Politicians do LIE.....Like the Agranistas who duped South County denizens into delusional paranoia that their property values would somehow tank if El Toro International Airport had civilians take over operations. Never mind that commercial jets are far quieter than military aircraft and there is a huge buffer zone. The Agranistas had to spread lies, hate, class warfare and fear into tricking voters to handing over El Toro with no checks and balances and no oversight. It is all about Larry Agran's personal gravy train of no bid contracts and no accountability.
The facts are Newport Beach HAS the highest property values and has an active airport nearby, and they keep going up! We lead the county with 92662 zip code with a median property value of over $2.7 million. Plus 92661 has seen better than a 78% increase in values in one years time.
In contrast, most of South County is not even within 5 miles of an inactive airport and they have not seen a rise anywhere near comparable to Newport Beach. That has really got to burn up the RINOs and Socialists who wanted to tear down Newport Beach in order for them to have parity with us. That obviously did not happen and now they hate us more than ever.
The way to get ahead financially is not to hate and look to redistribute the wealth, but to take advantage of economic engines like El Toro International Airport. It is a $10 billion federal asset siting idle. Put it to use and demand for housing will explode and raise property values. Don't be a hater, be a wealth creator.
Here are the median property values of the Newport Beach area:
Town____ ZIP____ Price____ One Year Change %.
Corona del Mar 92625 $1,470,000 -1.0%
Newport Beach 92660 $930,000 -24.1%
Newport Beach 92661 $1,695,000 +78.4% (biggest gainer)
Newport Beach 92662 $2,753,500 +69.4%(highest values)
Newport Beach 92663 $790,000 -19.0%
Newport Coast 92657 $1,725,000 +25.5%
South County:
Town______ ZIP______ Price______ One Year Change %
Aliso Viejo 92656 $370,000 -8.6%
Dana Point 92624 $619,000 -35.9% (biggest loser)
Dana Point 92629 $562,500 -24.6%
Foothill Ranch 92610 $410,000 +5.8%
Irvine 92602 $775,000 +16.0%
Irvine 92603 $739,000 +4.8%
Irvine 92604 $515,000 -2.1%
Irvine 92606 $589,000 +30.9%
Irvine 92612 $497,500 -13.5%
Irvine 92614 $395,000 -13.2%
Irvine 92618 $648,000 +21.1%
Irvine 92620 $532,000 -18.8%
Ladera Ranch 92694 $458,000 -17.1%
Laguna Beach 92651 $1,300,000 -1.9%
Laguna Hills 92653 $425,000 +2.4%
Laguna Niguel 92677 $515,000 -5.2%
Laguna Woods 92637 $182,500 -24.0%(Lowest Values)
Lake Forest 92630 $425,000 +22.3%
Mission Viejo 92691 $447,000 -6.9%
Mission Viejo 92692 $475,000 +3.3%
Ran.S. Margarita 92688 $340,000 -24.1%
San Clemente 92672 $607,750 +25.2%
San Clemente 92673 $670,000 -6.8%
San Juan Capo 92675 $466,500 +38.2%
Trabuco/Coto 92679 $687,500 +7.4%
Total O.C. $432,000 +2.9%
Excellent article, Vernon. Property values tell the truth. Values will rise down there when El Toro International Airport opens. Lone Nimby will ask for redemption. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
And just how much did property values go up in airport areas like Playa del Rey and Inglewood? With LAX next door their property values must have gone through the roof!
More lies from Donnie girl.
624, property values will rise through the roof in south county when El Toro International Airport opens. Then Lone Nimby can point to other rises at other airports. Keep up the dumb mantra, Lone Nimby.
I don't have to keep up a dumb mantra, Vernon (Donald) is doing it for me with his lies, class warfare and hate.
Vern and Donald keep spewing the spurious logic that proximity to an airport increases property values. Therefore, if their fantasy El Toro airport were to open then The Duke would close, causing NIMBY Breach property values to fall as they have lost their airport. We would want our favorite hate-mongers and baldfaced liars to lose a nickel on their precious casitas.
Long live The Duke and keep those jets flying 24/7 over 92662 forever. High prices mean high property taxes. Let the class war-faring Newport NIMBYS support the welfare mothers.
Well, 930, while El Toro International Airport is closed, south county property values are falling like a rock. Could that get turned around when the airport opens? Turn on the lights, Vernon. We've got property values to raise.
You can raise the average IQ values in NIMBY Beach Donald; move away.
BTW boys, I see fellow NIMBY-Beacher-by-annexation Russ Niewiarowski has seen the light and folded up his V-Plan site. That leaves only Donald and Vern as the last remaining El Toro nuts around. Here's a toast to the last of a dying breed. You two can mate all you like, but thank God you can't spawn.
209, beware the millions of readers of this website that want El Toro International Airport open. There are many pro-El Toro International Airport publications. You just haven't found them. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Lone Nimby is cloistered in a dream world.
209 you are wrong! Russy is still has an obsessive man crush over El Toro being an airport. I would rather have queers than jets there.
Look down below at Vermin's "El Toro will not die!" post for his letter to the Daily Pilot. Russy can stay in homophobic jet infested Newport Bigot.
209, Russy is nuttier than ever. He penned a homophobic hit piece in the name of god in the Daily Pile. Usually those who bash gays the loudest are ones who are hiding something. Cum on out of the closet Russy. Cum over to the Great Park where you will find peaceful jet free skies and lots of love.
Russy is living proof as to why churches should be taxed and christians should be fed to the lions.
Trick or treat?
How fitting that President Barack Obama signed the hate crime legislation at Halloween time.
The “trick” side to the bill is that it gives special protection to powerful activist groups pushing for national acceptance of homosexuality and other perverse and unnatural lifestyles by effectively barring all from speaking out against it, putting everyone’s freedom of speech in jeopardy.
While the gay activists violently move forward thrusting their immoral beliefs onto society, those clinging to Biblical values based on God’s laws are being warned by the government and the commander in chief himself to remain silent or else face the consequences.
When signing the bill into law Wednesday, Obama spoke of the nation becoming a place where “we’re all free to live and love as we sit fit.”
I’m confused. While attending the presidential forum at Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church didn’t Obama publicly state that he was a Christian?
A Christian is one who follows the teachings and lifestyle of Christ.
A Christian is one who surrenders self will and follows God’s will.
It does not mean that you are free to live and love as you see fit; it means that you sacrificially die to self and live and love as God wills. And sometimes that means that in love, you speak up against sin in order to save those whom are lost.
Russ Niewiarowski
Newport Beach
It all goes to show why El Toro International Airport will solve all the world's problems. Thirty million annual passengers can't be wrong. Love means taking off on those fuel-efficient cross runways. Turn on the lights, Vernon. 547 is a bigot.
Looney Donald says "209, beware the millions of readers of this website that want El Toro International Airport open. There are many pro-El Toro International Airport publications."
OK Donald, other than the fantasy El Toro supporters living in your head, come back to reality with your many pro El Toro publications and NAME THEM right here, right now for all to see. Put your money where your big mouth is for once. Come on NIMBY, let's hear some "facts".
1211, you have no idea of the width, breadth, depth, height and quantity of support for El Toro International Airport which you attack when you know them. You'd have to hire thousands of hack writers to attack the millions of supporters of the airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The antis are in the dark about El Toro International Airport allies against them.
1211, the only facts Donnie can quote are the ones he makes up in his head. Kind of like the 30 million passengers for El Toro.
1211, Turn on the lights, Vernon. Lone Nimby's caught in another lie. It's 30 million annual passengers.
1211 Donald can't state facts because the only ones he has exists only in his head. El Toro and it's "millions of supporters' are nothing more than pure fantasy.
We in South County don't hate Newport Beach. We just suffer from an inferiority complex. Turn on the lights at the Duke 24/7.
Thirty (30) million annual passengers, it is. Inferiority complex makes you strike out with insults, jealousy and hate. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Lone Nimby is having another attack.
Forget 1:34 Donald, we really do hate NIMBY Beach. Inherited money has given you the inferiority complex. Your inferiority complex forces you to make up lies, spew hate and find imaginary airport supporters under your bed.
Like Vern says, living near an airport keeps property values up. Keep your phony life and keep The Duke close. It's all you have going for you.
Raise your expectations, 900. Participate in high property values. Turn on the lights, Vernon. El Toro International Airport will make even those people rich.
This Thanksgiving I'm very grateful for JWA! Can't wait for the expansion as a Christmas present.
Viva la Duke!
Be thankful to El Toro International Airport, 901. Be very grateful for the fuel-saving cross runways pointing to where airplanes need to go. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Viva El Toro International Airport!! Merry Christmas, Lone Nimby.
Well, my Christmas dreams came true, no airport at El Toro, and an expanded JWA! Thank you Santa!
815, try a New Year's Resolution to support El Toro International Airport. You are fortunate to have those 10,000 foot cross runways ready for turning on the lights. How's that great park working out for you? Turn on the lights, Vernon. Lone Nimby has awakened with anger, jealousy and hate. Thank you Santa!
Donald, why should I try a new resolution when my old one seems to be working just fine.
Viva la Duke and good bye El Toro.
813, El Toro International Airport does not have to be expanded. It's ready for millions of annual passengers right now. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Lone Nimby is clinging to housing and great park, both of which are toast.
LIAR! There is no terminal at El Toro, no usable hangers, no working tower, no infrastructure at all. Hell, El Toro needs more expansion at this point than the Duke. I guess it's Viva la Duke, huh Vern (Donald)?
LONE NIMBY'S PANTS ON FIRE. El Toro International Airport is ready for flights as soon as Irvine makes the call. Jumbo Jet Runways pointing in all directions. Infrastructure everywhere. The balloon is not in the way. El Toro is ready to fly. Turn on the lights, Vernon. We're fortunate to have such a fine airport ready for millions of passengers.
Donald, I think you've sung "Dream a little dream for me" one too many times. You go ahead and book your next flight out of El Toro, lets see just how far you get.
LONE NIMBY'S A DENIER. El Toro International Airport already is built and is ready for turning on the lights as soon as Irvine makes the call. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Lone Nimby believes in housing and a great park, both toast.
DONALD'S PANTS ON FIRE. John Waynel Airport is open for flights with no need to make any calsl. Runways pointing in the direction airplanes want to go. Infrastructure everywhere. The hot air balloon of Donald is not in the way. John Wayne is already to flying. Turn on the lights, Vernon. We're fortunate to have such a fine airport ready for millions of passengers! Long live The Duke!
Donnie and Jayjay's pants are both on fire. They are flaming. Keep that stuff in Laguna.
Not very neighborly of you, 303. Turn on the lights, Vernon. El Toro International Airport is where the jumbo jets take off on international flights. No hate.
Who's Jayjay?
Jayjay is an object of hate for south county. SC hates popinjays, parrots, and conceited persons. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Give them more Jayjays to hate.
Not very neighborly of you, 145. Keep the lights on at JWA, Vernon. El Toro International Airport is dead, dead, dead. No hate, jealousy or class warfare here, just the honest truth. Something Donald is incapable of.
El Toro International Airport is ready to make money. Lone Nimby is a liar. El Toro International Airport is all about love. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Yes, lone NIMBY (Donald/Vern) truly is a liar. That's why El Toro will never open.
El Toro International Airport will open as soon as Irvine makes the call. We know all about great park and housing toast.
We all know? Apparently the good residents of Irvine don't know. Just more of Donnie's lies and delusions.
Leaders of Irvine want their very own airport, and now they have it. Residents of Irvine want El Toro International Airport when it is carefully spelled out to them. Lone NIMBY knows nothing about good residents, leaders and the real need for El Toro International Airport. Lone NIMBY is ill.
Donald is a liar and is living in a fantasy land. It is truly sad to be so delusional.
Lone NIMBY is living in affordable housing in a fantasy park. El Toro International Airport is there and will open when Irvine makes the call. Turn on the lights, Vernon. It's a win win for all.
Well, Donnie, I can afford it so I guess you are right, it is affordable, probably not for you, though. I've seen your little shack, not too much to brag about, is it? And just what call is Irvine going to make to open the airport that doesn't exist?
When Irvine makes the call to LAWA, it will swoop into Orange County and open El Toro International Airport. Nobody is in the noise zone and millions of people want those jumbo jet runways put to use. It's all about money for LAWA and Irvine. The Nimbys can't stop it. Irvine can do it. Turn on the lights Vernon. Lone NIMBY doesn't own the land. What kind of affordable house is yours?
You are one delusional dreamer, Donnie. Sad but true.
My affordable house is one where I can step outside my house and be on the beach. Where I can lie in bed and watch the surfers. It's big and beautiful and you couldn't afford to live anywhere near it.
Sad to see Lone NIMBY straining for status. The plans for El Toro International Airport are ready for Irvine to make money by calling LAWA to open the airport. It's a win win for all.
You left out the part that LAWA no longer wants El Toro. Details, details.
LAWA loves El Toro International Airport because it has fuel-saving jumbo jet runways that do not exist at any other of LAWA's airports. This is thanks to the stellar location of this airport. I will be the first passenger on the first El Toro International Airport redeye.
Really? LAX doesn't have jumbo jet runways? Another lie from Donnie.
LAWA loves El Toro International Airport because it has jumbo jet cross runways unlike any other of LAWA's airports. El Toro International Airport is unique. Nobody is in the noise zone, it is efficient, saves lots of fuel and has a low carbon footprint. Lone NIMBY doesn't know the difference between cross runways and parallel ones. Cross is good. Parallel is bad. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
You're right on the money with this article Vernon. Newport Beach is the richest city in the United States in income and home values thanks to John Wayne Airport and the future planned El Toro International Airport. Newporters earn lots of money and the median price of their homes is over $1 million. See Daily Pilot front page, February 25, 2010. When El Toro International Airport opens, things will get better there too. Too bad for you Lone Nimby. You need to straighten up and fly right.
That's because they don't built airport with converging runways any more, too dangerous.
957, that's why LAWA loves El Toro International Airport. It's unique and safe. Just ask the FAA which approved it for 4 million annual passengers. Turn on the lights, Vernon. We've got an airport to open so they can get rich like Newport Beach.
Is that the best you can do, Donald? Pretty weak.
Lone Nimby hates supporters of El Toro International Airport because it already is built with fuel saving cross runways pointing to the cities where airplanes go. It is green, ready to use and noiseless. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Lone Nimby will join with the winners. That's where the money is.
Yes Donald, when all else fails (as it has with you) parade out the old "cross runways" theme. Truly a sign of desperation for you.
You want to fly out of El Toro, Donald? Go ride the balloon!
Lone Nimby is jealous, mean and a liar. El Toro International Airport is approved by the Federal Aviation Administration. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Lone Nimby already has lost.
Lone Donnie is the hate filled jealous mean liar. El Toro WAS approved by the FAA. It's not anymore as evidenced by the giant X's painted on it's fuel saving crossed runways pointing to where airplanes will never again go.
The Xes will be painted over when Irvine opens the airport. Lone Nimby's hate, jealousy, insults and lies are just what are needed to re-open El Toro International Airport.
Donnie, if that's all you needed to open the airport it would have opened long ago. Instead the runways will soon be gravel.
I hear they're going to extend the runway at JWA soon. Then you'll have your very own fuel saving runway pointing to where airplanes want to go.
Keep up the hate, Donnie, I hope it keeps you warm at night.
Ah yes, the runways at El Toro International Airport are 10,000 feet long and built on firm ground. It's as simple as painting over those weird Xes and open the airport like approved by FAA and Navy. Irvine needs money and jobs.
Donnie, imagine my disappointment that you have no more lies left that you couldn't even write an April Fools column on your silly blog site. I was so looking forward to reading more of your lies and hate.
Hey, are you going to compete in the El Toro mud run. I'd pay good money to see you covered in mud, wearing a Larry Agran tee shirt. Classic.
No lies here Lone Nimby.
The runways at El Toro International Airport are 10,000 feet long and built on firm ground. They are being saved until the airport opens, as approved by the FAA and the Navy.
Turn on the lights, Vernon. Lone Nimby will self-destruct.
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