and passed Measure W during a low turnout election.
The hangar that is being "refurbished" with this nearly half million in federal pork is to "honor aviation history" no less. Irvine is the same city that spent millions of dollars convincing the public that airports, airplanes, The Navy, The Marine Corps, pilots, baggage handlers, cargo, passengers, Newport Beach, North County, L.A., and anyone who even thinks about aviation is EVIL! Oh the irony!
After Irvine was rejected twice at the ballot box to use state taxdollars for their utterly frivolous budget busting great pork, Comrad Barbie Boxer came to the rescue for Comrad Agran and delivered some pork. In addition, while Boxer visited El Toro she put her ignorance on public display about the military, by calling El Toro an "Air Force Base".
But being the commie she is, she hates the military and any trace of it. She also has no respect the for businesses that make this country prosperous. It is them, NOT the wealth redistributing government bureaucrats that make America great. Then Comrad Boxer had the gall in 2004 to challenge the election results of George W. Bush who was the rightful winner. She is an embarrassment to our fine state. No wonder why she and Agran are political soul mates.
In the future, Irvine might not get so lucky with federal pork from the taxpayers. A big thanks is due to Oklahoma Senator Coburn for exposing the great pork to the entire nation for the scam that it is. Then as long as the Demorats keep racking up deficits and raising taxes on the real wealth producers and job creators of this country, they will surely be voted out next election. The stock market has not exactly improved since they gained control of Washington D.C.