This story in The Orange County Register shatters the old myth that having an airport nearby will somehow "lower" property values. But don't tell that to the Agranistas and their brainwashed following of anti-El Toro NIMBYs. They spent better than a decade convincing terrified voters that KEEPING El Toro International Airport open for business would harm their property values.
They also engaged in class warfare against Newport Beach by vilifying us as evil rich people who wanted to raise our property values by "closing John Wayne" and shifting our noise problem 7 miles down the road. Never mind that El Toro made plenty of noise when the Marines were there and that civilian jets are significantly quieter.
Since El Toro has been sitting idle for a while and John Wayne has increased its flight operations after the last El Toro vote, our property values are nearly TWICE as high as Irvine, which has "quiet jet free skies". They are only ranked 35th in the country, while Mission Viejo finished a distant 55th.
Now that has to really burn up some of the RINOs and NIMBYs down there who loathe Newport Beach so much. They were really hoping that by not allowing El Toro to remain open for business, that would put the heat on John Wayne to grow. It has indeed grown and we still have higher property values. Who got the last laugh?
Ladies and Gentlemen, class envy will get you nowhere in life. If you really want to get ahead and prosper, then support a business friendly climate that creates jobs and support projects that stimulate the economy such as El Toro International Airport.
The Agranistas and their imaginary Great Pork has been way over budget and severely delayed. It is rife with corruption and infighting. They do not care at all about the economic health of their own citizens, they only care about El Toro being their own personal gravy train. Remember folks, The Great Pork only benefits a select few whereas El Toro International Airport would benefit the entire county, not to mention all the world's travelers.
Aaaahahahhaha! Another good one, Donald. I just love it when you preach class warfare and hate, it makes my day.
I can't wait to see how much Newport property values go up when they expand SNA. The Duke will be your own personal gravy train!
Viva la Duke!
Nice One Vern, Part One
Nice try once again Vern, you've got the Boo-Hoo Choir crying the blues at full volume. However, your favorite sycophant fellow NIMBY was kind enough to refute every single one of your assertions. I refer to his September 5 letter to the Daily Pilot, included here verbatim (I know citing sources and facts is frowned upon in your universe, but try to deal with it).
"Public needs answers on John Wayne Airport
When John Wayne Airport was designed, it was an act of faith that airplanes would take off into prevailing winds over the ocean. What they failed to accept, or did not wish to admit, was that there was a city between their county airport and the ocean. So the torture of residents began.
Over the years, airport apologists focused on Upper Newport Bay, where nobody lives, as a pathway for the airplanes to the sea, but try as they might, pilots could not follow the corkscrew shape of that bay, and they smeared over houses along the way. By the time they got to Balboa Island, their tracks covered the whole of the island, but apologists wrote this off as collateral damage, and besides, the 65 dB CNEL contour was at Anniversary Lane by the airport miles away.
The clamor to stay over the bay was heard by airport management, airlines and the Federal Aviation Administration, which prepared a precision departure procedure, using new technology, to force the airplanes to fly over the exact same path down the bay to the sea.
The FAA plans to adopt this procedure, DUUKE1, without hearings or public comment, and those who live along the bay are worried. They need to know if they will get more noise or less noise with the new procedure. This should be modeled and reported. They really need to know if flying down the bay means less noise, or was it just a straw man argument to foist an airport into the middle of an urban area?
Newport Beach"
So what does The Donald have to say about living next to a small, tightly controlled airport? Well, according to your chief El Toro cheerleader it's "torture" for your fellow NIMBY's. If living next to the flight-limited Duke is torture, what do you think living anywhere near an uncontrolled, 24-7 mega airport El Toro monstrosity would be like? Gee, I wonder why South County isn't listening to your Boo-Hoos. Like the Donald said, living near any airport is “torture”. Take it from the source.
Donald further opines on the planes inability to follow prescribed flight paths. Considering The Duke has but runway pointing right to the ocean one would think that the planes could hold a steady course. But according to your favorite bootlick, that isn’t the case. Now considering El Toro has four runways with potentially four takeoff directions, why should anyone believe that the pilots will be able to control their paths any better? Especially since the pilots themselves consider El Toro to be “the antitesis of modern airport deasign”? In fact, jets would be shooting out of El Toro like a popcorn machine, wandering here, there and everywhere. The noise path would be large and uncontrollable. If Donald says so, it must be the truth. Another myth busted.
Next, Donald cries some alligator tears for his fellow NIMBY’s on Balboa, who are suffering “collateral damage” because the noise tracks “cover the whole island”. Interesting factoid there, Vern. According to Google maps Balboa is about 10 miles from The Duke. Hmmm, 10 miles away and they complain about the noise. Donald himself is 6.5 miles from The Duke and he has been crying about the noise and “torture” for over a decade. Interestingly enough, according to Google the distance from John Wayne to the Great Park Balloon is 6.8 miles. Good to know that the chances of The Donald being tortured by jets departing from John Wayne and his fantasy El Tor airport seem to be about equal. And based on the plight of the tortured Balboa NIMBY’s we might expect annoying noise in a 10 mile (or larger) radius of El Toro.
Nice One Vern, Part Two
As Donald has pointed out so often, if you’re not in the (65 CNEL) noise zone then no harm, no foul. Yet Balboa and Donald are both well removed form the noise zone yet the “torture” continues. Yet as always, the NIMBY Beach spin doctors continue to foist the lie that these annoying jets will somehow become so quiet when they depart El Toro but are so noisy when departing The Duke. Donald so succinctly destroys that myth once and for all. Liar, liar pants on fire Vern. I am only quoting The Donald, so it must all be the gospel.
Finally, Donald asks if all this is “..this just a straw man argument to foist an airport into the middle of an urban area? Thank you Donald, you finally hit the nail on the head. Over 10 years on NIMBY Beach lies, distortions, crying and class warfare about the “benefits” of El Toro are exactly that, a straw man to foist an unwanted neighbor off onto another neighborhood. Sorry Vern, the peasants of South County are not as dumb as you think they are. Keep your airport and your lies right where they are, thank you.
It’s an absolute delight (sans Vernon) listen to Donald whine and cry about the torture of living next to an airport, yet you continue to try to make the world believe that it in fact heaven on earth. Sorry Vern, I just love it when your very own favorite pet rock exposes the NIMBY Beach airport propaganda for what it is; a steaming pile of dung.
And nice to know about NIMBY Beach real estate. It continues to be an expensive city filled with cheap people.
Fabulous reporting, Vernon, on how having an airport nearby raises property values in Newport Beach, Palo Alto, San Francisco, Boston and Beverly Hills. And there's Irvine sitting on a $10 billion closed airport with property values down in the dumps. Ditto for Mission Viejo. When Irvine calls LAWA to open El Toro International Airport, the park gang can open a website entitled "Stop Taking Our Imaginary Great Park." Turn on the lights, Vernon. Let's raise those South County property values.
Remember, goofballs, we're talking about being No. 8 in the whole United States. That's something to brag about compared to the hum drum prices of opponents of El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. We want to help the south raise its property values. LAWA will do it with an Airport in the park. P.S. Vernon is not Donald. Get over it, Lone Nimby.
As you like to say, Donald is Vernon and I can prove it!
El Toro's dead, Donald, get over it, NIMBY!
908, please do prove that I am Donald. You already have 933 & 934 on here saying that Donald contradicted every one of my points. So why would the "same person" post two opposing viewpoints on John Wayne?
Apparently, Donald does not like John Wayne. I on the other hand like it a lot. That is why I want El Toro re-opened because 500 acres and a 5700 ft. runway are just not enough to meet the transportation needs of a county with 3 million people.
John Wayne can serve private aviation interests while El Toro International Airport can serve the public's needs. With 4700 acres there is plenty of room for parking, gates, and so forth.
To acquire a similar amount of acreage for John Wayne would require condemning some very expensive property.
Very astute observation, Vernon. Now, 908, prove that Donald is Vernon or Vernon is Donald, and I don't mean it's all in the definition of what IS is. We need to open El Toro International Airport, pure and simple. The airport is there and all we have to do is turn on the lights. It's your responsibility to support El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Only in the dream world of propaganda does perception replace reality. Dream all you want, Lone Nimby, but the runways are waiting for jumbo jets.
933 and 934,
I am impressed! You found someone who has entirely different reasons than me for supporting El Toro. Are we supposed to be a monolithic voting block that speaks with one unified voice? Out of the hundreds of thousands of Orange County voters that have backed the airport there will be a diversity of reasons for our support of El Toro.
So Donald does not like John Wayne. I do like John Wayne and I use it often. Because I like it so much, I support El Toro in order that private aviation will not be displaced at John Wayne. I am also opposed to the Newport Beach Golf Course being condemned in order to provide what South County already has to begin with - plenty of aviation capacity sitting idle at El Toro.
Apparently, you and Donald are professional victims. The airports in your respective locations were there long before either of you moved next to it.
However with John Wayne, jets were not introduced until the late 60s. So if Donald or anyone else was in the area beforehand, They have a legitimate grievance. Besides, commercial jets should not really be shoehorned onto a mere 5700 foot runway. That is an accident waiting to happen.
You and your fellow NIMBYs on the other hand, have no legitimate grievance as El Toro had jets long before your ilk moved near it and complained about it.
Also, El Toro has almost a 15,000 acre noise buffer zone, John Wayne does not. So for you to compare your (imaginary) plight to people in Santa Ana Heights, Dover Shores, or Balboa Island is ludicrous.
You probably only got incensed over El Toro once the Agranistas incessantly assaulted your mailbox with hit pieces about how "evil" airports are.
Never mind that Marine jets make far more noise than the civilian jets that were to replace them. Therefore, you have no leg to stand on to complain your quality of life would worsen once civilians took control of El Toro International Airport.
Another flaw in your argument is you obviously cannot do math. You claim Balboa Island is 10 miles away from John Wayne. Driving distance on surface streets from the end of the runway is not only not 10 miles away it is not even quite 10 kilometers away. (Less than 6 miles.) Of course a straightaway shot from the runway would be around 5 miles.
You then claim Donald lives 6.5 miles from John Wayne and that John Wayne is about 6.8 miles from El Toro. Therefore, he is practically equidistant from both locations. You are wrong again.
Let's actually assume your numbers are correct and plug them in. If jets were to take off west from El Toro towards John Wayne, then head south towards Donald's home, they would have traveled 13.3 miles.
Another scenario: Lets assume the jets from El Toro actually make a straight shot towards Donald's home. For simplicity, we will apply the Pythagorean theorem. A2 + B2 = C2.
(6.8 X 6.8 = 46.24)
(6.5 X 6.5 = 42.25)
= 88.49
The square root of 88.49 or C2 is 9.40 miles. Therefore Donald is definitely not the same distance from John Wayne as El Toro as you allege.
Nice comments, Vernon. And 908, you can't prove that Vernon is Donald. Just goes to show how silly a NIMBY looks when trying to emulate a pro-El Toro International Airport booster. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Lone Nimby is a silly old fat fool.
Vernon, I reread your excellent analysis and demolition of posters 933 and 934, and here is my analysis of the analysis. Everybody wants to open El Toro International Airport except for a few brainwashed NIMBYs. Nobody can prove Vernon is Donald, therefore 908 is a liar. Nobody has a legitimate grievance aganst reopening El Toro International Airport, and Irvine knows this. They built their hum drum houses near a long established airport. The federal government owns 1000 acres of El Toro reserved for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), FBI, and Department of Interior. That's enough to build two John Wayne Airports there, and I hope they do it, beating Irvine to the punch with its future reopened El Toro International Airport. NIMBYs have no idea what the Pythagorean Theorm is, and they don't even know that John Wayne Airport's runway points South, so the flights from JWA turn left and fly over South County to go East. So much for their jet free skies argument. Long live El Toro International Airport and may South County Nimbys burn in Hell for using John Wayne Airport for commercial flights at that dinky little airport.
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