Orange County Register
Friday, April 4, 2008
Editorial: Great moments in waste
Here's an idea of how some California governments are spending your money
• Orange County's own Great Park's cost soared to more than $1 billion, helped along by a $5 million tethered helium balloon, a $300,000 visitor-center tent that costs $75,000 a year just to clean and $14,000 for a series of orange dots painted along the park's entrance road, the Los Angeles Times said.
Isn't it obvious that Irvine cannot afford the exorbitant price tag of The Great Pork? Time to put those runways to use and make some money as opposed to continuously hemorrhaging it on such a frivolous park.
Only 40,000 people have rode in the balloon to date. That is barely 1% of the county's population. Let's make El Toro into something worthwhile that people will actually use like an airport! Irvine is not fooling anyone with their feeble attempt at a park except for the very gullible.
Your website is very negative and mean spirited. Give the Great Park a chance! It will be the Jewel of Orange County!
Your website is positive, spirited, and forward thinking. Only use for that contaminated land is the airport which, as a jewel, already is built.
El Toro is a terrible location for an international airport. Too many houses right next to and the runways will need to be re-alligned. And lets not forget that little mountain at the end of the main runway. You're nuts if you think an airport will ever be built there.
Planned El Toro International Airport is a perfect location for an airport. Houses nearby provide the passengers. FAA approved it for 4 million annual passengers. Can go up to 16 MAP. Anti-airport people in denial.
Once again, Vernon, you have to get the last word in. By the very few number of comments on your site, don't you think the vast majority of people are done with this subject. The airport will never happen, the voters of Orange County and the City of Irvine have seen to that. They're building high rise buildings at the ends of the runways, doesn't that tell you something. You're hanging on to a dream that will NEVER happen.
Now, I know you will respond to this before the end of the day.
Liar, Liar, pants on fire. Anti-airport people remain in denial. Believe their own propaganda. Planned El Toro International Airport will open because it will make lots of money for its owners. There are municipal airports all over the country. El Toro is no exception.
One small detail Vernon, the City of Irvine annexed El Toro, thus they will NEVER allow it to be built.
Yes, the city of Irvine annexed El Toro, thus they will open the planned El Toro International Airport. It's the only way to fly.
And just when will this happen? I want a date.
The sooner the better. FAA approved it for 4 million annual passengers. Can squeeze in 16 MAP. When contamination is all cleaned up Runway separation can occur. You tell me when contamination will all be cleaned up.
See that little piggie on the end? That's Vernon.
The pigs are at the trough. The money is being wasted. The airport must be opened to save Irvine from itself. Pollution will last 1,000 years.
Hell, your hot air will last 1,000 years!
El Toro is a terrible location for a park. The land is polluted and contaminated. The only option for Irvine right now is to open the planned El Toro International Airport, so the city can do something useful with the airport. The balloon is located right at the most contaminated part of the base. People have been sitting on the ground soaking up that poison. Isn't it obvious that Irvine cannot afford the exorbitant price of the Great Park?
Isn't it obvious that you're full of crap?
Isn't it obvious you are bitter and paranoid. El Toro Airport re-opening. Its just a matter of time.........
Viva El Toro. I like it. 9:26AM is a basket case.
You poor, poor NIMBY's. You were foolish enough to move under a major airport and now you think you can pawn your stupidity off on others. Is it painful to be so dumb? Does it hurt much?
NIMBY Beach loves John Wayne so much they named it after one of their former residents, now they can keep it...........and the jets!
Eat little piggy NIMBY's, eat.
Viva the El Toro Great Park!
9:26 is no basket case. He has no fear as he is part of the vast majority that voted against and airport at El Toro.
Poor little NIMBY's, grasping at straws.
There are 6 little pigs at the trough. Count them. Subtract 2 and you have the number of runways at El Toro International Airport. Count them. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Or, subtract four and you have the number of runways at John Wayne International Airport. Turn up the lights at the newly expanded JWA, Vern.
What fools the class warfare NIMBYs are. They think John Wayne Airport will stay open. They think El Toro International Airport won't open. They need a reality check. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
What fools the NIMBY's that created class warfare in their pin heads are. They think SNA will EVER close. Ha! They think El Toro International airport will EVER open. They need a reality check. Maybe if they stopped drinking so much Kool Aid they would get a dose of reality.
Thanks for turning on the lights at SNA, Vern!
Maybe the NIMBYs should stop drinking the TCE laced water. It has clearly impacted their ability to think rationally.
Maybe the Newport NIMBY's should stop drinking their Kool Aid. They can't accept that there will never be an airport at El Toro. Boo Hoo!
Yup, the anti-El Toro International Airport pigs are going way down into this website to the very old articles to post their filth and hate. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Just keeping up with the hate from the pro El Toro NIMBY's.
Oink. Oink. That's an anti-El Toro International Airport banana dreaming of no airport at El Toro. Stop their hate and turn on the lights, Vernon.
There is no dreaming because there is no airport. Don't believe me? Just try booking a flight to anywhere out of El Toro and see how far you get.
The only planes flying out of El Toro are RC planes.
Time for the airport dreaming piggies to go roll around in their sloth.
That's envy. That's hate, NIMBY. Class warfare will not book you a flight. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Me envious of you? Ahhhh hahahahaha! Oh, that's a good one! I was born in Newport Beach, NIMBY! There is absolutely no reason for me to be envious of you. I have more class that you could ever dream of, now take a nap, NIMBY
I'll bet you couldn't afford to live here now. It's the 4th most expensive waterfront city in the nation behind La Jolla, Santa Monica, and Santa Barbara. Your anti-El Toro International Airport buddies in their waterfront cities didn't make the cut. Too bad to be a loser without class. Turn on the lights at El Toro, Vernon.
I live in CDM, dumb ass. So you admit you're a loser without class. That's the first honest thing you've written on here.
CDM, eh. I'm opening El Toro International Airport. What are you doing besides writing filth on this site. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
You're opening El Toro? Well, I guess GOD has spoken. Is Jesus going to help you?
With an ego like that I think there is a good chance your head is going to explode.
God and Jesus do bless El Toro. The runways have not been removed because God will not allow it. God has spoken. If God did not want us to fly jumbo jets out of El Toro, they would never have been invented.
900, what a dumb shit you are.
The runways are there. The investment has been made. The airport is ready to go. Turn on the lights, Vernon, 654 needs a reason to go to sleep.
1134, reading your posts puts me to sleep.
Which pig in that picture is you and which one is Vern?
Anti-El Toro International Airport NIMBYs return to this pig trough over and over just to get pushed aside. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The pigs know how to get fed and be fed.
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