Great Park officials are scrambling to get that balloon back up in the air ASAP. In the hopes that the gullible people who voted for the Great Park, might overlook the fact that after $200 million down the drain there is NO Great Park and never will be a Great Park. Even Elliot Spitzer got something in return for all the money that he wasted.
With all the hot air coming out of Irvine City Hall, it will be very easy to keep the balloon afloat. The Register article notes that 40,000 have rode in the balloon and it is FREE. That's it??? That many people would PAY to fly on a jet out of El Toro on a daily basis! As one can see El Toro is currently of little use to the general public.
Besides, The Great Park is dead. It is financially fatally flawed. The Great Park lead designer Ken Smith has even said it will cost $1.1 Billion to create the park. WHERE exactly is that kind of money going to come from? Not L.E.N.N.A.R. or Lost Every Nickel, Never Any Revenue. They will soon be going the way of the carrier pigeon. Irvine's rosy park income projections were based on overly optimistic real estate tax revenues. Ironically, Irvine is the headquarters of numerous sub-prime lenders that have gone belly up. Irvine is truly a Financial Fantasyland.
If Lennar does somehow recover after billions in losses, they will have to request a massive increase for the development already planned at the Great Park. That would be just to break even on past losses. Therefore, there will be very little acreage left for the park itself. Unless a Great Park Sugar Daddy comes to the rescue, the Great Park is toast. As ETRPA would say "It will never be built!"
But wait you say, that can't be true. I have received lots of lovely brochures about the Great Park in the mail. Yes indeed, and there is also plenty of colorful literature out there about the Easter Bunny.
Let them pave El Toro. I really don't care if there is ever a park just as long as there is no airport.
no kidding!
The Great Park is a total bait and switch. Thank you for covering this. The liberal news media will not expose the corruption of The Great Park Board.
The Great Park is the biggest scam ever perpetuated upon the people of Orange County!
Great Park can be the Planned El Toro International Airport, a really useful park that makes tons of money.
Yes, makes tons of money, adds tons of pollution to our air, makes our freeways even more clogged, ruins property values in South Orange County, etc, etc.
The airport is history. NEXT!
Thank god for the pollution. It's in the ground and oozing up into the air at El Toro, Woodbridge, and Santa Ana. It's why the airport is the solution to Orange County's airport problem, taking many airport trips off the freeways. Will raise money to clean up El Toro.
How's that joint Vern? You must be really stoned by now.
Orange County has no airport problem, we have Orange County airport! Perfect!
FAA approved El Toro for 4 million annual passengers. Can squeeze in 16 MAP. Site is a natural site for an airport. That's why it was built where it is. Get a life anti-El Toro Airport people. Your destiny was decided when your house was built. Stop whining about it and start smoking.
I wrote the history on MCAS El Toro. I know exactly why it was built, FOR SMALL FIGHTER AIRCRAFT! Not large transports! That is a fact! Even the Airline Pilots Association is against it. But you keep dreaming, Vern. Just what is in that water you're drinking?
... wrote the history on El Toro. I hope you didn't drink the water. See stories on Salem-news.com which says Great Park is toast. How about all those big transport planes in and out of El Toro, not little airplanes. FAA approved it for 4 million annual passengers. Can squeeze 16 MAP. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Make history at El Toro!
I don't drink water. Fish fornicate in it.
Yes, how about all those big transport planes in and out of El Toro, not little planes. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Oh, you mean the planes that flew over Mission Viejo, Irvine, Tustin and Laguna Hills? The ones that convinced the good people of South County that they didn't want to live next to an airport so they voted it down twice? Those big airplanes?
Too bad, suckers, those planes are gone from Orange County forever.......sell, unless they open up Los Alamitos to the public.
Those fools were brainwashed to call in to the county noise hotline BEFORE the first jet got off the ground! So the lying NIMBYs have no credibility on the "noise' of the flight tests!
Yes, those brainwashed NIMBYs have no credibility on El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon, and watch them go back to sleep. Nobody is in the noise zone.
Poor Newport NIMBY's, were stupid enough to move right under an airport that everybody knew would one day be a major airport. What a bunch of idiots! Keep the lights up at JWA, Vern, the Newport NIMBY's are afraid of the dark!
The Great Park fatal flaw is money. The $10 billion airport is there and is ready to go. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
The El Toro fatal flaw is that they need $20 Billion to even start thinking about an airport and the voters of OC said no f***ing way.
Keep the lights on at SNA, Vern, we know the NIMBY's are afraid of the dark.
20 billion? Please cite your "sources". Otherwise you suffer from TCE poisoning.
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