You read that right. This is the same City of Irvine that was adamant that Orange County would NOT have enough passengers to justify an international airport at El Toro. So please tell us how there will miraculously be enough passengers to make this bus service pencil out. Sorry Irvine cannot have it both ways.
The existence of bus service to LAX clearly indicates there is a big need currently NOT being met for airport passengers within Orange County. With no sense of irony, the bus station will be right next to the idle El Toro International Airport, which could easily fill that very void.
Only a socialist myopic city like Irvine could allow a $10 billion dollars federal taxpayer asset to sit idle and subsidize bus service to send passengers elsewhere. You see folks, that is the kind of thing that happens when Democrats have majorities.
Besides, didn't Irvine claim that keeping El Toro International Airport open would cause traffic? Didn't Irvine also claim that lots of fuel trucks would clog the freeways. Now Irvine wants to clog the freeways with lots of buses going to LAX.
All of this only makes sense when one remembers that Irvine does not care about the inconvenience they cause to businesses, airport passengers, and taxpayers. All the Agranistas care about is turning El Toro into their own personal gravy train. That is why keeping El Toro International Airport open was considered "infeasible" and they spread fear, hate, lies, and class warfare to achieve their land grab objective.
For the Orange County passengers who must rely on the distant LAX to catch an international flight, they are penalized in both time and money. It is an additional 50 miles northwest of El Toro to reach LAX or a 2 hour trip. Then there is the cost of either 3.50 a gallon gas or a $20-25 bus fare to be herded around like cattle.
Irvine should not pat themselves on the back and act like they are doing the public a big favor by providing bus service to LAX. Remember, it was their corruption that made it so that Orange County no longer has international air service in the first place.
Since Irvine is now on the hook for 35,000 low income housing units as mandated by SCAG, we may as well start finding them some new low income residents for all these units. I and some buddies should go find some bums on the streets of L.A. and distribute one way bus tickets (from LAX to Irvine) to them, along with their very own bottle of Night Train for the ride.
I bet the passengers (mostly NIMBYs who weren't wise enough to vote for El Toro in the first place) coming home from a long flight from LAX will just love having smelly vagrants sharing the bus with them.
Since I have a business, I could probably get a quantity discount on bus tickets, not to mention a tax write off for doing "charity work" for the homeless. Nobody can ever say that Vernon Delights is not a generous philanthropist.
Hey, Vernon, I was wondering how you would handle the article in the Register September 10th about Irvine buying a bus to carry international airport passengers to LAX. That bus looks exactly like what you can expect in Irvine which rapidly is becoming a third world city with all that affordable housing from SCAG. Now Irvine knows we need El Toro International Airport. I am totally against buses, hybrids and limos flooding the freeways to LAX. LAX doesn't want them either. Passengers are to be discouraged from going into the middle of an urban area, (LA,) to catch a flight. I am totally in favor of opening El Toro International Airport right here where passengers live. It's wanted, needed, FAA approved and safe. Irvine's surface transit hub will die on the vine when El Toro International Airport re-opens. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Irvine's bus is going to lose its passengers.
Good one Vern, more lies, class warfare and "Everyone hates NIMBY Beach" boo-hoo crybaby talk from the chief liar, AKA you.
The Flyaway bus is owned and operated by LAX, not by Irvine. Seems to me that the service is being offered in the OC to lure passengers to LAX. That says LA want and needs OC money because demand is so feeble that LAX (not to mention that ghost town Ontario) can find enough passengers in their own backyard. BTW, O see the Flyaway service is also offered in the Valley. Don't they need their own international airport as well?
Distortions and lies continue to be the lifeblood of NIMBY Beach. Just can't over the fact that no one pities those who are stupid enough to buy next to an airport and whine about it, can you?
Please come back when you have some FACTS. In the meantime, keep the Boo-Hoo Choir sobbing.
did you even THINK before you wrote your angry scribe? You bash Newport Beach all the time, then you say Vernon is making it up that people hate Newport Beach. Like Joe Wilson says, "YOU LIE!"
BTW, The Valley already has an airport. It is called Burbank. As for the flyaway in Van Nuys, that city is about 23 miles from LAX. Therefore, it is in the service market of LAX.
El Toro on the other hand is 50 miles away. This would be a distinct market. Trust me, if Irvine would lease El Toro, Los Angeles would pay for that privilege. That is what you are really afraid of.
637, the previous flyaway bus offered by Irvine was to John Wayne Airport. How's that doing for international flights? El Toro International Airport is Irvine's answer to all these buses. Only a bad person would ride a bus into the middle of an urban area (Los Angeles) to catch a flight when there's an unused airport right here, out in the country, inland, away from the ocean, where nobody lives, and absolutely nobody, is in the noise zone. We shall be self reliant. No more dumping on our neighbors and no more buses to LAX.
Donald, do you even know how to tell the truth? Do you even know what the truth is? Just what flavor Kool Aid are you drinking?
807, well that was bitter and sour, so here's the truth and I can prove it. I take it you are in favor of a bus from El Toro to LAX. Nobody should ride a bus into the city to catch a flight. If you ride that bus you are a racist and anti-Semite, contributing to oppression of LAX neighbors. The only good bus is one that takes passengers to El Toro International Airport, where nobody is in the noise zone and everybody likes efficient jumbo jet cross runways planned for exploitation by LAWA.
Nobody said anything about a bus from El Toro to LAX, it's IRVINE to LAX, you dope.
So let me get this right, Donald, anybody that rides a bus that LAX provides, is racist? Ahhhhahahahaha! Oh my God, are you really that stupid?
How about this, Donnie girl, anybody that supports an airport at El Toro is racist for contributing to the oppression of El Toro neighbors. Same thing, right?
Donald Nyre is a racist, anti Semite! And your little dog, Vernon, too!
553, a good bus is one that takes passengers to El Toro International Airport, where neighbors are not in the noise zone and nobody is oppressed. Lone Nimby is becoming a racist and anti-semite, while posting support for Irvine's El Toro to LAX bus. Irvine's surface transportation center is at the site of the closed El Toro International Airport in Irvine. That's El Toro, not Irvine. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Lone Nimby is a bigot.
The Irvine Transportation Center is in Irvine. Check a map, dummy!
816, and Irvine is in California and California is in the United States. Don't ride that El Toro International Airport bus to LAX because it makes you a bigot. Lone Nimby is a big fat bigot
Big and fat just like you, right Donald? How's the hate business going?
627, when El Toro International Airport opens, Lone Nimby is welcome to fly there even if over-weight. No surcharge for body fat. Everyone will be in love. No more bigotry and hate. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Newport NIMBY's just hate it when they're caught in their own BS, don't they?
1004, a bus from El Toro to LAX will not solve demand. You got caught in your own BS. Lone Nimby lost and doesn't know it. No surcharge for body fat at El Toro International Airport.
"No surcharge for body fat at (the imaginary) El Toro International Airport"? Good deal Donald, as long as there is no surcharge for the brain dead you can catch those imaginary red-eyes to nowhere and not pay a nickel extra.
927, there you go again, with insults, lies, and hate. The airport is not imaginary. It is closed, but soon to be opened, as pressure on Irvine and Lone Nimby escalates. If you don't believe me, just go over there and look at those glamorous permanent jumbo jet runways built by the Marines on a site built by GOD. Turn on the lights, Vernon. There will be no surcharge for big fat NIMBYs defeated by El Toro International Airport.
Uh, so you're sayin' the user demand sufficient to support an international airport is comparable to that required to support a bus service? Sharp.
1007, the user demand at El Toro International Airport is 30 million annual passengers. That far exceeds Irvine's silly little jitney to LAX. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Thirty million annual passengers are waiting in the wings.
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