There was a Register investigation showing how government officials with secret plates were evading tolls. I bet much of the esteemed South County leadership has these secret plates. They all said we should go to Inland Empire Airport instead of using nearby El Toro. Easy for them to say, when they are likely evading tolls.
Their incessant mantra for Inland Empire Airports resembled "Go to March, Go to Ontario, Go to San Bernardino, Go to Victorville, Go to Palm Springs, Go to Desert Center, Go to Baker, Go to Blythe, Go to Needles etc. etc. Just go anywhere except El Toro. Because that would like cause lots of traffic ya know!"
Next time I head to the store, I suppose I should shop in the Inland Empire instead of Orange County. Remember, shopping locally and using local airports will cause more traffic than driving further away for the same product and service. South County logic at its finest. Makes me glad I invested quite a bit of my portfolio in oil companies.
I find your website refreshing, inspiring and progressive. Yes, opening El Toro International Airport will cut down on automobile traffic to remote airports.
Your web site is lame and the El Toro airport is dead.
Planned El Toro International Airport is ready to go. Approved by FAA for 4 million annual passengers. Can boost up to 16 MAP. Anti-airport people in denial.
Vernon, we all know that you are the only one leaving the positive messages right after someone says something negative.
The airport is dead, long live the open space/park.
Only a brain-washed anti-airport person would pollute this fine positive website. The only use for this contaminated land is for the planned El Toro International Airport. Keep up the good work, Vernon!
That's right Vernon, give yourself another pat on the back. What a joke!
553 give your lover another reach around at the great park bathroom.
933, how's that tea bagging going. Is it good for you or is your mouth too full to notice?
It's time to clean up El Toro International Airport from this stuff. Support your local airport, anti-El Toro International Airport reactionaries.
I do support my local airport, SNA!! It's close, clean, new, I love it! I can't wait for them to expand it. And when the caps expire, wow, then we'll really have fun.
So, you admit you have secret plates to drive all the way to John Wayne Airport. Don't you know there are people in the noise zone there. But El Toro International Airport has no one in its noise zone, or as one goon said, crash zone. Turn on the lights at El Toro, Vernon. The anti-El Toro International Airport people want to continue using John Wayne Airport as long as it is open.
All the way to John Wayne? For me it's a five minute drive. Much closer than El Toro.
Do your home work, goon, it's common knowledge that the zones around El Toro were established as crash zones.
Does it hurt having your head up your ass all the time?
Only 5 minutes to John Wayne Airport, eh. Then you better continue to use it, until you need a big airplane like will be landing at El Toro. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Crash zone has no homes. Nobody will be bothered by airplanes. Unless some politicians tells them they will be bothered. El Toro has a bigger buffer zone and runways. It is a much better airport.
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