Candidate Recommendations
It is time to retire Ma’am Barbara Boxer. She has been in elected office for 34 years going back to her days as a radical leftist Moron, er uh Marin County Supervisor. Boxer dressed down a general on C-SPAN, because he showed her some (undeserved) respect and addressed her as Ma’am, which is military custom. The general worked very hard for his title probably having done some tours of duty in very hostile locations, while Boxer has been self serving and only earned her title of senator due to previously weak competition.
This time the competition is not weak as Carly Fiorina, the first woman CEO of a Fortune 20 company runs against her. Fiorina did lay off some employees from Hewlett-Packard; some of whom were probably dead weight or had redundant functions. Then there is California's notoriously hostile business climate. Remember, it is a CEO’s job to make the company PROFITABLE, which she did. All Boxer has ever used is tax money, printed money, and borrowed money. She has never had to make a payroll or has successfully balanced a budget using REAL MONEY.
In addition, Ma’am Boxer gave out nearly half a million dollars in stimulus money to Comrad Agran’s Great Pork to "refurbish a hangar". Barbie is Larry’s Sugar Mama. If one wants to cut off Agran’s gravy train connection to federal tax funding, then Boxer must be voted out!
Congress 48th district
For whatever reason, Democrats somehow consider this a competitive seat, even during a year when Republicans are heavily favored to recapture congress. Fine. Let them waste their money on this one, and not have enough money to defend much more competitive seats like that of Loretta Sanchez for example. Fools and their money are soon parted. That is why they are Democrats.
Beth Krom would go to Washington for the prime purpose of securing earmarks for The Great Pork. She is the absolute last person who should be elected. She would only further advance the Obama agenda. The incumbent John Campbell is a mediocre congressman. One one hand, he is a fiscal conservative and an impediment to Obama’s agenda. But his RINOism is revealed by having his name listed as a member of the Advisory Council of The Great Pork. How can anyone want to have their name associated with a money wasting, job killing boondoggle like that?
Neither Krom, nor Campbell are satisfying choices. Therefore, the endorsement will go to Mike Binkley the libertarian candidate.
Unless one wants to relive the economically depressed 1970s of stagflation, then please don’t vote for Jerry Brown. We already have the second coming of Jimmy Carter with Barack Obama. We do not need another reminder of the 1970s. If Brown wins, the public employee unions will bankrupt what is the left of our once fine state. Meg Whitman has created a successful business and can whip California into shape. If she has to lay off some useless government employees, then so be it.
Lt. Governor
We grudgingly back Abel Maldonado. He is a RINO who broke from fellow Republicans and voted for one of the largest tax increases in state history. The other option is Gavin “whether you like it or not! Newsome. We cannot afford to have the San Franciscoization of our once fine state. Irvine and Laguna Beach are examples within Orange County of that plague. Therefore, Maldonado wins our endorsement by default.
This is one of the very few instances where we strongly oppose a Republican. Mimi Walters is the RINO of all RINOs. She is a former Laguna Niguel Mayor that joined the socialist Agranistas in spreading lies, fear, and hate about the job producing, economy stimulating El Toro International Airport.
The NIMBYs of South County suffer from liberalism, which is a mental disorder, and have irrational class envy and hatred of Newport Beach. Mimi Walters wants the reins to our state treasury, but she fought against El Toro, which would have pumped BILLIONS of dollars into our state’s economy. Anyone who fails to see what an asset El Toro truly is, is obviously unqualified to even be treasurer of the local dog pound!
Her opponent, Bill Lockyer is an incumbent who has been in government a very very very long time. But do give him credit for thinking independently for crossing party lines and supporting the recall of Gray Davis and the election of Arnold Schwarzenegger. He also has blasted Jerry Brown’s budget proposal as unrealistic. Lockyer is a better choice, simply because he is NOT Mimi Walters, if one only chooses between the major parties.
But Robert Lauten of the American Independent Party is the one true conservative running for this position and gets our support.
That's good voting advice, Vernon, and just in time to help us all make up our minds. I liked your judicious use of outlier parties when the majors fail. It makes people sit up and take notice. Then there's short person Boxer who belongs on a soap box at Pershing Square. And, finally, if it's brown, flush it.
(yawn), zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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