Take a look at this great ad by Cessna. They encourage business executives to be bold. These are the people who produce wealth and create jobs in the first place. Their time is valuable and they do not have time to use public transit aircraft and share limited runway space and airspace, most especially in Orange County.
I have always stated that John Wayne should be for private aircraft to primarily serve the business community while El Toro International Airport would serve the flying public and cargo. So lets put to rest the tired old conspiracy theory incessantly repeated by brainwashed NIMBYs that wealthy Newport Beach special interests just want to move the noise 7 miles down the road.
The fact is, we do not want to have our homes and businesses condemned here to enlarge the size of John Wayne which rests on a mere 500 acres. It does not take a PhD in economics to figure out that it is far more expensive to buy out a prestigious area like Newport Beach then it would be to simply turn on the lights at the 4700 acre El Toro Airport. Besides, the Great Pork is not making much progress and will not anytime soon due to reliance on Lennar and the public trough which is running dry.
Most of those so bitterly opposed to El Toro hate Newport Beach far more than they love their own children. The class warfare activist NIMBYs who are anti business radical environmentalist wealth confiscators, have no idea how to run a business. They got deep discounts on their homes because of the military jets and many of which were financed by sub prime loans, designed for people who have no business owning a home in the first place.
These anti-business radicals sign the back of a check far more often than they sign the front of a check. They do not know about wealth being produced. They only know about socialist redistribution and class warfare against those who provide the jobs.
If the NIMBYs wanted a better future for their children they would support economic engines like El Toro which would pump billions into the economy and create jobs. The Great Pork may get some porkulus from the federal government. But that will only aid a select few on the park board and will not help the economy and the children of the uninformed NIMBYs who suffer from a decade plus of Agran led brainwashing.
Then we have the Bush tax cuts which could expire thanks to Obama's not so centrist economic policies. This will mean fewer, not more jobs will be created. Should the top tax rate actually increase from 35% to 39.6% this will be another $46,000 in punitive taxes for every million dollars of wealth created.
This same $46,000 could provide a job for someone who would spend money and truly stimulate the local economy. Otherwise, by the time the government gets done confiscating and redistributing the wealth, there is little left that reaches the local level. Dollar for dollar, businesses create more jobs than government does. In addition private sector jobs are based on supply and demand not make work jobs to create more Democrats.
Fantastic article, Vernon. Private enterprise, private pilots, and private initiative have always been engines of our economy from which NIMBYs, liberals and Democrats scheme to steal. Cessna has it all figured out in their excellent ad to sell airplanes to executives. And you're correct about the future of John Wayne Airport. Inventory control would say first in, last out. JWA started out for general aviation before the supervisors sneaked in commercial service and the Irvine Company granted avigation easements over its land. There's plenty of space at El Toro International Airport for commercial aviation, and there is room for private jets too. I believe there is a general aviation parking area in the El Toro plans. Turn on the lights, Vernon. You are our engine for jobs, progress, and bucolic happiness in Orange County. The NIMBYs have run their bolt and that is good. John Wayne Airport and El Toro International Airport forever.
Well, you got half of it right, Vern. There will be a John Wayne forever, but I'm afraid El Toro is a dead duck.
Nice propaganda piece, though, considering you wrote it in an alcohol induced fog.
First in, last out? Good thing you don't run a supermarket Donald, everything in the store would be rotten or moldy. Writing after drinking again, are we?
And you once agin answered your own question that you forgot to ask. The avigation easements are long gone, never to return. The only thing that can legally fly over bucolic South County are birds.
But keep on dreaming about moving your headache 7 miles down the road. Everyone know that was the the real agenda from day one. All your problems will be solved as soon as The Duke goes 24/7. Vern can fly his Cessna right over Casa de Delusional at 3:00 AM every night. Wave to him as he flies over.
1242, when LAWA and Irvine open El Toro International Airport for the big airplanes, they can load up at John Wayne Airport and taxi the short distance over to El Toro for takeoff. EL Toro International Airport is ready for flights. Irvine gladly will provide the taxiway over the swamps of Woodbridge. It's sort of a rapid transit dream come true. El Toro International Airport forever with its long runways. And John Wayne Airport has a role to play too. What's wrong with that NIMBY? Private pilots can take off in their Cessnas at 3:00 A.M. now, dummy. But mostly they are responsible and do not depart at that time. Why do you hate Newport Beach so much? We have a win win for everyone. The planes can take off on the long runways of El Toro and they can load up at the new terminal at John Wayne Airport.
Man, you really do live in a drug induced fantasy land, don't you.
What an idiot! No wonder Measure W passed, the voters saw what idiots the pro airport NIMBY's are and what ridiculous lengths they wold go to get their airport. Good thing it will never happen!
Oh no, Newport doesn't get it's way, what are we going to do?
556, you're up early with your hate and silly predictions. You hate El Toro International Airport. You hate Measure W. You hate Newport Beach. You hate the activists for El Toro, and you even hate yourself. What are you for? Newport Beach always gets its way and I'm for Newport Beach. Turn on the lights, Vernon. We need those runways put to use so the number of Orange County flights can be reduced.
My, my, 1049, making lots of judgement calls today, aren't you?
I don't hate Measure W, I fully supported it and still do. And no, I don't hate my hometown of Newport Beach, just losers like you that give the rest of us locals and natives a bad name. And I certainly don't hate myself, what an idiotic thing to say, must be the alcohol talking.
Newport Beach doesn't always get it's way and we all know you're really from Santa Ana and were probably born in the mid west, which would make you a flat lander transplant. You probably got yourself a Newport Beach post office box so you could fool your "friends" into believing your a Newport local.
And just how exactly would opening El Toro (your fantasy airport) reduce Orange County flights? Man, you really are stupid, aren't you. Probably a welfare case........... It's OK, idiot, we know it's not your fault.
Did U get this one correctly Donald,you would have the planes load up at The Duke and then somehow have them taxi 7 miles over to El Toro for takeoff? Exactly how are they going to get there, the carpool lane on the 405?
Please go back to your gin bottle, drinking rubbing alcohol is BAD for you. Althouhg it sems you have finally fried your brain once and for all.
Turn on the lights Vern, that 757 needs to find the freeway.
132, FYI 85% of Newport Beach voted NO on Measure Dubya. So there are lots of reasons to hate that city besides Donald and Vernon.
Yes, the loaded large airplanes will taxi over to the runways on a taxiway provided by Irvine through polluted Woodbridge. You've heard of pollution, haven't you? Until the taxiway is finished, passengers will load up in rolling public waiting rooms like they have at Dulles. You've been to Dulles, haven't you? Turn on the lights, Vernon. These NIMBYs don't have the slightest idea of how a jumbo jet airport is nurtured and opened. Why do you suppose they're building a new terminal at JWA? The county wants some of the action too. It can't all go to Irvine.
Go easy on him, 159, he's having acid flash backs. I keep telling him not to mix his drugs with alcohol, but he won't listen.
801, your fantasy rantings are getting more pathetic my the minute.
Oh and Vern, you keep repeating that south county homeowners got deep discounts on their homes because of the jet noise at El Toro. That, my friend, is an out and out lie. But that's what we've come to expect from the angry, class warfare, NIMBY's.
You've also stated that they got double paned windows to insulate against the noise. Another lie! Double paned windows are a building code and are for heat insulation, not noise.
Try a little timidity, NIMBY. Your challenger stuff doesn't work anymore. You're living in a world of Measure W, F, and S. Turn on the lights, Vernon. NIMBYs don't know how to be nice.
1028, it's your class warfare and hate that aren't nice. I'm just pointing out the facts and you and Vern's lies.
And you and Vern are still living in the world of Measure A and the Three Stooges of Smith, Coad an Silva. El Toro is dead, the window (either single or double paned) has closed, King George closed his wallet, and the Fat Lady sang her last song and left the building. LAWA has more than enough problems with the ghost towns of Palmdale and Ontario to eeven think about El Toro. But Newport NIMBY's just continue to live on their own little delusional cocoons.
So you can either stay in your stupor or put out the "For Sale" sign on Casa de Delusional because The Duke 24/7 is coming at you like a freight train barreling down the tracks at midnight. And that headlight is the only light that's going to get turned on.
Turn on the lights Vern, that freight train wants to see the tracks are clear.
340, the railroad tracks go through El Toro, dummy. No, this is not a John Wayne Airport site and it is not a place to insult authors and posters who support El Toro International Airport. Pro El Toro activists are always urbane, wise, intelligent, truthful, friendly and persuasive. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The NIMBYs really want to learn and be re-educated.
If Pro El Toro activists are always urbane, wise, intelligent, truthful, friendly and persuasive then what are you doing here Donald? And I have yest to hear anything even remotely urbane, wise, intelligent, truthful, friendly and persuasive from the NIMBY Beach crowd. But keep up the fantasy, I guess it gives you something resembling a life.
But I always enjoy your nonsense Donald. First we're going to drive the jets down the freeway to El Toro. Now we're going to load them on a train to get there. What next, pull them through NIMBY Beach harbor with a sailboat? Your airport plans are almost as coherent and well planned as the county's, which is why the airport failed. A seven year old with a Crayola could draw up a better laid out plan then the county ever did. But that didn't matter much did it? Just get The Duke closed today and worry about the many problems at El Toro later. Too bad that plan blew up in your face.
But come on, let's have some more ideas about loading passengers at The Duke and flying out of El Toro. You still have zeppelins, flying saucers, slingshots and giant roller skates to consider. Let's hear more of your airport planning wisdom.
748, what's wrong with taxiing the airplanes over to El Toro to use those giant runways from an unused terminal at John Wayne Airport? You have to learn to think outside the box. You're not taken seriously. Just tuned out by bored readers. Pro-El Toro International Airport activists, by contrast, are friendly, intelligent, persuasive, urbane, truthful and wise. That was your idea to send the jets back to John Wayne by train, but you forgot a little problem that there are no train tracks to John Wayne Airport as there are at El Toro. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Re-education of NIMBYs will make them urbane, friendly, wise, articulate, supportive and able to think outside the box boosters of El Toro International Airport.
It was YOUR suggestion to send JWA passengers to El Toro by train Donald.
Free advice: when you're drinking so much you can't remember your own words or actions it's time to seek help. Your time has come.
840, well the lone NIMBY is back spreading his malaproprisms all over this website. No it was your idea to send the airplanes by trains over to El Toro for takeoff. A better use of the train is to deliver the fuel to the airplanes at El Toro. Turn on the lights, Vernon. 840 is a slow learner.
Once again Donald, you have trapped yourself in your own web of lies, deceit and fantasy. How many toimes have you claimed there are one or more fuel pipelines available at El Toro? Thousands, at least. Well, if there is so much fuel capacity already available then why would you need to deliver it by train? This little gem of illogic makes less sense than your usual ramblings. Or have you at last admitted that there are no fuel lines available at El Toro, and publicly exposed one of the litany of pro-airport lies spouted over the years? Do your self a favor, make a nice neat list of all your lies and half truths and review it before posting. Oops, sorry, I keep forgetting that the truth and logic are beyond your comprehesion.
And Donald you were the one who suggested that planes should load at JWA and take of from (fantasy) El Toro. When I suggested the planes should use the carpool lane to get there you responded that there were railroad tracks running to the base. A sign of problem drinking is the inability to remember one's actions or words while intoxicated. Please do yourself a favor and 1) reread your own posts so you'll have a vague idea of what you wrote two minutes ago and, 2) check into the nearest rehab center. Being in NIMBY Beach I'm sure there are plenty in town, and you'll certainly find many of your "elite" neighbors there already. The pressure of being the last pro-airport NIMBY standing is really showing. Get some help, and good luck.
824, so here's the lone NIMBY back at home plate, head hung low, shoulders drooped because he knows he's wrong and people don't follow him anymore. Of course the fuel to the jumbo jets at El Toro can be brought in by train, two pipelines, trucks and even by air. Ever hear of the Berlin Air Lift? Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY knows there is plenty of fuel at El Toro International Airport.
4:58 Donald? Two minutes to happy hour! Or are you still on yesterday's happy hour? Hard to tell with you.
Of course fuel could be brought in by plane, train automobile or ox cart. But there would be no need to use such slow and inefficient methods if pipelines were actually available. Sorry, this is a tacit admission that your pipelines, like your airport, are just another of the big El Toro airport lies. Lie I said, you need to write them all down to you don't kep getting tangled in you own B.S.
Sorry to hold you up reading this, I know the ice is melting in your drink. Cheers to you, and kill off a few more of remaining brain cells.
854, tsk, tsk, here's a NIMBY who wants to deliver the fuel to the jumbo jets at El Toro by ox cart when we know there are faster methods. Irvine can use the two fuel pipelines which NIMBYs delight in claiming are unavailable. They are there and will be used by El Toro International Airport whether NIMBYs like it or not. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY is dreaming of ox carts.
We claim they can't be used because we are right, they can't be used. Do some homework, you poor, pathetic NIMBY loser.
It's a completely moot point whether fuel could be delivered by pipeline, train or ox cart. There is no airport at El Toro, there will never be an airport at El Tor, and all your NIMBY Beach fantasies will ever change that fact. Put that in your pipeline and smoke it NIMBY.
Turn out the lights Vern, Donald stepped in the ox crap again.
The NIMBYs spent so much money saying the pipelines can't be used to deliver the fuel to the jumbo jets at El Toro that they seem to believe their own lies. But El Toro International Airport will be open soon, and that puts an end to their dreams of never. El Toro International Airport is the only way to fly. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The NIMBYs must learn to be timid.
Soon Donald? Soon as in 3 days after never? Because that's the El Toro time line. If you're thinking (and I use the term loosely) "soon" best look you the road to the clean, convenient, lean, green, FAA certified, fully approved and operational Duke and get ready for the 24/7 takeoff symphony. That's the only thing coming "soon" to NIMBY Beach.
Never say never, lone NIMBY. El Toro International Airport is the only O.C. airport that is clean, green, safe, FAA approved, already built and a proven money maker for 30 Million Annual Passengers, according to the Southern California Association of Governments. Turn on the lights, Vernon. El Toro is the only O.C. airport with jumbo jet long runways that we need for economy of scale.
How do you prove that something that doesn't exist is a "proven money maker"? And SCAG is right even less often than you are.
Turn out the lights Vern, Donald is playing that same old dusty record one more time. And repeating the sale tired old BS isn't going to make it come true Donald. Just another reading from the AWG Book of Lies, no one is listening, not even Vern.
The only convenient, lean, clean, green, FAA approved and operational airport in the OC is the one and only Duke, soon happily flying over Casa de Delusional 24/7 full of happy passengers going to where they need to go. Wave as they fly over.
1217, too bad you're not timid you might learn something about airport demand in Orange County. El Toro International Airport is designed for 30 million annual passengers, and that's what we need. If LAX closes it will be 90. If John Wayne Airport closes it will be 100. If Ontario closes it will be 105. If San Diego closes it will be 120. I'm not sure we can squeeze in that many at El Toro but we have to try. It is the only clean, green, already built jumbo jet airport in the area, and the other airports are dirty and on their last legs. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Let's get this airport open. El Toro International Airport forever. That's the way SCAG sees it, I agree, and magnetic levitation transit will bring passengers to El Toro from all those closed airports.
And if pigs had wings they could fly Donald. Too bad El Toro International exists only in your (obviously very delusional) head, and can therefore handle zero passengers, LAX and San Diego are not closing, and The Duke is being enhanced to handle all of OC's demand, and ready to run 24/7.
And good move. Two days ago you had jets cruising down the 405 freeway form The Duke to takeoff at the mythical, never to be built El Toro. Today you're going to bring then in by mag lev. What's tomorrow's big idea bring them in by flying saucer? Noah's ark? How much gin does to take to fuel all these delusions? You are one sick puppy.
Turn out the lights Vern, Donald is taking a ride to Mars in a flying saucer.
827, well lone NIMBY, aren't you the timid one. El Toro International Airport already is built, and all we have to do is turn on the lights. There's plenty of space at El Toro for flying saucers. Perhaps a light weight giant rock could mark the landing site for the saucers at the intersection of the fuel-saving cross runways. You have to think of the future, lone NIMBY. If people from Mars want to come here they should be encouraged to travel here while we make plans to travel there. Turn on the lights, Vernon. By the way lone NIMBY, stop talking about John Wayne Airport. This site is all about El Toro International Airport.
Donald I firmly believe that the Martians are already here and live in NIMBY Beach. There is no other logical explanation for the nut cases that inhabit that city.
And hate to break it to you again Donald, but El Toro is and will always be just a figment of what is left of your imagination. El Toro today is just a lot of useless concrete waiting to be torn up so we can all enjoy The Great Park. The OC's past, present and future aviation solution is The Duke, convenient to all, clean, green, FAA certified and fully operational and prepped to go 24/7. Only the last Newport NIMBY standing believes otherwise.
As for your attempt at censorship, Vern certainly enjoys discussing gays, liberals, Democrats and just about anything else that crosses his mind. Wouldn't rather spend your time talking about the the 24/7 Duke than gays? The gays won't be flying over Cases de Delusional at 3:00 AM on their way to Taiwan in a few years. And they won't be taking off from El Toro either. But keep the fantasy alive, it's apparently the only thing you have in your pathetic life.
1150, there's plenty of room at El Toro International Airport for flying saucers from Mars. If Martians are going to come here the least we can do is welcome them with a giant rock. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The real money will be made from commercial airlines coming and going at 30 million annual passengers. By the way, 1150, this website is only about El Toro International Airport. If you insist on attacking other airports, you could get banned for life.
The jokes on you, 425, the real money is being made at the Duke and we wouldn't have it any other way.
614, when the Martians arrive to land at El Toro they may land on a NIMBY's head instead. They're looking for a giant rock. There's no money in Martians, but commercial jumbo jet airlines? That's another thing for El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Private pilots know what they want, and they wouldn't have it any other way.
You are right on one thing, 701, we private pilots know what we want and we want the Duke forever. We wouldn't have it any other way.
El Toro's bird has flown, the Duke will fly forever.
857, you're a private pilot? Gag, ugh, oh well. Private pilots will use all airports, and may the best airport win. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY says he's a private pilot.
Yes, 857, and you're just one of the pathetic paying minions.
Keep the light on at the Duke, Vern, the minion needs it to find the terminal.
120, I can't believe you are a private pilot. Private pilots are good people, not NIMBYs like you. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This private pilot is a NIMBY.
And I can't believe that you truly think that El Toro will open as a commercial airport. Poor mean, hateful, liar, delusional NIMBY.
800, a private pilot NIMBY. Is that a contradiction, or isn't it? Private pilots will use El Toro International Airport, too. But the real use will be for commercial jumbo jets on those 10,000 foot long runways. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Not all private pilots will use El Toro. The elite ones will use John Wayne with its dinky short, but adequate, runway.
Well, 1113, since we know you aren't elite and El Toro will never open, just where are you going to fly out of? It's LAX for you, NIMBY.
Turn on your headlights, Vern, 1113 needs to find his way to LAX to visit his buddy, Tony V.
How can someone be a pilot AND hate an airport? That is like a fly hating shit.
The same way that Newport can love any airport in someone else's back yard, and hate the one that flies over NIMBY Beach every day. Newport hypocrisy knows no bounds.
805, the same way that South County can love any airport in someone else's back yard and hate the one that will fly from El Toro every day. NIMBY hypocrisy knows no bounds. The airport they love flys over them right now. The airport they hate will not. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The NIMBYs are on the run and they are a very small group.
Pilots should love ALL airports. NIMBYs and real estate developers want to go around closing airports.
Good one Donald. I guess the hypocrisy and lies of NIMBY Beach know no bounds. I love The Duke, if only because the planes fly over your house but don't even come close to mine. Inherit property in a better location next time.
Get a deeply discounted home with a sub prime loan in a better location. Sorry Lake Forest is such an armpit.
Well, that's a mouthful about inherited houses, armpit cities and over your house but not mine. The good news is that nobody is in the noise zone of El Toro International Airport. So nobody should be against it? Well, the lone NIMBY doesn't even want to see them let alone hear them. He can't live in Newport Beach and not see the airplanes. The lone NIMBY is a liar and lives really in Dana Point where he broadcasts his hate filth and lies against elite Newport Beach. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The lone NIMBY is a big fat liar. I can see him now, waddling up to his computer to retort to no avail.
No the mouthful is the lies constantly being spewed by 1209 after he gets kicked out of the bars late at night. He claims to be elite, we know he's not. He claims to live in Newport, we know he lives in Santa Ana. He claims to know a lot of things, we know he know's nothing. He claims to love everybody, we know he loves only himself.
Poor, poor NIMBY, everybody knows it is he that is the liar and he can't get his wet dream airport built. Time to take your ball and go home.
Another good try Donald. You're a long way from the noise zone of JWA, yet you have spend a full decade whining about the noise you endure daily (like your letter describing how you had to get out of NIMBY Beach so often to escape the noise. A true classic, I have a copy framed in my office). So by your own admission being in out out of the noise zone doesn't mean squat.
Like I said, next time daddy leaves your a property hope it's in a better neighborhood like Dana Point. Living in NIMBY Beach seems to be hell on earth.
1041, well the lone NIMBY strikes again with hate against everybody, mainly me, the phantom. I see he only got 7 hours sleep last night, posting letters of his arch enemy in his office and saying noise doesn't mean squat. Another NIMBY lie. Fortunately nobody, absolutely nobody, is in the noise zone of El Toro International Airport. When we paint the airplanes with stealth paint the NIMBYs won't even see them. The airlines have a right to paint their names on the airplanes. Outdoor advertising, you know. Noise doesn't mean squat. Turn on the lights, Vernon. the lone NIMBY is losing his senses. Next he'll forget how to type. Dana Point doesn't cut it, does it?
Don't bother painting the planes with stealth paint or even Krylon Donald, because the planes of El Toro are as imaginary as your millions of pro-airport supporters. Although in your cases I fear you've just been sniffing the that stealth paint for far too long. And I can't but notice that your posts are becoming more and more vitriolic of late. What's the matter NIMBY, can't take the heat from one "lone" anti-airporter? That's the problem with belong to subversive organizations like the AWG. All you NIMBY's get together and spew your lies until you actually begin to believe your own crap. Then you lose it when presented with the facts that put your evil airport plan in the toilet for good. Reality is tough, isn't it? Ans then you die with those JWA jets screeching overhead. Sounds pretty miserable for the "elite", doesn't it? Just hope Daddy leaves you property at a better address in the next life, this one has certainly made you a bitter old fool.
848, why are airports evil? People and cargo need to fly. Are you a Luddite?
854, airports are not evil. People and cargo need to fly. I've got to look up Luddite. I suspect all the anti-El Toro International Airport NIMBYs are Luddites. Certainly, the lone NIMBY is. There is so much hate in his posts. Turn on the lights, Vernon. the lone NIMBY will not be hurt when El Toro International Airport re-opens.
OK, I stand corrected, it's just NIMBY Beach that is evil.
Hey 1005, I can't speak for 1025, but I don't hate you, I just think you're a jerk and I'm ashamed of my home town when a jerk like you claims to live here. I don't think you do, though, you sound more like a 909er. They all whine and hate, too.
255, where is your hometown?
Corona del Mar! The jewel by the sea.
900, I thought you were going to say Shore Cliffs. Corona del Mar is Newport Beach, dummy. And so is Shore Cliffs. Turn on the lights, Vernon. We know he lives in a tract shack in Dana Point. That's where his hate, filth and jealousy comes from. We have an airport to open.
117, is it painful to be so stupid? You really are a piece of work. No shit Corona del Mar is in Newport Beach. Even an idiot like you knows that. I don't live in Shore Cliffs and I have never said I do. I said I live in Corona Highlands. That's in Corona del Mar, too.
Now please take your hate, filth, jealousy and NIMBY lies and go pound another bottle of gin. What a fool you are.
Get this. Two posters purporting to be from NIMBY Bitch are fighting with one another. Can't wait until JWA 24/7. Its a green airport after all. Nobody (of importance) is in the noise zone. They are just Corona Del Maggots and Balboayotches.
1044, get this NIMBY. Anti-El Toro International Airport posters should not try to change the subject from the much needed El Toro International Airport (30 MAP or more) to another airport or messenger attacks. Turn on the lights, Vernon. lone NIMBY is pretending to be fighting with himself.
If JWA is operating below capacity how can El Toro be "needed"? Just another NIMBY lie.
646, you have to plan beyond the length of your nose, lone NIMBY. But the way your nose is growing you'll soon be in favor of El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY is a big fat liar.
Nice try, Pinocchio, but it is you NIMBY's that are the liars when it comes to El Toro. You idiots can't tell the truth to save your own lives. Too bad you have to suffer with SNA forever, isn't it?
745, Nice liar. Nice liar. Your problem is that you don't know how to be timid. Take a lesson from the ad on this story. You're definitely not executive material. When El Toro International Airport opens, your suffering will cease. We need it for 30 million annual passengers and a few private jets too.
Like Vern's ad says, timidity would have gotten South County use the unneeded, unwanted and unsafe El Toro airport. Kudos to the brave and bold men and women who stood up and dumped that NIMBY Beach brainstorm into the trash pile where it belongs. When The Great PArk opens maybe your suffering will cease Donald. At least your airport fantasies should.
When the great park opens? ha ha ha. Turn on the lights, Vernon. There is no Great Park. Never was one. Never will be. We need El Toro International Airport for 30 million annual passengers. Who said Great Park?
Hmmmm, last time I drove by there was more of a park than there is an airport. Lets see, they're tearing up the tarmac, most of the buildings are gone, the runways are condemned and ready for removal, I see plenty of signs saying "Great Park" along the roads and freeways yet no signs that say El Toro International Airport. So just what airport are you talking about?
Poor, poor loser NIMBY.
755, runways condemned? That's a stretch since millions of dollars were spent on them to last and last. They will support a 980,000 pound airplane taking off. Great Park is toast. Signs are a lie. We're talking about El Toro International Airport.
Those runways have major cracks in them. They haven't been certified or repaired since the Marines left. So much for your turnkey theory, NIMBY. You're talking about an airport that never existed except in your feeble NIMBY little head along with your 30 million voices.
The airport existed.....just not since 1999.
No, 1011, El Toro International Airport never existed except in the dreams of the NIMBY's. Before that it was a Marine Air Station.
What's a few cracks in jumbo jet concrete runways? That airport was built like Hoover Dam. Solid as the rock of Gibralter. I'll be on the first million pound jet that takes off from that fine airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
With your fat head you'll tip the scales and the plane will be too heavy.
Runways need maintenance, too, idiot. Do your homework.
1246 airport, air station essentially the same thing. Lets not play semantics. They both have runways and jets. Besides Yuma, AZ is a Marine Corps Air Station AND a civilian airport. So it can be done. Will it be done? Not likely.
722, timidity didn't get you this far. But save what is left of your reputation by supporting the re-opening of El Toro International Airport with those cracked but sturdy concrete runways pointing to where airplanes need to go. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY wants to be timid. Do your homework.
Donald, unless you can fly on the back of a pigeon it's going to be a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOng time before you fly anything else out of El Toro. Good thing The Duke will soon have 24/7 service and unlimited flights to wherever you need to go.
Convenient, crowd-free, lean, green, FAA approved, fully operational and loved by everyone in the OC. And no one (except NIMBY Beach) is in the noise zone. When JWA goes 24/7 everyone's airport problems will be solved. NIMBY Beach has nothing to fear.
El Toro's sturdy runways are ready to use, and the Lone Nimby can't stand it. Things will be better for you, Lone NIMBY, when El Toro International Airport opens. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY has waited too LOOOOOOng.
The El Toro airport is scheduled to open two weeks after never. Enjoy the wait Donald.
1237, two weeks after never? I'm not sure we can wait that long. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The Lone NIMBY thinks never is not long enough. Wants two more weeks.
Is that the best you can do, 830. Sounds like you're running away with your tail between your lying legs.
734, I have to "dumb down" to the NIMBY Beach level so I don't confuse Donald and the rest of the slow learners. And I still don't see anything but a few birds flying out of El Toro, and not the slightest bit of evidence (beyond Donald's delusional babbling) to the contrary. So is that lame retort the best YOU can do? I am not running away, and am holding my tail high so you NIMBY's can kiss my ass.
It takes a non-timid person to speak the truth to a NIMBY. You lost on Measure A. You lost on Measure S. You lost on Measure F. You lost on Measure W. The airport still is there and all we have to do is use Irvine to turn on the lights. Turn on the lights, Vernon. NIMBY thinks he's won because the airport not yet is open.
Truth is Donald, we won and you can't handle the truth. One of the core provisions in Measure W was to allow Irvine to annex the land. The Irvine Company will never allow an airport to open. Obama, Boxer, Feinstein and Agran are the Holy Quadrangle of liberals, and they all hate the airport, if only to spite the Fascists of NIMBY Beach. You're outnumbered on all sides yet you keep spouting your nonsense.
Turn out the lights Vern, the war is over, the troops have gone home, there is only one lost and lonely NIMBY who still refuses to accept the truth. Funny how "elite" rhymes with "defeat" isn't it? You are not and will not ever be the former, but you need to accept the reality of the latter.
839, truth is you can't handle the truth. El Toro International Airport is a perfect airport in a perfect location with fuel-saving cross runways pointing to where airplanes need to go. The new Irvine Company is more pro-El Toro International Airport than the old Irvine Company. The new one is more interested in making money than the old. You need to accept the reality that you lost and Irvine is gong to open El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. We need a NIMBY that accepts defeat.
Vern, you liar, you still have never answered my question of WHEN the airport will open. You keep saying "soon". Is soon the same as never?
Now that you've lost on every election Measure A through W, you want to know the exact date El Toro International Airport will open. Here it is. El Toro International Airport will open for business 6 months to the day after Irvine signs the contract with LAWA. Lone NIMBY wants to know the El Toro opening date. We need the date of the contract between Irvine and LAWA. Irvine wants to make as much money as possible from El Toro, and they want Woodbridge pollution cleaned up too. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Six months, huh? That's pretty amazing since the original plans said six years from ground breaking. Oh well, just another NIMBY lie. Hell, what's one more when there have been so many.
Oh, and we won on Measure W. You really do need to get your memory checked.
The "New" Irvine Company? I am well acquainted the TIC and I can assure you that there is no "new " Irvine Company the least bit interested in opening an airport at El Toro. Bren is 100% behind the Great Park.
Take note everyone, Donald was tanked by 9:15 AM (or maybe still working on the previous night's bender). Living under the JWA flight path has made that old a drunken old fools. Just one more reason to open the Great Park.
Turn out the lights Vern, Donald likes to get blitzed in the dark.
No, it's six months, not six years. You're mixing up years with months. El Toro International Airport will be open for flights six months after the contract between Irvine and LAWA is signed. Turn on the lights, Vernon. 829 has a TIC, and he doesn't know that the new Irvine Company is more interested in making money than the old Irvine Company was.
The contract between LAWA and Irvine will be signed 6 months after never. LAWA is broke, Irvine has no interest in having an airport within the city limits, and TIC is getting ready to build thousand of homes in the former noise zone. The only noise at El Toro is you.
Houses in the noise zone has never stopped airports before. Fortunately the new noise zone at El Toro International Airport is much smaller than the old noise zone. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY knows nothing about Cessnas, LAWA and the TICs. Nobody, absolutely nobody, is in the noise zone of El Toro International Airport.
And here we have yet more lied from the Newport (wannabe) NIMBY.
No airport, no noise zone. What part of that simple fact is unclear to you Donald?
1222, no airport is clearly not clear. Even a wooden head knows El Toro has jumbo jet cross runways pointing to where airplanes need to go, and all we have to do is turn on the lights. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY is wrong about the airport, but he is right about it being a noiseless airport, because nobody, absolutely nobody, is in the noise zone of El Toro International Airport.
No, 415, it's noiseless because there will never be another airplane flying in our out of El Toro. Now it is true that no one, absolutely no one is in the noise zone for SNA.
Viva la Duke!
505, it's Viva El Toro, Lone NIMBY. El Toro is where the airport action is because the airport already is built, and all we have to do is turn on the lights. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY seems so sure of himself that he has to be wrong.
Once again 734 proves what an idiot he is. How can it be long live El Toro when El Toro is dead? This, of course, is the typical lying NIMBY way of thinking. It's like saying long live your great great grand parents. Oh, wait, they're probably part of the imaginary 30 million, arent't they?
815, El Toro International Airport is like the flight of the Phoenix. You'll see and you'll agree. 30 million users of El Toro can't be wrong.
30 million users exist only in your head Donald. It would be crowded in there in you had a brain.
Turn out the lights Vern, El Toro is lit up by fireflies. 30 million imaginary passenger can see just fine with them.
1025, 30 million annual passengers can't be wrong, Lone NIMBY. Turn on the lights, Vernon. There's nothing imaginary at all about El Toro International Airport!
Yes Donald, El Toro International airport is completely real except that is has no terminals, no flights, no passengers, no gates, no baggage handling, no traffic controllers, no fuel supplies, no hangers, no parking, no management, no support, no money, and no demand. I would say any airport operating under these conditions is imaginary at best. But keep those delusions coming, you've earned the express lane pass to psychiatric help.
Turn out the lights Vern, it's easier to imagine airports in the dark. The lights of reality hurt too much, and they all shine on The Duke.
828, the airport is there and is ready to go. What's the most important part of an airport? The runways, of course. That's why the airport is there. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The Lone Nimby lives in his own little dream world and he's not the brightest bulb on the string.
Help poor Donald to the front door, Vern. His side walk doesn't go all the way to the front door.
The Lone NIMBY is not timid enough to post on this website. But then that's what a NIMBY is. One step away from a BANANA, and you know what that means. Support El Toro International Airport for 30 million annual passengers. Too bad you lost the war, NIMBY.
Ahhhh, Donald, are you drunk again already? We won the battle and the war. It's the Duke forever, 24/7 and El Toro is forever closed. Time to wave that white sheet, Vern, NIMBY Donald lost the war and he's lost in the dark.
540, timid is not what the Lone NIMBY is. You lost 4 battles and the war. Turn on the lights, Vernon. El Toro International Airport is ready to fly.
There isn't squat flying out of El Toro these days, now is there, liar 551. So please tell us, just how did we lose the war? SNA is soon going 24/7. They're expanding the terminal as we speak. I'd say we won and you have your tail between your legs.
The former air station of El Toro may be a lot of things but ready to fly isn't one of them, unless, of course, your in Donald's fantasy land.
622, you must squat before you fly. Now tell us, squatter, just how did you win the airport war when I told you you lost the battles and you lost the war. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY likes the word squat.
My God, Donald, you are one pathetic old fool. Do you really think just because you say something it's true? Oh, that's rich! How did we win? Do you see any airplanes flying in or out of El Toro? No?!? That's because we defeated you poor old foolish, lying NIMBY's. Not only are there no planes currently flying in or out of El Toro, there are NO plans for any planes to fly in or out EVER again! That just kills you, doesn't it? You just hate the thought that you lost. That the rest of Orange County said no to you. Poor, poor loser NIMBY. His word doesn't mean squat.
722, I always speak the truth and I told you you lost the airport war and the airport battles. Give us the good old NIMBYs with their quality of life arguments. Now your words don't mean squat. Turn on the lights, Vernon. We need El Toro International Airport for 30 million annual passengers or more. Much more. And I don't mean squat.
Donald, you wouldn't know the truth if it came up and hit you in the ass. Spouting the AWG book of lies for the past decade is hardly the truth. Truth is, JWA is going 24/7 right over NIMBY Beach, El Toro will host nothing flying other than a sparrow or occasional crow, and NIMBY Beach is powerless to stop it. Your revisionist history book is useless and laughable.
153, It's nice to know whom the Lone Nimby's enemies are. We can search out the truth in this confused world. Elite Newport Beach always gets its way, so El Toro International Airport will open when we take over, maybe before. The money to be made off of El Toro as an airport is major. Turn on the lights, Vernon. We need that airport for 30 million annual passengers, maybe more, if other airports close. Lone NIMBY's humor is naughty.
Oh yes, just like the money that was to be made at Ontario, Palmdale and Van Nuys. Tons of money! What an idiot! What a NIMBY. What an idiot NIMBY!
450, Ontario is a fog reliever airport. Palmdale wrecked the governor. Van Nuys is general aviation. Tons of money! What an idiot. What a NIMBY. What an idiot NIMBY.
Ontario was never supposed to be a fog reliever, it was supposed to me a major money maker regional airport. Do some homework, idiot, and I don't mean what you make up as you go along. Palmdale was also supposed to be a money making regional airport, another oooops for LAWA. Van Nuys shows just how bad LAWA is at managing airports.
Go back to your stupor, Donald, you don't have a clue what you're talking about.
439, Ontario moneymaker? It's a fog reliever. Palmdale a moneymaker? It's a sham for expanding LAX. Van Nuys mismanaged? It's a successful general aviation airport. El Toro a park? It's a giant international airport that will make tons of money for Irvine, LAWA, and Newport Beach. Turn on the lights, Vernon. We have an airport to open. Yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
More lies from the gin sucker. Nobody would EVER open an international airport just to be a fog reliever. Do some homework or is researching beyond your scope of reality because then you would have to deal with facts? Palmdale a sham? So LAWA opened Palmdale just so they could expand LAX? More lies from the desperate one. Van Nuys a success? Van Nuys has been operating in the red for years, that doesn't sound very successful to me. Of course, it's your delusion so maybe you operate your business in the red and cook the books.
Have another drink of Kool Aid, Donald, the Duke is about to go 24/7, right over your house!
757, there you are rewriting history of Ontario, Palmdale, and Van Nuys. Just to set the record straight, Van Nuys is a very successfull general aviaiton airport. (Private pilots never pay their way, you know.) Palmdale was opened so LAX could expand. It even snookered Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger who, like many, lost money in the Palmdale Airport land boom/bust. Ontario is a fog reliever airport, and will always be that. El Toro International Airport won't need a fog reliever airport, but JWA is stuck with Palm Springs. Turn on the lights, Vernon. It's time to speed up the re-opening.
That's the truth and I am glad it made absolutely no sense to you. Just goes to show a NIMBY's intellect. I'll repeat the three airport story for you if it will help you to learn. Turn on the lights, Vernon. El Toro International Airport. Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.
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