After many tries, the Great Pork finally got some tax dollars. Irvine made this shameless grab for federal money despite the incessant lies they told during the infamous Great Pork campaign that NO TAXES would be required! North County did not buy that load of pig crap and soundly rejected Measure W. But the South County NIMBYs who were brainwashed and traumatized by irrational fear of El Toro fell for the Irvine lies and passed Measure W during a low turnout election.
The hangar that is being "refurbished" with this nearly half million in federal pork is to "honor aviation history" no less. Irvine is the same city that spent millions of dollars convincing the public that airports, airplanes, The Navy, The Marine Corps, pilots, baggage handlers, cargo, passengers, Newport Beach, North County, L.A., and anyone who even thinks about aviation is EVIL! Oh the irony!
After Irvine was rejected twice at the ballot box to use state taxdollars for their utterly frivolous budget busting great pork, Comrad Barbie Boxer came to the rescue for Comrad Agran and delivered some pork. In addition, while Boxer visited El Toro she put her ignorance on public display about the military, by calling El Toro an "Air Force Base".
But being the commie she is, she hates the military and any trace of it. She also has no respect the for businesses that make this country prosperous. It is them, NOT the wealth redistributing government bureaucrats that make America great. Then Comrad Boxer had the gall in 2004 to challenge the election results of George W. Bush who was the rightful winner. She is an embarrassment to our fine state. No wonder why she and Agran are political soul mates.
In the future, Irvine might not get so lucky with federal pork from the taxpayers. A big thanks is due to Oklahoma Senator Coburn for exposing the great pork to the entire nation for the scam that it is. Then as long as the Demorats keep racking up deficits and raising taxes on the real wealth producers and job creators of this country, they will surely be voted out next election. The stock market has not exactly improved since they gained control of Washington D.C.
Congratulations, Vernon on your latest news story about a pig wallowing in the mud with a face like Barbara Boxer earmarking a few hundred thousand dollars for Irvine to use to refurbish an aircraft hangar at El Toro that will be used by private jets using El Toro International Airport when it re-opens. Funds spent on El Toro have been compatible with the big civilian airport there, just waiting for someone to turn on the lights. I'm glad to be reminded about the failed propositions 51 and 10 where Irvine had tried to collect new taxes for a sinkhole park. Turn on the lights, Vernon. You're on a roll with this one.
More puerile cut and pasting of public figures for Vern, and his sycophant village idiot Donald to cheer him on. It certainly is comforting to know that second grade "humor" is enough to amuse the so called NIMBY Beach "elite". I bet you two get hysterical at knock-knock jokes.
Keep it up boys, it's once again you have proven that the chief El Toro cheerleaders have IQ's less than their belt size. You're the best spokesmen the anti-airport forces could ever wish for.
1150, well if it isn't the lone NIMBY from the Liar's Lair. I'll bet you believe refurbishing an El Toro hangar to house airplanes is not for El Toro International Airport. Only the lone NIMBY remains in opposition to that fine airport with the jumbo jet runways. You're the worst possible spokesperson for the NIMBYs. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
We don't need a spokesperson Donald, we already won. And thank you recognizing my infinite power since you apparently believe that I am the only person keeping your fantasy airport closed. At least your admit that I have the power while you are simply the court jester. And where are all your imaginary pro airport supporters? I keep inviting them over but they never come.
Turn out the lights Vern, because I told you to.
1019, here's a knock knock joke for you.
Knock Knock.
Who's there?
Irish who?
Irish lone NIMBY elite.
Stick to El Toro airport fantasies Donald, stand up comedy is not your long suit. Maybe you can go play cut and paste with Vern, I hear it's good therapy.
251, Knock Knock.
Who's there?
Irish what?
Irish lone NIMBY funny
Wow, while I've been out of town I see Vern turned in another steaming pile of pig shit. And 602 wants to be a stand up comic for kindergartners. Typical for two idiots (or are they just one?) that claim to be elite.
The only thing funny here is someone actually still thinks El Toro will fly. Now that's a good one!
613, Knock Knock.
Who's there?
Irish where?
Irish Lone Nimby stayed there.
The smartest move would be to turn El Toro back over to the military so we can all gain from the model we know works not to mention the jobs such a proposition would bring forth for the 7.8% of OC residents who are jobless.
914 that sounds good. Neither the BOS nor Irvine have the slightest idea how to have a sucessful civilian conversion project. The decision to close El Toro was made BEFORE 09/11. In a post 09/11 world, El Toro would NOT have been closed!
I have to stop by here after the bars close to get the last word in. I like both 1125 and 914. No more NIMBYs tonight, but I think we need to get the civilian jets into El Toro. They're quieter and a net positive force on the economy. 7.8% could drop to 1.1% with El Toro International Airport and joint Marine Corps Air Station.
308 AM Donald, you must have really tied one on tonight (as usual) since you posts make even less sense than normal. Even if the Marines were to return to El Toro (and I wish they would) they have rejected any sort of joint use with civilian aircraft. So if the Marines come home your airport fantasy crashes forever. And your knowledge of economics is a sharp as your comedic ability. 1.1%?? Where did you pull that number from? You butt? Get confused with 100 proof? Typical NIMBY Beach pro airporter, just make up another lie about how wonderful your fantasy airport will be.
Enjoy the hangover, from the sound of this drivel it will be a beaut.
105, take a look at the NIMBY pig's ears. They're big enough to erase the same earmarks they can make. But she only hates the air force, not the Navy so when the Marines return to take back El Toro it will be on condition they support joint jumbo jet civilian air service with Irvine. We had peace and quiet on this website from after the bars close until after noon today. That's a record for NIMBY restraint. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The best way to get in the last word is to post after the bars close while the NIMBYs are getting their beauty rest.
613 El Toro has flown and will fly again.
Another hangover-induced vitriolic rant from Donald the Drunken Delusional at 5:17. Are you just waking up? So you now exoect the Navyto return only to openyourfantasy airport just for you? Even General Blooper wasn't that crazy. Go put a lampshade on your head and stagger around the room, you'll be taken for more seriously.
Turn out the lights Vern, this bender has been a real bitch.
836, yes 613 has egg on his face. El Toro has flown and will fly again. Give the NIMBY, 901, a shot of tequila in honor of the flying of the bull.
So sorry to ruin your fantasy, 836, but El Toro has never flown as an international airport and never will. Bummer for you that the facts keep getting in the way. Oh, wait, your a pro airport NIMBY! My bad, I should have known that facts mean nothing to you idiots.
855, you're spraying this website with poison again. Why don't you get a job? Or is somebody paying you for this? NIMBY lies do not the truth make. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
You are wrong once again, 1012. I'm one of the few people on here telling the truth. I'm here to set your lie straight.
And yes, I do work, however I could almost make a full time job of correcting your lies on here. Unfortunately it doesn't pay very well.
What's your excuse? Living off your trust fund?
Donald is delusional and is incapable of separating truth from his El Toro airport fantasies. He would spend his days cutting out paper dolls except he is no longer allowed to use scissors. It's quite sad when the brain dies but the body lingers on.
You've had a busy day, NIMBY, flying from story to story desperately trying to get the last word in. All to no avail. This is a pro-El Toro International Airport website, so NIMBYs always lose. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
855, El Toro has indeed flown as an International Airport. There were thousands upon thousands of airlifted civilian who arrived here from Viet Nam. Sure sounds international to me. Not to mention all the civilians.
Thanks Vern, for including Barbara Boxer as the big Pork schlepper as I have wanted to make a comment about her since her 'lame duck' remarks during the auto bailout debate. This woman is full of irony (actually b*s) since she and her minions (Pelosi et al) have led a full scale war against the car. So it is completely delusional on her part to bail out the car companies even though the Standard and Poors have predicted that at least one will have to enter at least chapter 11 or proceed to chapter 7, orderly liquidation.
If she is delusional then certainly her camp followers are.
As one poster said: the OC and Kalifornia are Krazy. Is it any wonder as deficit has piled onto debt when times were good so now there is no room to go into deficit for the state as times are now bad.
As I said before South county believes there can be an economy without employment. So look at it now: 33 thousand jobs lost in OC in the last quarter, 40% of industrial/commercial real estate vacant, thousands of homes in foreclosure. For the state a net outflow even counting illegals.
South county wants to lock OC visitors into an unsafe, tiny, crowded, unexpandable airport.
So who is delusional now?
Good try myth. If business and people are abandoning the OC as quickly as you say,why waste billions building a huge mega airport when there will be no passengers to support it?
You re sounding like a Democrat yourself. You claim, "South county believes there can be an economy without employment", yet you propose and beleive we need a mega airport with no to fly out of it.
John Wayne traffic is already down over 20%, why build more capacity when we have an excess already?
Sorry Myth, you must have graduated from the Donald school non sequitur reasoning. Just like your airport, your arguement doesn't fly.
Turn out the lights Vern, the Mythbuster has just crashed.
902, you left out a few of myth's real gems. He says the Duke is crowded. I fly out of there regularly and haven't seen a crowd in over a year. He also says it's unsafe, where did that gem come from, or did he just pull that out of his ass like his theory that airplanes at El Toro will make the planet green?
Flyingmythbuster is correct when he says South County believes we can have an economy without employment. Quality of life and bucolic lifestyle sound good if your mental age has never grown up. That's the NIMBY for you. Fortunately, brainwashed South County doesn't count anymore because it has no say over the opening of El Toro International Airport. South County still lives in the grandeur of Measure W which became moot when a single city took over that airport and took it away from a foot-dragging County Board of Supervisors. It's easy to grab a city. Turn on the lights, Vernon, at the lean, green, safe, already built, FAA apprved El Toro International Airport in a calm valley with fuel-saving cross runways pointing to where airplanes need to go. 60% on Runway 7 and 40% on Runway 34. Is that a bucolic existence or isn't it?
It's called a fantasy, 1034, nothing more, nothing less. Too bad your "airport" will never see anything fly in our out, unless you count the birds. Now that's what I call bucolic!
Can't you come up with some fresh lies? Your old, repeated ones are getting pretty tired.
And speaking of growing up, aren't you the one that moon lights as a stand up comic for children?
Keep trying Donald. Irvine is an elite, bucolic South County city and intends to stay that way. NIMBY Beach airport supporters are fortunate enough to live right under the flight path of the OC's once, present and future singular airport lean, green, clean, convenient, under utilized, crowd-free, FAA approved, fully operational and soon to expand John Wayne. No fantasies here, just cold, hard facts.
Why don't you mosey on down to PCH and wave at cars as they pass by by? NIMBY Beach Greeter seems to fit your skill set perfectly, and some fresh air might do you some good. It will be much more productive than spewing lies and nonsense about El Toro.
Turn on the lights Vern, Donald has a new job. Honk as you drive by.
I'll tell you what bucolic is, 1034. Bucolic is 90% of Orange County airline traffic on 19R and 10% on 1L. Now that's what I call bucolic!
The Duke forever!
Amen Brother 141!!
Oh let's compromise. How about 100% takeoffs from Runway 25 at El Toro and send them right over Newport Beach. Surely they won't mind at all since El Toro is clean, leanand green.
1003, There are no plans to use Runway 25. Obviously you didn't believe it because you instrumented Woodbridge just to find out that no packed airliners went out that way in 1999. Turn on the lights, Vernon. NIMBYs haven't learned how to be nice and lose too.
Didn't you say Woodbridge would be condemned due to TCE? So what's the big deal if 25 gets used?
Donald, there are no plans to use runway 25 because here are no plans (and no possibility) of ever building an airport at El Toro. There are firm plans to expand The Duke, and 27/7 service is coming soon. Why don't you try spending your time and energy on REAL the issues instead of boring everyone with your worn out El Toro mantra? Or are just stuck in a time warp?
Stuck in a time warp or stuck on stupid, take your pick, 801.
NIMBY Beach is apparently stuck in both 906. No El Toro, not today, not tomorrow, not ever. But keep on whining, it's great entertainment.
Anti-El Toro International Airport NIMBYs are stuck in a time warp and are stuck on stupid. They lie and lie and lie. But they don't get away with it on this website. This is a website all about El Toro International Airport. Of course it doesn't have to be built. It's already built. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The lone NIMBY is wrong on all three posts.
This web site is all about the delusions of two old fools, one of which can repeat the chant "fuel saving crossed runways" over and over like a scratched record. The other one has delusions of being a business tycoon yet is only capable of childishly defacing pictures of public figures and spewing hatred and class warfare. If both are not locked up in a mental institution somewhere they both should be.
Lies, dementia an childish behavior. What else do you expect from the NIMBY Beach self-proclaimd "elite"?
722, this website is all about El Toro International Airport. The only opposition is from the lone NIMBY who claims to live in Newport Beach and is jealous that his airport of choice doesn't have fuel-saving cross runways pointing to where airplanes want to go, and he doesn't have PhotoShop in his posting. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The opposition is fading fast. Even Barbara Boxer delivers pork that is compatible with the airport.
More lies from the looney bin. First of all I believe at least one other anit El Toro poster lives in Irvine (in case you can't figure that out) and I live in CDM. 818 lives on the side of the Santa Ana river.
More lies, the opposition is fading fast? The anti airport people are more adamant than ever about not wanting an airport at El Toro. Cmon, NIMBY, try being original for once in your pathetic life.
And for the record, we are not jealous of you in any way shape or form.
721 is right Donald, if you the sense you were born with you should have figured out that anti-airport posters out number you at least 3:1 on this board. We're still waiting to hear from your "millions" of El Toro supporters queued up to post on this silly blog. Where are they? All still in your head?
El Toro was and is the answer to the question nobody asked. Playing cut and paste with Photoshop isn't going to build your fantasy airport. Spouting your same tired rhetoric isn't going to build your fantasy airport. You and Vern are like a dog chasing its own tail, two foolish, old, has-been-never-was NIMBY's crying like babies because they didn't get their way. Boo hoo to you both.
821, millions of pro-El Toro International Airport boosters are denied an opportunity to post their support for the airport because the lone NIMBY memory and bandwidth hog can not rest but post and post and post, pretending to be from Newport Beach, when we know him as a wild coyote from Dana Point who claims to speak for Irvine. Yes, the lone NIMBY is more adamant than ever. He's like a dog chasing his tail, or barking at a bird or snapping at a car with its wheels going round and round. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The lone NIMBY knows he has lost. That's all right. No harm will come to him when El Toro International Airport opens.
Funny how the "Lone Nimby" (who is NOT alone and is not from Dana Point) can post on this blog at any time dya or night with ease, and yet the "millions" of El Toro supporters can never get a single byte onto this board. How curious. Again, I suppose imaginary supporteers all have imaginnay ISP's so it's toughter to get that imaginary bandwidth when you need it.
And how clever Donald, since I just compared you and Vern the Photoshop Wizard to a dog chasing its own tail, and suddenly you borrow the same the exact phrase and reuse it. How original. Once again you display your complete inability to come up with an original thought. Did you major in plagiarism in school (if you actually went to one)? Just like the AWG, keep repeating the same tired old carp until you actually believe it yourself.
OK, here's a chance for all the "millions" of El Toro supporters to rush to your defense. Come on you guys, pick up your imaginary laptops, hook into your imaginary ISP's and gave poor Donald a hand. Give him something else to parrot.
Turn out the lights Vern, Donald is trying to have an original thought. It will take a long time.
632, leave it to the lone NIMBY to jump in here and hog internet resources when a particularly wise, erudite and intellectual post has been made. The only NIMBY-free time seems to be when the lone NIMBY is getting his beauty rest. I suppose he gets paid for two shifts, as that seems to be the time he puts in. Is this approved by his boss? I used the dog chasing and barking before you did. I likened the dog barking at the moving procession of airport openers, but the dog doesn't change anything. The lone NIMBY is a plagiarist, but he is unaware that he is one. Barbara Boxer's pork is compatible with the airport. The lone NIMBY is not.
Donald, any "particularly wise, erudite and intellectual post" on this blog has never been created at your keyboard. Your 1107 effort is certainly proves that point.
So once again many hours have passed and STILL not a peep from any of your "millions" of imaginary El Toro supporters. Do I need to send them an engraved invitation to get them to come out? Sorry, but the voices in your head don't count for much in the real world. Come back when you find some real people.
1034, the millions of El Toro supporters are here. They're not imaginary. You're too blinded by hate to see them. As the only Anti-El Toro International Airport poster, the lone NIMBY, on this website you should stop pretending to be in Irvine and Newport Beach when we know you as a sore winner from Dana Point. Turn on the lights, Vernon. It takes a pig to deliver the pork, but the pork is compatible with El Toro International Airport.
Blinded by hate Donald? Laughing s hard at you that I'm crying is more like it. Once again I went out of my way invite your imaginary friends to post a thought, a word, even a letter, just one single bon mot, and STILL not even a byte from all those millions fanatic El Toro supporters all over the world. Yet you still keep insisting they exist. Just be discrete when you talk to your imaginary friends or you may wind up back in the nut house where you belong.
And I do live in an elite city but it is neither Dana Point nor NIMBY Beach (I wouldn't ever live in NIMBY Beach no matter how many houses I inherited). Maybe one of your imaginary friends can imagine my address for you. Then you and all your friends can stop by for tea some time. And don't worry, I'll just imagine 5 million chairs in my living room so everyone will have a seat. And you won't be bothered those nasty planes taking off from the Duke that you hate so much, since I'm nowhere close to any noise zone (although the birds do get a little raucous at times).
Turn out the lights Vern, Donald is is going to a tea party.
836, yes the millions of supporters of El Toro International Airport are here. You're too blinded by hate to see who isn't me. You just think everybody is me. But that's the NIMBY in you. Unable to tell the truth, unable to figure things out. Unable to accept the reality of El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The lone NIMBY wants to celebrate pork that is compatible with the airport.
Keep up the delusions Donald, STILL waiting to see a single post from one of the "millions" of pro-airporters out there. If anyone is the lone NIMBY here it's you. Sorry, your fantasy friends don't vote and don't buy airplane tickets.
If these are your friends I'd hate to see your enemies.
1023, it takes a pig to deliver the pork. It takes a NIMBY to deliver the lie. The lone NIMBY has no friends. We need El Toro for 30 million annual passengers, more if other airports get closed. 1023 is still waiting for a single post from the millions of El Toro International Airport supporters. They're here so you can't see a single post.
Nice one Donald, your usual late night incoherent drivel. Must have just polished off the bottle to come up with that one. Were you drinking with your imaginary friends tonight? Closing perfectly viable airports, serving millions of imaginary passengers at your imaginary El Toro, talking to imaginary supporters who are all on this blog but never post a single word. Sounds like you really tied one last night, doubt we'll see any more of your nonsense until well after noon.
1028, nothing imaginary at all about El Toro International Airport. It already is built, and it is green, clean, quiet, FAA approved, safe, invisible, wanted, needed and no shovels required, because it is ready to fly. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY is an alcoholic.
1028, nothing imaginary at all about El Toro International Airport. It already is built, and it is green, clean, quiet, FAA approved, safe, wanted, needed and no shovels needed because it is there. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY is an alcoholic.
Just as I predicted Donald, nothing out of you until after 3:00 PM and then a double post to boot. Doesn't NIMBY Beach have an AA chapter or tow? I'm sure you'll find plenty of the "elite" in attendance. You should go, you need help.
You need help because you have overdosed on Bitter Ale from stressing over El Toro all these years. Even though you "won", you are still hurting.
932, lone NIMBY lurks around this website because that is his paid day job, running way into the 2nd shift. He should ask for a raise. His boss is not paying him enough for all the liar legacy he spouts. He knows we need El Toro International Airport for 30 million annual passengers, but he would just as soon bury his head in the sand and hope he can dump his responsibility elsewhere. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Lone NIMBY is becoming more and more stressed as he displeases millions of our readers.
Thanks Donald,nothing makes me happier than displeasing millions of your imaginary readers. They'll be even more displeased when we get The Duke up and running 24/7. Then you may as well stay up boozing all night.
1156, it's 30 million passengers that you displease. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The lone NIMBY wants to displease everybody.
Those 30 million passengers are just as imaginary as your millions of supporters on this blog. And why do you keep asking Vern to turn on the lights? Too feeble to do the job yourself?
Go ahead and turn out the lights Vern. Donald thinks your his servant, and servants are never "elite". I think you've been disparaged.
1020, 30 million passengers are imaginary? Absolutely not. The best planners in the world came up with that number. It was approved by the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG). Only one NIMBY lump from South County voted against the plan, saying the demand shouldn't include a handful of transfer passengers which every 30 million annual passenger airport has. For some that's called hub and spoke. But for NIMBYs that's not allowed. They want to run the airline industry too. Turn on the lights, Vernon. You are the one with the talent to get it done. Nothing disparaging about it. The lone NIMBY thinks you're my slave.
Oh 1133, your rants get loonier by the day. It must just kill you that your precious airport will never open. It hurts to be a loser, doesn't it? Not to worry, I feel your pain.
Donald, that 30 million passenger number was a 20 year out projection made over a decade ago. The a few little FACTS like 9/11, teleconferencing and this recission kicked the crap out of their already inflated numbers. And the best planner in the world? SCAG couldn't predict tomorrow's temperature within plus or minus 50 degrees. Once again, the facts trip you up.
And interesting comment on Vern. So if he is the one with the power then what is your job here? Court jester? Village idiot? Designated Newport NIMBY? Demented old fool? We all know you need help, but from a professional, not Vern who obviously has enough problems of his own.
Turn out the lights Vern. You have the power, and is powerless.
453, well, lone NIMBY, at least you admit the demand for El Toro International Airport is 30 million annual passengers. Then you try to disqualify the estimate by telecommuting, terrorism, and SCAG inferiority. If you don't believe the vote by SCAG, then how can you believe any vote? You thought Irvine was on your side didn't you? The best planners in the world came up with 30 million annual passengers for El Toro. True then. True today. True tomorrow. Yes, Vernon has the power to turn on the lights. My job is to make you angry, and I seem to be doing a good job at that. Re-education will solve your problem, lone NIMBY. I'm elite. You're not. We love you, we really do. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Try again Donald, I said the 30 million passenger was a 20 year out ESTIMATE from the moron of SCAG. That ESTIMATE is now 10 years old, and was a fallacy from day one. In the post 9/121world it's now even more laughable. Of course, you just keep clinging to the same old lies, distortions and fantasies as you always have. Poor delusional NIMBY, the truth has never passed over your lips. The only one unaware of that fact sees to be you.
And if you can handle an reality in your fantasy airport world, the morning news announced that LAWA will begin unpaid furloughs for its workers due to the lousy economy and lack of travel demand. Your LAWA "money tree" is looking more and more like an old tumble weed to me.
Donald, your only job from day one has been to inject disjointed and irrelevant ramblings in the airport wars under the guiuse of the Village Idiot. Too bad you never read the part about where you lost. And despite your delusions of grandeur your are far from "elite". And for the "love" thing, I think I'll just let you and Vern stay in your closes and let you two work that out for yourselves.
The lone NIMBY does not get rid of the 30 million annual passenger estimate for El Toro International Airport. He just calls SCAG a moron and hides his head in the sand. The best planners in the world came up with that number. They're not morons, like a NIMBY is. The only way to get rid of other airport incursions and overflights is to open El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. It's 30 million annual passengers for El Toro International Airport. True 20 years ago. True 10 years ago. True today. True tomorrow, until Orange County goes high rise. Then it will be 60 or more. It's unconditional surrender to you, NIMBY
Why surrender when we already won? Small detail, just like your brain. Pull your head out and smell the fresh air, maybe it will clear up your confusion about El Toro being closed forever and SNA being expanded.
SCAG couldn't plan a birthday party for a 5 year old. The numbers were crap then, crap now and crap tomorrow. But who cares, tomorrow The Duke will be expanded, lean, green, FAA-approved, fully operational and flying 24/7. A little eminent domain in NIMBY Beach and the The Duke can handle the 100 million passengers who will be coming to The Great Park. SCAG loves that plan.
You have no choice but unconditional surrender. You have the airport over there. Under the equal access clause of the U.S. Constitution, no airplane can be denied access to your airport, open or not. Ever wonder why that airport still is there? Turn on the lights, Vernon. Only a pig can deliver the pork, but a NIMBY can deny and deny. No denial for you, lone NIMBY. It's 30 million annual passengers for El Toro International Airport and SCAG says it's so.
More crap from the the loose goose. Does your imaginary 30 million take into account the tanking air transport business? Air traffic is down across the board and nobody, absolutely nobody knows if it's ever coming back.
We will never surrender, especially to losers like you.
752, air traffic grows and grows. Why do you suppose we need El Toro International Airport now, when air traffic is temporarily down? You used that argument when you were trying to pass measures S, F, and W. But air traffic is up over then isn't it? NIMBYs are real losers. The airport is ready to go. Turn on the lights, Vernon. It's 30 million annual passengers for El Toro International Airport, and that is not imaginary. Unconditional Surrender, NIMBY.
You go out there right now with a fully loaded jumbo and just try to land! Nice try, NIMBY! Facts never mean squat to a NIMBY! And in case you haven't been paying attention, airline traffic is down across the board so nice try on that little lie of yours, but hey, what's another lie after you've already told so many.
Trying to pass measure S and W? They did pass, you idiot! Go back to your imaginary 30 million passengers, they can stand in line with you while you surrender, the battles over, you lost.
Uh.......S did NOT pass, but W 13 out of 34 cities.
A new zenith (or nadir?) in Donald's El Toro dementia.
So you are trying to convince us that Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Thomas Paine et al had the foresight to include jet planes in the U.S. Constitution? At a time when an ox cart was consider high tech? Who are you, the president of the Erich von Däniken fan club? Like Vern said, maybe only a pig can deliver the pork, but only a delusional old idiot could believe Jefferson worried about jets at El Toro. How many aluminum hats do you have?
Turn on the lighst Vern, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin and HAL the computer are hiding under Donald's bed. And he's afraid.
This man is nuts. Good thing he is the lead mouth piece for the pro-airport losers. All of the OC can't stop laughing.
1004 why is it a GOOD thing that Donald is the lead mouth piece? Is there actually someone who would be a bad mouth piece for the pro-airport side?
1010 its quite obvious to all that Donald lives in a fantasy world and is quite out of touch with reality. Nothing he says is true or even makes much sense. Therefore he has zero credibility. having Donald as the lead mouth piece for the pro-airport nuts is like having Bernie Madoff as the spokesman for Merrill-Lynch. Grab your wallet and run, because nothing good is going to happen if you believe either one.
That's a great load. Sort of like the Great Park. Give us a bad mouthpiece for El Toro International Airport, and we will have people suffereing from TCE exposure every day of their miserable lives. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Nobody is in the noise zone of El Toro International Airport, and that means squat.
Go back to your fantasy world that's laced with TCE, 549, you missed your flight. Maybe you can catch on at SNA, otherwise you'll just have a miserable life. Maybe it would be better if you moved.
721, you are saying 549 should move. Where do you live? From the tone of your post, where you live appears to make you quite happy. Perhaps 549 should move in with you.
I live in Corona del Mar, and thanks but no thanks, Vern or whoever the hate monger is, I don't need him in my home. Besides, he's just an old drunk and I don't need his problems.
558, that just goes to show you what a phoney you are. As an altruist you should welcome the needy into your home. Listen to 1220 when he speaks. Don't blast out with hate, filth and lies. We need El Toro International Airport for 30 million annual passengers. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Aviation demand waits for no one.
"Nobody is in the noise zone of El Toro International Airport, and that means squat." Absolutely correct Donald, of all the meaningless "facts" you have conjured up this one does mean squat. No airport, no noise zone, no one is hearing anything but the birds chirping. For once you spoke the truth. A novel feeling, isn't it?
710, nobody is in the noise zone of El Toro International Airport. That means squat. The sooner we open El Toro the sooner we save south county from other airport problems. Turn on the lights, Vernon. That means squat.
What other airport problems? We have John Wayne, I see no problem!
They suffer from PERMANENT airport TRAUMA problems! Just worrying about El Toro for all these years and drinking Bitter Ale even in a time of supposed victory shows they have permanently damages psyches. It wasn't El Toro that caused them problems, it was the THOUGHT of it that hurt them so bad.
Bucolic South County has no airport and thus no airport problems. Opening El Toro would only cure NIMBY Beach's airport problems, which was the singular goal from day one. Too bad the ruse didn't work.
This airport was is getting to be too much for you Donald, you're babbling more than even and not even making nonsense any more. When John Wayne goes24/7 all your problems will be solved. It's convenient, crowd free, lean, green, loved by everyone in the OC, and soon will be ready to send passengers wherever they need to go 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. John Wayne will will solve everyone's airport problems.
NIMBYs are damaged from El Toro trauma. 547 doesn't know about other airport problems for south county the longer El Toro remains closed. 859 still is infatuated with kinky dinky John Wayne Airport. All the lone NIMBY has to know is the answer to everybody's airport problems is to open El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The NIMBYs are babbling incoherently.
859 is STILL bitter and traumatized.
859 is the most coherent one on here. You anti John Wayne NIMBY losers are the bitter ones. I'm still waiting for someone to tell me what airport problems we're having. Airline traffic is down across the board. Airlines are canceling plane orders and retiring planes. There are NO long lines at SNA, just the NIMBY's imaginary 30 million friends lining up in his head. El Toro is done, toast, voted down, ancient history, un-needed, un-wanted, contaminated, dirty, not green, not clean and not going to happen. Just what part of that don't you poor loser NIMBY's get about that?
And the comment about dinky, stinky, John Wayne? WTF? If that's the best you can do you better give it up now. Oh, wait, you already lost the battle, didn't you? Oooops, my bad.
Viva la Duke!
1130 if any here is bitter and traumatized it is Donald and Vern. The NIMBY Beach psyche and inflated ego simply can not accept the fact that they were defeated by the proletariat. Only the Newport NIMBY's continue to flood this board with their lies, distortions, spurious "facts" and illogical arguments for an airport anywhere but near them.
As for me, I'm quite happy and content with only birds flying over my house. If you don't like jets overhead don't buy a house next to an airport. The NIMBY Beach "elite" should be able to figure that out on their own.
You're bitter and tramatized by losing the airport war, and there's nothing you can do about it. You lost on Measure A. You lost on Measure S. You lost on Measure F (unconstitutional.) You lost on Measure W, (Irvine got the airport and it can be opened without any more votes, only lawsuits, and they are always settled in favor of the airport.) The big money interests soon will take over Irvine and everybody will be happy when they see how much money there is to be made. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The Nimbys still think they won.
805, I see you still just can't stop lying, can you? Lies everywhere. Measure F won (lie on your part) but was a sacrificial lamb. Do your homework and quit lying, everybody knew it would be thrown out by the courts. Measure W won! How do we know it won? Because there is no airport at El Toro, duh, dummy! The courts always side in favor of an airport? Lie! You loser NIMBY's tried to have Measure W thrown out by the courts, too. The courts sided with the W proponents and it stands, no airport at El Toro.
Irvine can open the airport whenever they want? Lie! Not only can they not, they NEVER will.
When will you stop your lies and deceit? Well, we know you never will, that's just what NIMBY's do.
Just like I said 731, the arrogance and inflated egos of NIMBY Beach simply refuse to accept the fact that they lost the war. Just like petulant children, they pout and cry when they don't get their own way. Donald is the perfect example.
Turn out the likes Vern, Donald is going to time out until he learns to play nicely.
You lost on Measure A. You lost on Measure S. You lost on Measure F. You lost on Measure W. The airport is still there, dumbo. And all we have to do is use Irvine to turn on the lights. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
No, dumbo, there is no airport there. There are no planes, there are no passengers, there is no cargo. There is no terminal. There is no fuel. There is nothing but abandoned and a growing gravel pile.
No one let you out of time out Donald. Go back the to the corner until you can play nice.
The airport still is there, dumbo. All we have to do is use Irvine to turn on the lights. That makes you irrelevant. Turn on the lights, Vernon. It's time out for the Lone NIMBY.
The NIMBYs allegedly won, yet they are still on here whining and bitching. Sore they winners they are. Thanks for antagonizing them Donald and Vernon.
Oh no, we're not whining and bitching. We're correcting your lies so the very few people that might stumble on to this joke of a site can get the truth. We all know the NIMBY's from NIMBY Beach couldn't tell the truth to save their own lives.
Happy Easter, Donald. Hope you find your eggs. How come you're not on here telling us of the resurrection of El Toro. Seems only fitting since it is Easter. Or do you try to tell the truth one day a year?
It takes a NIMBY pig to deliver the hate. And on Easter, no less. This NIMBY is not very neighborly. He's always whining and bitching in front of our millions of readers to show what a sore winner he is.
Sore or otherwise, winners we are. And I guess that makes NIMBY Beach the losers. And sore losers you are, or would wouldn't wasting your time trying to resurrect the corpse of El Toro airport. Sorry Donald, El Toro is not Jesus and is not going to rise again no matter how long you rant and how many lies you spout. Go to church today and beg forgiveness for your crimes against your South County neighbors.
Don't count your chickens before they hatch, NIMBY. El Toro is a perfect airport and Orange County movers and shakers know which side of the bread the butter is on. Turn on the lights Vernon. We need El Toro International Airport for 30 million annual passengers. El Toro will rise with the flight of the Phoenix. Too bad whiny bitter sore winner.
From the looks of that big crane at SNA I'd say the so called "movers and shakers" know that the bread is buttered on the side of John Wayne.
Tough luck, NIMBY, your El Toro airport has no butter on it, it's as dry as can be. You and your 30 million imaginary friends will have to make due with our old friend, The Duke....Forever!
You're confusing the "movers and shakers" with NIMBY Beach St. Vitus dance. The movers have all moved on from El Toro to pursue realistic projects, and the shakers are you and your buddies suffering the D.T.'s.
The Duke is the answer to all your problems, especially once you see and hear the new 24/7 version that is just around the corner. The you and your millions of imaginary El Toro supporters and passengers can move and shake your way to anywhere you need to go. I would suggest a sanitarium as your first destination.
Your last post proves you haven't learned a thing since your previous post. The movers and shakers are the big money interests arriving in Orange County to take over Irvine and open El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY is pretending to be two NIMBYs and he hasn't learned a thing from our instruction.
Donald, are the "movers and shakers" some of your "millions" of airport supporters? Are they going to take over Irvine and open an airport with imaginary money? Do you think just one of them has an Internet connection and could actually post a note here for once so you don't look so completely stupid? Oops, I keep forgetting you are competly stupid. Anda liar too.
Didn't I put you in time out until you could tell the truth? Guess you still haven't learned you lesson.
Turn out the lights Vern, Donald is wearing the dunce cap again.
752, teacher doesn't give you the answers to the test in advance. You'll just have to wonder who the movers and shakers are. They even could be the old guard. They want the money too. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY is snoopy and uninformed. The millions of El Toro International Airport supporters are here and are posting. Lone NIMBY can't seem to see them.
Point just one of them out to me Donald.
Donald is pointing one out, it's just that he's standing in front of a mirror while he points.
Poor Donald, he's so easily confused. Reality means nothing to him.
813, it's time for me to get out 1001 insults as that seems to be your mode of posting. El Toro International Airport is ready to go and the Lone NIMBY can't point out a single supporter of the airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. We need it and we need it now.
Other than you Donald, there are no supporters of once planned but long forgotten El Toro International airport. And I can easily count at least three anti-airport supporter on this blog at any given time. Millions of imaginary supporters don't count, that's why it's so difficult to find them.
Turn out the lights Vern, there is no El Toro International Airport, no supporters, no money, and no need. Save some electricity. Donald can count his imaginary friends in the dark just as easily.
1026, there's the Lone NIMBY pretending to be two NIMBYs. Therefore, be it highly resolved that El Toro International must be opened to commercial traffic immediately in order to teach reactionary NIMBYs a lesson. Turn on the lights Vernon and turn off the NIMBY's wishes.
Therefore, be it highly resolved that Orange County International Airport must be opened to all traffic, 24/7, immediately in order to teach reactionary Newport NIMBY's a lesson. Turn those SNA lights on 24/7, Vernon and drown out the droning Newport NIMBY's.
Sorry Donald, the Lone NIMBY really is two posters, and unlike your imaginary "millions" we actually exist. You're badly outnumbered in body count and IQ points on this board. Surrender now, imaginary friends are of no help against the rising clamor for JWA 24/7.
Turn out the lights Vern, the self-proclaimed NIMBY Beach empire has collapsed and you're about to be lost under the rubble. Surrender now and we'll help you get a new home in the elite Great Park development in Irvine. It's clean, green, bucolic, elite and your only option.
819, there's the Lone Nimby pretending to be more than one Nimby. When I speak I speak for millions. When the Lone Nimby speaks it comes out as a mistake. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Unconditional Surrender is the Lone Nimby's only option.
There's the lone Newport NIMBY, speaking for the 30 million voices in his head. When I speak, I correct his lies. When he speaks the room clears.
It takes a pig to deliver the pork. But only the Lone NIMBY can deliver the lies.
So you admit you're a liar! Now we're making some progress. I say that because you are the lone NIMBY on this site. Lies flow like mud off your pigs back.
502, lurking about this fine pro-El Toro International Airport website will get you nowhere, Lone NIMBY. Even the pork is good for the airport.
I'm not lurking, Donald, I'm correcting your lies.
Go enjoy your pork chops for dinner.
Donald, there are more anti El Toro people here than pro. You are outnumbered, just like on election day. You can play Sybil with your 30 million imaginary voices until the cows come home. You should be worried about 30 million passengers headed for the new 24/7 Duke, coming right over NIMBY Beach an a few years. We can hardly wait.
826, you're a lurker, Lone NIMBY, wasting bandwidth in a pathetic attempt to spread lies. I can hardly wait until El Toro International Airport has its Grand Opening, and you return to chasing cars. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Lone NIMBY admits there will be 30 million annual passengers and, of course, they will be at El Toro.
Tell us, Donald, have you ever had an original thought in your entire life or have you always just spouted off other peoples ideas and lies? When is that grand opening, liar Donald? Give us a date, a year, a decade, a century! For God's sake give us something other than your constant ranting, slobbering, pathetic lies. You state no facts, EVER! Just your old lies about your fantasy airport that everybody knows will never open. Hell, even mythmaker quit posting here because he know's it's a lost cause.
It hurts go be a loser, doesn't it Donald?
Donald, just for the record this is not 718, a very erudite posted and knowledgeable of the facts. You, on the other hand, are lost in a time warp of a decade ago when the uneducated might actually have believed your lies, distortions and ranting. You and this blog are just a waste of good bandwidth which would be more productive sending Viagra spam around the world. However, we can forgive your ignorance and dementia. Surrender (notice the correct spelling here) now and we'll get you a lifetime pass to The Great Park. Otherwise you'll be doomed to a lifetime of listening to the jets departing The Duke at 3:00 AM.
Turn out the lights Vern, we can see the white flag in the dark.
830, here's the Lone NIMBY pretending to be two. He lurks around this fine website until finally he falls asleep at his keyboard and that's the end of his posts for the night. But the liar wakes up in the morning and lies again and again. NIMBYs lost the airport war after losing all the airport battles, but they go on and on and don't even think about Unconditional Surrender. It takes a pig to deliver the pork, but the Lone NIMBY delivers the lies. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Show the NIMBYs our power.
All the power that opened the once planned but long abandoned El Toro International airport? Wow, I'm so impressed. I've seen more power in a dead AAA battery.
You don't have to turn out the lights Vern, the NIMBY Beach power outage has done it for you.
148, here's the Lone NIMBY flaunting his two paragraphs when everyone else has one. NIMBYs lost the airport war, and, of course, they lost all four battles. Nothing is left for Lone NIMBY to do but use class warfare, hate, filth, and messenger attacks. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Start the flights and show the NIMBY our power. 30 million annual passengers are waiting in the wings. And this comes direct from SCAG!
More liar quotes from the defunct AWG hand book. Don't you get tired of this, Donald? Lie after lie, especially when everybody and I mean everybody knows you're lying? Perhaps you should read a paper sometime, the battles and the war are over, we won, the airport's dead. Why do you think they're expanding the Duke? Duh, dummy, it's because El Toro has seen it's last plane. Now why don't you sober up an have a nice cup of coffee, maybe it will clear some of the cob webs out of your thick skull.
725, well here's the Lone NIMBY throttled down to one paragraph, but it's the same anti-El Toro International Airport lies that lost them the election battles and the airport war. Turn on the lights, Vernon. We have an airport to open and Lone NIMBY can go back to barking at cars.
My God, Donald, you still don't get it that we won! You are the loser. I would think you would have figured that out since you're the only one posting pro El Toro crap on this site. You are one pathetic, loser NIMBY. Enjoy your fantasy life and your make believe airport, I guess that's all you have in life.
448, if you "won", then why are you on here. Not a sure sign of confidence on your part.
If you won, as you claim, why are YOU on here? You have no confidence.
I'm on here to correct your lies and deceit.
We won. You lost. This is what lies and deceit get you. Turn on the lights, Vernon. El Toro International Airport, yesterday, today and tomorrow.
Hey idiot, Measure W passed. Explain just how you won. Oh yeah, it's Donald's fantasy land and passing means losing just like a closed airport means an open on.
El Toro yesterday= a military air station.
Today= a closed air station being transitioned into a regional park.
Tomorrow= not a single remnant of the air base.
Nice motto, it has a nice ring to it.
What an idiot!
436, aha the paragraph king, Lone NIMBY, is wasting bandwidth just because he loves to pay for it. What is your real fear, Lone NIMBY? That you're still losing the airport war, the great park is toast, and El Toro International Airport will open before you know it? Turn on the lights, Vernon. The airport is for everybody, not just the NIMBYs. Yesterday, today and tomorrow.
If you must know the truth 1132, I'm here because I love watching Donald drown in his own cesspool of lies, distortions, fantasies and utter bullshit. He's so confused by his nonsense that he's just a a dog chasing it's own tail. So I confess, I just like picking on mentally deficient Newport pro-airport NIMBY's.
731, hardly the truth, Lone NIMBY. You show no confidence in your beliefs. Why are you so against re-opening El Toro International Airport? After all, it was here first.
731, then you have no life if you must correct the lies and pick on the mentally deficient Newport NIMBYs. Why aren't you out playing in the Great Park?
See, there's another one of Donald's constant lies. He keeps saying the re-opening of El Toro International. There never was an open El Toro International, except in Donald's gin induced delusions.
Lone NIMBY is too young to know when El Toro International Airport was open, before the re-opening. It was built long before Lone NIMBY was born. Why don't you get a real job working for us for the re-opening of El Toro International Airport? Turn on the lights, Vernon. Lone NIMBY can write on our side. Then he can speak the truth.
221, anti-El Toro International Airport NIMBYs have learned very little from re-education class 101. The don't know how to call Irvine City Hall, American Airlines or the Great Park to book a flight from El Toro International Airport. Now they are fooling around with cell phone numbers. Turn on the lights, Vernon. South County NIMBYs are the laughing stock of elite Newport Beach which always gets its way.
I have a real job Donald. Working to open El Toro International Airport is a fantasy job. I checked with Irvine City Hall for El Toro job postings, figuring a job might be goo rehabilitation for you. Sorry to report no current openings, no future openings, no current employees, no future employes. Plenty of jobs at the Great Park. Why don't you get a job on the balloon ride and spout your nonsense about your fantasy airport during the ride? Captive audience for you, and I'm sure they would appreciate your comedy. I'll even get them to embroider "I'm Elite" on your uniform, right above your title of "janitor".
736, sorry, spending all day and night spewing anti-El Toro International Airport hate does not qualify as a real job. I think you are a paranoid schizophrenic who was transformed years ago by anti-El Toro International Airport propaganda.Turn on the lights, Vernon. Lone NIMBY needs re-education by flights.
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