The latest Lennar miscue is their failure to "renovate" the El Toro International Airport Golf Course. They closed a perfectly good course and tore it up and now they cannot afford to re-open it. Wasn't keeping the golf course around one of the many "promises" that were made on behalf of the Great Pork? Only in Irvine could Lennar get away with reneging on their deal to rebuild the golf course. The best thing to do would have been to leave it alone. Now nobody can enjoy it!.
If Los Angeles were allowed to lease El Toro International Airport for $2 BILLION DOLLARS, the golf course would have been kept open for business. Instead Irvine tried to go it alone and rely on Lennar to foot the bill. The problem is, Lennar is bleeding money like a stuck pig and will cease to exist one day. Irvine should kick Lennar to the curb and call L.A. to lease them El Toro International Airport. This would create lots of jobs, fill Irvine's coffers, and of course get the golf course back open for business. But then the Agranistas would have to admit they were wrong! Pride goeth before the fall.
You know things are bad for the Great Pork when letter writers from South County turn against it. The Agranistas used the people of South County and lied to them about the airport. They manipulated them with fear of an airport (that was already there.) and promises of a tax free Great Park complete with a 45 hole golf course.
Here is the letter that appeared in yesterday's Register.
Teed off in Irvine
Our local politicians are just as adept at changing their promises as those at the national level. During the hype and promises, plans were laid out to try to get us to vote for a Great Park instead of an airport. The Irvine political class, lead by Larry Agran, touted two 18-hole golf courses for the new park.
Then, it became one golf course. Now, with hardly a murmur, the latest deal with Lennar makes it zero ["City Council backs revisions to Lennar deal," Local, Aug. 13]. Expediency must be an inbred political trait. Well, we do have the big orange balloon, so I guess us little folks should be quiet and happy. But, then we vote for them, so I guess we're to blame. Shame on us.
Chris Olsen
Lake Forest
Nice article, Vernon, about the defunct golf course of the terrible two, Irvine and Lennar. According to the Orange County Business Journal, May 18, 2009, El Toro is to be spun off by Lennar, for redevelopment, to Five Point Properties run by ex-Lennar employee, Emile Haddad. Five Point Properties, a new company with new money, is not wedded to housing development which destroyed Lennar and made Irvine the largest percent job loss city west of the Mississipi. A simple call to Los Angeles World Airports will put those jumbo jet runways to use, and jumbo jets soon will carry passengers to destinations all over the world. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Irvine is to swallow its pride and support El Toro International Airport.
Donald, once again, I just love the way you are the first to comment on your own stupid blog.
And just when is that first jumbo jet coming in, Donald? Half past never? That's what I thought.
554, And just when is that first jumbo jet coming in? As soon as they make the call. It's the landing fees that make the money, Lone Nimby.
Never going to happen, Donald, NEVER! But you keep dreaming, it seems to be all you've got.
Hey Donald, I thought El Toro International Airport had been open for 70 years. Why are we still waiting for the first jumbo jet to land? Is it maybe because its an imaginary airport with imaginary jets and imaginary passengers? I like reality, I'm headed for The Duke, those red-eyes are coming soon (right over a city near you!).
756, well Lone Nimby, dreams are all you have left. No El Toro International Airport, when there is one. No flights into El Toro International Airport, when there will be. Never's a pretty strong word, for somewhat drowning in a sea of public opinion. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The New Guard is taking over.
Donald, I am so glad to hear that you have someone New Guarding over you. You and your silly delusions have all of us sane people pretty worried. Perhaps this New Guard will finally convince you that those voices in your head screaming El Toro International Airport aren't real and you'll come to grips with reality. Reality is: There NEVER was an El Toro International Airport, there is no El Toro International Airport now, and there will never be a El Toro International Airport in the future. There will, however, be an expanded John Wayne going 24/7 very soon.
Viva La Duke!
115, There is an El Toro International Airport. There was an El Toro International Airport. There will be an El Toro International Airport. The most recent jumbo jet landing at El Toro International Airport was in 1999. Reality rules, Lone NIMBY. The Old Guard is being eased out. The New Guard is taking over. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Lone NIMBY is detached from reality.
They put a new guard outside your rubber room, Donald? Good, we don't want you hurting yourself watching your imaginary jets landing at your non-existent El Toro Airport and unloading those 30 million fantasy passengers. And keep praying to the LAWA gods, they already have an international airport in Ontario rotting away from lack of use, the last thing LAWA is going to do is dump money they don't have into an El Toro airport that was, is and always will be unneeded, unwanted and unsafe. But at last those rubber walls will keep you safe in delusion-land.
1045 stop spreading ETRPA propaganda about El Toro being unsafe. The Marines used it for nearly 70 years.
Don't even say it is unwanted either, the people voted for it TWICE. The next two times it was made so that if people had an airport, they would get a dump or jail next to them. Then when that measure was thrown out by the courts, there was the promise of that HUGE park that never materialized. Also, the final vote was just months after 09/11. Let's have another vote to see if it really is uneeded and unwanted. I DARE YOU!
1045, El Toro International Airport is needed, wanted and safe. The demand is 30 million annual passengers. The citizens of this region want it. The FAA approved El Toro International Airport as safe. Lone Nimby Knows these truths but prefers to post lies, more lies, insults, jealousy and hate. El Toro International Airport is in a proven area for customers. LAWA is ready and willing to pay big money to rent the airport from Irvine, and they will clean up the pollution to boot, on which the Navy is not doing a very good job. Turn on the lights, Vernon. It's time to re-open this airport.
And what would we vote on, NBL? The land is now privately owned so what do you propose we vote on.
And for the record, as planned, the airport was unsafe. Even the ALPA said there was no way their pilots were going to take off on an up hill runway into rising terrain. That's why the Marine's took off down hill over Irvine with their and the Air Force's transports. True, the over powered fighters took off up hill, but never the large aircraft.
And as far as need, airline travel is down across the board. Donald keeps trumpeting for need, tell that to Ontario, they just boarded up a large part of their shiny new terminal because nobody uses it. And we don't even need to talk about Palmdale, now do we?
The simple fact is JWA suits Orange County just fine now and it will continue to do so with it's expansion.
Vote your brains out NIMBY Beach Lover (maybe you have already). As I noted before, El Toro is privately owned land and annexed into the city of Irvine. Measure W no longer applies. There is nothing to vote on. The good people of the OC heard all the arguments for and against an airport and said "No". When the Navy sold the land it was check and mate. What part of this is unclear to you?
And El Toro the Marine base is very different than El Toro the (fantasy) commercial airport. Unneeded, unwanted, unsafe and gone forever.
1041 writes:
.....the Marine's took off down hill over Irvine with their and the Air Force's transports. True, the over powered fighters took off up hill, but never the large aircraft.
Fine then have the civilian transports fly likewise. Do NOT say the airport is unsafe when all directions of takeoff have not been examined. That is misleading to look at only one takeoff pattern and declare the entire airport unsafe. The Agranistas know no bounds when it comes to distorting the truth.
Nice to see Vernon Delights demolishing high priced ETRPA propaganda which our NIMBYs still use. El Toro International Airport is safe, wanted and needed. It is in a calm valley so airplanes can take off down wind uphill into rising terrain and the FAA says it is safe. 60% of the flights go off on Runway 7 and the remainder on Runway 34. That's the way it was with Desert Storm, and that's the way it was with the Flight Demonstation for civilian use. NIMBYs voted their brains away when they turned the airport over to Irvine which wanted it but not for park, stripmalls or houses. The next El Toro vote may be for the citizens of Irvine to take the Great Park away from Larry Agran and turn it over to LAWA to start the flights with jumbo jets at this perfectly Great Airport.
Hay Vern, all directions of takeoff have been examined and the only viable ones are those taking off from convenient, crowd-free John Wayne. That's how it is, and that's how it will remain.
1219, Hey, Lone Nimby. All directions of takeoff at El Toro International Airport are approved by the FAA. Stop trying to change the subject. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
The subject, Donald, is El Toro is now privately owned, which means no airport........EVER!!! So much for your beloved FAA and those fuel saving crossed runways that point to where planes will never again go.
Cry us a river, Donald, it's the Duke for ever!
Hey Donald, I’m trying to help you and the rest of The Boo Hoo Quartet get a gig. Here’s a little tune to get you started.
NIMBY Blues (Sung to the tune of “You Are My Sunshine”)
We’re crying NIMBYs
Whining Newport NIMBYs
We live near John Wayne and whine all day
We hate South County and Larry Agran
Because they took El Toro away
Newport wanted
Another airport
Yes, we worked so very hard
Its wonderful living next to an airport
As long as it’s in someone else’s back yard
We made up stories
So many stories
Fantasies and lies
But when the truth was discovered
We watched El Toro vanish right before our eyes
We made up slogans
So many slogans
“Crossed Runways” and “Turn on the lights”
But the majority loved Measure W
Now there will never be any flights.
Even without the golf course, the Great Park is still the best place to get a hole in one.
thank you for the lovely song.
However, the Great Pork has failed and the runways are still intact and Orange County needs the jobs. The airport begins to look better and better to people everyday, even some in South County.
243, yes the Great Park has failed. Even some in South County say so. The Great Park is toast, a white elephant, with a silver lining of El Toro International Airport. Newport Beach always gets what it wants. It's the High and the Mighty. How's that for a song? Turn on the lights, Vernon. My dreams are getting better all the time.
The High and Mighty? Sing to me Donald.
1142, that's John Wayne's theme song.
Turn on the lights, O Vernon, yes, O Vernon O Vernon. 30 million annual passengers can't be wrong. 1142's probably a Democrat.
Yes Vern, John Wayne looks better to me every day as Terminal C takes shape and all those new jets get ready to take off on The Duke's fuel saving single runway pointed where the planes need to go, right over NIMBY Beach. Those red-eyes can't start soon enough for me, I'm booking a ticker or two right now.
And Donald, you're certainly high on something, probably paint. Get some help.
245, mention John Wayne to NIMBYs and immediately they assume it's an airport. In a way it is, because John Wayne favors El Toro International Airport and he hates the airport named after him. Nice to know so many people favor El Toro International Airport. Better get on board, Lone NIMBY. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
you are really a clueless tool! Just because there is a new terminal at John Wayne does not mean it will automatically go 24/7. The airport will maintain a curfew until 2020 at the very minimum. Plus the BOS would NEVER allow 24/7 anyways because they know that all the big money comes from Newport Beach. You have no clout compared to us.
They will not listen to jealous peasants like you who live in a mcmansion in Laguna Hills. Even an outhouse in Santa Ana Heights is worth more than your sorry place. So get over your class envy and accept that JWA will never be 24/7. If you need more flights, then support the opening of El Toro or go away.
803, Lone NIMBY has no clout. Jealous peasants who live in a mcmansion on rented land can get all the flights they want as soon as El Toro International Airport re-opens. Famous Newport resident John Wayne supports El Toro International Airport and he hates the airport named after him. Turn on the lights, Vernon. NIMBYs have no class. High Society wins.
The Duke support El Toro from the grave? Is he one of your 5 million imaginary El Toro airport supporters? How did The Duke inform you of this, by Ouija board or crystal ball? Or is he one of the many voices in your head?
High Society = Low Class. You can dream all you want about your imagined "clout" but the new terminal is being built at JWA, not El Toro. Put your "clout" where the sun doesn't shine.
For someone like you to call me "low class" is funny. I make more money in a month than you make in a year.
Go ahead and be thrilled that a new terminal is being built at the Duke. But much to your disappointment there will not be 24/7 or even additional flights.
Due to the restrictions, prices are higher than most airports. However, for people in Newport Beach it is not a problem. It is peasants from Lake Forest and Aliso Viejo that have the problem with the higher fares. They can either pay the piper or support El Toro.
330, Mention John Wayne to a NIMBY and they think I'm talking about an airport. Mention how he thinks about airports, and you delight in saying he is dead. He hates the airport named after him, and he very much supports El Toro International Airport. Any more questions? Turn on the lights, Vernon. High Society wins. NIMBY has no clout.
330 I make more then enough money to live anywhere I please, including anywhere in NIMBY Beach. One of the many reason that I don't is that its full of obnoxious egomaniacs like you who confuse having a little money with having "class". The very fact that you made that statement proves my point.
Nonetheless that fact remains that JWA is is will be the airport of OC. And you, Donald, Vern and the rest of your ilk will continue to whine and spew your class warfare and jealous hatred of South County because the peasants rose up against their NIMBY Beach "superiors" and killed your dream of moving a noxious neighbor 7 miles down the road to Irvine. And as you wallow in your hate the jets will continue to be over your heads, not mine. Try not to choke on the jet exhaust.
Classless high society, Donald and poor old Vernon, losers all. Society says only Nimby Beach has any clout. Funny, I don't see any planes flying out of El Toro these days, that's some clout High one. And for the record Sir High, I make more money in a week than you do in a year, so you can shove your wallet where the sun should never shine.
The lone NIMBY who posts at 936 and 225 wants to claim they make more money than I do. In what? Monopoly Money? Even if you did happen to be wealthy, which I doubt, there are not enough wealthy NIMBYs in South County to have more clout than Newport Beach.
Forget Lagayna Beach. They started whining when the JWA jets came back over the coast after takeoff. Now that was poetic justice! ROFLMAO!
El Toro may or may not ever open again! But the Great Park has become the laughingstock of the county!
One thing for sure, JWA will NEVER be 24/7. You cannot get the minimum 3 let alone 1 supervisor to back you up on expanding it.
Even with the jets overhead, property in Santa Ana Heights is higher than much of South County! LOL!
I do not care how often someone on here wants to post JWA 24/7. In fact, I am glad they do because it reinforces my point that the ONLY reason why people in South County oppose El Toro is because they want to see John Wayne grow.
Everything else like, lack of demand, unsafe airport, Great Park, etc. are simply Red Herrings.
If Los Alamitos or Fullerton were being debated for use as a commercial airport, the same Newport hating fringe from South County would come out opposing that as well. It is simply because they want John Wayne expanded and they think they are "punishing" Newport Beach in the process.
If they want to wipe us off the map, they will send many employers leaving the county.
453, yes El Toro International Airport re-opening is just around the corner and anti-El Toro International Airport NIMBYs are in denial. They post hate, jealousy and insults against Newport Beach, while trying to change the subject from El Toro International Airport. Those jumbo jet runways at El Toro need lots of jumbo jets on them, maybe 24/7. High Society rules and Vernon Delights delights. Turn on the lights, Vernon. It's time to start taking Lone NIMBY's park.
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