North County has Montezuma's Revenge, but South County suffers from Eltoro's Revenge! By not re-opening El Toro International Airport for business, this has put a curse on the NIMBYs. They have fewer job opportunities, fewer destinations, higher fares, and farther drives to catch a flight. Due to their irrational hatred and class envy of Newport Beach spread by Irvine socialists, they incessantly bang the drum for John Wayne 24/7. However, I got news for them, John Wayne only has a mere 500 acres and contains no room for expansion. It will never be nothing more than a dinky airport incapable of helping Orange County realize its true potential.
Other curses for keeping El Toro closed include very bad luck at the ballot box for the loud mouth NIMBY politicians who seek re-election or aspire for higher office. We now present an analysis of different races. Yes, this is more than a month after the most recent election. However, some races were very close and not certified until very recently.
Prop 1A - unfortunately it barely passed.
However, Orange County will be the very LAST area to get any stations built.
High Speed Rail is NOT a substitute for El Toro! Orange County passengers will still have to battle thick traffic to drive out of county to catch planes or trains.
Payback to Costa Mesa turncoat Libby Cowan!
Revenge is a dish best served cold!
Prop 10 - DEFEATED!
No bond money for Irvine! There will only be greater pressure upon Irvine taxpayers to finance Larry Agran's Great Pork! Surely bankruptcy will follow, where only an airport ran by L.A. can save the city.
Congress 46th District: - DEBBIE DOES DEFEAT!
This race featured staunch conservative and unwavering El Toro supporter Dana Rohrabacher defending his seat against the ultra-radical leftist Huntington Beach mayor and Measure W sponsor Debbie Cook. There are no other candidates out there with such stark contrasts. Since Obamamania swept the country, this was the Dems best and only chance to pull an upset in Orange County and take a congressional seat.
However, there was one major problem for Mrs. Debbie Cook. She wanted to represent Costa Mesa and Santa Ana Heights which overwhelmingly voted NO on Measure W! We Newport Mesa residents grow tired of hearing from the whiny class warfare activists from South County who want to shove Newport Mesa into the sea. Mrs. Cook chose to align herself with people who ruthlessly and bitterly hate our region. As a Newport Beach resident, I could not pull the lever for Dana and against Debbie. But I am quite pleased with her defeat.
The entire 46th district voted against Larry Agran's Great Pork scam. Besides being too liberal for the district, Cook's views on El Toro were clearly out of the mainstream. She will NEVER even get elected to so much as dogcatcher as long as her would be district includes any sizable portion of Newport Mesa.
Judge of the Superior Court Office No. 12 - MARSH MASHED!
Though Kermit Marsh was the more conservative judicial candidate, we are pleased to see him soundly defeated. He reportedly urged the OCRAA (Orange County Regional Airport Authority) to disband right after the misleading and fraudulent Measure W vote passed by a narrow margin in a low turnout election. The South County-appeasing surrender monkey gets crushed at the ballot box anyways!
COAST COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Governing Board Member, Trustee Area 3

Larry Agran pal and fellow con artist could not even muster 37% of the vote to retain his trustee seat. It is rare when a trustee is so soundly defeated. However, Mr. Ruiz had it coming as his name regularly appeared on the anti El Toro propaganda trash spewing from Irvine that ended up in people's mailboxes. Like Debbie Cook, Armando Ruiz was also shown some payback for being such an anti El Toro puppet in an overwhelmingly pro El Toro district!
Fountain Valley - GUS GUTTED!
Incumbent Gus Ayer failed to retain his city council seat and in fact finished dead last! He was overconfident of re-election and instead spent his time working on fellow socialist Debbie Cook's failed congressional campaign. Looks like Mr. Ayer forgot to mind the store and got robbed of his own seat.
On the conservative OC Blog, Mr. Ayer was exposed as being too liberal for conservative Fountain Valley. In addition, Ayer was a Great Pork lackey. Fountain Valley voted 60-40 not to support Agran's Abomination. So Ayer was clearly out of step with his constituents and they showed him the door.
The People's republic of Irvine -
Ship of fools retained by gullible sheep!
We endorsed the Larry Agran slate and sure enough the loony Irvine voters retained them despite massive cost overruns and rampant mismanagement with the Great Pork. You see folks, when a city is so thoroughly infested with socialists and gay pride activists they do not care about what their leaders do! The lemmings so blindly tow the party line. Its only a matter of time before Irvine has a municipal bankruptcy and Los Angeles takes over El Toro!
CITY OF LAGUNA BEACH - Cheryl Shredded!
Strident anti El Toro NIMBY and ETRPA (El Toro Reuse Planning Authority) board member Cheryl Kinsman finishes dead last! Perhaps the voters of Laguna Beach have woken up and seen that they have been fleeced by the city of Irvine. Kinsman convinced the Lagunaites to finance Irvine's frivolous El Toro fight and all Laguna Beach residents got for it was a lame 27 acre park way over budget that puts taxpayers at risk. Unlike Irvine voters, they can actually see they have been hoodwinked by the Agranistas!
Ken Parker failed to retain his city council seat. He is listed as a Great Pork lackey by the Great Pork board. This did not go over terribly well in a city that voted 2-1 against Measure W. Plus the citizens of Los Alamitos are tired of hearing from self serving South County NIMBYs asking for the military to be kicked out of the reserve air base so that they can have cheap flights. At El Toro, the military is already gone. Use that place for cheap flights instead! That's a no brainer!
CITY OF TUSTIN - Jeffrey Jinxed!
Jeffrey Thompson failed to retain his council seat. That is because his name appeared on anti El Toro propaganda hit pieces spewing from Irvine. This especially does not play too well in a city where John Wayne flights go over.
Yes Tustin foolishly voted for Measure W. But at the time, they actually thought they would get a world class park and had no idea that South County NIMBYs would clamor for revenge with JWA 24/7, as opposed to simply being happy El Toro has been grounded.
You see folks, The Nasty Neurotic NIMBYs will never truly be happy until they can use JWA as a way to launch class warfare against Newport Beach. The angry left does not care about a world class park or about innocent bystanders from their scorched earth policy, they want revenge, and they want it now! The vitriolic mean spirited postings from the class warfare warriors on this site proves it!
Whipple Whipped!
Former Laguna Niguel councilman and anti El Toro NIMBY Mike Whipple was defeated in his quest to become a waterboy! Oh what a shame! All that money and all those hours spent in futility railing against the twice approved El Toro International Airport and his fellow NIMBYs showed him no love at the ballot box. Perhaps, they have woken up and saw that he was just a lackey for the Agranistas and did not have their best interests in mind.
Keep your day job, Donald, you'll never make it as a political reporter.
Poor Vern, are all the lives of the NIMBY Beach "elite" as pathetically empty and meaningless as yours? You can pretend to be Rush Limbaugh until Donald grows a brain (i.e. ad infinitum) but there are still no jets at El Toro, not today, not tomorrow, not ever.
Please get back on your meds, you obviously need them. Get well soon, and come chill out at the Great Park. You need a break.
Congratulations, Vernon, on excellent essays about El Toro NIMBYs being gored all over Orange County in the recent election. This bodes well for opening El Toro International Airport. I had heard about the battle for congress against El Toro International Airport supporter Dana Rohrabacher but I didn't know how bad was Debbie Cook. So 7 candidates aligned with anti-El Toro International Airport activity lost. I was pleased to see the ETRPA Laguna Beach candidate lost. That's as good as Libby Cowan's payback over Proposition 8. And ex-Laguna Niguel councilman Whipple couldn't even get elected to the Water Board. That's right down there with dogcatcher. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Next, you can take over the bankrupt Los Angeles Times and failing Register. They both published a lot of anti-El Toro International Airport propaganda, but neither published anything as good as "El Toro NYMBYs gored at Ballotbox," with appropriate picture.
Hey Donald, I see Orange County is slated for $335 million for planned John Wayne Airport improvements from the feds under your boy, Obama. Funny, no mention of your pet project, El Toro. You don's suppose that's just a minor oversight, do you? Yeah, that's it, must be an oversight.
Looks like new lights at John Wayne, Vern!
Yes, 7 out of 8 anti-El Toro International Airport politcians lost their races because their opposition to the airport lives on as wrong. The 8th anti-airporter Sukhee Kang/Agran won in Irvine due to our endorsement, and we know he will spend Irvine into bankruptcy so L.A. can buy the whole polluted city for a song and open the airport. The voters all over Orange County have spoken when it comes to anti-airport shenanigans. The only viable use for the Great Park is for El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon, and move that federal airport money over to El Toro International Airport where it belongs.
Donald, only you and Vernon still believe that Santa is going to come down your chimney with an airport in his sack. The rest of the planet has moved on and is awaiting the opening of the Great Park. Airport politics were completely irrelevant in this election. Wake up, smell the coffee, and check to see that your calendar is set to 2008, not 1998.
Turn out the lights Vern, reality is passing you by.
A Great Disinformation poster pops up to try to get in the last word about the election. But curiously he sounds more like the past, instead of the present or the future. What would you think of a Todd Spitzer trying to get elected in a countywide election, after he wasted his tenure in Sacramento doing nothing and his tenure on the Board of Supervisors fighting El Toro International Airport as a noisy minority mouthpiece? Turn on the El Toro lights, Vernon. Payback is fun. Opening the airport is funner. They both go together for justice and the American Way.
Anti El Toro voters love Todd Spitzer and would vote for him again and again. If the lessons of the airport wars taught you anything, it should be that there are far more anti-airport voters in the OC than pro-airport voters. I know facts and reality are completely lost in your fantasy world, but I'll continue to try to show you the path to the Great Park.
Turn out the lights Vern, you're outnumbered.
349, well it took you a long time to snap back with any love for Todd Spitzer, and I can see the reason why. He spoke for a tiny minority of anti-El Toro International Airport voters and spoke the most terrible lies about the airport right up until the time he went to Sacramento as an assemblyman. Citizens of Orange County are not reactionary. They want the fine El Toro International Airport open, so we can be proud again. Todd Spitzer can not get elected to dogcatcher. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Flush Todd Spitzer out into the open over his past anti-El Toro International Airport lies and votes.
Were Todd Spitzer's alleged lies about El Toro anything near as bad as the lies told by the pro El Toro crazies? And you say Spitzer spoke to a tiny minority, would that be the same minority that voted overwhelmingly for Prop. W?
Feel the love, 812, for the millions promised for improvements and expansion for SNA and none for the forever closed El Toro.
I love this web site, watching Donald fall deeper and deeper into his El Tor delusions is pathetic yet entertaining, all in one neat bundle of illogical arguements, distortions, non sequiturs and flat out AWG lies.
Turn out the lights Vern, Donald is one sick puppy who needs some rest.
820, it's like I've said before, reading Donald's rantings (and his flock) is like driving past a really bad car accident (or plane crash), no matter how much blood and gore you just can't help but look. The chances of El Toro ever opening up as an airport are so slim you can't even put a percentage on it, yet Donald is just certain that the planes will be taking off any day now.
Ain't delusions grand?
Well, the Todd Spitzer defenders believe his lies about El Toro International Airport were less important than those who lied for the airport. I don't know of any lies for the airport. Name one. I don't think he could get elected to county dogcatcher. The pro-airport majority has a long memory. I just love this website. It's getting the pro-El Toro International Airport story out worldwide, and the world agrees. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Well, for starters there's the lie that the world agrees about El Toro, then there's the lie that the proposed airport can use the Department of the Navy's fuel line, even though the Navy has steadfastly said no. Of course there is the lie that the planes will affect no one. One of my favorites is that the planes will take off on an uphill runway with a tail wind, with a mountain looming not too far away. Or how about how the airport will be good for the environment, local and globally. The list just goes on and on.
Buy a new night light, Vernon, 1043 is afraid of the dark and the truth.
Lie: John Wayne is at capacity. False, The Duke could increase capacity by 40% by simply allowing the current number planes to fly full.
Lie: El Toro would have flights to Europe and Asia. Refuted in the county's very own offical EIR. "International" defined as Cabnada and Mexico only.
Lie: El Toro is safe. Refuted repeatedly by the 55,000 airline pilots of ALPA (among many others) who actually know something about flying, certainly much more than NIMBY Berach spin doctors.
The list goes on and on. But as we all know Donald, the facts roll of you like water off a duck.
Turn out the lights Vern, Elvis has left the airport.
Great news, Donald! Virgin America and Air Canada are going to fill slots vacated by Alaska and Aloha! Perhaps that will help fill the 10.2% drop in passengers at the Duke. Probably not, though. Bummer for your wet dream of El Toro ever opening.
I'm really surprised at you Donald. I thought for sure after that F/A-18 from the Sharpshooters crashed in San Diego the other day you'd jump right on that one with some B.S. on how that never would have happened if the Marine's never left El Toro. Maybe you just haven't figured out a way to spin that one like you have the elections. Hell, that spin took you a month to dream up.
Say good night to El Toro, Vern, it's toast.
There you are, claiming pro-airport facts are lies and spreading more lies as you go. I guess the FA18 jet from the Abraham Lincoln never would have crashed if the Marines had never left El Toro. El Toro Marines had a perect safety record. It is unfortunate that people on the ground died, but the pilot got out alive. Everyone knows El Toro has two fuel lines (not one), tank car rail tracks, and freeways on three sides. No problem getting fuel to El Toro International Airport. Yes, El Toro is safe, needed, and wanted, even with taking off downwind up hill into the mountains on Runway 7. (Airplanes can turn, you know.) It was approved by the FAA for 4 million annual passengers, and we know we can squeeze in 15 MAP. Come back when you have facts that aren't lies. Turn on the lights, Vernon. El Toro will be good for the environment. We need lots of carbon dioxide to make the planet green.
My facts aren't lies. El Toro most certainly does not have a perfect safety record, they lost scores of planes and helicopters over the years, including an F-4 Phantom that crashed into Leisure World. And let's not forget that F/A-18 that crashed during an airshow. YOU are the one spewing lies. The Navy has steadfastly said Hell No to using their fuel line at El Toro, what part of that don't you understand? The other goes to San Diego Lindberg Field, I hear that one is off limits, too.
Nobody gives a rats ass what the FAA says, if the airline pilots association says no way to taking off up hill, with a tail wind into rising terrain, guess what? They're not going to. That little point has been made time and again but the pro El Toro lunatic fringe plays dumb and dumber on that one. None of this matters, of course, as we all know that El Toro is closed forever and is never coming back. You, however, can keep dreaming and lying, it doesn't really matter. It's your fantasy and nobody else's. El Toro may be safe, but it certainly cannot be proven to be needed and the passage of Measure W should prove that it is not wanted. But you'll skew those facts with more of your lies just like everything else.
Forbes just released their top 20 cities for average income, I found it hilarious that your precious and supposedly elite Newport didn't even make it into the list. Wanna know where your fine, elite city came in? Try 95. Guess you aren't so elite after all, now are you, NIMBY!
Funny how you never hear anything about El Toro International in the news anymore. That's because it's a dead issue.
Cmon, we're waiting for your next batch of lies.........
748, Now you're attacking elite Newport Beach. Where did your city show up on the Forbes list? Everyone knows, what you fail to understand, that jet airplanes can, have, and will take off uphill, downwind, into rising terrain. You better listen to the FAA. They approved it for 4 million annual passengers, and we know we can squeeze 4 times that much into it without turning a shovel of earth. When was the last time you asked the Navy for permission to use its pipeline to El Toro? I'll bet never. You're just repeating a lie. I'm glad you admit El Toro is safe. We need the airport because of population growth that's going high rise. Passage of Measure W was then, but this is now. It no longer applies. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The NIMBYs have run their bolt.
MY city showed up as #95, you idiot. I was born here, not a transplant like you. I accept that Newport's not elite, just a very nice city to live and raise a family. I'm not a poser like you and the Donald.
You show me a commercial airport in the U.S. that has fully loaded jumbo jets taking off up hill into rising terrain with a tail wind. I'll give you all the time you need as it's going to take you a while to find one.
Do you ever get tired of spewing the same garbage over and over again? Just curious because you can never come up with anything new. 4 million this, we can squeeze more in. We need the airport because, well, just because. It's just the same crap from you over and over.
No, I haven't asked the Navy about their pipeline recently and neither have you. There is no reason to ask again, the airports a dead issue. The land has been sold, Irvine will never open it and it's over. So why don't you take your senile lies and just go away. You want an airport so much, move to Ontario or Victorville, Poser!
First you attack Newport Beach for not having a high enough income to be elite, but then you argue that you live in Newport Beach in 905. Which is it, a liar about residency, or a liar about elitism? You can't attack #95 and then claim that you are #95. Show me a commercial jet that can't take off uphill with a tailwind into rising terrain, and I will show you a liar. El Toro International Airport was approved by the FAA for 4 million annual passengers and we know we can squeeze in 4 times that much without so much as lifting a shovel. Irvine will open the airport, mam. Glad you're getting mad. Madness becomes you, it goes with your lies.
You are such a liar and full of shit your eyes are brown with out a doubt.
Your eye is being gored by the bull. Take a look at the picture. Turn on the lights, Vernon. 920 is blinded by the horn.
All your bullshit lies but you still can't tell me one single airport with an uphill runway with a prevailing tailwind and mountains in the back ground where fully loaded jumbo jets take off. Even the Marines never did it in their transports, the Air Force, too, when they visited El Toro wouldn't do it.
It's all moot, of course, because the looney airport left got gored in the eye and the ass at the ballot box and we all know El Toro is closed forever.
Keep trying, loser.
It takes no time at all for the random filth generator to spew obscenities as soon as a well reasoned factual post is made on this fine website. One airport in the world where fully loaded jets take off with an uphill runway with a prevailing tailwind with mountains in the back ground is El Toro International Airport. So you've answered your own question, and there are more. 60% of the Marines took off on Runway 7 going out to Desert Storm. Of course facts run off you like water off a duck's back. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The random filth generator is looking up his next talking point lie.
Uhmm, Donald, the only flaw in your argument is that there is NO airpot at El Toro, and there never will be one there.
BTW, I first used the phrase "facts run off you like water off a duck's back" in response to one of your many inane posts. My like original ideas, you resort to stealing. I expect a royalty check is due.
El Toro NIMBYs got gored at the ballotbox and they still persist on this website. 934, you must be the one who wanted royalties on quotes from the Irvine World News. Educational research doesn't pay royalties. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The NIMBYs are gored, and El Toro International Airport is ready to go.
Difficult to get gored at the ballot box when there wasn't a single El Toro related measure on any ballot.
Check your calendar Donald, this is 2008, the last El Toro measure on the ballot box was in 2002. Stop dreaming in the past and get ready for the future of JWA 24/7. WooHoo!!
Turn out the lights Vern, Donald wants to study his history lessons.
That was then and this is now. We just had an election and 7 out of 8 candidates connected with anti-El Toro International Airport activity lost. The 8th anti-airport candidate won but we endorsed him to spend Irvine into bankruptcy so we can buy Irvine for a song and open the airport. You lost Measure F and then you lost Measure W when Irvine annexed the airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Jumbo jets can fly in the rain.
Are you really so delusional to think that your endorsement was seen by more than three people, and that it had even the slightest effect on the outcome?
As far as W goes, I don't care what Irvine does with the property as long as there is never an airport. And the good people of Irvine will NEVER let that happen despite the babbling of the two or three pro-airport nuts who live there. El Toro is in good hands.
Turn out the lights Vern, you're irrelevant and everyone knows it but you..
1200, you're the one that facts run off of.
First, let me apologize for my language, I try to never swear in front of women and I didn't realize you were one. You know, with the internet you can't always tell.
That being said, you still haven't answered my question about up hill runways. You cleverly tried to slide past it by naming El Toro, however El Toro Internaional has never opened as anything but a military air base so it doesn't count. Nice try, though. Just another lie from the NIMBY airport lunatic fringe.
Also, the reason that 60% of aircraft used that runway for Desert Storm is as I stated before. Those aircraft would have been F/A-18 Hornets and RF-4 Phantoms. Both with huge engines with afterburners.
The transports and tankers ALL took off INTO the wind. I know this is all very difficult for you to comprehend but perhaps your husband can explain it to you.
So sorry that El Toro will never be opened as your precious airport, maybe they'll just expand SNA for you. Won't that be nice?
535, let me say this about that. I'm glad the random filth generator has toned down his filth, but I don't expect it to last. Anti-El Toro International Airport NIMBYs have a reputation to preserve as being liars and filth generators on this site. Glad you admitted the Marines left from El Toro for Desert Storm. Too bad you didn't know that 60% of the transport planes left on Runway 7 and the rest on Runway 34. As has been said by some, I really don't care what they do with El Toro as long as they open that fine airport that is there. We have proved that it is wanted. We know it is needed. We know it is safe. Of course it will make a fortune for Irvine, and that's what's got you NIMBYs in a tizzy because your sacred Measure W no long prevents Irvine from opening the airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. I'm glad the NIMBYs will be bothered by the airplanes, even though they're not in the noise zone.
613, I won't be bothered by the airplanes, as I've stated time and again, I live in CDM. The filth and lies on this site are the ones stated by the Newport NIMBY's of the lunatic airport fringe. I'm glad to hear you don't care what they do with El Toro cause it ain't coming back as an airport. Go cry yourself to sleep. Maybe your husband will comfort you.
712, there's that toned down random filth generator from Corona del Mar. I live in the Waldorf Astoria. We don't care what they do with El Toro as long as they open the airport. It was bought and paid for by us elite and we want to get our money's worth. Turn on the lights, Vernon. I'm back in elite Newport Beach.
Your elite #95 Newport? What a laugh. Newport's a very nice place to live but it is a far cry from elite.
El Toro was bought by all of us, Mrs. Non-elite, not just you. OUR government decided that El Toro had run it's course, they got their money's worth and sold it to the highest bidder. Too bad that bidder has no intention of turning it into an airport. No, wait a minute, not too bad. It's a good thing as we have a wonderful airport called SNA. You should try it some time, you might like it.
Hope you enjoy the Astoria, do they give you plenty of towels?
We all know you don't live in Newport, you're just a poser.
Why is someone in "CDM" so obsessed about the fate of El Toro? Yet, they are silent when South County NIMBYs make reference to expanding JWA?
Where are they REALLY from????
625, I'm a Sea King all the way. The real question should be why are YOU so obsessed with El Toro? You and the Donald keep spouting off on how property values will go through the roof in Irvine if only Vern will turn on the lights at the forever closed El Toro. If that's true, shouldn't you be focusing your energy on pumping up your property values and building out SNA? Or do you only dream about living in Newport and you're just the poser I think you are?
It's all moot, of course, as El Toro will never see a single passenger, unless you count the balloon, and they have already started expansion on the Duke.
Donald doesn't live in NIMBY Beach, his address is Fantasyland.
1005 probably doesn't pay much taxes, so he can't say he paid for the El Toro airport. He's a liar, I think. 625 asks a very good question about double standards of opposition of a so-called cdm resident. 928 is typical of an El Toro NIMBY getting gored at the ballotbox. He returns here, over and over, to get gored some more. El Toro International Airport will pump up the values in Irvine, because the airport will bring tons of money into that town. Turn on the lights, Vernon. 307 is not worth answering, though he seems to want to get gored. It's into the bull ring for you.
333, I'll bet I paid more in taxes than you did! The anti airport people certainly were not the ones that got gored at the ballot box. That would be the pro El Toro liars that got gored. Or you might say they got their asses handed to them.
Oh yeah, airports really pump up the property values of the surrounding areas. The area around LAX is a garden spot. Likewise SFO. Yeah, those are areas I'd want to move to. NOT!
333 needs to go back and review who lost Prop. W. He's still in denial that he lost. Or, as he put it, got gored at the ballot box. In the bull ring of El Toro, the bull most certainly won. That' a Newport NIMBY with the horn up his ass.
352, you have to read the article. 7 out of 8 anti-airport people lost at the ballotbox. The 8th one won, but we supported him as he will spend Irvine into bankruptcy so we can buy Irvine for a song and open El Toro International Airport. Airports really pump up property values. This is true at Los Angeles International Airport and San Francisco International Airport. Burlingame is a beautiful city. You should want to move there. Westchester is full of lawyers, and it is doing quite well. So is Inglewood. Turn on the lights, Vernon. I'll bet I pay more taxes than 352 does, He has no right to claim he paid for El Toro. Perhaps he is a Democrat.
Nope, 724, Republican. Lets see, I live in a 2.5 million dollar house, you figure out my taxes. If you pay more, bully for you.
Only the lunatic left airport fringe idiots could come up with any correlation between the election and the airport. You losers are really grasping at straws with that one. But then what would you expect from loser liars.
Does your ass hurt from that horn stuck in it?
Great comparison between opposition to El Toro International Airport and getting defeated in the recent election. Turn on the lights, Vernon. He's probably a RINO and has never sold a house in his life.
709, is that the best you can come up with? Poor loser NIMBY, just can't think anymore.
I've sold a few houses, but who really cares?
This RINO is too poor to call himself elite. To poor to say he paid for El Toro. Turn on the lights, Vernon. RINOS and NIMBYs can help solve Orange County's transportation crisis. After all, we taxpayers paid for El Toro. Now we want to get our money's worth.
I've sen your property tax bill, Donald. I've seen sharecroppers with more valuable homes. Do you live in a tool shed? Guess the inheritance wasn't so big after all.
El Toro NIMBYs got gored in the election. Now they're gored by public opinion. Turn on the lights, Vernon. 904 doesn't pay taxes so he has no say over El Toro. I'll take that redeye on opening day.
How about this, 341, I'm much more elite that you ever will be. The truly elite don't spout off about it, which would make you just another poser.
I paid for El Toro just as much as you did. Hell, my family probably paid more as my father was stationed there. He wasn't a poser, like you. He was a Marine Corps aviator, and one of the best pilots the Marines ever had. What did you do for your country? What's that, nothing? I thought so.
535, you're right, some NIMBY's did get gored at the ballot box. They got it right up the rear end with Prop W when it passed by a landslide. The only redeye you'll be on is in a few years when they remove the caps at SNA. Then you can wave to Donald as you fly by in the middle of the night.
I pay much more taxes than you do, NIMBY, and I'll do my best to see that they are invested in opening up JWA 24/7. The only red eye you'll ever catch if from the the jet fumes from all those 3:00 AM departures from The Duke.
Landslide Proposition W, and Marine aviator pilots. All sounds weak. But seeing that picture of El Toro NIMBYs getting gored is a real inspiration. Turn on the lights, Vernon. It's time to open El Toro International Airport. NIMBYs are hiding behind patriotism and non operable Measure W.
The CDM poser cares deeply about South County but could care less about Newport Beach. Must be some inter-city rivalry.
1016, Yes, I suppose he is tied to homebuilding or is a paid hack for the homebuilders. But that will all turn around when the homebuilders realize they can make more money with the airport than with homes. After all, El Toro was not purchased just by a homebuilder, Lennar. There were other investors too in the venture. By now they may be in favor of El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The last of the red hot NIMBYs is ready to give up. The TCE pollution at El Toro and Central Irvine will take 1000 years to absorb. That means it will be 1000 years before houses or a park can be built. The capped over dumps contain acid, radioactivity, and other poisons. That, too, must be dug up and hauled away. No more Love Canals allowed. But the airport is there and is ready to go.
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