Such incredible timing! The City of Irvine announces the latest CEO of the Great Pork, while a jet had to make an emergency landing at John Wayne Airport today. The 5700 foot runway is the shortest of any commercial airport nationwide! One of these days a jet is going to roll off that runway onto the Corona Del Mar freeway and explode into a fireball.
We need an airport at El Toro now, not some lame 27 acre, 60 million dollar pork that hardly anyone visits. With two 10,000 foot runways and two 8,000 foot runways El Toro can easily handle emergency landings, not to mention all of our county's passengers and cargo needs for the foreseeable future.
Stop looking for ways to bring El Toro back to life! If you are so concerned with the short runway at JWA, then lengthen the damned thing!
Yes, El Toro is the perfect safe airport, already built. Can't be opened because of politicians. Can't be torn up because of contamination. Only use for that airport is for the airport which already is there.
The El Toro airport is a dead issue that is never coming back. Get a life and move on.
Planned El Toro International Airport is ready to go. Runways are long enough for flights nonstop to Dubai, UAE. Anti-airport people in denial. Believe their own lies.
If this had been a "real" emergency such as an engine fire, landing gear malfunction they would have diverted to an airport with a longer runway. This was strictly a precautionary landing and no big deal.
Why do you continue to beat this dead horse? The El Toro airport is dead and will stay dead and no amount of your whining is going to bring it back.
The one true place for a new international airport is March AFRB. And they WANT IT!!
Time to get a life, Vernon!
March does not want it! Leave RivCo out of it. Solve your own problems OC!
Really!?! March doesn't want it? Not according to this official web site: http://www.marchjpa.com/airport.html
Sorry to rain on your parade, Vern!
March didn't want it and still does NOT want it! I am not Vern, I am 909er.
Solve your own problems OC. John Wayne, or El Toro makes no difference to us. Keep your garbage in your own backyard!
Since when does a 909er live in 949?
I live in Moreno Valley, not 949!
I am NOT Vernon!
I do not care either way about El Toro or John Wayne, but I strongly opposed having Orangeholes dump their garbage on March!
Solve your own problems and keep us out of it!
March's long runway points at Moreno Valley. JWA points at Irvine, Tustin, Newport Beach, and Costa Mesa. El Toro's long runways point at Cleveland National Forest and Irvine Lake. Turn on the lights at El Toro, Vernon.
Except one little detail, since there's a mountain there they will have to take off in the opposite direction, right over Aliso Viejo, Laguna Hills, and Laguna Beach, but you don't care much about them, ,do you?
Surprise. Take-offs are on runways 34 and 7. Redesign is the last refuge of scoundrels. El Toro easily can handle all of Orange County's passenger and cargo needs for the forseeable future.
Dear 733AM.
If the mountain is what you object to. Fine then takeoff in the other direction. Voila problem solved and objection neutralized!
Dear 909er,
thank you for participating. This blogsite takes NO official position on the reuse of March Air Force Base.
However, suggesting it can serve the needs of Orange County is absurd! It is 50 miles beyond El Toro, which is conveniently in the center of Orange County.
The whole point of having El Toro in the first place is so us Orange County passengers do not have to make long distance trips at $5 a gallon to out of county airports.
Nevertheless, I would not be surprised if the next suggestion on here will be to make use of Needles.
Needles! That's perfect! Now why didn't I think of that?
Whiny Neport NIMBYs still going strong, at least it makes for a good laugh on a slow work day! It's LOL funny that some sour puss spends time and effort to still blog about during the old air station into an airport. You were beat by the South County NIMBYs, sorry guy! You = FAIL
Truth sounds like another sore winner. Too busy polluting this web site to work. We need the planned El Toro International Airport for 30 million annual passengers. The airport is in Irvine where the passengers are. No one is in the noise zone. Turn on the lights Vernon.
We do not NEED and international airport at El Toro. YOU, Mr. Newport NIMBY, want one there so the planes will stop flying over YOUR precious house that YOU foolishly bought too close to John Wayne.
I have said for a long time, they need to extend the runway at John Wayne over the CDM Freeway and I'm sure they eventually will!
LONG LIVE JOHN WAYNE!! The Duke of Airports!
Oh, and I'm not a nimby, I live in Huntington Beach.
We already have a planned El Toro International Airport. It can operate 24 hours a day 7 days a week. It will handle 30 million annual passengers. All Vernon has to do is turn on the lights. Huntington Beach suffers from Long Beach Airport which will not grow when Irvine opens the planned El Toro International Airport.
I live in HB, I don't suffer. Planes fly over all the time, what's the big deal. What the hell are you talking about.
And why do you think for even one second that Irvine will open El Toro against the will of the majority of the county? You are nuts.
Yes, Irvine will open the planned El Toro International Airport. It needs the money to clean up the pollution left by the Navy and to build its Great Park. I agree the landings into Long Beach are no big deal unless you get stirred up against them. Tell Aliso Viejo it's no big deal. I agree.
Aliso Viejo is a separate issue all together. They would suffer, as would Irvine, Mission Viejo, Monarch Bay, Laguna Hills, Laguna Niguel, Portolla Hills, Foothill Ranch, El Toro, Lake Forest, and on and on. But you really don't care about them, do you, Vern. You just care about you. It's all about YOU!
Aliso Viejo is not a separate issue. It is under the approach to the planned El Toro International Airport. All the planes landing at El Toro pass over that industrial town. It's no big deal for any of those towns. Nobody is in the noise zone. Turn on the lights Vernon.
If Huntington Beach is not bothered by Long Beach, then there is no reason for Aliso Viejo to be bothered by El Toro. The only reason they are "bothered" in first place is because some class warfare activists with deep hatred of Newport Beach fed them non-stop propaganda.
Since you are in H.B. why do you care so much about El Toro anyways? Or are you really just a South County NIMBY in North County drag?
Yeah, that's right, Vern, lets compare apples to oranges. But you keep trying. Does the thought of there never being an airport at El Toro keep you up late at night? I ask because I notice that you seem to write your silly posts in the middle of the night. Try some Excedrin PM, you'll sleep like a baby, even with those nasty jets flying overhead.
Aliso Viejo supports the planned El Toro International Airport, Vernon. Turn on the lights.
Aliso Viejo supports an airport? Really? Fine, put it on their ballot and they can vote on it yet again.
Yes, Aliso Viejo supports the planned El Toro International Airport. This is because Aliso Viejo has very few residents. It is an industrial town with business men who need to fly, and they need the planned El Toro International Airport. United Parcel is there. Lennar is there. Insurance Companies are there. The big insurance building already has a wind sock on top of its building. So they're all ready to open the planned El Toro International Airport. Voters don't count in Aliso Viejo. It has only a few row houses for poor people who can't afford anything better. 30 million annual passengers will be passing over Aliso Viejo, yet no one in Aliso Viejo, or anywhere for that matter, is in the noise zone. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Does it hurt to be so stupid or are you just used to it.
Turn on the lights, Vernon. As we speak Arlo Guthrie is singing his heart out with Alice's Restaurant from the movie of the same name. His adoring fans are sitting on the ground at the worst polluted part of El Toro, with perchlorate, diesel oil, trychloroethelyne, radiation, MTBE, and who knows how many more doses for death. That base should be fenced off until the planned El Toro International Airport opens. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Idiots abound,like the above comment.
Does it hurt to be an idiot critizing the well reasoned logical comments favoring the planned El Toro International Aiport? Turn on the lights, Vernon.
No, it hurts to accept that there are idiots like you that want to force your socialist agenda on those who twice voted against it. Have you forgotten we live in a democracy where people get to vote for what they want and don't want? The PEOPLE, the vast majority of people, don't want an airport at El Toro.
But you socialist Newport NIMBY's can keep on trying.
Yes, the People shall judge. And the people turned the planned El Toro International Airport over to the city of Irvine. If that be socialism, so be it. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
No dummy, that's not socialism that's a democracy.
Dummy, we need the airport at El Toro now. Not a park built on polluted land. Save our democracy by helping to open the airport.
Idiot, we have a beautiful airport at John Wayne. El Toro will never see another flight. The democracy said no airport, don't you get that? No? Too stupid I guess.
Imbecile, don't you know the planned El Toro International Airport is the only airport big enough for super dooper jumbo jets? Don't you know it has fuel-saving cross runways pointing to where airplanes need to go? Start the international commercial flights, Vernon.
Brainless, don't you know that converging runways have nothing to do with fuel savings? Lets see if you can say something even more stupid. Oh, wait a minute, you already did. You said the runways point to where planes need to go. Sorry, but that is not the reason runways are pointed in their respective directions.
Turn on the lights, Vernon. The planned El Toro International Airport has fuel-saving cross runways pointing to where airplanes need to go. It is surrounded by mountains, and is in a calm valley, so they can take off in just about any direction. If polluted Woodbridge is torn down they can take off over Woodbridge too. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
But they don't need to do any of that nonsense, we already have John Wayne.
Turn on the lights at John Wayne, "Vernon".
Dummy, the lights already are on at John Wayne. We need El Toro for its long runways with non-stop commercial flights to Dubai, Frankfort, Tokyo, and Sidney. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The military can use El Toro too.
You truly are an idiot. The lights will never be on at El Toro, they turned them off, FOREVER! And why in God's name would the military want to use El Toro again? They moved out, or is your memory too short to conceive that one. The Marine's don't want it, the Navy doesn't want it, the Air Force certainly doesn't want it, so why do you even mention it?
If you want to fly to Dubai, Frankfort, Tokyo, and Sidney you can make the short drive to LAX or push for a new regional airport to TBD, but El Toro will never fly again.
It's too far to drive to LAX to catch a flight to Tokyo, Sidney Frankfort, or Dubai. We must use all the weapons at our disposal to open the planned El Toro International Airport. Bring back the military - Air National Guard, Coast Guard, and Marines. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Ha! In case you missed it, the Marines moved to Miramar. Air National Guard uses Los Alamitos. The Coast Guard uses CGAS Los Angeles at LAX. Funny how LAX isn't too far for the Coasties to drive to.
And even if you could lure the Military back to El Toro they hate to share air stations with civilian use. That is a commonly known fact that I'm sure escaped you.
You have no weapons left to use. El Toro is a dead bull that is never coming back. Long live John Wayne!
The military loves El Toro. They need places in Irvine, along with the FAA, FBI, and Department of Interior. The El Toro Bull is alive and ready for Vernon to turn on the lights.
Yes, the military loves El Toro so much they abandoned it. Lotta love there. You know who loves El Toro? Golfers, CSUF students, horses, park lovers, future home owners and some businesses. Turn on the lights at the park gay Vernon the butt pirate.
Anti-El Toro International Airport politics shall not trump airline safety. CSUF, golfers, park lovers and horses are compatible with the airport. The military was evicted by a bad brac decision. They want back in and they will share with commercial airlines. Do you deny the FAA, FBI and Department of Interior are there? Turn on the lights, Vernon.
No, I don't deny FAA, FBI and Department of Interior are there. They've been there for eons. The Marines were NOT evicted, they chose to move to Miramar and combine El Toro and Tustin. The two bases were too expensive to operate together, especially Tustin with the blimp hangers. The Marines wanted to tear those down for years but couldn't and they got too expensive to maintain.
I suppose you think closing Norton was a bad brac decession, too.
A joint use military civilian airport is a fanstastic idea. Fresno, Honolulu, Yuma, and Portland are some cities that such a thing!
John Wayne on 500 acres and a 5700 foot runway is truly inadequate to serve the needs of Orange County.
viva el toro, if SNA isn't big enough to fit your needs, perhaps you should move someplace near a major airport as El Toro will never open again. Nice try, though.
And a little research will show that the military hates to share it's air bases. Orange County fought the Marines at El Toro on that issue for years and were refused. You keep dreaming, though.
That was then and this is now. We need El Toro International Airport sooner rather than later. Irvine needs a way to get out of a bad park decision. We must use all the weapons at our disposal to open the planned El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
You have no weapons.
You have no park! However, there are lots of runways at El Toro ready for action........
You have no airport, just a dream that will never come true.
We do have an airport, it is just sitting idle.......
SNA is certainly not sitting idle, there are planes flying out of there every day. Don't you hear them, NIMBY, every morning around 7:00a.m.? Don't they fly right over your NIMBY Beach house? Maybe if you took Vern's advise and installed double paned windows you wouldn't hear them.
As for El Toro, don't you remember? The Marines moved out. Yes, they went to Miramar where they got a much large base and cheaper housing for the grunts.
El Toro is now privately owned and will never be an airport again.
But you keep drinking that NIMBY Kool Aid and dreaming that someone, maybe some space alien, will open it up for you.
We will be having another vote on El Toro..........
Really, how? When? What's to vote on, it's privately owned. Nice try and have another sip of Kool Aid.
Eminent Domain, dummy. Whatever it takes to turn on the lights. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Eminent domain won't work with El Toro, Dummy! Man, that Kool Aid must be really good today. Have another sip of the NIMBY loser Kool Aid and see the lights at SNA.
We must use all the weapons at our disposal to open the planned El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Eminent Domain, sale, city council, advisory votes, propaganda, real votes, representative government, mergers, agreements, and more.
Poor little loser NIMBY just can't admit defeat. You mentioned propaganda, there's plenty of that here. You also mentioned real votes, as opposed to fake ones?
What a joke you are. How's that blood pressure? Must be way up since you lost the votes, TWICE!
Aha, anti-El Toro International Airport NIMBYs are alive and well on this website. You lost the airport to Irvine, NIMBY, just can't admit defeat. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
We didn't lose anything, unlike you, NIMBY! The airport is dead, long live SNA!
El Toro International Airport is perfect, safe, and big. That's what it's all about, NIMBY. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
El Toro is yesterdays news. No airport there now, no airport there ever. The base is being leveled and soon the runways will be torn up and made into gravel.
Tell me where you live, NIMBY, and I'll make sure you get a chunk for a paper weight.
True today. True tomorrow. True yesterday. El Toro is a perfect airport. It is safe, big, and available. That's the way it is and that's the news. That's the truth, anti-El Toro International Airport NIMBY. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Ahhh, you said available. I think the current owners of El Toro might disagree with you.
Details, details.
The runways are still intact. Lennar is broke. Irvine cannot build Great Park. But L.A. has money for airport. Its just a matter of time. The NIMBYs are stressed out over this. Worry not poor NIMBYs. El Toro will offer cheap flights and convenience. El Toro may even provide your next job.
Unless I get to be airport manager, El Toro can't afford me. You, however, will make a fine janitor.
Reality, El Toro will never be built and the NIMBY's just can't accept the fact that they lost. Wah!
El Toro can afford you, 652. Irvine politics must not trump public safety.
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