I learned that having a blog where people talk about El Toro International Airport sure makes a lot of people upset and causes heartburn, even though it has been around for several decades.
Judging by all the acrimonious posts on this blog shows we have a very divided county. I was sure hoping that we could all have a healthy happy discussion about El Toro International Airport without all these personal attacks going on. I am disappointed with the lack of mature discourse found amongst our posters who either like airports or dislike airports.
Then it dawned on me that reminding some people that the Great Park is failing only makes them very upset. They do not like to be made aware of that fact, or that the dreaded runways are still intact. Some people really do have their heart set on the park and do not want to hear any bad news about it. They only want their news source to be from Irvine itself.
Some people really do believe Irvine is going to deliver on its promise for tax free world class park. So why should I disappoint them anymore. I say, let them believe in the Great Park. I will no longer ruin their happiness. I will let them envision lots of beautiful smiling happy people with lots of pretty balloons and endless entertainment. Talking about an airport only makes them upset and is a distraction from their eager anticipation of the Great Park. Like John Lennon said "Imagine".
Now that's a winner for April Fools Day, Vernon. From here on out we will never advocate, adjudicate, or recommend the opening of El Toro International Airport. Even if the South County NIMBYs become jealous of other airports and want one of their very own. From here on out they must beg to open the airport. It's a win win for everybody. No more El Toro Airport talk on this website.
Donald (Vern) I just love it when you comment on your very own bullshit. Nothing like patting yourself on the back!
Happy April fools. This gag just proves once again how easy it is to "troll" people on the internets. People read the garbarge on here, take it seriously and acutally get upset and rant away in the comments, never realizing that they are the butt of the joke. We all know there is no airport at El Toro and never will be, but it sure is fun to watch people get all worked up by the thought of it.
Hey thanks, 824, I always knew Vern was a troll and now we know.
No more support for El Toro International Airport here. I'm a very selfish person and I want only my airport to love and be loved by South County which never feels sorry. Now we know who is selfish. It is we who love to provide air service to South County, 8% of which is using Lindbergh Field instead of my airport which I really love and hope no one ever will take away from me. Do unto others as they would do unto you. By their using my airport they are showing their love and devotion too. I only wish that I could put in 10,000 foot cross runways pointing to where airplanes need to go. We can do this just to show our love of South County whose love for me means never having to say you're sorry.
Donald, you're a fool in April and the other 11 months as well. And a little rework of NIMBY Beach can get those 10,000 ft. runways you pine for operating at The Duke with ease. South County doesn't need your love, we're quite happy with our airplane-free skies just as they are. Maybe it's time to put Casa de Delusional on the market and move south. Living in NIMBY Beach certainly seems to make you miserable.
I am shocked as anyone to see that Vern has to stop talking about El Toro. Yet the insults won't stop. Is NIMBY Beach not allowed to surrender?
That was Vern's attempt at an April Fools days joke 1008. Vern and Donald will never surrender.
It's not nice to be nice to anti-El Toro International Airport NIMBYs. Only they can return to the same old vitriole, hate, and lies even on April Fools Day. Who's the Fool now?
You are, 531. You'll always be the fool, and not just on April first.
719, there's no fool like an old NIMBY fool. Ask any El Toro International Airport booster and he will tell you the same thing. If you offer to sacrifice for him he grunts you deserve it. You shouldn't live where I want to fly. If you offer to open a noiseless, clean green airport for him, he says no your're a liar and a fool. I don't want to be self reliant. After all, I'm a NIMBY and you have no rights with me. Just shut up and take your punishment. The lone NIMBY never will change, not even on April Fools Day. Turn on the lights, Vernon. It's unconditional surrender for the lone NIMBY.
Hey Vernon,
I do not know if this is really a sick April Fool's joke or you have changed your tone. If you are truly sincere about letting the people enjoy the Great Park, then you will shut down this hateful mean-spirited blog once and for all.
Otherwise, if your post is a joke, there is nothing funny at all about sending jets over our communities and destroying South County's quality of life. Taking away the park we voted for and replacing it with an airport only adds insult to injury.
Wow Donald, that's one nasty post. The hangover must really be a bitch today. Well, sorry to tell you that there are more anti-airport posters on this board that pro now, despite your "millions" of imaginary supporters who never seem to post a single word here. And sorrier to tell that I love to fly out of The Duke and right over your Case de Delusional. JWA convenient, crowd free, lean, green, FAA approved, expanding as I write, and the runways poitn to exactly where I need to go, which is low and slow over NIMBY Beach. I can hardly wait to catch the first 3:00AM red-eye out of The Duke, I'll be on it no matter where it's going.
Sorry again Donald, the Lone NIMBY here is you. It's time to surrender to the reality that The Duke is and will be the only commercial airport in the OC, and none of your vitriolic spewing of hate and class warfare is going to change that fact. You need the Great Park to unwind and chill out. Fighting this losing battle has taken it's tool on what's left off your sanity.
115 slight problem, there is hardly much of a great park to chill out at. On the other hand, Newport has quite a bit of coastline and harbor.
The Lone NIMBY can't get it through his head that this is a pro-El Toro International Airport site and it is making great progress bringing the truth to the people every day of the year. Lone NIMBY won't stop with his lies, insults, jealousy and hate, until he is fired from his job of misinformation. Then he will go on to his next hack job, promoting El Toro International Airport for the men who buy Irvine and need a pro-airport liar. El Toro International Airport is clean, green, already built, popular with airlines, FAA approved, safe and a big moneymaker for Irvine which will shut down its park now that it is designed and start to make some real money with the LAWA Money Tree. April Fool no more, Lone NIMBY. Ask your boss when you should switch over to pro-airport.
As I told you Donald, my boss is anti-El Toro airport and yet a long time resident of NIMBY Beach. He has come over from the dark side. You should follow suit.
The reality is there is no money on the LAWA money tree, there is no support for an airport at El Toro (you and Vern are the last two cheerleaders, and on one is listening), there is no demand for an airport at El Toro, The Duke is being expanded as I write to support all of OC's future air traffic demand. And did I mention it's going 24/7?
Sorry Donald, the war is over, you lost and all the wishing and hoping and praying isn't going to change the result. El Toro = Great Park, JWA = OC's airport solution. Simple equation, simple, should be obvious even to a simpleton like you.
936, you lost the airport wars when you passed Measure W. Of course you lost on Measure F and you lost on Measure S and you lost on Measure A. Give up the fight now while you still have a boss. Tell your boss's boss to tell all of you to support El Toro International Airport. If you won't listen to me maybe you'll listen to them. They're spending a lot of money on your futile efforts. Plans to buy Irvine are moving forward, and LAWA will apply for federal grants for stimulus funds to run the airport. That's infrastructure we can believe in.
My boss's boss is God, and he doesn't ant an airport at El Toro either. He prefers to keep South County the little piece of the Garden of Eden that it is. Do yuo thinks it's a coincidence that NIMBY Beach is full of such obnoxious, repugnant people? Divine intervention at work.
And how odd that for all the battles that we have supposedly "lost" the only things flying of of El Toro are the sparrows, and all the "winners" still have JWA traffic over their heads. You NIMBY's are certainly the "winners" of the war.
And now Irvine is for sale? Where did you see that, on eBay or at the bottom of your latest gin bottle?
God built the airport and the Marines paved the runways. If God didn't want the airport he would not have built it. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY disobeys God.
And on the seventh day God made SNA for all of the (non)elite of NIMBY Beach to use, and God saw that it was good.
In response, Satan built El Toro to tempt the honest people and see if they would pave over paradise.
The true believers have spoken and said NO to an airport at El Toro, and God smiled on them and said, "Good, my child, no go in peace and sin no more."
So you see, 1015, only sinners and satin worshipers want El Toro.
Enjoy Hell, 1015, we know what church you worship in.
Are you saying that the Marines are Satan worshippers? THEY were the ones that built El Toro in the first place.
No they didn't, 1015 says it was built by God. The Marines just used it until they realized it was a sin to do so.
God created El Toro International Airport. The Marines paved the runways. Civilians will use the airport as soon as we turn on the lights. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Some NIMBYs think flying is a sin.
Marines are sinners? Wow what else are they? Babykillers?
Support the Troops.
Donald, if God could create the heavens and the earth then he could have added runways as well if he had wanted them there. El Toro airport is a sin. The Great Park is what was planned from the beginning.
God created El Toro International Airport. He used the Marines to pave the runways. Civilians will get a free ride when the lights are turned on. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This Nimby is not neighborly.
233, you know nothing of God. You wouldn't know him if you stood before him at the Pearly Gates. Not that you'd get that far, God hates liars, and you have proven to be a master of lies.
733 NIMBY Beach is the Devil's vacation home, didn't you know that? He feels at home among his own kind.
God made El Toro International Airport. He used the Marines to pave the runways. The Devil made them pollute Irvine so now the only use for El Toro International Airport is El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. NIMBYs are not very neighborly.
225, I'll bet you stayed up all night thinking up that stinker. And it does stink. What an idiot1
Donald finally appears at 2:25. Must have been another long, gin soaked night to come up with tha gem.
Guess what Donald. Satan thinks he's "elite" too. He wants you to keep lying about El Toro so he can give you an express pass to join him when the time comes.
Well, I liked it. Of course I thought of it. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY needs El Toro International Airport more than we do.
Well well Donald, latest news flash is that Obama is pushing high speed trains. Obama loves trains, loves fellow travelers Agran, Boxer and Feinstein, and is wild about the Great Park. Obama hates El Toro, NIMBY Beach and The Lincoln Club. The so-called "elite" of NIMBY Beach will be at the top of the list to cough up more taxes to support those high speed trains. Osama is the MAN!
Turn on the lights Vern, just be sure it's located on a high speed locomotive. Obama loves to see the scenery from a train window, not an airplane.
1229, the Lone Nimby is back posting and wasting bandwidth and memory as if they were unlimited resources. El Toro International Airport is just what the Democrats ordered. They know which side of the bread the butter is on, and Newport Beach never loses. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Obama is still mad that he could not land at El Toro when he visited Orange County and had to land in Los Angeles County.
OMG, the rants of delusional old fools. If you really thought you had won the battle you wouldn't be wasting valuable trees with your weekly drivel in the Daily Pilot (and proving how dumb they are to keep publishing it). You lost and you know it. All your whining and all of Vern's juvenile cut and paste efforts are not going to change that fact. But keep up the delusions, I'm sure your psychiatrist is become a very rich man treating all your mental illnesses.
Obama, Boxer, Feinstein, Agran and the rest of the leftists are all holdng hands and singing Kum By Ya these days, and the everyone one of them will love nothing better than to begin their wealth redistribution agenda right in NIMBY Beach. The Lincoln Club has a bulls eye on it. Agran is not one to forgive and forget his enemies. It's just so delight to know most of them live in NIMBY Beach.
Obama love trains and open spaces like The Great Park. He hates airports and , by association, anyone who would support them. NIMNY Beach's political spine is broken, the leftists have the power and Agran has their ear. Obama will make sure their is plenty of money for The Great Park. It's a done deal.
But stay in denial Donald. Good thing you live in NIMBY Breach, there's plenty of sand around so you can bury your head in it.
PS. I'm elite, I can afford all the bandwidth I want. Deal with it.
820, rave on Lone NIMBY. We'll flip El Toro from park to planes when we take over. Obama wants to land there next time he comes to Orange County. You lost the airport battles and you lost the war. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY wants to waste bandwidth and doesn't care how much harm he does to others. That's a NIMBY for you.
So tell us, oh great one, will this take over be peaceful or are you coming with pitchforks and shovels? The only way for NIMBY Beach to take over Irvine is if every NIMBY in Newport moved there, then you could open your beloved airport. Until then it's just more of your incessant lies and b.s., isn't it, Donald?
Indeed Donald, I saw a recruiting poster for the Imperial Army of NIMBY Beach just yesterday. Are you going to invade Irvine armed with fish forks and sharpened truffles? Hey, you can probably recruit those 30 million imaginary El Toro passengers and have a 30 million man imaginary army.
Don't be like those lonely Japanese soldiers still fighting
818, Japanese soldiers still fighting. That's a weird one from a weird NIMBY. I'm glad you admit we'll take over Irvine. As a matter of fact, we already run it. So why get so upset? Irvine will open El Toro International Airport when we take over. Turn on the lights, Vernon. NIMBYs need a life and a Teddy Bear.
Donald you continue to be the master of the non sequitur (and master of babble as well). I can see the hangover is still in full force.
"....I'm glad you admit we'll take over Irvine" (we will take over Irvine; future tense). "As a matter of fact, we already run it" (have already taken over Irvine, present tense. Direct contradiction of previous sentence). "So why get so upset? Irvine will open El Toro International Airport when we take over" (oops, back to future tense, contradicting his own previous position once again. Guess NIMBY Beach doesn't run Irvine. Yes the do. No they don't. Yes, no, yes, no , maybe, no, yes. And this is one of Donald's more coherant posts. Does he knwo what he is talking about? Yes, no, yes, no, maybe, doubtful, no, no, yes, no. And yet the NIMBY's wonder why they lost the airport war).
Sounds like the 30 million imaginary friends in your head can't decide if they live in NIMBY Beach,Irvine, Santa Ana or Inglewood. Go back to bed, sleep it off, come back when you can string a coherent train of thought together (and the El Toro airport will open long before that happens, and we all know that is never).
Turn out the lights Vern, Donald is flip flopping around like a mackerel on a pier. It's not a pretty sight.
144, any serious discussion with the Lone NIMBY is useless because he is irrational and flip flops around like a fish out of water but sticks to his constant lies, class warfare, hate, and mystical dogma. Yes, we already run Irvine. Why do you suppose the Great Park expense has been rising so high? Why are the jumbo jet cross runways carefully preserved? When will El Toro International Airport open? After we take over. What's wrong with that? Only the Lone NIMBY sees an inconsistency. We might have a job for you. Lone NIMBY. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Should we hire Lone NIMBY? Or should we give him a Teddy Bear?
Well Donald, you've done it yet again. First you say you've already taken over Irvine, then in the next sentence you say when you take over Irvine. So which is it? Have you taken over or are you going to take over? It doesn't really matter, we know it's just more of your rambling bullshit.
722, you're up pretty early for a Saturday morning, but then I guess you want a friendly dose of the truth so in you come to find out all about Irvine which you fear more than the opening of El Toro International Airport. Yes, already we run Irvine and yes, we are going to open the airport when we take over. This has been explained to you over and over but you ignore details. Turn on the lights, Vernon. It's time to show Lone NIMBY already we run Irvine and we're going to open the airport when we take over. He gets a lot of fun out of that. Sort of like voting for it before voting against it.
Well Donald, unlike you I don't have to deal with a hang over, so yes, I get up early. And while doing so I get to correct your lies and deceit. I see you didn't disappoint.
1110, now we know why the Lone NIMBY lurks around this fine website and posts his lies whenever the truth is spoken. Lone NIMBY is scared to death of Irvine and believes we will open the airport when we take over. He believed Irvine when it said it was against El Toro International Airport and wanted a park, stores, and houses on that polluted base station airport. Too bad, Lone Nimby, the die is cast and the bloom is off the image. The airport war was worth fighting because it showed how confused the NIMBYs are. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Donald, you are one delusional, idiotic, stupid, paranoid, nut case. Time after time I have asked you to prove just one single point of your rantings and time after time you cannot. You are an absolute joke, your airport is dead and nobody, absolutely nobody believes a single word you speak, type or spew.
I see it's almost 5:00, shouldn't you be preparing for cocktail hour or is every hour cocktail hour in Donald's fantasy land?
Oh, and one last note, I don't live under El Toro so I have nothing to fear except an extreme waste of my tax dollars.
446, the taxdollars have already paid for El Toro. What is your REAL fear?
Just one more lie, right 1129? It will cost how many million to transform what's left into an airport? Keep those lies coming, Donald, it's what you do.
657, it already is an airport, dummy. What is your real fear?
It's a closed airport, dummy. It would take six years to open if work started today.
What's your fear that it will never open? Just what are you afraid of, your own shadow?
433, it's 6 weeks, (not 6 years,) from go ahead to first flights at El Toro International Airport. What's your fear? That it might happen in 6 days? If God can do it, so can we. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY has some deep seated real fear of El Toro International Airport that makes him work day and night and even on Sundays. Too bad it's all for naught.
Good evening Donald, good to see your as delisional on Saundayas the other days in thewek.
So, if you "already run Irvine" and if you have kept "The Great Park expense rising so high" and if you have kept "the jumbo jet cross runways carefully preserved" then why haven't you opened your airport? Why do you need Vern to turn on the lights? Why do you keep crying to LAWA to help out? If you have so much power in Irvine why aren't you actually taking your red-eye to Japan instead of filling this blog with your pathetic delusions and nonsense?
But that's OK with me Donald, because while you sit on your ass in Casa de Delusional the REAL powers in OC are pouring concrete and making flight schedules for the new, improved, convenient, crowd-free, lean, green, absolutely silent, 24/7 John Wayne Airport. It's already built, FAA approved and fully operational. What are you afraid of?
Turn out the lights Vern, Donald wants to snooze his way to 2015.
726, El Toro International Airport is where the action is. it's lean, green, clean, FAA approved, wanted, needed safe and ready for 30 million annual passengers. And that's direct from SCAG. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Lone NIMBY is trying to change the subject again. The real power is ready to flex its muscle when there's money to be made.
Donald, once again you change the "facts" to fit your need. I have read, over and over that it would take six years to build El Toro into a full functional, international airport. In the past you have claimed that was incorrect, that it would, in fact, take six months. NOW you claim six weeks. That's a joke and you're a liar of king sized proportions. Hell, it would take six weeks, minimum, just to fix the runways!
And I have to agree with 726, since you claim to already run Irvine, what are you waiting for? Book some flights in there and lets get this show on the road.
Of course we all know the only flights at El Toro are only in your head, you don't run Irvine (except when you're under the influence of gin) and there will never be another flight out of there.
Time for more lies, Donald, try to make them entertaining this time, we're tired of the old ones.
Running Irvine is a job many people take seriously. The airport is ready to go, but there is concern about the future of Woodbridge and the great balloon which has a plume of TCE under it bubbling up to the surface as we speak. As soon as El Toro International Airport opens there will be money to speed up the cleanup which seems to be getting worse as cleanup pushes the plume farther north. Too bad Woodbridge was built. The natural state of things there is a swamp. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Lone NIMBY is getting easy to handle.
226, yes the NIMBYs don't know the difference between past, present and future tense when it comes to running Irvine and re-opening EL Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Too bad the NIMBYs cell phone numbers no longer are private. I'll put them on the telemarketers's do call list.
Donald, your SCAG "facts" were complete BS 10 years ago and even more laughable now. And the FAA never "approved" El Toro for anything. If you actually READ the flight analysis the FAA said that with the county's hopelessly bad bad, and your precious crossed runways going to where no one want to go, anything over 4 MAP would paralyze the entire SC air traffic control system and create major confacts with Long Beach and JWA ( you NIMBY's claimed The Duke would stay open, remember?).
Keep it up Pinocchio, that nose must have circled the globe by now.
729, here's the Lone NIMBY who can't let the truth rest 5 hours until he unleashes a torrent of mal-wisdom that is all lies. The FAA approved El Toro International Airport and revealed air traffic control shall have to stop allowing coming in over South Orange County to land at Long Beach and cutting the corner to land also. That's double good. If we didn't have the well planned El Toro International Airport, airplanes could go on and on with an old fashioned ATC based on off-shore winds. The FAA ATC will be changed when El Toro International Airport goes to 30 and 60 MAP. El Toro's fuel-saving jumbo jet cross runways start planes off in the right direction in the direction they should be going, setting off a rush to find more El Toro type sites in Southern California. That's good and saves time, fuel and carbon emissions. Turn on the lights Vernon. NIMBY has run his rusty bolt, and the bolt isn't pretty.
What's the matter, Donald, people telling the truth on your precious blog site and you can't handle the truth? So what does NIMBY Donald do? He now moderates what is written. So much for truth and the sharing of ideas, huh Donald?
By the way, yesterday there was an El Toro information phone number posted, why did you take that off? I would think that would be very helpful for spreading your information.
Donald, 5 first graders could have planned a better airport than the county's disaster. However, I am forever grateful as their complete incompetence helped reveal the truth about the huge negative impact El Too would have on cities in all directions, including NIMBY Beach. So we'll keep the hub of the OC's aviation needs exactly where they belong, at convenient, crowd-free, lean, green, quiet, FAA approved, fully operational, and loved by all, John Wayne Airport. And we'll love it even more when we can all catch a red-eye out just as soon as those silly caps expire and the Duke goes fully operational 24/7. What a marvelous economic engine that will be. I can't wait.
1040, what a pleasure to see the Lone Nimby posturing over moderation. I told him over and over how to book a flight at El Toro International Airport by calling Irvine City Hall, American Airlines, or Great Park Chair. But he would not do it and always he tried to change the topic away from El Toro. He wants to keep the old air traffic control that pushes planes over South Orange County for landings at Long Beach. Also there is the cutting of the corner which should be changed. When well planned El Toro International Airport opens planes will return to coming ashore over Huntington Beach pier and peel off to the left to land at Long Beach. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Lone NIMBY is against ATC change.
Donald, Donald, Donald. I told you, over and over, that I took your silly advise and called Irvine City Hall and American Airlines and the Great Parks Chair. I got the same reaction from them all. When they could all stop laughing they told me to stop listening to that silly old drunken man that lies through his teeth about El Toro. That El Toro is closed and will stay that way.
Oh, and one more thing, I see you didn't post my not about the planes going into Long Beach already coming in over the HB Pier. Facts just seem to elude you, don't they. Lies, on the other hand, seem to be your speciality.
745, once a Lone NIMBY, always a Lone NIMBY. You asked how to book a flight at El Toro and I told you over and over to call Irvine City Hall, Great Park Chair and American Airlines. But you wouldn't do it. You wanted the phone numbers. Then you said you did call and you all had a good laugh. That's not the way to book a flight. You must call them over and over until finally they get the message that you, Lone NIMBY, really wants to book a flight. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY is a chronic liar, really does not want to book a flight at El Toro International Airport and doesn't know a thing about landings into Long Beach.
That's what we've all come to expect from you, Donald, just more B.S. double speak. That's all you NIMBY's ever do. And it would appear that I know a lot more about landings into Long Beach than you do, dummy!
116, if you really wanted to book a flight at El Toro instead of just laugh about it, you would call Irvine City Hall, the Great Park Chair, and American Airlines every day over and over again. I don't think you even called them once. And you can't prove that you called, and surely you don't know about landings over South County into Long Beach. HB pier was the old way to go when the Marines were zooming above El Toro International Airport, also then known as MCAS, El Toro. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Let's restore Air Traffic Control for the new airport.
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