Emperor Agran of the People's Republic of Irvine had the gall to publish a letter in the Daily Pilot a pitch for federal porkulus funds for his Great Pork. Remember all the LIES.....er promises that this so called Great Pork would be TAX FREE????
Agran and his merry band of socialist thugs spent over a decade spreading fear, lies, hate, class envy, and filth against the already EXISTING El Toro International Airport.
If airports are so evil, why has the honorable Mr. Agran not uttered a peep about John Wayne which abuts Irvine? Why has the honorable Mr. Agran PERMITTED thousands upon thousands of housing units to be constructed oh so very near John Wayne. Aren't airports supposed to be "evil"?
That is because THE COUNTY not Irvine has control of the airport property. Therefore, the honorable Mr. Agran had to spend all these years and millions of taxpayers dollars demonizing El Toro International Airport so that he and his cronies could seize control of a $10 billion taxpayer asset.
Apparently his Great Pork ain't working out so well and is incredibly dependent upon a massive infusion of PUBLIC MONEY for the most minimal of park jewelry such as an ugly orange balloon on all of 30 acres. That is WHAT $100 million gets you!
Most of that money has been spent so far has been dedicated to talking about, writing about, advertising, exaggerating, and hyping up a virtually NON-EXISTANT park. Spew enough propoganda about it often enough, and gullible people start to believe it will become a park. The fact is 4 years after Irvine seized El Toro, there is very little progress to date. Lennar is not exactly on the road to recovery. This park is a mirage and a sham.
On the other hand, I see runways, hangars, a train station, and great freeway access. El Toro has been and continues to be the perfect site for an international airport for the flying public. (John Wayne should serve private and charter aircraft.)
Rather than grovel for money in a paper that serves the area where the Great Pork was thoroughly rejected. Why doesn't Mr. Agran simply pick up the phone and call LAWA and lease them the land for an airport. LAWA would bank roll his billion dollar park. All he has to do is ask.
In the meantime, the honorable Mr. Agran should refrain from using reprehensible socialist tactics to redistribute the wealth for what has been proven to be an utterly frivolous excuse for a "park". Wealth is created by entrepreneurs and economic engines such as El Toro, not by litigation and confiscation.
Great Park would be great opportunity for revenue
By Larry Agran
Updated: Wednesday, March 25, 2009 8:49 PM PDT
President Obama’s visit to Southern California was an excellent opportunity for city leaders to personally plead their case for funding of community and recreational facilities, which desperately need a portion of the stimulus dollars.
Unfortunately, city parks are not getting the attention they deserve. Although monies for national park improvements have been earmarked for the National Park Service, there is no money specifically designated for our metropolitan parks.
While tall skyscrapers, massive retail centers and new residential communities may garner more public attention and publicity, the fact is, parks matter.
Obama launched his administration with the boldest economic recovery program seen in America since Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal.
But where is the funding for our metropolitan parks? In Orange County, we are beginning development of the Orange County Great Park. The Great Park is the centerpiece of the redevelopment of the former El Toro Marine Corps Air Station. To fully understand the potential economic impacts the Great Park holds for Orange County and Southern California, Economic Research Associates (ERA) conducted an analysis of the public and private development in and around the park in the next 12 years.
The study reports that over the next 12 months alone, planning, construction and other private and public activity associated with building the Great Park could result in hundreds of jobs this summer, and thousands of jobs in the near-term, increasing to 31,532 jobs in 2020. Much of the preliminary work is “shovel ready.”
These projects include a “solar farm” providing renewable energy to the park and surrounding communities, a natural water treatment system with regional benefits to water quality, and a multimodal transit system using alternative fuel vehicles within the park and connecting to Amtrak and Metrolink service at the nearby Irvine Transportation Center.
The total dollar value of development and related activity projected is $23.9 billion with the average annual contribution to the regional GRP at $2.2 billion. Sales, property and income tax generated within the park and adjacent residential and commercial areas could amount to $123.4 million in 2020.
I am confident that many of the Great Park’s “green projects” will qualify for federal stimulus dollars in the areas of transit, transportation, renewable energy production and water quality improvement. National, state and local government officials nation- wide should take a close look at metropolitan parks as a logical place to invest federal stimulus dollars.
LARRY AGRAN is the mayor pro tem of Irvine and serves as chair of the Orange County Great Park Corporation.
Way to continue spreading your lies and hate, Donald. You rank right up there with Sir Larry.
I thought it was about time for another of Vern's epistles spewing his hatred and class warfare agenda. Interestingly enough, a minor re-write if this bile gives us the a wonderful summary of the NIMBY Beach El Toro strategy of lies, deceit and distortions to rid themselves of their flying neighbor, John Wayne Airport..
"Most of that money has been spent so far has been dedicated to talking about, writing about, advertising, exaggerating, and hyping up a virtually NON-EXISTANT airport. Spew enough propoganda about it often enough, and gullible people start to believe it will become a(n) airport."
Lies, lies, lies ad infinitum. Tell the big lie enough times and maybe people start to believe it. Wasn't that Hitler's strategy?
Sorry to remind Vern that the people of Orange County saw through the NIMBY Beach agenda of lies, hatred and class warfare and drove the stake through the heart of El Toro in 2002. 7 years later and the Newport NIMBY's still can't accept defeat. But The Donald and Vern continue to pout like the petualant spoiled children they are.
And BTW Vern, it's "propAganda" not "propoganda". Funny how the self proclaimed "elite" can spout their pro-El Toro propaganda but can't spell it. Maybe you and Donald should take some remedial spelling classes in your free time, as wasting bandwidth on this blog is not getting you any closer to closing The Duke. Try to find something positive in your life.
Yes, Larry Agran should pick up the phone and call LAWA and lease them the land for the airport, El Toro International Airport. Then finally, and once and for all, the NIMBY issue will be resolved and we'll have an excellent world class airport with hangars, jumbo jet cross runways, a train station and great freeway access on three sides. The airport is over on the east side of Irvine, out of the way up against a National Forest, Toll Roads, and Freeways. I wouldn't rule out Agran as an airport booster. He likes all kinds of infrastructure projects including segregated trash cans, community forums, trains and airports. The Great Park is a mirage, a sham and toast and will never make any money for Irvine or Orange County. P.S. I'm glad you turned on Comment Moderation, Vernon. Some of the postings have become NIMBY extreme.
I assume that means anyone who is anti-airport?
1032 sue me. I did not use spell check. Way to change the topic away from what a failure the Great Pork is.
440, that means extremists who oppose El Toro International Airport. The other side is not extreme.
Comment moderation is a big improvement, Vernon, because it stops the immediate response from NIMBYs who sit at their computer and post a distracting lie as soon as a pro-airport posting is made. Moderation must have increased your work load at this fine website which is all about El Toro International Airport. Keep up the good work and turn on the lights. The Lone NIMBY is having a nervous breakdown. One call to LAWA will do it, Larry.
Little touchy today Vern? I just expect the elite to be able to spell at a reasonably elite level. Otherwise the elite might become mixed with the proletariat.
As for the Great Park, I would agree that Agran has delivered far less than promised to date. Nor am I especially surprised.
Frankly I don't care what happens to the base as long as it never become an airport. Never underestimate our resolve on this issue.
1207, well, Lone NIMBY, I don't much care what happens to the Great Park as long as the fine airport that is there is re-opened. It's an economic engine par excellance and really we need it for 30 million annual passengers. Lone NIMBY has no resolve. He just parrots the anti-El Toro International Airport line. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Sorry to tell you this, Donald, but the Marine's moved! That means that the "fine airport that is there" will NEVER re-open. And on top of that, Irvine has NO intention of opening an airport there, either.
How's your alter ego Vernon doing? Still looking for the light switch?
740, of course I know the Marines were evicted. That means the fine airport that is there will re-open as a world-class civilian El Toro International Airport. Irvine is the easiest nut to crack. We already run it, and we'll open the airport as soon as we take over. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY is cruising for a bruising.
I see, you've already taken over Irvine and you'll open the airport as soon as you take over. Hmmm, no wonder the NIMBY's lost the vote on the airport, they think up is down, right is left and upside down is right side up. What a bunch of losers.
113, I laughed and laughed when Lone NIMBY came to the rescue of past tense and future tense. If only he could handle present tense without looking like a blithering idiot. Turn on the lights, Vernon. We know what's past is past and what's coming has already come. El Toro International Airport is waiting in the wings.
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