Yesterday The Register had an article about the status of John Wayne Airport. Not surprisingly, long time Newport Beach hater and El Toro superNIMBY Len Kranser weighed in. "Leonard Kranser, a longtime airport watcher, says the cap artificially reduces capacity, driving up ticket prices.
"Airplanes make noise; people really don't as they fly over," Kranser said. "So, to tell an airline that they can't fill a seat because of the (passenger) cap, but then have them fly an empty seat, doesn't really make a lot of sense."
Real funny coming from someone who lobbied for artificial caps of zero flights at El Toro International Airport. Kranser is a denizen of Dana Point who exhibits class envy of Newport Beach. Even lower tier Newport (aka Santa Ana Heights) has higher property values than his city of Dana Point. In fact, if one peruses one of my previous blog entries, they will see that Dana Point property values have dropped MORE than any other city in Orange County, while Newport Beach consistently maintains the highest values in the county.
What's a matter Kranser? Can't afford John Wayne's high ticket prices? Hate that long traffic snarled drive all the way up to LAX to catch either a cheap flight or something that goes international? You will just have to live with the consequences of your actions. If you will not contribute to increasing air capacity, you are in no position to point your finger at others.
I oppose John Wayne expansion, not because of noise as I live near the coast and hardly hear it, or because of some South County manufactured myth about airports somehow harming property values. I oppose John Wayne expansion due to the displacement of a significant number of private aircraft owners, many of which are local business CEOs. Just imagine what would happen to the local economy if they left town.
The socialist RINO NIMBY logic is to tax the wealthy earners in order to finance evicting the wealthy fliers and condemning the wealthy landowners within Newport Beach. They should win a Nobel Prize in Economics for that brilliant idea!
Seriously though, how logical is it to accommodate the flying masses who want to have cheap Southwest flights at the expense of the business executives who run the local firms that employ thousands? The average person flying in these cattle cars is frugal and does not typically own a business that employs people. Why are they receiving priority?
John Wayne should only be for private aircraft for businesses while El Toro International Airport serves the masses of the flying public. Besides, El Toro has much safer 10,000 foot runways for large commercial jets versus only 5700 feet at John Wayne. There are already private country clubs for VIPs whose time is valuable and do not want to compete with the masses for precious tee time. It should be the same way for airports as well.
In addition, I read that 99 Cent Stores are rapidly expanding in South County. They should also have their cheap cattle car flights out there as well at El Toro. In contrast, we in Newport Beach have no use for 99 Cent Stores as we prefer upscale shopping at Fashion Island. While we are at it, why not have John Wayne used exclusively for upscale flying?
Hooray, Vernon. You did it again with your eloquent article on the OC Register's Sunday article on John Wayne Airport. As you point out the Register published quotes from that ultimate Nimby of the south who has switched from being anti-airport to being pro-airport so he can continue insults, jealousy and hate against the elite of Newport Beach. Your fine photograph of dinky John Wayne Airport is mute testimony to the need for El Toro International Airport with its Jumbo Jet Runways. The money-grabbing owners of Irvine can open El Toro International Airport and the Nimbys of South County can shop at the 99 cents store while lamenting lost liasons with Larry. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Boy, Donald, you are the consummate asshole. You take hate to a new level. It is because of your hate that Irvine will never open El Toro again. What part of Great Park don't you understand?
you are clearly clueless if you cannot tell the difference between Donald and I. He wants John Wayne shut down altogether while I have repeatedly stated John Wayne should be used exclusively for private aviation.
Now is a nice sloppy kiss from Donald or I is all that is needed for Irvine to feel loved and re-open El Toro?
Tell you what, if they re-open the airport, I will scratch them a rather large check. How that's for some love?
557, I didn't mean that south county should forever shop at the 99 cents store -- only until Irvine re-opens El Toro International Airport. Then prosperity will come to the Nimbys. Love means never to have to say you're sorry. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Why in the world would the FAA restrict John Wayne, a perfectly good and heavyily used Class C airport, to private aviation only? As a private pilot I find that comment mad and delusional. The more airports to land at the better. Any plane should be allowed to land as long as it can make the runway distance. You are an elistist prick. I support bringing back the old San Juan Capo airport too as well as El Toro. Earth to idiot there's no where to land a plane in OC south of John Wayne. Maybe every airport should only be accesible to the rich and they should put gates at the entrance to Newport too I suppose. That makes about as much sense as half your arguments. Think before you write. Who gives a shit about 99 cent stores?
125, Thanks for supporting re-opening El Toro International Airport. I'm not sure it's safe with Ryan flying around with no place to land. Carlsbad is open, as well as Lindbergh Field in San Diego and Miramar. For emergency he can land at El Toro International Airport by ignoring those silly Xes painted on the runway. Also there are hundreds of miles of freeways south of Irvine with one mile straight out of every five as required by federal law. If you land at El Toro or on the freeway you'll have to fill out a few forms, but things should be all right if you say your engine was sputtering. It's time to open El Toro International Airport, Vernon, so Ryan can land with impunity. Open more 99 cents stores in south county in the interim.
if John Wayne is expanded for commercial aviation purposes, then general aviation pilots such as you will be displaced!
Keep JWA in use for small aircraft and private pilots, but send the heavies to El Toro which is bigger and better. Pretty simple solution.
It is the Newport Haters of South County that want to tax us to condemn our property and displace our aircraft. Not exactly a logical solution. But nobody ever accused the RINOs and Agranistas of being logical.
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