A Southwest Airlines jet was recently struck by lightning and had to make an emergency landing at Oakland International Airport. Fortunately OAK has a 10,000 foot runway. We all know that El Toro has not only has one, but TWO 10,000 foot runways as well. Then of course there are two 8,000 foot runways. Add it all up and we have 36,000 feet worth of runways! This is the equivalent of SIX John Wayne Airports!
However, the brainwashed NIMBYs who suffer from a decade plus of El Toro International Airport fear mongering created by the Agranistas would place their militant dogma over public safety. They also are gullible enough to think Irvine will build them a world class park. All without the use of public tax dollars! Yeah right!
Remember folks, John Wayne has a mere 5700 foot runway, which leaves virtually no margin for error. Common sense and the laws of physics dictates that a 10,000 foot runway is a far safer bet than the 5700 foot runway; especially under emergency conditions such as a lightning strike. But don't tell the NIMBYs that. They are so caught up in their hatred and class warfare of Newport Beach that they just cannot think rationally. Their minds are so clogged with emotional rhetoric and diehard dogma. That's a shame. As a public service, this blog is here to help them see the light and to show them that they have been misled this whole time.
Chances are someone on here will pipe in that El Toro is "unsafe" because "jets takeoff into mountains". Fine, then send the jets west or south over relatively flat areas. Besides, Woodbridge needs to be condemned anyways due to all that TCE poisoning of their water supply.
Wow, what an exciting lightning contact with a transport airplane. The electricity hits the nose of the plane and exits from the tale, just the way it always does. Just last week lightning and thunder disturbed Elite Newport Beach. This creates an emergency in the air and the pilot heads for the closest long runway airport in the region. Fortunately, El Toro International Airport has 36,000 foot runways so the plane can coast to a stop without spoilers, hydraulics or brakes. If the stricken plane lands on Runway 7 gravity will slow the plane as it starts to roll uphill. We are fortunate, indeed, to have such a fine airport just waiting to be used locally. Turn on the lights, Vernon. For safety first we must open the airport.
It's "TAIL" Donald, not "TALE". If NIMBY Beach is so "elite" how come so many illiterates live there? I can find more coherent writers at any trailer park in Kentucky. Moron.
948, I laughed and laughed when you posted your tale about tails and tales which shows your humor is real. But if only you wern't so insulting of Elite Newport Beach. Turn on the lights Vernon. We have tales about jealous NIMBYs.
Newport Beach: A Kentucky trailer park on inherited money.
Low IQ's, paranoid, irrational hatred of South County, acting like the petulant children that they are because their El Toro airport pipe dream will never be realized.
Welcome to the world of Donald and Vernon. Two impotent old goats with nothing to but hatred in their hearts, and too little intelligence to accept reality.
Welcome to the NIMBY World of 1003. Low IQ's, paranoid, irrational hatred of Newport Beach, acting like petulant children that they are, because they hate their airport, El Toro International Airport, so much. Nobody is in the noise zone. Fewer people in the sight zone than there are right now. We need that airport for safety first, 36,000 foot runways and gravity braking on runway 7. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Reality is a wonderful thing.
your blog is very provocative and informative. Keep up the good work. These NIMBYs in South County are professional victims. The airport at El Toro was there BEFORE they moved in!
And the airport at John Wayne was there before the NIMBY's of Newport moved in, too.
Viva la Duke!
852, absolutely not, Lone NIMBY. Count the jets at El Toro before the NIMBYs moved in. You evicted them (for the time being.) Turn on the lights, Vernon. Anti-El Toro International Airport NIMBYs still think El Toro moved in on them. May a bolt of lightning strike their computers.
Tell the families of the marines who died at MCAS El Toro how safe those runways are. Ever hear of Loma Ridge?
Dear 327. Show me ONE airport or even a freeway that has an absolutely PERFECT safety record.
Using your logic, just about every single transportation facility would be closed by now.
If taking off towards hills is STILL a problem with 21st century aircraft as opposed to using 60s aircraft (when the accident happened), then simply send the takeoffs to the west and the south over flatter areas. No problem!
Besides, I bet John Wayne has had far more fatalities than El Toro has had. Why are you SILENT about the 5700 foot runway that is the SHORTEST of any commercial airport in the nation???? Simply put, John Wayne is for private aircraft and El Toro is for jets.
El Toro International Airport is absolutely safe. Anti-El Toro International Airport zealots spent $millions crying about Loma Ridge. Of course we heard about it, and of course the plane was overloaded with wet cargo. Your telephoto lens made that hill look like a mountain. The FAA has approved El Toro International Airport for 4 million annual passengers using Runways 7 and 34, and it's absolutely safe. That's fewer passengers than currently fly over South County right now from dinky John Wayne Airport. They're noisy at Lake Mission Viejo. I can vouch for that. Nobody, absolutely nobody, is in the noise zone of El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Never give South County NIMBYs an even break. El Toro is clean, green, safe, FAA approved, wanted, needed and ready to go and make money for Irvine with LAWA at the helm.
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