Its not like Lennar is not having enough problems these days, like TWO BILLION dollars in losses in the past year alone for instance. Now Forest Lawn Mortuary wants to sue Lennar in court! The very last thing this money mismanaging misfit needed right now was to incur some nasty litigation costs. With Wall Street in a meltdown, Lennar will soon be dead. Isn't it quite fitting that a lawsuit over a cemetery is what may finally bury Lennar permanently?
Its also time to bury the crap in Irvine posing as a "Great Park". The Kromunists have even admitted the Great Pork price tag is now near 1.5 billion dollars and rising! If we factor in that Lennar must offset 2 billion dollars in previous losses, then they will need at least 3.5 billion in PROFITS to bankroll the Great Pork. Dream on! Then, a Los Angeles Times article mentioned that Lennar does not think they can realistically add houses at El Toro until 2010 at the EARLIEST. In the meantime, the bleeding continues.
Lennar these days is working on a, get this; a "Life Long Learning District". Obviously, Life Long Learning and Lennar do not belong in the same sentence. Like everything else Lennar touches, they also have not shown much financial wisdom with this project. Lennar wants to evict the Montessori School that is leasing the day care center and even evict tenants like the Great Pork Foundation from building one. Some "partnership" they and the Great Pork have going there!
Lennar is too much! The comedy from them makes my sides ache with laughter. During a real estate recession they will cut off what few incoming sources of revenue they now have with El Toro. If Lennar had any economic common sense, they would lease out as many buildings as possible and ride out the storm. Odds are good they will also be evicting the Cal State Fullerton campus from El Toro. Then all those poor students will be forced to commute all the way to Fullerton and search for an elusive parking space. Lets hope the evictions don't happen during finals week!
Chances are the majority of those who now face eviction from either the Montessori center or Cal State Fullerton are South County residents who got brainwashed and terrified into voting for the Great Pork. In contrast, an international airport revenue stream could very easily finance the day care center and a college campus as a convenience to the county residents.
Remember folks, Lennar and The Great Pork foundation will never do anything that does not benefit their own immediate interests. They do not care about the people at all. Los Angeles World Airport Authority is able and willing to take care of the people. All they need is a chance.
Yes, Los Angeles World Airways certainly would take care of Orange County. Just look what they did for their own people. Inglewood is just a lovely place to live now, thanks to LAWA. And let us now forget Hawthorne! Ooooo, now there's a garden spot. But the real crown jewel in LAWA's crown is Palisades Del Rey! The way they developed this prime real estate is just mind boggling. If they could do to south Orange County what they did to Palisades Del Rey would make the NIMBY's in Newport giddy with glee. The NIMBY's in Newport just love ruining the way of life for others so they can live their pristine little pathetic lives. After all, they created class warfare in their own little minds.
Now for a little reality, El Toro is dead. It will never be an airport, but thanks for giving me my daily laugh, I always look forward to your steaming pile of dog crap!
By the way, nice pic. Is that you, Vern? From the look on your face I think you may need a little stool softener. Perhaps that would help your disposition, too.
Vern; I'm sure a college campus and daycare center located in the middle of an airport will just be flooded with applicants.
BTW, do you wear an aluminum hat?
Vernon: What a fantastic picture of a dog dumping on the beach. Reminds me of a JWA airplane filled up with anti-El Toro International Airport NIMBYs. But then that's another story. Turn on the lights at El Toro, Vernon. LAWA will raise the standard of living and quality of life for South County. El Toro International Airport is green and nobody is in the noise zone. The airlines are all for it. Let's do it, so it doesn't go to the dogs.
That's a picture of Vern, shitting his pants because he can't get his beloved airport at the former El Toro.
Don't forget to wipe, Vern!
I think that's a South County dog visiting classy Newport Beach.
John McCain wants to fire Chris Cox from the SEC. Does that mean he would return to The O.C. as a congressman?
All the NIMBYs can do is call Vernon a dog. They must be really mad they will not get a Great Park to go play in. LAWA has money, Lennar does not. There will be an airport.
Yes, you are right, there will be an airport, but never at El Toro. Keep dreaming, NIMBY's.
627, The NIMBY of down south is defiling this website again. Turn on the lights at El Toro International Airport, Vernon.
They are defiling this website when they are not busy defiling each other.
There will be an airport as the OC unemployment rate increases. Think you can sell condos to the unemployed? Not!
As fuel costs and congestion increase; companies that have travel requirements will move closer to airports that have international reach. As Phillips Corp did when it moved to the southern boundary of Schiphol Airport from Eindhoven; even though it had solid connecting flights (at the time) to Amsterdam, Heathrow, Franfurt and Paris by air and Holland's excellent rail system. Now those flights are gone and all they have are non-connection points like Stanstead and Orly.
John Wayne is not the future as the runway requires more expansion than the available land permits and the proposed expansion will not deliver those east coat destinations because of payload restrictions. You might even lose the ones you have like Boston and Miami.
As the Destinations go so will the jobs. Let the people work; open El-Toro now.
Once again the NIMBY Beach dreamers chose to ignore one inconvenient fact. El Toro was "international" only by planned flights to Mexico and Canada. There were never any flights planned to Europe or Asia. This was clearly stated in the county's EIR.
Turn out the lighst, Vern, and keep dreaming.
El-Toro was an airport
FAR definition:
Airport: An area on land or water that is used or intended to be used for the landing and takeoff of aircraft and includes its buildings (if any).
Even under the Canadian definition, in short: A certified Aerodrome...
Because the military certified their field for military operations it was an Airport.
Nice to see a nationwide and international perspective on El Toro International Airport. Even an anti-airport person admits there were international flights planned. Supervisor Charles Smith was quoted on non-stop flights to the Asian continent as soon as it opened. Then the goons painted the letter X on the end of these perfectly good super long runways. Let the people work. Open the airport now.
Apparently flyingmythbuster missed todays OC Register which says home sales and home demand in OC are high and continuing to climb. In other words, as soon as those pesky old, cracked runways are torn up they can build lots of nice new houses.
Sorry NIMBY's, an airport at El Toro is nothing but a dream that will never happen.
On the up side, they're remodeling LAX, so that should make you happy. Actually I don't think you people will be happy until you ruin the quiet way of life for south county. You're just mean spirited NIMBY's.
Tomorrow is quarterly report day for life-support Lennar. We'll see if selling Hunter's Point did anything to help them. Park is toast, houses are white elephants. El Toro International Airport must be opened. Runways are long. Airport is green.
Apparently 135 didn't actually read the article I missed. Because if he did he could not have missed the highlighted comment "distressed homes make up 43% of O.C. listings." Of course the source of the article is an 'objective' real estate agent but the numbers in a link called "Banks Seize Record number of O.C. Homes" or another link "O.C.'s Growing foreclosure backlog.." tell a different story.
Foreclosures in OC have doubled since last August from the same months the previous year. More worrying is a backlog of foreclosures of about an additional 400 homes per month since the spike that occured last August. That means that there is an inventory of up to 4800 homes withheld from the market by the banks for fear of plunging the resale prices.
When I first flew into Dulles the only other airplane moving was an Aeroflot IL-62. The United concourse was just a bunch of construction equipment. Loudon County was one of the poorest in the nation. Now Loudon and Fairfax Counties (The eastern half of Dulles) are among the richest in the land.
You have a choice. You can watch as a rental property finds itself next door to you or worse a grow-op. Or you can see a reasonably quiet airplane fly overhead and increase the value of your property. That certainly is the future.
So you're saying airplanes flying over houses increases their value? Now I've hard everything. If that was the case the NIMBY's in Newport would be clamoring for SNA expansion.
What a joke!
Airplanes flying into El Toro International Aiport increases the value of your homes. Nobody is in the noise zone at El Toro. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Make Irvine and South County elite.
So Donald, why isn't Inglewood an "elite" community like NIMBY Beach? The have plenty of planes in the air. Why is your fantasy magic unique to El Toro?
You should keep those JWA planes buzzing over NIMBY Beach, without then you run the risk of becoming plebeian.
Turn out the lights Vern, there's riffraff in the neighborhood.
341 what a great non-sequitur you threw out there. Playing the fear card to make people think an airport will make the neighborhood unlivable.
Not all airports have bad neighborhoods. L.A. is just awful because it is a sanctuary for illegal aliens.
On the other hand, the neighborhoods around San Diego International like Pt. Loma and Hillcrest are very nice and high in value.
The entire pro-airport camp are masters of the non-sequitur. If you don't like LA, how about Newark NJ. They have a massive 24/7 airport, just like you fantasize for El Toro, bringing all those "good jobs" and lots of economic activity to that fine city. Had your elite chums from Newark over for drinks lately, to listen to those soothing jets with you?
Although run by LAWA, El Toro International Airport, will be similar to San Francisco International Airport, which has surrounding cities of Burlingame and San Bruno with high property values. Drag these brainwashed NIMBYs kicking and screaming into prosperity, growth, rising property values, jobs and happiness.
844 congratulations, you have found two whole cities that are bad and just so happen to be next to an airport. Airports sure make great scapegoats don't they.
New Jersey in general with the exception of Princeton is a big dump! There are plenty of nasty areas besides Newark that do not have airports.
Next, how do you explain the harsh nature of the Bronx when there are no airports within that borough. Must be Yankee Stadium that has caused all that Bronx Blight.
Newport Beach has the 4th highest priced waterfront homes in the nation, behind La Jolla, Santa Barbara, and Santa Monica. Dare we attribute our elite status to John Wayne Airport?
Vernon, you and your puppet Donald keep spewing nonsense "facts" that El Toro will create 90K jobs and $1.5B in new revenues, provide an economic engine for us all, increase home values, cure acne and anything else your warped minds can conjure up. Well, if airports are such economic Godsends, it seem to reason that ALL big airports should provide similar benefits for their neighbors. Please explain why your miracle holy water called El Toro only seem to work for South County yet seems to provide only noise, dirt and misery elsewhere. By your logic Newark should be the crown jewel of NJ with all the benefits they derive from their airport.
Who's pulling the strings on Charlie McCarthy puppet Donald? Why even a wooden head would know, it's dashingly handsome Donald Bren who stands to make a fortune when El Toro is open and a closed John Wayne Airport reverts to the Irvine Company. Such are the conspiracies that south county is made of, so we better stick to Vernon the puppeteer who just happens to say what Donald likes to hear. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Show those NIMBYs how to become elite.
Still waiting to hear why Inglewood and Newark aren't elite. Airports = unbridled prosperity for all, right?
Look out for those lights Vern, it's Donald's wooden head burning..
827, you left out the jewel of elite airports, San Francisco International, after which El Toro is patterned. SFO has the elite villlages of Burlingame, San Bruno, and Hillsborough. All airports bring prosperity and higher property values, including Newark, Inglewood, and El Toro. Turn on the lights at El Toro, Vernon.
Does anyone honestly think that Disney would have chosen Orlando if the civic leaders had stuck with the downtown airport instead of moving to the newly vacated McCoy AFB (hence the letters MCO), a mere 8 miles south of town. This group realized the future and
Disney rewarded them.
In Sanford, north of Orlando, they realized the same thing. There is not much future in being a retirement community for snow- birds and the leadership did the same thing with Sanford NAS. So they decided to go after the charter and tour market and they do have results from Thomas Cook and other low-cost operators. Not quite as succesful as the developed south side of Orlando but a feisty competitor nonetheless.
Of course Southern California already has Disney. But where is the low cost access? It doesn't exist; as all international must go through LAX or connect.
Long Beach realized that closing their airport to commercial was an employment disaster and quickly reopened to limited service.
No existing airport in Southern California can be expanded to accomodate wide-bodies
Think about the future. Open up Orange county to the world. Re-open El-Toro.
flyingmythbuster, thank you for your participation. You are very well versed in the issue of airport economics.
It would cost billions in land acquisition costs to make Jobn Wanye equal the size of El Toro with 4700 acres and two 8,000 foot runways and two 10,000 foot runways. Long haul flights and international access is key to Orange County's future prosperity.
All the haters can thrown out there is Los Angeles and Newark as "examples" of areas ruined by airports. Only TWO places in the country they can list. That shows their desperation and fear tactics.
The Bronx does not have an airport. Why is it a bad neighborhood? Please explain.
Newport Beach, Santa Monica, and Santa Barbara all have airports and they are amongst the most prosperous cities in America! Please explain.
Embrace your prosperity, embrace your airport Vern. Convenient, crowd-free John Wayne (named, I must point out, after one of your NIMBY Beach elite neighbors). Don't sully the memory of the elite by having an airport named for the proletariat of South County.
Named for the elite, embraced by the elite, flying over the rooftops of the elite forever. NIMBY Beach and John Wayne Airport are joined like white on rice.
Turn out the lights Vern, "The Green Berets" is on tonight.
Yes, think about the future. Open up Orange County to the world. Reopen El Toro International Airport. Parks, houses, and stripmalls are employment disasters. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
I love thinking about the future. In 2015 we'll all have unfettered, unrestricted, John Wayne International Airport serving all of the OC, with planes flying wherever they need to go. And I promise to flip you the finger every time I fly over your house, Donald.
Turn on the lights Vern, we going back to the future in 2015.
1031, this is not about dinky landlocked John Wayne Airport. It's about the jewel of Orange County, the magnificent world class El Toro International Airport, reopened after jealous class warfare Newport haters are re-educated, Turn on the El Toro lights, Vernon.
with planes flying wherever they need to go.
From what runway? In case you didn't notice; SNA is completely surrounded by roads. Your own consultant told you that the sole air carrier runway could only be extended by 118' within the airport boundaries. You need at least 4,300' to get the required certified 10,000' to go "wherever they need to go.." You'll also notice that the overun area on the 1L side is not part of the runway. That's because it can't be for reasons of obstacle protection areas just beyond the airport boundary.
You guys think the extending the runway is simply a matter of more paving and an overpass. Not so.
But 10,000' (trust me, it is a magic number for sea level airports) already exists at El Toro. The immediate departure paths were kept clear by the military. All runways have sufficient clear area around them for runway excursions. All runways, taxiways and hardstands are built to bear heavy point loads under the military airlift requirements.
John Wayne is the past. El Toro is how you get to the future and fly wherever you need to go.
That's nice, flyingmythbuster. Now suck on this, El Toro will never reopen. Read not only the big print but the fine print, it's a done deal. Once the voters of OC found out how much it was going to cost and who would be affected by this boon doggle it was killed as it should have been.
Hell, even the OC Board of Supervisors have finally agreed that El Toro is DOA. So find some new myths to bust cause the only thing flying out of El Toro is the birds.
1118, how dare you criicize flyingmythbuster. You have so little knowledge about airports that you could put it in an eyedropper. El Toro International Airport is ready to go and it will bring great wealth to Irvine and Lennarl. Turn on the El Toro lights, flyingmythbuster.
Hit a nerve? Did I? Good!
Boondoggle? I reviewed most of the material of both sides and could not come up with any mention of that. If anything, the El-Toro idea was undersold and no really firm proposal was developed.
Boondoggle describes exactly what was predicted and is going on with the Great PORK. How many ten of millions of Irvine tax dollars were spent on worhtless studies and patronage expenses with not one dollar of incremental tax revenue in return? Orange County would be well advised not to send good money after bad and impose some sort of moratorium on public spending on the Great PORK and the proposed development.
PS Thanks 1209 but I'm a big boy and can handle it. The elbows are up. The crooks don't like the truth. Too bad so sad.
No nerve hit here. I know the truth and that is the airport is history just like Vern's memory. El Toro will never be an active airport again. It's a white elephant, it's toast, it's blight on the landscape and it will never happen. So I suggest you do a little more homework, mythmaker,
El Toro's flying days are in the past, unless you count the birds.
The Newport NIMBY crooks hate reality and truth.
Keep those elbows up, boy, you'll need them to keep the truth at bay.
Flyingmythbuster is right and 139 is wrong, as usual. Yes, the airport has been undersold. The NIMBYs are having a mental attack now that there is a website that stands up to their lies and brainwashed noodles. The Board of Supervisors no longer is a player and the voters of Orange County are basically irrelevant. All that is needed is a takeover of Irvine which, along with developer, Lennar, owns the airport. Some land is still owned by the Navy which is desperately trying to clean up pollution its Marines left behind. 1000 acres is owned by the federal government reserved for the FAA, FBI, and Department of Interior. The great park is toast and houses can not be built on polluted land. The only thing to do with El Toro is to open El Toro International Airport, and Irvine can do this with the drop of a baseball cap and a little re-education of its citizens. Anti-airport posters on this website generally do not even live in Irvine.
What a bunch of bullshit! More silly rantings from the crusty old NIMBY's. You know, if you'd pull your head out and get some fresh air you could think more clearly.
8:27, I have plenty of fresh air. You can't put the dog drop back into the dog. The destiny of El Toro International Airport was set when God made the land and the Navy built the airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Then you're just delusional. That explains it.
No delusions here. You can't put the dog shit back into the dog. Your airport is a perfect site, and El Toro International Airport is a perfect airport.
I don't know, judging by the amount of shit you continually spew I'm guessing you must be stuffing something back in.
El Toro is certainly not a perfect airport. It was a very good military base but it's days of anything flying out of there other than birds are over.
Poor NIMBY's are singing the airport blues.
El Toro International Airport is indeed a perfect airport, and it is on a perfect site for an airport.
Yes, a closed site, which makes it a perfectly quiet airport. Enjoy your flight out of SNA, Vern, it's the only airport in Orange County you'll ever fly out of.
See that dog crapping on Newport beach. That's you using John Wayne Airport. El Toro International Airport is a perfect airport. It has long low straight in approaches over the industrial town of Aliso Viejo. It has giant fuel-saving cross runways pointing to where airplanes need to go. There are freeways on three sides and rail tracks passing through the airport. No one is in the noise zone. Disneyland needs that airport. Flyingmythbuster says so too.
Now why would I want to dump on my own city? Makes no sense. That's Vern/Don trying to dump on south county. Just look at his face, it says screw everybody else but me! He looks a little backed up, don't you think? Maybe that's why he's so mean spirited. He needs a good cleaning out.
you are just the big daddy to clean him out. You are an expert at felching after all!
That dog has a guilty look for crapping on Newport beach. That dog has some conscience, and is better than the anti-El Toro International Airport goons that post on this website. The Park is Toast. The Houses are White Elephants. The city of Irvine is Polluted with TCE. Turn on the lights, Vernon. We all have a flight to catch.
Yes, we all have a flight to catch out of SNA. In fact I have a couple of flights to catch at the Duke this month. It has nice runways pointing to where my plane needs to go.
Keep the lights on at SNA, Vern, I land after dark.
As for the dogs look, he has a guilty look because he feels guilty that Don wants to crap all over South County.
844: Liar, liar, pants on fire. You can not possibly be going to Easter Island, because that is the direction the dinky John Wayne runway points. Keep feeling guilty about yourself and the dog. Turn on the lights, Vernon, so 844 can take off towards where he wants to go, and nobody is in the noise zone. El Toro International Airport is the guilt-free way to fly. Arf. Arf.
Easter Island? No, the runways at the Duke are pointing into the wind, that's the direction planes need to take off. Man, you don't know anything, do you?
1233, yes Easter Island. And who wants to go there or into the wind? That's what's so great about El Toro International Airport. The runways point to where airplanes want to go. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The anti-El Toro International Airport NIMBYs don't know anything.
We know more than you do, 1115. You're just an old moron.
Yes, bury the Great Park. It is dead. Turn on the lights at El Toro, Vernon. It's a perfect airport perfectly preserved. Anti-El Toro International Airport NIMBYs don't know anything.
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