Monday, October 25, 2010

Proposition Recommendations


19 - Legalized Dope. Yes.
This is something I would typically vote HELL NO on! Aren't there enough brain dead South County NIMBYs out there on dope to begin with? By legalizing dope, it would encourage and condone this lifestyle.

With all that being said, vote YES because legalized dope will put a monkey wrench in things. The more dope the loopy liberals smoke, the less likely they are to get off their stoned butts to go vote. It is best they stay home as couch potatoes, and let the productive members of society cast ballots.

The other upside of legalized dope is that it would put Barack Obama in a very awkward position. His attorney general said even if Californians pass this proposition, he will still prosecute people. Imagine that, he would prosecute his very own dopey liberal voting base. Only if one is stoned non-stop could they seriously think Obama is doing a great job! If the dopey liberals get prosecuted and go to jail, they cannot re-elect their Messiah. Other dopey liberals will be so horrified that they will stay home in disgust, or maybe even cast protest votes for Green Party candidates who like to smoke Green stuff themselves. If Obama loses California and its 55 electoral votes in 2012, say checkmate!

21 - Money for (real) parks. Yes.
I typically don't like the idea of giving additional money to our dysfunctional state government, even if it is a mere $18. But here is the upside, if California parks are FREE to everybody, then WHY would anybody ever want to PAY to visit Larry Agran's Great Park? The less visitors, the sooner it self-destructs from lack of interest and people willing to pay to see what is literally a bunch of hot air. It is worth me paying $18 per vehicle just to watch park visitors ditch paying to enter the phony Great Park and instead go to a real park for FREE.

22- City Funding. No.
I typically don't like the idea of our dysfunctional state government having even more money, but better they have it than even worse dysfunctional cities like Irvine or some of other NIMBY socialist cities in South County, that kill jobs and harm the economy.
Irvine is likely headed towards a municipal bankruptcy. If the state can continue to raid money from them, it will hasten the process of their collapse. Then, Irvine will have no choice but to call L.A. and offer to lease them the idle El Toro International Airport.

23- Stop the Global Warming hype. Yes!
In this economy how can anyone ever give priority to questionable science over economic productivity? Let's sacrifice jobs just in case there may be a remote chance the Mayans are right and the Earth will end on December 21, 2012. Please! Civilization will end if we do not revive our economy.
The NIMBYs socialists used literally every lame excuse in the book as to why we should not keep the lights on at El Toro International Airport. About the only one they did not trot out was "global warning". The reason, their mythical hero algore has flown out of El Toro on Air Force Two! Apparently, El Toro can't be too harmful to the Earth. Even global warming alarmist algore does not think so or he would not have flown out of there.

24- Eliminate Business Tax Breaks. NO!
Are they kidding? Are the liberals trying to kill off the rest of the businesses in California so that people are entirely dependent on government for all their needs? Since South County NIMBYs hate wealthy people and businesses, expect this measure to pass down there. Fortunately, they are a tiny percentage of the state and should not have enough votes outside of leftist enclaves like Berkeley, and San Francisco to join them and make this happen.

25- A mere 51% vote to pass a budget. NO!
It is only because it takes a 2/3 majority to pass a budget that our state taxes are not even higher. Liberals want to punish success and redistribute the wealth. If this passes, look for a mass exodus of businesses and jobs.

26 - 2/3 vote to raise "fees. Yes!
Here we have a game of semantics where they call taxes "fees" instead. My bank account does not know the difference between taxes and "fees"! Change the name and put on a different shade of lipstick on the pig, and it still a confiscation of wealth and a punishment on productivity.


anon said...

Vernon, I pretty much agree with your proposition advice. I particularly like your reasons for yes on 23, no on 25, yes on 19 and yes on 21. I plan to vote no on 19 and no on 21. I plan to vote yes on 20. By the way, how do you spell recommendations? I suppose Lone Nimby will tell us.

Anonymous said...

(snore) zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....