Todd Spitzer being out of office is like a fish out of water, it flops around and flails. Last Wednesday District Attorney Tony Rackauckas held a press conference and set the record straight. He was not about to allow the allegations that this young brash punk made up go unanswered. Todd Spitzer constantly LIED about El Toro. He has no credibility. I do NOT believe one word about what he says about the D.A.
The D.A.'s office gave him a chance to have a career with them and Spitzer overstepped his bounds and was sent packing. Todd just can't stand it. He is holding press conference after press conference. He really misses the bully pulpit and just hates having his wings clipped. Spitzer is really hurt by all this and wants to settle the score and run against Tony Rackauckas in 2014. That will be four long years for Todd Spitzer of being irrelevant. What will he do in the meantime? Why keep on whining of course!
When Mr. Spitzer finally gets to face Mr. Rackauckas in a grudge match, he had best not run on his job creation record for Orange County. The state just released figures today showing that our county alone has over 150,000 UNEMPLOYED residents. If Spitzer had not obstructed El Toro from opening, then there would be nearly 100,000 people employed by the airport and airport-related jobs countywide. Therefore, Mr. Spitzer deserves to join the unemployed ranks of Orange County as he was a major factor in handcuffing the job creating, economy stimulating El Toro International Airport.
Stay tuned for upcoming election endorsements.
1 comment:
Todd Spitzer's record is one of failure. On the Board of Supervisors he opposed El Toro International Airport while his district voted against Measure W. His tenure in the Assembly amounted to nothing and now he has been fired from his civilian job with county government. Irvine doesn't need him any more. The people need him less.
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