Today is a day to honor the sacrifices of those brave young men and women who have made America great. Some people simply see Memorial Day as a 3 day vacation and forget the true meaning of it. Then worse yet, there are others like the People's Republic of Irvine and the socialist NIMBYs who desecrate everything the military stands for, by getting the United States Marine Corps kicked out of El Toro.
Remember, it was chickenhawk RINO Congressman Chris Cox whose wife Rebecca Cox served on the BRAC commission that voted to close El Toro. It cost the taxpayers billions of dollars to not only re-locate the Marines to Miramar, but to also send the Navy to Lemoore. It is no wonder why Cox ran away to New York to mismanage the SEC because he knows he is such a disgrace around here. He did nothing to let the troops have access to the housing and commissary at El Toro and he knows it. All those protests outside his office by veterans must have got to him.
Chris Cox screwed our beloved Marine Corps in order to enable developers like Lennar and Irvine Company to pave everything they could around El Toro. I do favor free enterprise and most development. However, to kick out the Marines and dishonor our military is treasonous. Besides, it is only poetic justice that the housing market has collapsed and Lennar and the Irvine Co. are losing money hand over fist. They thought they got themselves a big mine of gold, when it was just a mine of fool's gold for all their efforts.
Then there is that Great Pork of Larry Agran's which ain't working out so well either. The Great Pork was counting on some overly optimistic real estate revenue projections. Instead they must rely on federal pork from other military haters like Barbara Boxer who launched her infamous political career by getting the Air Force removed from Hamilton Air Force Base located just north of commie infested Frisco.
In the meanwhile, the housing market was flooded with over development to accommodate the masses in South County who could only acquire their homes with subprime loans. Then, adding even more homes further depresses home values. Yet, this whole time, the economically illiterate NIMBYs of South County were convinced that it would be an airport would lower their home values, not foolish developers flooding the housing market. The verdict is they were all wrong.
In fact, I have seen some homes in Santa Ana Heights going for well over a million dollars while at the same time there are many homes under "jet free skies" in Lake Forest, Laguna Woods, and Irvine in the low 300s! No wonder why they hate Newport Beach so much! Even lower tier Newport Beach aka Santa Ana Heights which literally became part of Newport Beach yesterday puts to shame the majority of the South County cities. All the bitter military hating NIMBYs can post on here is long live the Duke, and we in Newport Beach can simply point to their home values and say scoreboard.
Happy Memorial Day and long live the world's greatest military. The Great Pork has failed. Therefore, we must re-open El Toro as a joint use base with the Marines to provide national defense and the airlines to provide economic stimulation. That is what will raise property values in South County. Maybe then they will finally get over their rabid jealousy of Newport Beach.
What a fine Memorial Day essay, Vernon. It takes a 3 day holiday like this to remind us of how fortunate we are to have high priced houses while South County NIMBYs wallow in hate and jealousy. They're out of work and have low priced houses. When El Toro International Airport opens, the NIMBYs will get a piece of the pie too. They deserve something for all of their efforts against El Toro International Airport. Fools Gold for Irvine and the housing developers is what did it. I liked your statement that the economically illiterate NIMBYs of South County thought El Toro International Airport would lower their home values when it was too many houses that did it. No wonder they hate us, with our $ million homes right at the end of John Wayne Airport's runway. Now that North Korea has exploded a big nuclear bomb the military may take another look at El Toro for joint use. Chris Cox is gone. He has been evicted.
My God, Donald, that is the worst written piece of drivel I have ever read. How many gin and tonics did you inhale before you penned that little gem? And once again it's filled with your usual lies and hate, but then we've come to expect that. Do your homework, Donald, and you'll find that the Navy WANTED to move to Lemoore. They saved millions by moving to what they consider their gem of a base.
Keep up your dreams and lies, Donald, but the reality is they are planning on tearing up your beloved runways at El Toro in the next couple of months. Oh yes, you can rant on and on about the need for permits. They already have them, dummy.
Does it hurt to be the laughing stock of the blog world, Donald? I guess not because you keep coming back for more.
Lone Nimby comes back for more. I didn't talk about Lemoore. That was Vernon, and what Vernon says I agree. But then you don't know the difference between me, thee and he. You've been planning to tear up El Toro International Airport runways for years, but they're still there. Call me when you get state and federal permits to destroy a national asset. Have you checked with the United Nations? El Toro International Airport is needed for regional aviation plans. Better pull your workers out of the area when the jumbo jets begin to land.
This may be your best article to date, Vernon. It is patriotic, well researched, neighborly and revealing with your scoreboard comparisons to unpatriotic non-neighborly South County. Elite Newport Beach always gets what it wants. Obama is going to dredge the harbor. The Stimulus Package is going to dredge the upper bay. Turn on the lights, Vernon. El Toro International Airport will make NIMBYs neighborly.
Donald, I just love the way you comment on your own stupid rantings. And just why do you hate south county so much? You are one poor, pathetic, un-elite slob.
915, South County is one bucolic center of hate. Not a single city there voted for El Toro International Airport in the last airport election. If that is not hate I don't know what it is. In your twisted mind you reverse the hate and blame it on me. I educate, not intimidate. Hate is the emotion of South County. When El Toro International Airport opens you can blame it on Irvine. Fortunately, nobody is in the noise zone at El Toro International Airport, so everything works out just fine. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Hate will turn into love.
I see how your sick, twisted mind works, Donald. Every city that voted against El Toro is filled with hate, right? Therefor you hate the cities that voted against your fantasy airport so you are the hate monger. Such is life in Donald Land, also known as the Tragic Kingdom. Pathetic!
735, there you are blaming me for the hate in your heart and every south county city that voted against El Toro International Airport in the last airport election. If you and your cities aren't haters, then what are you? Fortunately, no one is in the noise zone of El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This website is filled with love for 735 and every south county city that voted against El Toro International Airport in the last airport election.
We love you, too, Donald. We just don't want your airport. We love the Duke and think you should keep it since you had it first.
Viva la Duke, and I say that with all the love in the world.
624, there you are, the captain of hate, posting your hate of your airport, not mine. I want to use it but I have never said it was my airport. El Toro International Airport is a $10 Billion National Asset which NIMBYs always try to discredit. Turn on the lights, Vernon. 624 is totally enraged. We love him and we love his airport.
Donald, Donald, Donald, I send love and you claim I spew hate. You are one confused sad sack. I don't hate my airport, I said I love the Duke, that is not hate. And just because we voted against El Toro doesn't mean we're hatefull, we just don't want you to send your problems to us.
And just where do you come up with the $10 Billion figure. I suspect you're making that number up.
Peace and love, Donald, and Viva la Duke!
345, spewing hate is the only thing you and your south county cities do. Not a single south county city voted for El Toro International Airport in the last airport election. If that isn't hate, then what is is? El Toro International Airport will teach you a lesson when it opens. We love you and we love your airport. Too bad you didn't know that El Toro International Airport is a $10 Billion gift to the region. That is well documented. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Lone NIMBY doesn't know he's a hater. The truth hurts so he attacks the messenger. He hates Elite Newport Beach and he hates El Toro International Airport.
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