Lets hear it for the Los Angeles Dodgers and the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim for winning their divisions! Los Angeles is becoming the city of champions once again. The Lakers made it back to the NBA finals last spring and will rebound from their loss to the Celtics. The USC Trojans had their one fluke loss of the season last night and will proceed to annihilate the competition as usual and should win another BCS bowl.
Los Angeles has billions of dollars at its disposal and can AFFORD to reopen El Toro International Airport. Lennar cannot afford to build the Great Pork or even houses for that matter. The real estate market is flooded with homes. Adding more to the local market only further dilutes values.
In contrast, Los Angeles World Airports can give billions to the federal government and Lennar for El Toro. Los Angeles will spend billions to retrofit El Toro and hire thousands of workers, including many from South County who were previously brainwashed into irrationally fearing El Toro International Airport.
There will be billions of dollars in annual economic output from El Toro International Airport. The Great Pork and Irvine will never bring prosperity to Orange County like Los Angeles can.
Go Los Angeles Dodgers! Go Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim! Go Los Angeles International Airport of El Toro!
It's Los Angeles both ways with Dodgers and Angels. It never made sense to have California Angels. If tiny Orange County re-joined Los Angeles County it would make a lot of sense. This duplication of county governments is stupid. It's L.A. all the way for airport and baseball.
Only on this stinking pile of a site could you find an idiot stupid enough to equate the Anaheim Angels to an airport.
In keeping with that line of thought, next you'll be saying we need an airport for the Great Pumpkin to land. Then it will be a place for Santa Claus to land.
Here's a riddle for Vern and his pro El Toro cohorts: What do the following have in common?
Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, the Great Pumpkin and El Toro International Airport.
Answer: The NIMBY's believe in them all!
The Tooth Fairy worked for me. I've always believed in El Toro International Airport. It's all the way L.A. for baseball, airport, and county government.
Too bad for you it's not the tooth fairy that gives you a reach around.
On the other hand..................
Santa Claus works too with presents. Tooth Fairy gives money for baby teeth. Open El Toro International Airport while NIMBYs are on the defensive.
Dream on, dream on. There will be no El Toro airport under the Xmas Tree once again.
That's because the Newport NIMBY's were naughty once again. They constantly tell lies and that pisses Santa off.
The tooth fairy will give Irvine and Lennar lots of money, and Santa Claus will give the rest of you NIMBYs more flights with lower fairs.
You mean Santa is going to lift those artificial caps at convenient, crowd-free John Wayne Airport, named after one of NIMBY Beach's eleite if the elite? About time!!
No, Santa will bring huge jumbo jets to El Toro so you NIMBYs can have lower fairs and more flights.
We have plenty of low fares at LAX and we just love how close SNA is. El Toro is a white elephant that will never fly.
It's FARES Donald. I expect the elite to be able to spell.
Nobody EVER said Donald/Vern was elite!
Hey Vern! Are you watching the market this morning? Gold and oil way down. Time to sell, sell, sell before you lose your ass.
Hey 856, Donald and Vern think they are.
Hey boys, here’s an interesting tidbit taken straight from the house organ of NIMBY Beach, the 10/02 Daily Pilot.
In a study of who uses convenient, crowd-free John Wayne Airport, “Lead consultant Peggy Ducey determined that most passengers come from three pockets: the Disneyland area in Anaheim, Newport-Mesa and a portion of South County.”
How interesting, the Newport Nimbys are the greatest users of JWA, yet they don’t want those planes full of their NIMBY neighbors flying over their fair city. Vern and Donald, why don’t you waste less time on this fantasy blog and instead start a campaign to rename your city “Hypocrisy Beach”? At least one sliver of truth would come out of the city for once.
Turn out the lights Vern, NIMBY Beach loves flying out of its neighbor, convenient, crowd-free John Wayne Airport.
It's not fair that you NIMBYs don't want lower fares, more flights, and long range jumbo jet service so guests of Disneyland can fly directly from Dubai to Orange County. Of course there are lots of tourists coming to Newport Beach. It is an elite city and people want to visit here. Name one tourist who came to visit Lake Forest.
Read the article again, Donald. It didn't say anything about tourists visiting NIMBY Beach, it says the passengers are FROM NIMBY Beach.
And once agin I have to clutter your fantasy with FACTS. El Tor was NOT going to be an international airport. With the planned departures to the east, it was impossible to fly a fully loaded plane to NY, let alone overseas. The weight of the passengers and needed fuel made it impossible to get over the mountains. These are the official, public findings of ALPA, the pilots union. Did you EVER look at any facts?
Turn out the lights Vern, the elite are leaving NIMBY Beach and flying out of the Duke.
Those are tourists returning home. The article didn't say they lived here. The people who live in elite Newport Beach fly their own airplanes and corporate jets. Read the article again, NIMBY. Now there are other victims of John Wayne Airport - Irvine, Santa Ana, Tustin, Orange, and Costa Mesa, all elite - who will go to the mat to open El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. P.S. The Alpa study was loaded with errors. The FAA approved El Toro for 4 million annual passengers. No restrictions on size and weight. The bigger the better. Read the FAA letter again.
ALPS study loaded with errors?? The only one loaded here is you.
As for El Toro and 4 MAP; It will cost at least $4 billion + to open an airport there. $4B to add 4 map capacity when we can do that today for FREE by simply lifting the passenger caps at the Duke?
I can see the NIMBY Beach elite are indeed running our economy. With that type of business acumen it no surprise we're broke. Please come back when you have even the vaguest idea of what you are talking about, beyond the AWG bible of fantasies, distortions, lies, and nonsensical blather.
9:15, $4 billion to open El Toro for 4 MAP, my foot. We always knew we could squeeze 16 MAP into El Toro with a turnkey. New traffic control takes care of old conflicts. GPS is the answer and is now working out new departures from John Wayne over Turtle Rock. That's why Irvine wants to open El Toro. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Come back when you've studied the FAA's study and stop using a labor union as your standard of reference. The best people in the world designed El Toro, including the United States Marines.
Irvine WANTS to open El Toro? Now that may just be the biggest load of bullshit I've seen on this slanted site yet. I'll bet there are fewer than 10% of the voting population in Irvine that want El Toro opened. Not that it matters, it's a done deal, the base is closed and will stay that way.
Maybe 1004, 349 and 915... should actually read the 'studies' they refer to.
The study by Peggy Ducey is what I call a blue-sky study. Yes, the only county airport will draw its passengers from the wealthiest passenger generator areas, stating the obvious.
The ALPA and APA studies weren't studies at all but rather letters of opinion.
The ALPA letter supported El-Toro as the safer airport with caveats.
The APA (Allied Pilots Association [American's Union]) did not support El-Toro; which I find rather strange given that American flies 757's into Vail, CO, A far more difficult airport in all take-off segments.
El-Toro only has problems in the East Departure path and only in the fourth segment in the runway heading departure to the north.
I believe that the east-west runways are not required for this airport and a pilot-nav SID can be devised that puts a minor turn to the left for the fourth segment obstacle(s)on the North Departure.
Do your homework boys!!
Donald; I have studied the FAA report in detail. They called the El Toro plan a disaster. Of course, you just took the convenient parts of the report out of context to stroke your fantasies, as always.
Again going back to the FACTS, ALPA was always in favor of an airport at El Toro, IF PROPERLY DESIGNED AND OPERATED. They called to county's plan, and your beloved crossed runways, the "antithesis of a modern airport."
Once again, FACTS pop your El Toro fantasy balloon.
Donald, I'm, impressed to see you referring to Santa Ana as as "elite" city. Does that mean your having your gardener over for drinks the weekend?
I thought Vernon had put to rest the antithesis of crossed runway argument by showing Minneapolis with a double cross. But then once an anti-El Toro International Airport zomby gets his marching orders he never changes until he is re-educated. Runway 7 at El Toro has a gentle right turn after takeoff putting the planes over the very un-elite Cota de Caza, 12 miles away. The beauty of airplanes is that they can turn, which is why a sharp left turn at John Wayne puts the planes over Turtle Rock, making Irvine support opening El Toro International Airport. At El Toro 60% of the planes leave on 7 and 40% leave on 34. I'm glad to see interest in El Toro, which the FAA approved, (hardly a disaster,) particularly from flyingmythbuster who doesn't follow the ETRPA party line.
Well Donald, you’ve finally injected enough near-facts into your drivel to hang yourself. You can babble all you like about Coto de Caza, except that it does not negate the fact that runaway 7 (east) has an uphill grade and a significant tailwind at most times, making takeoffs into the nearby mountains hazardous, whether or not the planes turn left or right.
What you nit-wits in NIMBY Beach have failed to grasp since day one is that El Toro would be an unrestricted, unfettered airport. Given the choice between taking off uphill with a tailwind, or turning around and taking off downhill, into the wind, as pilots have the ultimate decision on how to fly their planes, means the safest and ONLY way for takeoffs is to the WEST. Ands every time I look at a map the only thing I see to the west of El Toro, or less 12 miles away, is NIMBY Beach. Which means that El Toro would put more traffic over the elite (but incredible stupid) folks of NIMBY Beach 24/7, flying nice and low and loud.
Be careful what you wish for, Donald, you may have gotten it.
So you didn’t answer my question, is your elite gardener stopping by for drinks tonight, and listen to the jets sail overhead?
The FAA certified El Toro for 4 million annual passengers using runways 7 and 34 for takeoffs. Airplanes can handle an up hill grade into the mountains. They can turn. And airplanes use cross wind takeoffs at John Wayne Airport and LAX because there they have no choice. El Toro has alternative directions available because of the clever use of cross runways in a calm valley. You drones have had a monopoly with your negative propaganda until this website came along. El Toro International Airport has been undersold. PS My elite gardener was not invited for drinks.
858 you silly boy. When gold and oil are down, it is the time to BUY BUY BUY! It will only be rebounding in the future, then it will be time to SELL SELL SELL!
Making money in the stock market is all about timing.
Dear 218, such a nice try on your part with the fear mongering. Now the El Toro haters are so desperate for support that they are now resorting to trying to scare Newport Beach with El Toro.
One poster has mentioned that Woodbridge will be have to be condemned due to TCE poisoning. L.A. Airport Authority may as well convert the area into golf courses and park and ride lots. Then nobody will be in the noise zone of western takeoffs anymore.
Let's say for the sake of argument that these jets would head straight for Newport Beach. But that would be very few flights anyways since the only major destinations located Southeast of Orange County would be Hawaii and Australia. Every other flight would head in the direction of their eventual destination.
Next, lets figure out the approximate height of these jets heading over Newport Beach. Assuming a normal climb of 350 feet per nautical mile and Newport Beach being 12 miles away, we are looking at 4200 feet in elevation! Oooooh I am so scared. Oh Help me! ROFLMAO!
I love having NIMBYs post on here. They are always great for some laughs!
Seriously like 4200 feet in elevation will somehow make life unbearable here in Newport Beach.
Please DO send jets from El Toro early and often. We know Facts, NOT Fear!
Great comments, Vernon. Buy low, sell high. NIMBY 218 was all screwed up, as usual. Were there a west takeoff from El Toro it would go over John Wayne Airport, but probably would not then, at 4200 feet, turn south to go over elite Newport Beach. Keep up the good work for El Toro International Airport.
The Angels, Cubs, and White Sox have been eliminated from the post season. They suffer from
The Aviator's Curse.
It is karmic payback for certain regions' destruction of perfectly good airports.
In the Chicago area we have Glenview Naval Air Station and Meigs Field which was destroyed under cover of darkness. The Cubs will suffer another 100 years of futility.
Then in Orange County, El Toro and Tustin which are endangered facilities. The aviation Gods will continue to curse the Angels unless Orange County comes to their senses and revives these once proud aviation facilities.
Yes, baseball has been a curse to aviation in some respects, but now that the Angels are the Los Angeles Angels things should get better for them. Meigs Field may be history, but now that Chicago Midway becomes a private airport, things should get better there. El Toro International Airport is expected to be a private airport too, perhaps run by Los Angeles, (with 2 baseball teams.) Turn on the lights, Vernon.
I hope Avi8er's baseball theory is wrong. I was really hoping to see A Dodgers Angels World Series. Eventually L.A. will re-open El Toro and any curse will be quickly lifted. Unless a construction worker buried a Red Sox jersey at Anaheim Stadium. Maybe that is why we are having so many problems with the Red Sox. Go Devil Rays!
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