We have the same bunch of anti-American socialist degenerates occupying South County.
Luke AFB is west of Phoenix and is rapidly being surrounded by civilization that complains about the noise from the base and its planes, forgetting that it was there long before they were. A certain lieutenant colonel at Luke AFB deserves a big pat on the back. Apparently, an individual who lives somewhere near Luke AFB wrote the local paper complaining about a group of F-16s that disturbed his/her day at the mall..
When that individual read the response from a Luke AFB officer, it must have stung quite a bit.
The complaint:
'Question of the day for Luke Air Force Base:
Whom do we thank for the morning air show?
Last Wednesday, at precisely 9:11 A.M, a tight formation of four F-16 jets made a low pass over Arrowhead Mall, continuing west over Bell Road at approximately 500 feet Imagine our good fortune! Do the Tom Cruise-wannabes feel we need this wake-up call, or were they trying to impress the cashiers at Mervyn’s early bird special?
Any response would be appreciated.
The response:
Regarding 'A wake-up call from Luke's jets'
On June 15, at precisely 9:12 a.m., a perfectly timed four- ship fly by of F-1 6s from the 63rd Fighter Squadron at Luke Air Force Base flew over the grave of Capt. Jeremy Fresques. Capt Fresques was an Air Force officer who was previously stationed at Luke Air Force Base and was killed in Iraq on May 30, Memorial Day.
At 9 a. m. on June 15, his family and friends gathered at Sunland Memorial Park in Sun City to mourn the loss of a husband, son and friend. Based on the letter writer's recount of the fly by, and because of the jet noise, I'm sure you didn't hear the 21-gun salute, the playing of taps, or my words to the widow and parents of Capt. Fresques as I gave them their son's flag on behalf of the President of the United States and all those veterans and servicemen and women who understand the sacrifices they have endured.
A four-ship fly by is a display of respect the Air Force gives to those who give their lives in defense of freedom We are professional aviators and take our jobs seriously, and on June 15 what the letter writer witnessed was four officers lining up to pay their ultimate respects.
The letter writer asks, 'Whom do we thank for the morning air show? The 56th Fighter Wing will make the call for you, and forward your thanks to the widow and parents of Capt Fresques, and thank them for you, for it was in their honor that my pilots flew the most honorable formation of their lives.
Only 2 defining forces have ever offered to die for you...Jesus Christ and the American Soldier. One died for your soul, the other for your freedom.
Lt. Col. Grant L. Rosensteel, Jr. USAF
It's time to call a spade a spade. The anti-El Toro International Airport NIMBYs are unpatriotic clear and simple. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Now that an earthquake at Los Angeles International Airport dislodged tiles and broke sprinkler pipes, it is clearer than ever that we need to open El Toro International Airport which is built on firm ground not subject to liquefaction as the land at LAX is.
My God Vern, the hate just spews out of you like lava out a volcano. I especially enjoyed the "Tom Cruise Wannabe" comment from the writer, it sounds exactly like the incessant whining and crying we have to endure from NIMBY Beach about flights from JWA. And, much like the Phoenix crybabies, NIMBY Beach also loves to forget the fact that the airport was there long before they were. In fact this sounds so much like a typical NIMBY Beach rant that I would believe it came from your very own poisonous pen. So what’s the deal Vern, doing a little snow birding in Phoenix these days or just doing a little ghostwriting to help relieve some of your excess hate?
Congratulations, Vernon Delights, for tracking down an Arizona story that bears striking resemblance to the effete unpatriotic NIMBYs of South Orange County, taught by the Lone NIMBY using this website. Only the Lone NIMBY can spew Hate, Insults and Jealousy like lava flowing from a volcano. But, good news, Lone NIMBY's propaganda all comes to no avail. The Southern California Association of Governments, SCAG, wants El Toro International Airport open, and the majority rules. Meanwhile, SCAG has mandated a shantytown for Irvine, until it opens the airport. SCAG has reserved 30 million annual passengers for El Toro International Airport. South County NIMBYs can grit their teeth and grin and bear it, because they don't count anymore. They are irrelevant now. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Good God, Donald, (not that you know
God), this silly letter floated around the internet about four years ago, and you're just now reading it? No wonder you're still hoping for El Toro to open, you haven't read that it got voted down.
305, you're fighting the last war and reading the old news. Donald is not Vernon Delights, but Irvine can open El Toro International Airport despite the W election you so much worship. Irvine must build 38,000 houses and make 21,000 of them cheap. This is ordered by Southern California Association of Governments, SCAG, which rules Irvine like a rusty hook in a marshmallow glove. SCAG wants El Toro International Airport opened. When Irvine opens the airport, the affordable housing quota will be lowered and everybody will be happy. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Donald, the next time you want to quote a story that has beef floating around the internet for several years, please try to get your facts 100% correct. Now I realize that you anti jets at SNA NIMBY's aren't real big on facts, but it would help in making you look less the fool. Next time you buy a house, don't buy right under a major airport.
Well Donald, I see you're still censoring comments. Nicely done!
521, three cheers to the patriotic elite citizens of Newport Beach that want El Toro International Airport opened. SCAG rules Irvine with a rusty hook and it has mandated a shantytown of 38,000 hovels for Irvine until the airport is opened. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Lone NIMBY is a censor and a disgrace filled with hate, jealousy and insults.
Nice try, Donald, but it is you that is filled with hate and jealousy, not I. Oh, and you're filled with lies, too!
Yes Donald, the majority rules. The majority said "Yes" to the Great Park and "NO, HELL NO" to your fantasy airport. Get over it.
Did SCAG mandate a village idiot for NIMBY Beach and give you the job? Good choice.
855 lives in a dreamworld. Try as one might, Lone NIMBY can not change the subject. El Toro International Airport must be opened because the SCAG majority wants it open. It's for jobs and the economy, stupid. Demand at El Toro is 30 million annual passengers, and there is nothing NIMBYs can do about it. Lone NIMBY is full of lies, hate, jealousy and insults. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
In this case, Donald, the SCAG majority is meaninglss, now isn't it?
Poor NIMBY Donald can't get his airport build so he resorts to name calling.
445, SCAG is in complete control. It has mandated 38,000 hovels for a shantytown for Irvine. SCAG knows that NIMBYs don't count anymore. SCAG knows that Irvine has land. SCAG wants El Toro International Airport opened. In this case Irvine's only option is to open the airport and let you NIMBYs Grin and Bear It. Turn on the lights, Vernon. In this case the majority rules.
Poor Donald, you just don't get it. SCAG has absolutely no control over what Irvine does with The Great Park. El Toro International Airport? What airport? No such thing exists.
The only thing you got right in your last rant, Donald, is that the majority rules. It was called measure W and it passed by a long shot, which means no airport for Irvine. The good news is you get to keep The Duke!
Viva la Duke, Donald!
Yes Donald, the majority rules. That's why Terminal C is going in at The Duke, getting ready for JWA 24/7 in 2015. NIMBY Beach doesn't count and there's nothing you can do about. SCAG wants JWA 24/7 more than El Toro simply because JWA is there and El Toro isn't and never will be. Keep dreaming NIMBY.
911, nobody ever said anti-El Toro International Airport NIMBYs were smart. It's been said that they are the same kind of unpatriotic anti-American socialist degenerates as moved in around Luke Air Force Base in Phoenix, Arizona. SCAG rules Irvine. It has mandated huge quotas of affordable housing. The only way for Irvine to avoid becoming a shanty town is to open El Toro International Airport over on the east side, out of the way, up against Toll Roads and Cleveland National Forest where nobody is in the noise zone. So you see, SCAG absolutely controls what Irvine does with its park. When Irvine opens the airport, it won't have to build the shacks. What part of that don't you understand? Turn on the lights, Vernon. There are 30 million annual passengers waiting in the wings.
At least I know which part you don't understand Donald; everything. Ponder that when the first 3:00 AM red eye departs from Terminal C.
315, Lone NIMBY, stop snooping around the offices of SCAG. You won't learn anything there. Everything you need to know is in the newspapers. SCAG has mandated a huge quota of affordable houses to Irvine because it has airport and land. Irvine must open El Toro International Airport in order to get out of the mandate. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Lone NIMBY loves El Toro International Airport but thinks it's a park.
Lone NIMBY Donald, quit lying about an airport that will never exist except in your shallow little mind.
558, only the Lone Nimby can snoop around the offices of SCAG in Los Angeles while keeping up a bountiful supply of hate, jealousy and insults on this El Toro International Airport website. Lone NIMBY has no chance to defeat six Southern California Counties in SCAG. You bit off more than you can chew. SCAG wants El Toro Internationnal Airport open, and affordable houses are the first step in forcing Irvine to cooperate. Keep reading the newspapers, Lone NIMBY. You might learn more about El Toro International Airport to be run by Los Angeles World Airports. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The majority rules.
SCAG loves new Terminal C and JWA 24/7 even more than El Toro. Guess which one will happen first? Need a hint? Try "The Duke".
Man, Donald, that's some strong shit you're smoking. Too bad it rots your brain cells, as we're seeing right now with you and your silly ranting. How are those munchies today, Donald? Eating lots of chips? Don't bogart that joint, Donald, pass some over to flying myth maker.
1034, profanity will get you nowhere along with hate, jealousy and insults. Try patriotism by supporting El Toro International Airport which Irvine is forced to open by the SCAG majority. 30 million El Toro passengers are waiting in the wings of the world's oldest, newest, greatest, cleanest, safest, quietest FAA approved El Toro International Airport.
More crap from the goose, I see, Donald. And by the way, you are the goose!
Good one Donald, how can something be the oldest and the newest at the same time? Fortunately you remain the dumbest at all times.
756, Your unpatriotic attitude has made you the laughing stock of the SCAG majority. Now that Irvine is locked up with affordable housing mandates still after two years of losses in the courts, its only alternative is to open El Toro International Airport and let NIMBYs grin and bear it. It's good you hooked up with losers. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Your goose is cooked, Lone NIMBY.
Still better than being the laughing stock of NIMBY Beach, a title you carry so well.
1024, Lone NIMBY lurks around this El Toro International Airport website so much that the SCAG majority laughing at Lone NIMBY is missed. Turn on the lights, Vernon. 30 million annual passengers are waiting in the El Toro International Airport wings.
Dropped off the other half at convenient, crowd free JWA this morning. Looks like full speed ahead for Terminal C, can hardly wait to catch my first red-eye flight over Donald's Case de Delusional. Long like The Duke!!
Oh Donald, I think when you look in the mirror you see dumb and dumber.
Is the best any of you can do on here is change the topic to John Wayne and insult one another?
Why is keeping El Toro International Airport open for business bad when compared to airports at other places?
With those huge runways and all that buffer zone, what is not to like? (Unless you are Larry Agran and want control of it all.)
How do you justify porkulus funding for the Great Pork after Larry Agran promised "no new taxes"?
1209, leave it to Vernon Delights to put the conversation back on track in support of El Toro International Airport with a few good questions. Those huge runways are crying out for airplanes which will land there when Larry sees the light. The light comes from his puppet masters who are more interested in making money than building so-called affordable houses. El Toro International Airport is the newest, oldest, greatest, quietist, cleanest, safest FAA approved jumbo jet airport in the region with a proven track record of attracting passengers. Build hotels, not hovels.
One minor flaw in your agreement Vern, El Tor International airport was never open for business, thus it is impossible to keep it open. Those huge runways are useless for commercial traffic and must be torn up and rebuilt (see the EIR for the facts you so love to ignore, it's all there in black and white). Your beloved fabtasy is "..the antithesis of modern airport design" (ALPA). Your so-called buffer zone is quickly being eaten away by new construction on all sides, a fact you can see for yourself if either you or your loony sycophant Donald would bother to drive by and see for yourself instead of repeating your airing decade old lies. TIC has it all planned out.
El Toro International Airport; never was, never will be, and will remain the great symbol of the unwashed masses of South County raising their pitchforks up against the self-proclaimed "elite" NIMBY's of Newport. You two just can't get past your noxious airport scheme unraveling right before your very eyes, can you? JWA 24/7 will be your reward.
Donald (aka: Vernon) I hate Larry Agran and what he's done to Irvine. But the citizens of Irvine keep electing him, so they get what they deserve. He's also a liar, just as you are. Why do you keep saying "keep El Toro International Airport open for business"? There is no El Toro International Airport and there never was, except on paper. Keep it open? It never was open! Just more of your lies. And it isn't just Irvine that's against El Toro, it's all of South County and a majority of Orange County. It got voted down. It's a done deal. You keep lying that Irvine can and will open it at any time. Not true and they never will.
And as for me being hateful and jealous: I hate liars, just as many honest people do and I have nothing to be jealous about. I live in Corona del Mar, in a beautiful house with an ocean view and a private beach that you don't have a key to. Also, I have no jet noise going over my house, unlike some idiots that bought under a major airport.
Enjoy the Duke, Donald, I hear I can catch one of your beloved red eyes out of there real soon. I can't wait!
How can someone purporting to live in Corona Del Mar wish for JWA 24/7? They are obviously someone from South County trying to divide and conquer Newport Beach. 85% of Newport Beach voted NO on Measure W!
El Toro International Airport was indeed open for business for nearly 70 years. The runways and facilities are still there. L.A. will spend whatever it takes to upgrade them.
The gullible masses of South County were terrified by the Agranista machine on how destructive El Toro would supposedly be, when it was already there to begin with.
Why has Agran not railed against JWA which is right NEXT to Irvine? Perhaps, because it would revert to TIC, and his Great Pork could not control it. That is why.
Either Irvine can use El Toro for an economic engine and get $2 billion from L.A. just to merely lease it, or SCAG will shove 30,000 plus "affordable" units down their throat. Since those buffer zones are not being put to use, SCAG saw another use for them.
What a pleasure it is to read level headed posts from Vernon Delights demolishing the looney tunes of Lone Nimby. When El Toro International Airport re-opens the flights from John Wayne Airport will have to be removed from South County. But that's no problem. It's a return to the way it was when El Toro International Airport was open for all those years. 30 million annual passengers can't be wrong, and only El Toro can meet the demand. El Toro International Airport is the newest, oldest, greatest, safest, cleanest FAA approved jumbo jet ready airport where LAWA only has to turn on the lights and spiff up a few things here and there. We're talking about big bucks for Irvine.
Congratulations to the last two Newport NIMBY for raising the dementia bar to new heights. El Tor International has been here for seventy year? Amazing, I have been to Europe and Asia many times but never found a single flight leaving from El Toro International Airport. How could such a treasure go unnoticed in the OC for seventy years?
Imaginary airports serving 30 million imaginary passengers, not to mention the 5 million imaginary El Toro supporters who never bother to post on this silly blog, I think Donald and Vern have moved from NIMBY Beach to Fantasy Island. Why not, I'm sure Vern looks quite dapper in his white suit, and Donald was born to lick his boots while shouting, "De plane Boss, de plane". Living proof that living in NIMBY Beach and under the JWA flight path is bad for one's mental health.
While your looking for your imaginary airport be sure to check under your bed for any Commies hiding there. And the Boogie Man might be in your closet.
447, leave it to Vernon to stir up response from Lone NIMBY by playing the patriotism card. All kinds of people show up on this website. We know them for what they are. Basically unreliable. Unable to stick to the issue. Not willing to contribute to the airport. Telling 30 million annual passengers to go to Hell. Ignorng the pro-El Toro International Airport majority, while attackng the messenger with insults, jealousy and hate. You're Da Boss, Vernon. Lone NIMBY fails six ways.
447, the two posts you refer to were both written by Donald with some help from his alter ego, vernon. They are one and the same, dumb and dumber, tweedle dee and tweedly dumb, frick and frack.
By the way Donald, I saw your recent letter to the editor in the Daily Pilot, pretty funny, just like all your other rhetoric. I see you got shot down right away by people that actually know how to use their brains.
719, there is only one Lone NIMBY, but we need more of them because they are so easy to dispatch. El Toro International Airport will solve all the problems in the world. Then the pollution can be reported, not censored. Red Eye flights can begin immediately, not subject to curfew. Jumbo jets can load up huge loads, not subject to short runways. Irvine will make $ billions from the airport, not subject to affordable housing mandates. Vernon can spend his time more profitably elsewhere, not sparring with Lone NIMBY who lives on rented land. Turn on the lights Vernon. Lone NIMBY is the laughing stock of this website.
The airport debate is heating up again in the local Daily Pilot. The people know they have been fleeced and duped on the Great Pork vote.
Joseph Bell:
We had a classic example of simply drowning out opposition with misinformation in Newport-Mesa a few years ago when the city of Irvine collected a multimillion-dollar war chest, hired away our publicist and reversed two previous elections that had authorized a commercial airport in El Toro. We made the mistake of not being tough enough against an opponent that didn’t play by any ethical rules.
Newport Bay is here to stay, so check it for pollution
The Daily Pilot’s story about Newport Beach’s plans to measure emissions from John Wayne Airport seems to have missed the mark (“Study: Is air traffic bad for health?” Friday.)
The emission measurements must be taken around John Wayne Airport, not all around the city, and any airport pollution discovered must be weighed against environmental damage to Newport Bay, not just health risks to people.
People can move away, but there is only one Newport Bay, with sensitive ecology, which has been a target for John Wayne Airport for 50 years.
If John Wayne Airport aircraft emissions are found to be damaging the bay, there is only one solution. Close it, curtail it or move it. The bay is here to stay.
Newport Beach
Donald, I just love it when you find a way to squeeze your very own letter to the editor on your silly blog site.
And Joseph Bell saying that Irvine didn't play fair in the airport debate is like the pot calling the kettle black. The pro airport thugs (you included) lied all the way to the ballot box. Talk about being ethical! What a joke.
Perhaps if the pro airport nut jobs would been honest up front there wouldn't have to have been four votes on the airport before honesty prevailed.
Viva la Duke, Donald!
208, airport wars simply transferred El Toro International Airport from the County to the city of Irvine. All the movers and shakers of Irvine now are studying whether they could make more money with the airport than continuing with the Great Park and contaminated playground and housing land. As you know, the County has a poor track record running airports. They built an airport and pointed it right at precious Newport Bay. Leave it to Donald Nyre to rank the Bay higher than people, but then that's how airport wars are won. El Toro International Airport does not have a Bay. Thank you, Vernon. Irvine has an airport to open, with help from Los Angeles World Airports.
Follow your own advice Donald and move away. That alone will raise the average IQ in NIMBY Beach by 20 points
As for Bell, he's just one more NIMBY Beach crybaby whining because he didn't get his way. And he's not even a real NIMBY Beacher living in SA Heights. Vern, Donald and Joe should form the NIMBY Beach Boo-Hoo Trio, maybe you could get a few gigs at some local watering holes. I'd pay to come laugh at you.
1219, nothing brings out Lone NIMBY faster than a post in favor of El Toro International Airport. Stop crying in your beer over losing the airport wars. Now you're reduced to posting hate, insults, jealousy and lies on a pro-El Toro International Airport website. Like Joe Bell says, you need ethics. It's easier to take over a city than whole county, state or nation. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Lone NIMBY is lonesome for El Toro International Airport, something to fight against.
If there was a 5th vote on El Toro, the airport would win again like it did the first 2 times. The Great Park has failed. Irvine cannot deliver. There must be another vote.
What's to vote on, NBL? Lennar and the City of Irvine own the property. So, just what are you going to vote on? Duh!
I guess NIMBY Beach Lover wants to join Donald et al to form the Boo Hoo Quartet. El Toro is now private property within the Irvine city limits. NIMBY Beach has no say in Irvine government. If you think that you do under your warped view of civics then we should also have a vote on taking the back nine of the NIMBY Beach Golf course to expand the runways and allowing The Duke to go 24/7. What's good for the goose is good for the NIMBY.
So which part are your going to sing? Your whines sound soprano to me.
821, the county is already in the works to take the back nine. That's been planned for some time, now. That will make a nice long runway and that will make Donald oh so happy!
821, who knows what lurks in the mind of Lone Nimby who never saw a post or vote not to criticize? Lone Nimby is lonesome for a vote on El Toro International Airport. Thinks it would not work, but Newport Beach Lover has other ideas. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
Please everybody stop fighting!!!
Can't you see the airline industry is trying to divide and conquer and pit neighbor against neighbor. Neither El Toro, nor John Wayne is the solution. Airports do NOT belong in densely developed communities. They should be out in remote areas like the desert for example.
The voters passed bonds for High Speed Rail. We should put all our energy into supporting it. Then someday we cannot only have a Great Park at El Toro, but one at John Wayne as well.
I am also glad that El Toro was closed. Otherwise, the Marines would have surely been using it to bomb innocent people in Iraq. We need to fight the military industrial complex, not each other.
1117, airports belong at the natural landing site of El Toro. Only El Toro International Airport has fuelsaving cross runways pointing to where airplanes need to go and landings over an existing industrial town, Aliso Viejo. Nobody is in the noise zone at El Toro International Airport. It belongs right where it is, with a proven customer base, close in to town away from hostile desert where nobody lives and nobody wants to go. As long as there is El Toro International Airport, nobody will ride a train, bus, or car out of town to catch a flight. Support your local airport, NIMBYs. El Toro International Airport is the final solution. Make love, not war. Turn on the lights, Vernon. 30 million annual passengers can't be wrong.
Oh Donald, that last rant of your is one of your best yet. It truly shows just what a nut job your truly are.
809, glad you read response to the kite flyer. You said it's one of the best yet. What part did you like the best? El Toro International Airport is a near perfect airport in a calm valley with fuelsaving cross runways pointing to where airplanes need to go. Landings are over the industrial town of Aliso Viejo and everybody agrees that's where planes belong. Nobody, absolutely nobody, is in the noise zone of El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Lone Nimby's support gives us a chance to say things over and over. 30 million annual passengers can't be wrong.
Donald, you love airports everywhere just as long as they don't fly over Case De Delusional. The only reason you have to say things over and over is because you are just a mindless puppet for the NIMBY Beach airport lies and propaganda machine. Turn out the lights Vern this babbling Newport NIMBY is just a paean to hypocrisy.
812, only a truly unpatriotic NIMBY could speak like you do. You better check with your boss to find out if he wants you to change your stripes. We're making great progress re-opening El Toro International Airport, and you wouldn't want to be on the wrong side of things, would you?
I'm on the right side of things Donald, which is in bucolic, jet-free South County. And how do you re-open something that never existed, except in your damaged pea-brain?
Viva la Duke and Terminal C.
123, there isn't a city in this country that won't live up to its responsibility once it is carefully spelled out to them. But, of course, there always are a few unpatriotic NIMBYs. Lone NIMBY thinks it's just fine, taking from society. It's un-American and definitely wrong. The SCAG majority wins. Measure W is toast.
You are so right, Donald, and we are now spelling out to Newport Beach why it is their responsibility to join hands, sing koomba ya while we expand SNA to meet the demand of Orange County fliers. I am so glad that you will join us in supporting SNA for all our future flying needs. Your taking responsibility shows what a true patriot you can be.
God Bless America, Long Love the Duke, going 24/7 very soon.
There isn't a patriotic city in this county that won't live up to its responsibility for opening El Toro International Airport once it is clearly spelled out to them. El Toro International Airport can meet our demand for 30 million annual passengers waiting in the wings.
God is to be thanked for building such a perfect El Toro International Airport. Vernon is to be thanked for creating this website that is all about El Toro International Airport.
And you are to be thanked for being the village idiot!
959 don't insult 105 like that.
534, that's the way it is with NIMBYs that oppose El Toro International Airport. It's no surprise that the chickens come home to roost with all their insults. 30 million annual passengers are waiting in the wings for El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
That bawling kid is a perfect depiction of South County Nimbys against El Toro International Airport. Like I have said many times, they can not be reasoned with. They must be defeated, and with Irvine running the show the airport cqn be re-opened because Measure W is toast. Turn on the lights, Vernon. 30 million annual passengers are waiting in the wings.
There isn't a patriotic city in this county that won't live up to its responsibility for supporting the expansion of John Wayne once it's clearly spelled out for them. John Wayne can meet our demand for 30 million annual passengers waiting in the wings.
God is to be thanked for building such a perfect John Wayne International Airport. Vernon is to be thanked for creating this website that is all about NIMBYISM and idiocy.
Viva La Duke going 24/7 very soon
Believe it or not, a bawling kid is more like anti-El Toro International Airport NIMBYs than Lone Nimby ever was. Of course Lone Nimby must be neutralized and the bawling kid must be disciplined. Both can happen now that El Toro International Airport is controlled by Irvine and Measure W is toast. It's easier to take over one city than a whole group of cities. Turn on the lights, Vernon. There's 20 million annual passengers waiting in the El Toro wings and $ billions on the table for Irvine. LAWA will clean up the pollution of which the Navy is making such a mess.
Oddly, it takes a bawling kid to bring out the worst in Lone Nimby who simply does not understand, or will not accept, that this website is all about El Toro International Airport, not some other airport or any other airport but El Toro. That's why we call Lone Nimby a NIMBY. Turn on the lights, Vernon. There isn't a patriotic city in this nation that won't live up to its responsibility to open El Toro International Airport, because this website is all about El Toro International Airport and the city of Irvine and its movers and shakers are coming around and NIMBYs are bawling like a spoiled kid.
That's just Donald crying because he can't get his fantasy airport build. Cry us a river, Donald, we need the water.
231, there's Lone Nimby spreading, lies, insults and jealousy. El Toro International Airport already is built. Turn on the lights, Vernon. We need the green.
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