Sunday, October 31, 2010

Candidate Recommendations

It is time to retire Ma’am Barbara Boxer. She has been in elected office for 34 years going back to her days as a radical leftist Moron, er uh Marin County Supervisor. Boxer dressed down a general on C-SPAN, because he showed her some (undeserved) respect and addressed her as Ma’am, which is military custom. The general worked very hard for his title probably having done some tours of duty in very hostile locations, while Boxer has been self serving and only earned her title of senator due to previously weak competition.

This time the competition is not weak as Carly Fiorina, the first woman CEO of a Fortune 20 company runs against her. Fiorina did lay off some employees from Hewlett-Packard; some of whom were probably dead weight or had redundant functions. Then there is California's notoriously hostile business climate. Remember, it is a CEO’s job to make the company PROFITABLE, which she did. All Boxer has ever used is tax money, printed money, and borrowed money. She has never had to make a payroll or has successfully balanced a budget using REAL MONEY.

In addition, Ma’am Boxer gave out nearly half a million dollars in stimulus money to Comrad Agran’s Great Pork to "refurbish a hangar". Barbie is Larry’s Sugar Mama. If one wants to cut off Agran’s gravy train connection to federal tax funding, then Boxer must be voted out!

Congress 48th district
For whatever reason, Democrats somehow consider this a competitive seat, even during a year when Republicans are heavily favored to recapture congress. Fine. Let them waste their money on this one, and not have enough money to defend much more competitive seats like that of Loretta Sanchez for example. Fools and their money are soon parted. That is why they are Democrats.
Beth Krom would go to Washington for the prime purpose of securing earmarks for The Great Pork. She is the absolute last person who should be elected. She would only further advance the Obama agenda. The incumbent John Campbell is a mediocre congressman. One one hand, he is a fiscal conservative and an impediment to Obama’s agenda. But his RINOism is revealed by having his name listed as a member of the Advisory Council of The Great Pork. How can anyone want to have their name associated with a money wasting, job killing boondoggle like that?
Neither Krom, nor Campbell are satisfying choices. Therefore, the endorsement will go to Mike Binkley the libertarian candidate.

Unless one wants to relive the economically depressed 1970s of stagflation, then please don’t vote for Jerry Brown. We already have the second coming of Jimmy Carter with Barack Obama. We do not need another reminder of the 1970s. If Brown wins, the public employee unions will bankrupt what is the left of our once fine state. Meg Whitman has created a successful business and can whip California into shape. If she has to lay off some useless government employees, then so be it.

Lt. Governor
We grudgingly back Abel Maldonado. He is a RINO who broke from fellow Republicans and voted for one of the largest tax increases in state history. The other option is Gavin “whether you like it or not! Newsome. We cannot afford to have the San Franciscoization of our once fine state. Irvine and Laguna Beach are examples within Orange County of that plague. Therefore, Maldonado wins our endorsement by default.

This is one of the very few instances where we strongly oppose a Republican. Mimi Walters is the RINO of all RINOs. She is a former Laguna Niguel Mayor that joined the socialist Agranistas in spreading lies, fear, and hate about the job producing, economy stimulating El Toro International Airport.
The NIMBYs of South County suffer from liberalism, which is a mental disorder, and have irrational class envy and hatred of Newport Beach. Mimi Walters wants the reins to our state treasury, but she fought against El Toro, which would have pumped BILLIONS of dollars into our state’s economy. Anyone who fails to see what an asset El Toro truly is, is obviously unqualified to even be treasurer of the local dog pound!
Her opponent, Bill Lockyer is an incumbent who has been in government a very very very long time. But do give him credit for thinking independently for crossing party lines and supporting the recall of Gray Davis and the election of Arnold Schwarzenegger. He also has blasted Jerry Brown’s budget proposal as unrealistic. Lockyer is a better choice, simply because he is NOT Mimi Walters, if one only chooses between the major parties.
But Robert Lauten of the American Independent Party is the one true conservative running for this position and gets our support.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Proposition Recommendations


19 - Legalized Dope. Yes.
This is something I would typically vote HELL NO on! Aren't there enough brain dead South County NIMBYs out there on dope to begin with? By legalizing dope, it would encourage and condone this lifestyle.

With all that being said, vote YES because legalized dope will put a monkey wrench in things. The more dope the loopy liberals smoke, the less likely they are to get off their stoned butts to go vote. It is best they stay home as couch potatoes, and let the productive members of society cast ballots.

The other upside of legalized dope is that it would put Barack Obama in a very awkward position. His attorney general said even if Californians pass this proposition, he will still prosecute people. Imagine that, he would prosecute his very own dopey liberal voting base. Only if one is stoned non-stop could they seriously think Obama is doing a great job! If the dopey liberals get prosecuted and go to jail, they cannot re-elect their Messiah. Other dopey liberals will be so horrified that they will stay home in disgust, or maybe even cast protest votes for Green Party candidates who like to smoke Green stuff themselves. If Obama loses California and its 55 electoral votes in 2012, say checkmate!

21 - Money for (real) parks. Yes.
I typically don't like the idea of giving additional money to our dysfunctional state government, even if it is a mere $18. But here is the upside, if California parks are FREE to everybody, then WHY would anybody ever want to PAY to visit Larry Agran's Great Park? The less visitors, the sooner it self-destructs from lack of interest and people willing to pay to see what is literally a bunch of hot air. It is worth me paying $18 per vehicle just to watch park visitors ditch paying to enter the phony Great Park and instead go to a real park for FREE.

22- City Funding. No.
I typically don't like the idea of our dysfunctional state government having even more money, but better they have it than even worse dysfunctional cities like Irvine or some of other NIMBY socialist cities in South County, that kill jobs and harm the economy.
Irvine is likely headed towards a municipal bankruptcy. If the state can continue to raid money from them, it will hasten the process of their collapse. Then, Irvine will have no choice but to call L.A. and offer to lease them the idle El Toro International Airport.

23- Stop the Global Warming hype. Yes!
In this economy how can anyone ever give priority to questionable science over economic productivity? Let's sacrifice jobs just in case there may be a remote chance the Mayans are right and the Earth will end on December 21, 2012. Please! Civilization will end if we do not revive our economy.
The NIMBYs socialists used literally every lame excuse in the book as to why we should not keep the lights on at El Toro International Airport. About the only one they did not trot out was "global warning". The reason, their mythical hero algore has flown out of El Toro on Air Force Two! Apparently, El Toro can't be too harmful to the Earth. Even global warming alarmist algore does not think so or he would not have flown out of there.

24- Eliminate Business Tax Breaks. NO!
Are they kidding? Are the liberals trying to kill off the rest of the businesses in California so that people are entirely dependent on government for all their needs? Since South County NIMBYs hate wealthy people and businesses, expect this measure to pass down there. Fortunately, they are a tiny percentage of the state and should not have enough votes outside of leftist enclaves like Berkeley, and San Francisco to join them and make this happen.

25- A mere 51% vote to pass a budget. NO!
It is only because it takes a 2/3 majority to pass a budget that our state taxes are not even higher. Liberals want to punish success and redistribute the wealth. If this passes, look for a mass exodus of businesses and jobs.

26 - 2/3 vote to raise "fees. Yes!
Here we have a game of semantics where they call taxes "fees" instead. My bank account does not know the difference between taxes and "fees"! Change the name and put on a different shade of lipstick on the pig, and it still a confiscation of wealth and a punishment on productivity.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Spitzer Spazzes Out

Todd Spitzer being out of office is like a fish out of water, it flops around and flails. Last Wednesday District Attorney Tony Rackauckas held a press conference and set the record straight. He was not about to allow the allegations that this young brash punk made up go unanswered. Todd Spitzer constantly LIED about El Toro. He has no credibility. I do NOT believe one word about what he says about the D.A.

The D.A.'s office gave him a chance to have a career with them and Spitzer overstepped his bounds and was sent packing. Todd just can't stand it. He is holding press conference after press conference. He really misses the bully pulpit and just hates having his wings clipped. Spitzer is really hurt by all this and wants to settle the score and run against Tony Rackauckas in 2014. That will be four long years for Todd Spitzer of being irrelevant. What will he do in the meantime? Why keep on whining of course!

When Mr. Spitzer finally gets to face Mr. Rackauckas in a grudge match, he had best not run on his job creation record for Orange County. The state just released figures today showing that our county alone has over 150,000 UNEMPLOYED residents. If Spitzer had not obstructed El Toro from opening, then there would be nearly 100,000 people employed by the airport and airport-related jobs countywide. Therefore, Mr. Spitzer deserves to join the unemployed ranks of Orange County as he was a major factor in handcuffing the job creating, economy stimulating El Toro International Airport.

Stay tuned for upcoming election endorsements.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

El Toro Lives!

We received this email from one of our viewers and this story is just too good to not share! Enjoy!

I was once stationed at El Toro as a Marine, flying out of there...

After leaving the Marine Corps, I stayed in aviation - there was a hiatus for a while, but I use my airplane for transportation much as you would use a car. Unfortunately, as much a thriving industry as aviation can and does present, I was sad to see El Toro shut down and be cannibalized by Nimby's.

Fast forward to last month. My airplane recently had its engine rebuilt by a mechanic in Corona. Usually, airplane engines are torn down and rebuilt after so many hundreds of hours and have a use limit, much differently than cars. My airplane had been sitting a loooong time. One of the mechanics had flown the airplane with me to return it to service on 3 separate occasions for 15 minutes each, so we felt comfortable that the airplane could be returned to service. After some work and refueling at Chino Airport, I embarked on my way to my home base at John Wayne Airport in Santa Ana, CA.

I flew over the hills without incident. There were a number of airliners coming into SNA, so I deviated slightly to the left as I was busy minding the engine instruments ensuring everything looked kosher after the rebuild. As I was abeam El Toro, suddenly my engine began to quit. There is no more deafening a sound in one's ears than having your engine come to a complete stop. Can you imagine what it would be like trying to land on a freeway with cars around, let alone a residential neighborhood and coming in close contact with a building?

I had been talking with Air Traffic Control all along the way as they will often provide separation services between airplanes, and is required prior to landing at John Wayne. As the engine stopped, I let them know that I had a problem and I would be landing. The controller seemed a little clueless and unresponsive - no matter, I was more concerned about safely making it to the ground and not hurting anyone or anything, including me. My heartrate was up, my eyes were fairly wide, and...El Toro! There it was. I was roughly 1 mile abeam El Toro, but 9 miles away from John Wayne. Trying to fly a 3000 lb glider from El Toro to John Wayne would never work - I was only at 3500', so El Toro was my only option to land - the last thing I wanted to do was delay landings at SNA by landing short, let alone create a larger emergency for other air traffic.

El Toro is fortunate enough to have several runways, and while a little aged, they're still plenty serviceable. At first, I looked at lining up on one on the left next to the balloon - but....rats! There were now hundreds of RV's lined up and I didn't want to land long and destroy someone elses's property. Luckily, the adjacent runway didn't have the same problem.

However, that runway is presently occupied by concrete barriers (no purpose they can serve, from what I see) and other obstacles that would make a landing awkward.
I still had enough airspeed to bleed some, so I managed to land between two of the many obstructions that litter the closed runways today. Fortunately, I landed without any incident.

It didn't take longer than 5 minutes for the Irvine Police, who's apparently paid to patrol the Lennar property, to come and check in. After exchanging some pleasantries, the Police Service Officer realized I had just completed an emergency landing and became a bit more friendly. Before long, a number of other officers came to check in on the situation.

The Sergeant in charge at El Toro, an Irvine Police Department Officer, was efficient and focused. Within 5 minutes, the FAA (who had already been notified by me in the air and on the ground) was contacted by the police, along with the NTSB and a number of other entities. As the police continued alerting everyone, I reached out to my mechanic and engine rebuilder to let them know what just occurred. The problem for the mechanic and rebuilder is actually more substantial, as their license is at stake for rebuilding or installing an engine and deeming it airworthy only to have a problem such as this take place.

After speaking to the FAA, they were satisfied that landing at an "off field" location (it doesn't matter that this is an airport with 12,000' runways, now closed) was not as a result of negligence, no deaths or injuries took place, and no property was damaged. With that, the NTSB sent me on my way, only to have me follow up with the FAA inspectors to get to the bottom of the failure, as they do with every one that takes place they're made aware of.

After cordoning off the airplane, my mechanics and I agreed on the plan of action. Saturday would be tough; we would have to come back on Monday to see what was up.

That's when the fun began.

I had a chance to meet with Kim Mahon, a secretary type / management "analyst" who works for El Toro (but also has a Lennar email address). Along with her, Tom Ohara, their "aviation specialist", came along. Tom is a consultant.

Tom Ohara, the gentleman in charge of "Aviation" at "The Great Park" informed me that he keeps a Stearman airplane and an SNJ at the airport hangars. He represented them as his own, though reading the article below it appears that Larry Agran and others approved the purchase of both airplanes for Tom's restoration - must be nice. Tom has to approve my departure from the airport as a consultant. I wonder what Colonel Ohara is paid to do as a consultant, or how much? Restore airplanes that are part of his personal collection, or those he chooses to display as his personal hobby, on behalf of the citizens of Irvine? There are no requests or donations for Marine RF4's, which were the backbone of what flew out of this air station, or A6's, C130's, let alone F18's, or CH53's, or CH46's. Come to think of it, I don't think a Stearman or SNJ ever flew out of this base...but I don't remember.

Can I get a consulting gig rebuilding my favorite airplanes at El Toro? I have some *great* friends in aviation with millions of dollars in tools who rebuild airplanes for a living...could probably move things a little faster than Colonel Tom (just kidding...maybe) and get them to donate effort. Tom did mention the recent small private airshow that was held, with nary a complaint from the neighbors. Kim, who pays the colonel's consulting paycheck, had a rather curious frown as Tom spoke of the airshow; I guess there's talk of preserving one of the runways for these types of "special events" as well as possibly retaining the control tower and some hangars on that side. If you can't do much with $20M remaining in the budget to rebuild the park, just spin...

Kim seemed offended at the premise of my landing at El Toro.

"Why did you land here?" "Well, Kim, it's better to land on a closed airport field than a residential neighborhood, don't you think?"
"This isn't an airport - it's Lennar's property". "I understand, Kim - but when a pilot has an emergency, it's a good place to land".
"Are you an airport proponent, Kim, or were you for the closure of El Toro?" "I think this should be a park - we have no use for an airport here. It's noisy."
"What about you, Tom? What do you think of an airport at El Toro?" "Well, we just held an airshow here not long ago, and the neighbors posed no complaints - isn't that right, Kim?" (passive aggressive nod)...

That Monday, the mechanics checked out the airplane nose to tail. Apparently, even though we had drained the tanks of any moisture, there had been water in one of the gas tanks. Comfortable and convinced with the inspector, mechanic and engine rebuilder's assessment, since the FAA supervisor knew all of the men, he was content to release the airplane for a departure. A quick conversation with Scott McClellan from Irvine PD confirmed he only needed a few minutes notice to close the field and let the airplane take off.

"Not so fast, Lloyd. This needs "coordination". You can't just take off from here. The FAA needs to know!" said Kim.

"Kim, the FAA has released the airplane. They're comfortable with the airplane departing."

"Well, we're not."
Interesting - Kim Mahon felt like more of an expert on engines, airplanes, airworthiness enough to know better than the feds. The concern was that at night, vandals, could cause damage to the airplane, steal instruments, etc. On any given night, one could walk directly onto the runways with no supervision or concern.

It turns out this would be one of many hoops Kim would make us intentionally jump through. Kim demanded $1M in insurance - which most airplanes typically carry.

"Great, Kim - whose name should the certificate be made out to?" "The City of Irvine". "Great, Kim - what's the address?" "You can get it from my assistant".

From this point, each and every step of the way presented a new requirement that would delay the takeoff from El Toro. No, it wasn't the City of Irvine. It was the City and the Great Park. No, it needed to include the different addresses. At first, a certificate of insurance would be sufficient. Then they needed an endorsement. When that wasn't enough, it became their desire to be primary policy holders. Lastly, they didn't want a certificate or endorsement - they needed the actual endorsement to the policy by the carrier, which typically takes 30-45 days to produce according to the broker.

"Well, Lloyd, you can always just truck the airplane out of here, Lloyd". I was now held hostage by Tom Bokosky, the Risk Manager for Lennar / City of Irvine. For reference, unrivetting the wings and disassembling the plane for transport is a multithousand dollar destructive process, only to suit the arrogance of the Lennar Staff paid for by the City of Irvine.

The FAA was aghast. The inspectors had been asked specifically by Kim and the city of Irvine to take a personal interest on this. Apparently, my airplane registration was "suspended" or "not valid". Kim and Tom, diligently spending City of Irvine resources, needed to make sure I was "legal".

Registrations in airplanes don't expire. :) When the feds don't receive a mailer sent to your home every 3 years, they "flag" the registration. Nothing more. The feds were already aware, as a new address had been submitted - they had not yet updated their records.

"He's not registered to fly", Kim insisted to the FAA inspector, as if grasping for another hoop to keep us from leaving. "No, we're OK with him departing, Kim". "Have you looked at his logbooks in the airplane? You need to look at his logs!" Viet Tran, a very affable FAA inspector, reviewed the logbooks completely. "They logbooks are good, and so's the registration and pilot's license, Kim."

But we had to wait until the actual endorsement of the original policy naming The City of irvine and the Great Park as primary insureds was received.

"Well, we also have to have permission from CalDot for a departure" said Tom, the Aviation Expert / "Museum Curator".

Through all this, I heard that there had been an intention in keeping one of the runways open: Runway 16/34 by the Great Park / City of Irvine.

At last, the certificate came. Without great fanfare, we did our best to get out of there as quickly as we could. My partner took photos of the event as I departed and flew over the airport.

"Why does he have to fly over the airport?" Kim said. My partner said: well, you have to circle over an airport in the event that anything happens. It's a safety thing." Kim didn't appreciate my woman taking pictures. "You have to stay back". "OK"...."In the event the engine has a problem again, you wouldn't want the airplane crashing into homes, would you?" Kim sneered, and huffed off to sit in her car, arms crossed.
