Newsflash: Our next president John McCain to Chris Cox: YOU'RE FIRED!
Dumb - Chris Cox for being an anti business obstructionist RINO by delaying and preventing reuse of El Toro International Airport after Orange County voters had already TWICE affirmed it! The lack of flights from El Toro has stunted economic growth for Orange County in the meantime.
Without El Toro staying open, air travelers now find themselves saddled with higher air fares locally, or they are forced to cough up nearly $4 a gallon to travel on congested roads to use outlying airports. With oil shooting up by over $16 a barrel today, gas prices will be rebounding to the previously higher prices and may even set new records.
In addition, there are a glut of homes in Orange County because Cox in his infinite wisdom thought it would be a great idea to get El Toro sold to housing developers for chump change, not to mention removing the housing restrictions from the massive El Toro Crash/Buffer zone for the benefit of The Irvine Company.
When housing supply greatly exceeds housing demand, this lowers almost every one's property values with the exception of a few prestigious addresses such as Newport Beach of course. =)
Foreclosures are on the rise. Irvine Company CEO Donald Bren is estimated to have lost over 1 billion dollars to his net worth. Of course, we all know that Lennar leaks money like a submarine with a screen door.
Irvine has also seen some sub prime lenders dry up and close shop. Irvine's economy has primarily been built on the real estate bubble which has been popped. Any wise investor will possess a DIVERSIFIED portfolio. Irvine lacks a diversified economy; thus, construction at the alleged Great Park proceeds at a snail's pace and will not be delivered within our lifetimes.
What Irvine and South Orange County truly lack is a powerful economic catalyst like El Toro International Airport. Los Angeles World Airports is willing to invest billions of dollars in our economy by renovating and re-opening El Toro International Airport. After the initial construction phase, It is estimated that El Toro would create 90,000 jobs and continuously produce $1.5 billion dollars of economic output. Seriously, what have we got to lose?
The reopening of El Toro International Airport would reduce local unemployment, plus cause an influx of workers thereby placing greater demand on the existing housing supply, hence causing prices to rise. Everyone in Orange County, most especially the denizens of South County would see their property values rise as a result. Unfortunately for them, they are not only suffering from lower property values, they are also suffering from a decade plus of irrational Irvine propaganda and fear. They are too paralyzed with irrational hatred and envy of Newport Beach to see the light. (As a free service we are here to re-educate them. No thanks is needed.)
Dumber - Chris Cox for his malfeasance and negligence as Chair of the S.E.C. which has caused economic turmoil to the world's financial markets. There maybe a 700 billion dollar proposal of tax dollars on the table to clean up Cox's mess. However, Wall Street did not respond too favorably today. This indicates the damage done by Cox is far worse than previously imagined.
(Fortunately for yours truly, a significant portion of my assets are invested in oil and gold. Others who are not so lucky will be feeling some economic pain for sure. That is why we need to have El Toro International Airport re-opened!)
George W. Bush will go down in history as one of the best presidents our nation has ever had. However, placing Cox in charge of the S.E.C. has been the very worst decision Mr. Bush has made during what has otherwise been an excellent eight years in office!
Cox is Dumb for Orange County and Dumber for the world. No matter who wins the White House, Cox will be FIRED! It couldn't happen to a nicer guy. He should also serve time at Gitmo for betraying the United States Marine Corps, Orange County, and the world's financial markets.
Yes, Chris Cox has been a major disappointment as a congressman and SEC chairman. He showed his stripes on El Toro International Airport when he signed the unconstitutional measure f. Other clues were the large donations from Latham and Watkins, attorneys for developers. Only Newport Beach survives the housing depression, thanks to its elite residents. When El Toro International Airport is reopened, housing values around that airport will rise too. Stop the class warfare NIMBYs. Support the reopening of El Toro International Airport.
Donald, I remember all your many letters to the papers whining that you had to escape NIMBY Beach to get away from the noise of JWA, and that no one could sell their beautiful home because of all the airport racket. But in your twisted world an airport 4X larger is going to be quiet, green, and make home values rise.
Your hypocrisy, not to mention your dementia, knows no bounds. Nice to know the "elite" (gag) of NIMBY Beach will have convenient, crowd-free, green and quiet John Wayne Airport as your neighbor for all eternity.
Turn out the lights, Vern, the elite are dreaming again.
Vernon is right. The lack of flights from El Toro International Airport has stunted growth for Orange County. Cox is to blame. The park is toast. Houses are white elephants. El Toro is polluted. When El Toro International Airport opens all these problem will go away. Turn on the lights Vernon.
I just love it when the "elite" eat their own.
BTW Vern, good picture of you.
What Irvine and South County truly need is a powerful economic catalyst like El Toro International Airport. There will be 90,000 jobs created by the airport and there will be $1.5 billion per year of economic output. Turn on the lights Vernon, before Larry loses his nerve.
Your brain on drugs
1218 That is picture of Chris Cox.
Yes, that is a picture of Chris Cox, except for the front gapped teeth which don't show. Turn on the lights at El Toro International Airport, Vernon.
Just another steaming pile of Vern shit to make us all laugh. Keep up the crap, Vern, the rest of Orange County is laughing it's ass off at you.
Don't you like Chris Cox? Don't you like his gapped teeth? Don't you like anybody?
Dumb and dumber is the author of this pathetic site. Just how were the Marine's betrayed by moving to a larger, nicer base? They got to save untold millions by combining Tustin and El Toro into one base.
And to even suggest that Orange County is hurting because El Toro is not a commercial airport is beyond laughable!
But the real steaming pile in this gem of a blog is the suggestion that areas surrounding airports in general are garden spots. If that were true, Vern, you should be begging for expansion at SNA so your precious property values will go even higher. Why, just look at the area at the foot of the LAX runways and you will see some wonderful beach front housing that people are clamoring for.
Just one more pile of lies from the NIMBY's in Newport.
Also Vern, since you are so well vested in gold and oil you should be happy that the vast majority has to drive to an outlying airport, thus bringing you more money on your oil investment.
You are pathetic, this site is pathetic and most of Orange County is laughing at you, especially me!
Dear 329 thank you for your participation. I see you are clearly suffering from irrational fear of El Toro International Airport due to years of incessant Irvine propaganda.
This site was created to help you get over your anxiety and re-educate you. No thanks is needed. This is a public service. Please let your peers know about this site so we can help cure them as well.
Your Friend Vernon
I'm not laughing at this website. It is excellent. HE said it again Friday night. Fire the chairman of the SEC. Sounds good to me. And Vern, you shall overcome south county's irrational fear of El Toro International Airport.
No, but the rest of Orange County is laughing at this pathetic web site.
No, the rest of Orange County is laughing at you pathetic opponents of El Toro International Airport. The park is toast. The houses are white elephants. Stripmalls are a blight. Open El Toro International Airport, NIMBY, before someone else does it for you.
Thanks for another laugh, but we all know the truth, the airport will never open. So sorry, but so true.
Chew on that FACT, NIMBY!
We all know the truth. The airport is there, and it's just a matter of time until it is reopened, now that Chris Cox is gone.
Chris Cox has absolutely nothing to do with El Toro. Nice try, though.
Yes, now that he is gone, Chris Cox has absolutely nothing to do with El Toro. Turn on the lights, Vernon. It's time to sell, sell, sell.
I thought it was a serious blog... until I saw the 'George W Bush will be remember as one of our BEST president'...
then I realised this was a work fiction within an alternate reality Orange County... one where there's a 30% REDUCTION of flights from SNA due to the economy so it makes sense to have a MUCH BIGGER airport :)
Who's this. It's Ontario down 30%, not SNA, dummy. SNA is bursting at the seams, and Chris Cox is to blame.
If you don't believe me, go to and read all about Chris Cox and the pollution he foisted onto Irvine.
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