Out of desperation The City of Irvine is now paying some firm to do research on how to get grants for The Great Pork. The kind of "grants" they have in mind include how much they can steal from the taxpayers. It will only be a matter of time before Irvine gets in line for federal bailout money.
Here is some FREE advice for park funding. (No need to pay my firm half a million.) Irvine should simply contact the folks at Los Angeles World Airport Authority and offer to lease 2300 acres of El Toro for $2 billion. That is exactly what LAWA offered the Navy for El Toro back in 2003. This mutually beneficial arrangement would help pay for the park without soaking the taxpayers. Airport revenues would provide park financing, not to mention low fares, and thousands of jobs.
Besides Irvine begging for park money, the County Supes also find they do not have enough revenue to finance their own parks. Most especially agitated over this was RINO and union lackey Bill Campbell.
Mr. Campbell here are some suggestions. First, lay off all those donuts and pass on the cost savings on to your district. Next, change your myopic stance on El Toro and vote to re-open it so that the county can have low fares, jobs, and convenience.
What's stopping the possibility of re-opening El Toro? For some NIMBYs and politicians they just cannot bring themselves to admitting they were wrong about the airport. That is OK, they were ignorant and did not know any better. That is why we are here to enlighten people and show them the truth about El Toro. Once they know the truth, it will set them free.
Great Park boosters of Irvine know they made a mistake, so now they must swallow their pride and open El Toro International Airport over the objections of a handful of diehard NIMBYs, BANANAs and panhandlers. Any money wasted on a park deserves to be lost since the airport already is built. Grant procurement is a cottage industry for losers. All the old guard has to do is admit a mistake was made and call in our saviour, Los Angeles to run this jumbo jet airport for the people.
Nice picture Vern, did Donald take it? I would rank you among the elite of the bums, no doubt.
The smartest move now would be to bring back the military. Let's not forget how much money the military brought to Irvine's coffers not to mention over 900 civilian jobs to the area.
Oh yeah, that's exactly what the Marine's want to do now is move again. Not going to happen, although I do agree that they never should have moved in the first place. They wanted out of Tustin because of the expense of maintaining the blimp hangers, but there was plenty of room to move the helicopters El Toro and Pendleton.
Yes, please bring the Marines back to El Toro. As they were firmly on record as opposing joint military/commercial use, Donald and Vern could finally return to what they do best, gay bashing and whining about living next to the Duke.
The Marines want to share their airport. They were firmly on record of favoring joint military/civilian use. Just think of what happened in Bombay. The Guard was way up in Delhi. We need them here at El Toro. Send in the Marines.
The Marines want to share their airport. They were firmly on record of favoring joint military/civilian use. Just think of what happened in Bombay. The Guard was way up in Delhi. We need them here at El Toro. Send in the Marines.
538, you are a blatant liar! The Marines were continuously on record as saying no way to sharing MCAS El Toro. They have been likewise against sharing Miramar with the airlines. The subject came up over and over again about sharing the runways at El Toro with the airlines and the Marines always said no way, that it would interfere with their training mission.
Next time, get your facts correct before you spout our bold faced lies.
551, what a revisionist you are. The Marines were on record of supporting joint military/civilian use of El Toro after you had issued your broken BRAC eviction notice. Civilian cargo jets would have been flying in and out of there before the closure if you hadn't threatened a lawsuit to stop it. Remember this, revisionist, the big lie can not work, unless you have a monopoly, and on this website you don't have one. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Donald; The Big Lie was the invention of NIMBY Beach, and you still consider it your greatest ally, as noted on this blog. You are semi-correct, cargo flights were to start AFTER the Marine left town. They were opposed to joint use while EL Toro was an active base. I would love nothing better than to see the Marines return to ET, but unlike you I can separate wishful thinking from rrality. And the only two realities I can grasp are 1.) El Toro is now the Great Park and 2.) JWA 24/7 is comign soon.
Enjoy YOUR revisionist history, NIMBY Donald. And BTW, seeing watching Smith, Coad and Silva having their heads handed to them over cargo flights will remain one of the highlights of the El Toro battle. You should have bought smarter stooges.
Turn out the lights Vern, the Marines ain't coming home, and neither are the airplanes.
Anti-El Toro International Airport NIMBYs haven't learned a thing from recent and past events. Silly lawsuits do not solve critical airport problems. Cargo flights would have been flying in and out of the airport before the Marines left if you hadn't threatened a lawsuit. The Marines wanted the flights, and you didn't. Education is important to victory just as the demise of Measures F and W and the comeuppance of Libby Cowan are. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The Great Park never will be built. El Toro International Airport is ready to go. Send in the Marines and the airplanes.
Once again, 435, your lies are pathetic. The Marines didn't "want" the cargo flights, they agreed to them. There difference between agreeing to limited cargo flights at a base that is closing and shared facilities, which the Marine's were always against.
I just love how you continue to revise history.
Also, Measure W stands today so how is there a demise? More fantasy from NIMBY land.
The Marines wanted the cargo flights and you didn't. The Marines wanted the Flight Demonstration Tests and you didn't. As you know we had them and the airport was proved safe, needed, and noiseless. Don't try your big lie where you can be answered. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Measure W is totally obsolete. It was a county initiative and the property now has been annexed to Irvine. Turn on the lights, Larry. Measure W no longer stands unless the property is de-annexed. Maybe that's a good idea. Turn on the lights, Larry, Vernon and Los Angeles. I'm ready for my redeye.
Poor NIMBY crybaby wants a red eye but got a black eye cause El Toro will never fly anything ever again except some birds and a big orange balloon. If you quit crying maybe your mommy will let you ride the balloon, otherwise shut the hell up cause the airport issue is DOA!
Donald, once again you have never let FACTS stand in the way of your incessant whining and crying. There were no cargo flights because the State Lands Commission and Cruz Bustamante say "No way" too your Three Stooges supervisors. Maybe Cruz hates NIMBY Beach too? BTW, that decison came in December 1999, a full year after the base officailly closed. The Marines were out of the picture by then, so there was never any such thing as "joint use" to be considered.
Didn't you take any notes while all this was going on, or is it just easier to make up the "facts" as you go?
You know Donald, I keep reading your last paragraph. Ever think that maybe you are the one that is ignorant and wrong? That is why we are here to enlighten you and show you the truth about El Toro. Once you understand the truth it will set you free.
The airports dead, Donald, pick something new to rant and blather about.
Ha, ha, ha. The Marines wanted joint use of El Toro for cargo flights after their eviction was announced by the broken BRAC decision. You were wrong. I was correct. You threatened to sue the Marines if they allowed the flights to go forward. Now, you're mixing up State Lands Commission retrocession, which allowed Orange County to police the base, rather than the marshal. That was another of your delaying tactics, but eventually we got full retrocession. Try something else to impune our fine Marines that wanted to start cargo flights at El Toro before they left the base. Your notes have lapses in purpose and judgement. But keep trying with your lies. It helps to open the airport.
No, you weren't correct. The Marines didn't "want" joint use. Most of their aircraft had moved to Miramar and they agreed to joint use as most of their operations were gone.
Nice spin by the lunatic fringe airport spin doctors.
The facts are no roadblocks in Donald's airport fantasies. And if he doesn't like the facts he just makes up his own. Any surprise NIMBY Beach lost the battle?
719 Your spin is disingenuous by half. Unfortunately you said they didn't and did in the same sentence. This is called dissembling; it is the mark of the liar.
The truth is that the camp commandants knew that they were politically marked for closure but to them that would give them a huge and expensive headache so they floated the joint use idea, during the BRAC process, to prevent a move to the cramped Miramar. In fact the cramped Miramar caused many of the expensively trained technical staff into the welcoming civilian market for their skills. This caused a revolving door until the housing problem was solved at great expense.
Clearly, the cost estimates for the move were a fraud as they were identical in detail to the Hawaii NAS. That means that somebody in either the DoD or the Navy department told the author to commit fraud. Even though the tanker scandal that sent Darlene Druyun to the slammer did not cost the Air Force very much money; a fraudster is walking around in the Navy department that created costs of at least $4 billion in dead costs.
As it turned out the move cost the Marines at least $2 billion, another $2 billion to the Navy for their Miramar move plus countless hundreds of millions for all the musical base moves that occurred downstream of that.
Just to show how the left is warped on the integrity question I ran across this about Nancy Pelosi.
Pelosi Blaming McCain For Uncovering Boeing Scandal.
How warped is that?
Just like that other Scion of the left, Frederico Pena: "Valujet is a safe airline."
Thank god for flyingmythbuster to set the record straight on El Toro, cargo flights, and fraud. I believe that's what eltoronow is trying to get going. They want an investigation into the broken BRAC process and the foolish relocation of Marines to Miramar causing evictions from that base and a shortage of housing, which El Toro had, that disrupted the San Diego housing market. Clearly we need to get to the bottom of the El Toro closure scam so we can get that airport open for civilian commercial traffic. Thank you, flyingmythbuster for showing up. Turn on the lights, Vernon. We need to open the airport, uncover the scam, and bring justice to where it belongs. P.S. It's nice to know our spin is working so well with the anti-El Toro International Airport NIMBYs.
Thanks for your input. You seem to be one of the few on this site that is honest with the facts. The Marine's are on record as early as the 60's as opposing joint use of El Toro while it was an active base. The issue of joint use came up over and over again and the Marine's constantly said no way, that it would interfere with their training mission. Your reasoning for allowing cargo flights late in the game makes sense.
We all know the decision to close El Toro was bogus, however the Marine brass was concerned that many of the troops could no longer afford to live in Orange County and were commuting from the inland empire. This was also of concern to their mission. Now before 1148 jumps on that and says I'm full of crap, that was told to me by General Fraterangelo (sp) in one of a few meetings I had with him before the base closed.
It was also pointed out to me by the Marine brass that, even though tons of money was poured into Tustin shortly before it closed, the Marine's were eager to get out of that base as maintenance on the blimp hangers was bleeding them dry. They tried for years to tear them down, but once they were made historical landmarks they couldn't. They even offered to maintain one if they could tear the other one down.
I would love to know where you get all your information as I find it very interesting. Also, why pursue the broken closing of El Toro now? The Marine's aren't coming back so other than point a few fingers, what do you hope to gain? Just curious.
The bottom line is that no matter what facts you may find regarding the closing of the base, the voting public has spoken and El Toro will never be an active airport again. It's a poor location for a commercial airport and there are too many houses too close to it. It may never be a Great Park, but it will certainly never be an airport.
Keep up your honest facts, Vern needs to see the light and it's not at El Toro.
Oh, and I didn't say did and didn't in a sentence together, I'm no liar.
Well, well, there's another pack of lies from an anti-El Toro International Airport NIMBY. As pointed out by flyingmythbuster, 719 and probably 808, is a great dissembler when trapped with a lie that the Marine's did not want joint use of El Toro. And one lie leads to another. But why refute them one by one? We know him for what he is, basically unreliable, loose with the truth, anxious to displease and consistent on only one point. He is against the perfect El Toro International Airport. Miramar did not have housing. El Toro did. Marines were not commuting from the inland empire. They simply lived on the base, which they could not do at Miramar. At San Diego they got a housing credit off base. More waste. If I were you 719 & 808 I wouldn't snoop around for the source of flyingmythbuster's facts. I'm sure he will come forward at the inquisition, when John McCain sends more corrupt people off to jail again. But the overwhelming positive about the vacant El Toro International Airport is that it is now run by Irvine. The voters have spoken, and it is ready for 24/7 civilian commercial airplanes, and clearly we need to open it, because this is where the passengers live, and nobody, absolutely nobody, is in the noise zone. Turn on the lights, Vernon. 808 wants to continue dissembling and lieing. That helps to open El Toro International Airport.
Excuse me, 532, but once again you seem to have your head stuck in a cavity. I don't remember seeing you in the room with Major General Fraterangelo with I interview him three times and he told me about the problems of Marine's having to live in Riverside. Perhaps if you were there and your hearing aids were turned on you would have caught that part of the conversation. Likewise General Drax Williams said the same thing when I interviewed him. But again, you were absent. Probably out spending daddy's money.
Do your homework, as far back as the late 60's/early 70's, every time the subject of joint use of El Toro came up, the Marine's steadfastly said "hell no". Look it up, it's on the record. Of course if you did then that would make you the liar and we wouldn't want that, now would we?
You are correct on one point, the voters have indeed spoken. A resounding no to an airport at El Toro. Not now, not ever. Can't you figure that one out? No, because your head is stuck, well, you know.
541 likes to brag about his interviews with generals. I wouldn't do that if I were you. Other people talked to generals too and they never talked about marines living in Riverside, with all that base housing available at El Toro. Yes the voters have spoken and that means Irvine now can open El Toro International Airport without any more interference from the voters. Turn on the lights, Vernon. We've got an airport to open.
330, you're so full of crap I bet your eyes are brown!
Keep crying over your airport, we need the water.
And then there's that panhandler begging for money for alcohol research. Maybe he wants to run the airplanes on alcohol. That's not necessary as two fuel pipelines bring fuel to the airport as well as tank cars of jet fuel delivered by rail. We don't need the alcohol. Turn on the lights, Vernon, El Toro International Airport is ready to open.
Me thinks that 627 blew a fuse.
627, incapable of independant thought, runs out of talking points on his anti el-toro cheatsheets and gets to the bottom where it says: "none of the above applies so you've lost the arguement. Proceed to spew gratuitous insults in the hope of seeming cute to the undecided."
627 We need your address or can we tell the paramedics to follow that column of smoke we see in south county.
Thanks for your concern, Myth, but no need to send anybody to south county for me, I live in Newport. I moved out of south county years ago and back to my birth town. I'll bet you don't live in your birth town, do you?
The bottom line in all of this, including YOUR insults, is we still live in a democracy where votes count for something. That means that the good people of Orange County have voted against an airport at El Toro. I guess you're crying right along with 330. Bummer for you and the rest of the airport wackos.
838, there you are insulting flyingmythbuster on this fine website. You just can't blow a fuse and admit it. You sound like that old "airplane nut" who used to post here and claimed he lived in Newport Beach. Your hate speech is not appreciated because we need to open El Toro International Airport in order to accommodate huge new jumbo jets coming along. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Flyingmythbuster can spot smoke rising from blown fuses. You're living in the past worshipping at the altar of Measure W which is irrelevant and obsolete.
And you are irrelevant and obsolete worshiping at the alter of the closed forever El Toro. It's so sad when you just can't buy a clue, isn't it?
Measure is most certainly not obsolete, it passed and stands to this very day. If it didn't stand the some airport worshiping fools would be getting it opened, now wouldn't they.
Your hate speech is not appreciated here your self. Cmon, 306, lets all go out to SNA and hold hands and feel the love of our great little airport where no one, absolutely no one is in the noise zone.
If you want to live close to jumbo jets why don't you move to L.A., the land of your favorite mayor, Tony. Hell, since LAX grew I hear you can buy houses in beautiful, elite Inglewood for practically nothing. You'd fit right in up there.
Koom by ya, 306, feel the love for the closed El Toro.
And I hear you soon can buy houses in central Irvine for a song, because they are polluted by an extension of a superfund site. Turn on the lights, Vernon. El Toro International Airport is the only use for that Great Park.
I checked with my real estate agent, he says your full of, well, you know what. The lies just keep getting better and better from you.
930, here you are hovering around this fine website ready to spew disinformation as soon as the facts are posted. Beware the words of real estate agents. They're right up there with used car salesmen. I believe selling a polluted house in Irvine without revealing the pollution, is fraud. But then you're so steeped in hate for El Toro International Airport that you can't see the upside for the downside. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
WRONG! We set the record straight after you spin doctors spew your lies.
Upside from downside? There was no upside, only lies from the commie airport wackos.
252, getting the facts out is something we take seriously. Anti-El Toro International Airport NIMBYs only spread lies. Give me one anti-airport statement that isn't a lie. The whole central Irvine may have to be condemned because of TCE poison bubbling up from the plume. The airport will save you. Like I say, turn on the lights, Vernon.
Non lie #1. You cannot use the fuel lines because the Navy has said "NO".
Non lie #2. Airplanes take off and land into the wind, not with a tail wind, so your B.S. about no planes flying over Irvine is just that, B.S.
Non lie #3. The airport will be a mass polluter. No airport in the world is non polluting, but you put a nice spin on that one.
Non lie #4. More people will be affected by El Toro opening that could ever be affected by SNA. Just becasue you say no one is in the noise zone doesn't mean people won't be bothered by it.
The list goes on and on.
350, ask for one anti-El Toro International Airport statement that isn't a lie and I get 4, all lies. It's no wonder the world is lining up against you. You don't have any statements that aren't lies and you know it. No. 1, the Navy doesn't own both fuel lines, dummy. And there's rail tank cars and freeways on three side. No. 2. Your proclamation about tail winds is obsolete. There isn't a high speed jet that can't take off on that long runway. Your rule was established for olden days when planes were biplanes like the Wright flyer. It's either a tail wind or a cross wind at El Toro. But many airports do not have cross runways. No. 3. It's hardly a mass polluter if everybody else does it but you don't. We need the carbon dioxide to be green. No. 4. Now you're changing the subject. No one is in the noise zone at El Toro International Airport. If you're bothered by it your're really unique. How about the millions of people bothered by other airports? Turn on the lights, Vernon. El Toro International Airport NIMBYs are full of lies, and that's why we call you a NIMBY.
713, one fuel line belongs to the Navy, the other to Lindgerg Field. El Toro Int. cannot use either.
I'll give you the rail lines, you keep those trains a comin. I know how much you like trains from some of your other bullshit posts.
The world is lining up against me? Where? The majority in Orange County are still against the airport and you know it. Nice lie, liar!
If my proclamation about tail winds is obsolete then why do ALL airports have their planes take off INTO the wind? You're full of crap and lies. There are currently NO high speed planes in the commercial inventory. They went away with the Concord. Most airliners take off at around 120 to 160 knots, not exactly high speed. Yes, the military fighters with super powerful engines and after burners could take off with a tail wind, but ALL of the transports and tankers that ever took off from El Toro, as with virtually all airports, INTO the wind. Do some homework, you fool. Even helicopters prefer to take off into the wind. Don't try to confuse cross wind take offs and landings with tail winds. They are completely different.
OK, lets hear your next batch of lies.
DC 757, we will hear the next batch of lies when you post again.
745, up yours! So sorry the truth hurts you so much, but the truth will set you free. Keep your lies coming, AH, we need the laugh.
I laughed and laughed about 757's trama over tailwind takeoffs and his proclamation that only military jets and supersonic concords were fast enough to take off with a tail wind. I say forget about the days of the Wright Flyer biplanes. Today there isn't a commercial jet airplane that can't take off with a little tail wind. There is no confusion with cross wind takeoffs. El Toro has fuel-efficient cross runways so crosswind takeoffs are not a problem. The problem is at airports such as LAX and Ontario which do not have cross runways, and they must use crosswind takeoffs whenever the wind does not line up with the runways. This doesn't happen at El Toro. Indeed El Toro is in a calm valley with no wind at all. That's why El Toro International Airport is unique and will change all the old folklore about air traffic control in our area. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The laws of physics, geology, environmentalism, and geography favor the much needed El Toro International Airport.
711, you're full of crap and you know it!
El Toro is a calm valley with no wind at all? Obviously you have nvrer ben within 15 miles of the base. Besides having wind issues noted many times in the EIR, the Great park balloon is often grounded becuse of high winds. There is plenty of strong wind at El Toro, but nowhere near as hot as yours.
Don't worry about tuning off the lights Vern, the wind just blew them out for you.
Anti-El Toro International Airport NIMBYs are always breaking wind over the wind issue. After 50 years of keeping careful records of the winds in that calm valley, the NIMBYs simply attacked the messenger and said the Marines didn't know how to measure wind. If there were any wind at that airport, we would have known about it after 56 years of operations. Turn on the lights, Vernon. El Toro International Airport is unique. No wind.
Donald, I have stood on the base and been nearly blown off my feet by the winds there, when there were no winds in any other place nearby. Get out of your cave once in awhile and visit the Great Park yourself. You'll find plenty of wind, and plenty on new homes and businesses in the former noise zone. What you won't ever find there is an airport.
Turn out the lights Vern, Donald is coming down for a visit. We'll make sure he's out of town by sunset.
305 is still breaking wind over wind at El Toro. Funny, how nobody else ever saw any wind at El Toro, including 56 years of measurements by the Marines. That's why El Toro International Airport is unique. It's a windless airport with fuel-saving cross runways pointing to where airplanes need to go. Turn on the lights, Vernon. 305 is blowing wind.
The South County Denizens are breaking wind and stinking up this site with their bullshit!
No, 434, that smell is just the airport commies from the lunatic fringe. They spew their lies and bullshit about El Toro and fail to clean it up.
545, no lies and bullshit from the pro-El Toro International Airport posters. It's the anti-El Toro International Airport posters that smell up the place. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Maybe the green airplanes will blow away some of the smell.
But 712, the South County NIMBYs like the smell. They think their shit doesn't stink!
No, 630, it's Donald and the Newport NIMBY's that think their shit doesn't stink. It's quite obvious that the pro airport crazies think their steaming piles really smell like roses. Realities a bitch, just like the fact that El Toro's closed and will stay that way.
I'll bet the wild flowers there are going to smell fabulous this spring.
Bucolic South County smells fine to me, flowers in the air and no jet fumes to stink things up.
Did you fart Donald, smells like NIMBY Beach in here?
Apparently 2 out of 3 posters got up on the wrong side of the bed and came here to to be set straight. El Toro International Airport will purify the air. The airplanes emit carbon dioxide which makes the plants grow and that releases green chlorophyll into the leaves to clean up the air. El Toro NIMBYs have a long way to go before they can claim to be bucolically pure. Turn on the lights, Vernon. We need to purify Irvine and make the planet green.
South county is pure enough already. What we really need to do is purify Newport with an expansion of SNA, which is already under way.
Turn on that green light in NIMBY Beach, Vern.
As usual Donald, you dismissal of the facts continues to make you the village idiot of this, and all other, boards. Jets emit carbon MONOXIDE, not carbon dioxide. Carbon monoxide is extremely toxic, and apparently causes severe brain damage to those Newport NIMBYs who get their daily dose of it from the Duke. Just wait until you get the JWA 24/7 dosage, your mind will be complete Jello.
Turn out the lights Vern, Donald is snorting the wrong chemicals again. And don't mind the meaningless babble, he can't help himself.
Probably a disconnected environmentalist. You get no push from incomplete combustion. Turn on the lights, Vernon. They don't know the difference between one and two molecules. But don't sleep in your car with the engine running.
Is that your excuse, 656, napping in your car with the engine running? I'm guessing you didn't do so well in high school science.
753, panhandling won't get you a park, but signing on the dotted line will open El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. He doesn't know the difference between a green technology airport and pollution from propaganda.
A green airport, that's a good one. You drinking the bay water again?
Hey 730, you know what El Toro is? Closed forever!
1004's comments shows she is suffering from CO poisoning!
1004 and 753 get big F's in high school science. The normal products of combustion are CO2 and Water. CO is an abnormal product of incomplete combustion found mostly coming from the ICE engines found in your car. Modern turbofan engines emite far lower concentrations of CO per pound of fuel burned than what comes out of the tail pipe of your car even with the california emissions.
Now that flyingmythbuster has flunked the El Toro NIMBYs, maybe they can tell me whether Carbon Monoxide is a greenhouse gas. We know that water vapor and carbon dioxide are greenhouse gases, with water vapor being the greatest. Carbon dioxide is an insignificant .03% of the atmosphere, but it is essential for plants to make the planet green. Thus a green planet requires lots of carbon dioxide else the planet becomes brown. Ever notice how the grass is greener by the airports? Airports make the planet green. Environmentalists make the planet brown. Turn on the lights, Vernon. We need to open the green El Toro International Airport to restore south county to its bucolic condition. That's enough remedial science for the NIMBYs for now.
Donald, according to your letter in the 12/19 Daily Pilot, You opine, "Then the cities most damaged by the airplanes could finally decide what to do about it. It makes no sense to allow the county to harm our cities with a polluting airport in the middle of an urban area."
Please explain to all of us high school science dummies how JWA is a dirty polluting airport, yet by moving those very same airplanes 15 miles down the road their exhaust will suddenly "green" and as sweet as a baby's breath. Magic? Voodoo? Tie a big fart bag over the exhaust? Or just another big ass lie from the Newport NIMBY's ? CAn hardly wait to hear this one.
If you name was Pinocchio your nose would be to the South Pole by now.
Ain't it great, Donald Nyre to this day can still write letters that manage to piss off the Newport Haters from South County. That is almost as great as El Toro itself being opened.
One thing for sure, the misery and bitterness from South County is perpetual and far stronger than their enthusiasm for the lame park they voted for. In fact, they hardly EVER talk about that anymore. Maybe even they know and admit privately that the great park sucks, Agran is scamster, and their really just ain't much to see.
Keep those letters coming Donald, and Vernon keep the lights turned on at this fine blog of yours.
1207, yes I love El Toro International Airport too, and it is important that the El Toro NIMBYs learn that their opposition to their airport is based on emotion rather than truth. That one lone letter writer in the Daily Pilot can stir such revulsion boggles the mind. Perhaps it was because they had a monopoly in the media until this website came along. Turn on the lights at the green El Toro International Airport Vernon. We need to return south county to its bucolic heritage. And not to mention, we need El Toro International Airport because of its jumbo jet cross runways in a calm field for economy of scale.
Still waiting for my answer, Donald.
215, the super big jumbo jets that use El Toro will make south county green. I can not speak for Donald Nyre of the Daily Pilot, but I think he was referring to the small smelly noisy jets. Remember, flyingmythbuster told you that the internal combustion engine, as used in your automobile, is a worse polluter than the big engines of airplanes. Turn on the lights, Venon, the science dummies are learning, slowly, but surely, that El Toro International Airport will restore south county to its bucolic heritage. Why don't you write a letter to the editor of the Daily Pilot, 215, asking about pollution transfer to El Toro. I don't think Donald Nyre mentioned El Toro. That was you that brought that up.
Here we go again......
Arguing about which way to take off is getting really old. How about we just take off and land period! I will leave it up to the air traffic controller and pilot to decide.
Most of those who whine about El Toro taking off with tailwind would still OPPOSE El Toro no matter what, even if jets did take off into tailwind. They are simply raising a Red Herring in the meantime!
Either you support El Toro or you have been brainwashed into irrationally fearing it. Do not talk about flight direction and tail wind unless you actually support the airport. I personally do not care which direction the jets go, I just want them to go period!
So the jets at JWA are filthy pollution machines, but if moved to El Toro will be a breath of mountain air, the noise from jets at JWA is deafening but they will no make a sound if moved to El Toro. Absolutely amazing, El Toro must be some sort of magical land where all the evils of JWA airport suddenly disappear.
Keep up that spin doctoring Donald, it plays well with the NIMBY Beach whiners but no one outside of that noise zone believes a single word of your fantasy crap. Hope Santa arrives in a 747 right over your house.
Here he is, back again, during the Christmas season, spewing his filth, hate and class warfare against Newport Beach. Yes, El Toro is some sort of magical land where all the evils of John Wayne Airport suddenly disappear. Do not talk about flight directions, runway length, and tailwinds unless you support El Toro. John Wayne Airport has crosswinds all the time when the winds do not line up with that dinky runway. But El Toro has jumbo jet cross runways so crosswinds and tailwinds are no problem. Turn on the lights, Vernon. El Toro International Airport will make south county green again, and it is safe, wanted, and needed, and, it is FAA approved for 4 million annual passengers with the ability to squeeze in 4 times that much without as much as lifting a shovel of dirt.
El Toro is approved as a green, friendly park that may see 4 million visitors a year. The OC airport is conveniently located right next to NIMBY Beach, exactly where is should be, so the self proclaimed "elite" can hop a red eye to anywhere as soon The Duke goes 24/7. Too bad Santa isn't bringing you an airport again this year.
334, the FAA approved the airport, not the park, dummy. Turn on the lights, Vernon. These NIMBYs don't know the difference between a useful green airport and a polluted dangerous park.
The voter approved the park, Donald. The FAA doesn't have a dog in this race. And we all can understand the difference between a filthy, noisy 24/7 LAX South and a bucolic Great Park for all of the OC to enjoy peace and quiet. The great and fatal flaw in the NIMBY Beach El Toro strategy was that you all assumed everyone else was as dumb as you are to live next to an airport and suddenly realize it's noisy and dirty. The Bigger Fool Theory didn't work to well, did it??
JWA 24/7, the FAA will approve that one in an instant.
1238, there is no park and the land is too polluted to build one. The airport is there and all we have to do is turn on the lights. The voters have no say anymore, and the FAA approved the airport. The FAA does have a dog in this race. They own 1000 acres reserved for aviation, open space, and homeland security training. Turn on the lights, Vernon. NIMBYs still think the voters approved a park, when anybody with eyes can see it's an airport.
Donald, I sincerely hope Santa brings you the psychiatric help you so desperately need this Christmas. No airport, not today, not tomorrow, not ever at El Toro.
Turn out the lights Vern, Donald is going to take his meds and get some sleep. Those delusions are tiring.
Diehard anti-El Toro International Airport scrooges would defile this website on Christmas Eve. What else is new, 319? Turn on the lights, Vernon. Anti-El Toro International Airport NIMBYs fight on in denial, but they will come around when more flight are added to El Toro.
Denial? Oh, 136, that is a really good one. It's the pro airport NIMBY's that seem to be in denial. They deny that Prop W won by a landslide, making sure there will never be an airport at El Toro. They deny that the vast majority of Orange County doesn't want an airport there and is perfectly happy with the Duke. They deny that even though the city of Irvine has control of the airport, that they will never allow an airport there.
Poor diehard airport NIMBY's, they probably deny the true meaning of Christmas. Now that's a Scrooge!
Anti-El Toro International Airport NIMBYs are in denial about their airport. But they will come around when more flights are added. The airport is green and nobody is in the noise zone. Turn on the lights, Vernon. There is an airport at El Toro and all we have to do is open it.
The only reason the airport is green is all the weeds growing there right now. Airport and airplanes are major sources of pollution. Do some homework, 538, and quit listening to the mythmaker, he's wrong on several fronts.
Yes, El Toro International Airport is a green airport because of the long runways that allow generation of more carbon dioxide to make the planet green. Turn on the lights, Vernon. We need to put those long runways to work.
1253, if you truly think airports are green then you really need to go back to grade school science class and learn how bad jet exhaust truly is.
What an idiot.
Why don't you ask the panhandler about green airports. He'll tell the long runways at El Toro are safe, wanted, needed and green. Carbon Dioxide makes the planet green, dummy. Without it we'd all die. including the planet.
What an idiot!
738, if you hate the panhandler as much as you hate Newport Beach and El Toro International Airport, try compromising and talk to the panhandler at the Great Park. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This guy hates everything and every human being. Long live El Toro International Airport.
I just simply hate Newport Beach and South County. I love how jets from JWA were going over Lagayna Bitch and they were whining about it.
If we can't have OCX 24/7, let's have JWA 24/7 with fuel saving crossed runways pointed at Irvine and Aliso Vile.
Hang in there, 1109. This is a pro-El Toro International Airport website, so we never say never about El Toro. Turn on the lights, Vernon. We're making great progress with the posters.
What progress? What dream land are you living in, 328? I think you must have dropped too much acid during your hippie years.
856, the NIMBY posters are dogmatic panhandlers at heart. They do not support re-education even though that will make them whole. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Maybe that panhandler wants to run the airplanes on alcohol.
741, no I don't want to run the planes on alcohol, I've already seen what it's done to your brain.
947, you panhandlers are all alike, trying to get something for nothing. Run the planes on alcohol or else drink it so you won't post anti-El Toro International Airport obscenities any more. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This panhandler wants something for nothing.
Yes, the panhandlers from NIMBY Beach once again have their hands out. They think LAWA will solve all their problems. All they really need to do is go to some AA meetings, but that takes too much effort. They are obscene with their lies and deceit, must be the Thunderbird they drink like water.
Poor, pathetic, hate mongering NIMBY's.
831, only an anti-El Toro International Airport panhandler could post such a hate filled lie. When they lose an argument they throw out insults and more lies. Turn on the lights, Vernon. LAWA will make Orange County green. This panhandler wants something for nothing.
835, you can't fool the smart voters of Orange County. They know it is the pro El Toro crowd that is the hate filled, class warfare spewing liars.
An airport will make the planet green. That's one of your better and more creative lies. The list is long and not that creative, but you keep trying.
1059, yes, El Toro International Airport is green, clean, wanted, needed, safe, ready to go, and approved by the FAA. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY still believes in Measure W and the dumb voters who turned the airport over to Irvine.
114, we all know that El Toro is none of your mentioned lies. It's closed, no airport is green, the FAA approval expired and it is certainly not ready to go. This NIMBY still believes in fairy tales.
1115, panhandlers keep coming back for more, but they always lose because their minds are stuck in the irrelevant slogans of the past, before Irvine took over El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. We've got a clean, green, safe, FAA approved, wanted, needed money-making airport to open.
Yes, 1112, you are a panhandler that wants something for nothing. El Toro is dead, why are you so stuck on stupid? The people said no. Irvine controls it and they said no the loudest, that's why they annexed it, dummy. And why do you keep spewing your lie of a green airport? The only way an airport is green is if you paint it green. Airports are known mass polluters, do some homework, dummy.
627, indeed, you're stuck in a rut and you can't get out. You're in deep denial about the green El Toro International Airport which alredy exists, and all we have to do is turn on the lights. The airport is wanted, needed, FAA approved, safe, clean, green and ready to turn on the lights. Panhandlers, beware. There's an airplane in your future. Turn on the lights, Vernon
Hey panhandler 629, El Toro is no longer FAA approved, it's not green, it's not needed and the lights have all been removed. So do us all a favor and so your panhandling somewhere else, we're tired of your NIMBY lies.
Hey liar, 516, I hope you're keeping track of the number of lies you post about El Toro International Airport. El Toro is needed, wanted, safe, green, clean, built, and you, one NIMBY, no longer can stop Irvine from opening it. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Irvine doesn't want to open it you dummy! How about you pick up a paper once in a while and see that nobody cares about your silly airport anymore.
645, There's another NIMBY lie. Irvine does want to open El Toro International Airport. You must be a panhandler. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY says his lies are in the newspapers.
Hey idiot 1046, show me where Irvine wants to open the airport! You can't because they are on the record, as a voting public, steadfastly AGAINST an airport at El Toro. How about you speak the truth for once? Oh yeah, you can't, that isn't the NIMBY way!
257: When Irvine votes on airport petitions it votes yes, thinking it's for El Toro International Airport over on the east side of town. Yes means no, and no means yes. So much for shallow opposition to El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY believes election results.
655, your poor little mind really must be tired after coming up that crock of bull. The good people of Irvine know exactly what they are voting for and against and they have steadfastly voted against an airport at El Toro. You keep dreaming your silly little dream, though. It seems that's all you have in life.
805, Irvine wants to open the airport. Irvine can open it, and you, a lone NIMBY, can fret and stew. The Navy is studying its cleanup operations which actually are making pollution worse by spreading it all over Middle County. Turn on the lights, Vernon, The good people of Irvine vote for the airport. Park is toast. Airport is built.
Nice try, NIMBY. The latest report says the Navy cleanup is progressing on schedule and is working. Irvine doesn't want the airport so why don't you drop that lie. It's so blatant as to be laughable.
Me, a lone voice against the airport? Time for a reality check, dummy, measure passed by a landslide, AGAINST the airport.
And for the record, it would take a minimum of six years to open the airport, IF there was support for it, which there isn't.
Nice expansion at the Duke right now, don't you think?
Go back to your crying, NIMBY, the Duke will live much longer than you.
635, there's landslide NIMBY speaking for Irvine and everybody else with ten year old propaganda that was a lie then and is a lie now. Irvine wants to open the airport. What do you think this website is for? And why do you wear yourself out trying to oppose it? Turn on the lights, Vernon.
You're right, 1032, I don't have to wear myself out, everybody knows the airport is dead and isn't coming back. Thanks for your concern but you needn't worry about me, correcting the lies on this silly site is fun and relaxing. I get a real kick out of how far you, Donald and your "secret" friend, Vern can stretch the truth.
Enjoy SNA, boys, it's the only commercial airport Orange County will ever see.
719, there's that Dana Point liar very stressed from repeating over and over his dogma based on lies. They were lies then and are lies now. And he can't even stick to the subject. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY is all stressed out.
No stress here, liar 836. Just sitting in my den in CDM correcting your lies and hatred of the rest of us. How's life in Santa Ana? Don't lie about that, too, we know you don't live anywhere near NB.
I love your line about my dogma based lies. Reminds me of your dogma based lies that get repeated over and over on this liar site.
Long live the Duke, liar 836!
723, yes, your dogma is based on faith and mysticism. Lies once told and repeated do not truth make. Reality says El Toro International Airport is a fine airport where no panhandlers are welcome. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY wants to pray his way away from El Toro International Airport.
So sorry, liar 1229, I think my karma just ran over your dogma! I just love the way you airport dream is based on lies and mysticism. You can't handle the truth, but the truth will set you free. The true reality says that El Toro International Airport never really existed except in a few NIMBY dreamers minds. Not a single paying passenger ever flew out of there. So do us all a favor and do your panhandling someplace else because you are not welcome at El Toro, oops, I mean the Great Park.
Keep the lights on at SNA, Vernon. This NIMBY wants to pray his way to opening El Toro where nothing flies except birds.
830, no paying passengers? Baloney. Some of them paid with their lives. Others are paying taxes because they work for a living and make lots of money. Turn on the lights, Vernon. He thinks El Toro International Airport doesn't exist.
Some paying passengers paid with their lives? Name one! More NIMBY lies. You're talking about Marine's. How dare you call them paying passengers! What an insult to the fine young men and women that have served this country so you could sit on your fat behind and write such drivel.
It doesn't exist. I know because I've tried to book flights out of there. No one flies there. No one ever did! What kind of an airport is that? Oh yeah, it's the closed kind!
728, your posts are drivel, dogma and denial. At least you admit there's an airport that's closed. We aim to open that airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY is dull, dogmatic, driveling and denier.
You aim for whatever you want, NIMBY 347, but the bottom line is El Toro is closed forever! Sorry about your dogma. You shouldn't have let him run wild. Next time keep him on a leash so he doesn't get hit by a karma.
911, here's that panhandler back again with his memorized lies about a closed El Toro International Airport. Though he admits there is an airport there he says it will never open. What bologna is that? He has absolutely no way of knowing what he says. Times change, but 911 never learns. Turn on the lights, Vernon. It's time to hasten the opening of El Toro International Airport.
152, here's that liar back again with his memorized lies about an international airport that never existed. Poor old bologna thinking NIMBY has no way of knowing what he's thinking. I think he drank too much bay water. Times change but 152 will never learn, the people of Orange County voted down his silly airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. It's time to hasten the opening of the Great Park.
802, there's that NIMBY again with nothing new to say, so he says nothing and is proud of it. El Toro International Airport is on our mind because we need it and it already is built. No one is in the noise zone. It is clean, green, already built, FAA approved, wanted, needed and a guaranteed big money maker for its owners as a private airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Show that panhandler a thing or two.
There's 501 back again, with his lies and same old silly story about an airport that doesn't exist. There is no such thing as a green airport, haven't you heard? The FAA approval expired years ago. It's not needed, not wanted (remember measure W?), and you lie about a guarantee money maker! Oh, that's a good one. Ontario and Palmdale were guaranteed money makers, too, 501. Boy have they turned out to be losers.
Go back to begging, 501, it's all you can do.
612, panhandling with get you nowhere on this website. No one believes your anti-El Toro International Airport rant. It sounds like the losers of the past who voted for Measure F and Measure W. Yes, the airport is green. Haven't I told you over and over that its long runways produce lots of carbon dioxide which makes the planet green? If you're serious about climate, you'll support El Toro International Airport. Since when does an FAA approval expire? Nothing has changed so the FAA approval stands. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY has no facts.
Ahh, excuse me, 920, but Measure F and W passed so that would make you, the pro airport minority, the losers.
And yes, you keep telling me your lie about airport being green because of the large amounts of CO2 released from burning fossil fuels. You convenient leave out all the other pollutants from airplanes or the fact that CO2 is a greenhouse gas when released into the upper atmosphere. But that's OK, we all know the pro airport NIMBY's are spin doctors when it comes to truth telling. We know that you seem to think that if you tell your lies often enough some poor fool will start to believe them.
Too bad that airport will never be built, isn't it?
But the airport is already built!
Turn on da lights and start the flights!
Yes, Orange County's airport is indeed already built, it's called John Wayne!
Long live the Duke!
131, here's that lone NIMBY, trying to change the subject. This website is all about El Toro International Airport. 820 worries about greenhouse gases and the upper atmosphere, totally obivious to the fact that carbon dioxide is a raw material for photosynthesis the process that allows plants to grow and make the planet green. Without lots of CO2 right here on the ground by the airport, the planet would become brown and we would all starve. We wouldn't want that to happen would we? He should not quote propaganda on this website. Life Long learning will open El Toro International Airport.
Poor, pathetic, delusional 902, he hasn't figured out yet that it was life long learning that sank El Toro when the vast majority voted against it. So he continues to spread his vile and propaganda on this joke of a website.
El Toro must still be alive if the NIMBYs are still vigilant and paranoid about it. Otherwise, this fine website would have so few visitors.
Not paranoid, just laughing at the NIMBY lies.
So many visitors? What, three or four of us? Ha!
1027, I hope you're keeping records. For the lone NIMBY, you pretend to be a lot of people. For an anti-El Toro International Airport poster you're always good for a laugh. Too bad you get so upset and angry over this website which is all about El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The lone NIMBY knows he has lost, but he continues his losing spiel.
Yes, this site is all about a fantasy airport. One that will never see a commercial flight in or out.
I don't pretend to be anyone else but myself. There are other anti airport posters on here that you're referring to.
Nice try, though. I can understand your confusion what with the delusions and all.
721, you seem very sure of yourself, but you never explain whey you hate El Toro International Airport. Why do you hate El Toro International Airport? Turn on the lights, Vernon. NIMBYs are too sure of themselves.
I've said many times why I hate El Toro. If you can't remember, 559, see a doctor.
709, no, you've never said why you hate El Toro International Airport. Why don't you enlighten us and state your reasons. Turn on the lights, Vernon, 709 won't state his reasons. We know them all to be lies, but it would be nice to hear them again for a laugh. His doctor advises him to cooperate.
731, I have posted many times why I'm against El Toro. Perhaps if you put the bottle down some of your memory will come back. Otherwise I see no reason to repeat myself (like you do).
841, well if you won't say why your're against El Toro International airport, then how do you ever expect to get re-educated? Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY won't repeat himself so we can reform him lie by lie.
Re-educate me about what? Your fantasy airport where the space men are going to come and invade earth?
Go back to your bottle of Thunderbird, 1151, that's where you seem to have left your brain, nice and pickled.
816, re-education is the hallmark of progress. NIMBYs must change in order to welcome El Toro International Airport. Even a NIMBY needs an airport with jumbo jet long runways pointing to where airplanes need to go. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Panhandlers need more time for alcohol research.
Well then, here's some re-education for you, 241. El Toro is closed and the Duke is the only way to fly.
Keep up that alcohol research and get back to us soon.
159, of course El Toro International Airport is closed. Everybody knows that. That's what this website is all about. And no, this website is not about John Wayne Airport. Stick to the subject, NIMBY. Re-education will make you a better person. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
El Toro International was never open, you fool. So if it was never opened how could it be closed? What an idiot!
Yes it was open from 1943-1999. Lennar will be broke soon enough and unload it for chump change to L.A.
Nice try, 1127, but I'm afraid in your stupor you confused Marine Corps Air Station El Toro with a non existent El Toro International. When the fog clears you'll probably feel silly about your stupid mistake so perhaps you should look into AA. It would do you and your liver good.
Calling El Toro an air station is just a play on semantics. Besides, you probably think March should be used which was merely an air force base. Hell even John Wayne was an army airfield in WWII. That has not stopped you from wanting it to be JWA 24/7 due to your obsessive hatred of Newport Beach.
Oh for God's sake, 556, for once get something right. March Air Force Base was certainly not a mere Air Force Base. It was a SAC base. Now I know you probably have no clue what SAC was so here you go, a little knowledge that will be wasted on you as you'll probably just lose it in the bottom of a gin bottle. SAC was the Strategic Air Command. At the end of the cold war and the disbanding of SAC, March became a reserve base for Tankers. It is now known as Tanker Town. And yes, there has been a lot of talk about making it a joint use regional airport.
Now go have another shot and sooth yourself.
141, tell us more about mere army airfields, haughty air stations, and SAC tanker towns. Could this have anything to do with branch of the military? Turn on the lights, Vernon. He's coming along fine with re-education.
John Wayne was Santa Ana Army Air Field, a mere training base for small planes, NOT jets. However, that has not stopped you from hating Newport Beach and wanting 24/7.
BTW, El Toro has had tankers and ever Air Force One and Two. JWA could never accommodate the POTUS or VPOTUS with its little 5700 foot runway.
612 and 803, your really need to stop posting when your drunk, your prose makes little sense. But once again you are wrong, JWA or SNA as it is officially known, was Eddie Martin airport long before it was Santa Ana Army Air Field. Also, SNA has accommodated POTUS, Nixon flew in once back in the day. That was when Air Force One was a Boeing VC-135 and not the current Boeing VC-25A.
And yes, El Toro had tankers based there, all the KC-130's were tankers, everybody knows that. And yes, the Air Force flew in their C-5's for training and airshows. And yes again, Air Force One flew in there, too, but it was the old VC-135, the same one that flew into SNA, not the huge VC-25 currently used. Too bad El Toro will never see the Prez fly in there again, isn't it.
And as a matter of semantics, the POTUS or VPOTUS could easily fly into John Wayne at any time, they'd just have to use a smaller plane. As anyone with half a brain knows Air Force One is any Air Force plane that the President is on. As soon as he gets off the plane it is no longer Air Force One.
Now go back to your gin bottle, or is it vodka this morning?
My bad, the old Air Force One's were VC-137's, not 135's. So sorry.
734, my aren't you a fountain of knowledge about airplane types, airforce one and Eddie Martin's landing strip after he was chased off the beach. Citizens don't want airplanes flying over the beach and landing there. That's why El Toro International Airport is the perfect site for aviation. It is inland, away from the coast, in a calm valley, and nobody, absolutely nobody, is in the noise zone of that fine airport.
And the citizens of south county don't want airplanes flying over their heads and houses so I guess you get to keep your airplanes since you had them first. Besides, nobody, absolutely nobody is in the noise zone of the fine airport that has served Orange County for over half a century (that would be the Duke, in case you're too drunk to figure it out).
My my, 821, aren't you the hateful NIMBY. We always knew you NIMBYs hate Newport Beach more than you hate your own airport, El Toro International. The airplanes are flying over your houses now and it's going to get worse. Already, Emerald Bay and Laguna Beach are the biggest complainers. That's because the airplanes turn their engines off while flying over Newport Beach, but they turn them back on again to climb up over the Toll Road Hills and Monarch Bay. It's noisy at Lake Mission Viejo. Better support El Toro so you will be in bliss.
Yet again, 919, I have to remind you that I am a Corona del Mar resident. That would mean I don't hate Newport Beach, only the idiot wannabe elite's that give the rest of us a bad name.
Now, one more time, put down the gin bottle and repeat after me, there is no airport at El Toro. The Marines moved, the airport failed, it's now a park. The sooner you accept that the better off you will be.
Now, enjoy your airplanes, you're going to be hearing and seeing them for a very long time.
Oh, and one more thing. They don't turn the engines off over Newport. If they turned them off they would crash.
OK, time for more of your lies.
The citizens of south county seem to want airplanes flying over their heads and houses because they have not risen up to demnd opening of El Toro International Airport. But that's all right south county never showed smarts when it let Irvine grab El Toro International Airport. I'm waiting for somebody to grab Irvine and open the much needed El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The NIMBYs never were a smart bunch. They operate on faith, filth and class warfare.
Well, 136, you are one stupid NIMBY if you're going to wait for El Toro to open up. Not going to happen in this life time. Go have another drink and enjoy the fantasy.
504, NIMBY's hate for El Toro International Airport and elite Newport Beach is nothing short of fantastic. Of course they let Irvine grab El Toro after passing a measure that only affected the county. Soon Irvine will be grabbed and then the NIMBYs will have a heart attack from too much hate, drugs, and lies. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY is concerned about alcohol.
As I said, you are one stupid NIMBY. Irvine's going to be grabbed? That's a good one. No more drugs for you, 751.
910, don't be so sure Irvine won't be grabbed, lone NIMBY. Show me your facts. What is your evidence? Turn on the light, Vernon. Irvine already has been grabbed.
The only one's that grabbed Irvine are the anti airport people. So sorry you're out numbered.
There's my evidence, now show us millions yours! Oh, wait. You can't, can you. Poor liar NIMBY.
910/128, why are you so bitter, when you supposedly won? Are you scarred for life over El Toro? Why do you post if El Toro is reputedly Dead?
I read here because your NIMBY lies make me laugh. I find your delusions entertaining. I post because I love to see you get your panties all in a wad. I know we won, I know El Toro is never coming back as an airport or an airbase (as in the Marine's aren't coming back) but you NIMBY's truly make me laugh with your craziness. If El Toro was truly coming back you would have no reason to post so why are you here?
807, from your ANGER and INSULTS, it hardly sounds like the pro El Toro crowd makes you laugh. Since the runways are still intact, you obviously do not sleep too well. Irvine has failed to drive a stake in the heart of El Toro. Until the runways are gone, you live in fear and foam with hate on this site.
807, obviously you fear the power of public opinion. This website is dividing El Toro buyers into camps, rustling up buyers for Irvine and Lennar and demoralizing Great Park people. They can see the airport that is there, just as you could if you would open your NIMBY eyes. Turn on the lights, Vernon. We are here because the airport is there.
1014, if you would open up your NIMBY eyes you'd see that El Toro is dead and you get to keep the only commercial airport in Orange County for yourself. Now doesn't that make you feel elite?
911, obviously you fear the power of public opinion. This website is dividing El Toro investors into camps, those that want bucolia, those that want houses, and those that want to make the most money from their investment. Clearly bucolia is the loser and houses can not be built, so that leaves using the existing airport to make tons of money for the owners. This website is rustling up buyers for the city of Irvine and sugar daddy Lennar. Great Park boosters are becoming zombies. Turn on the lights, Vernon. We are here because the airport is there.
Rustling up buyers? Ahhhhhahahahahaha! Oh my God, that's a good one.
The truth is that this web site is letting the voting public know what nut cases the pro El Toro goons are and the more rants you post the more the voters know they did the right thing in rejecting the airport.
Go back to your bottle, NIMBY, you need a new delusion.
Voting public? You mean there will be another vote on El Toro? Well that Great Pork ain't working out so well, now is it?
The Great Park may not be working real well but one thing is for certain, no El Toro today, no El Toro tomorrow, no El Toro EVER. Just an expanded Duke.
Viva la Duke!
John Wayne would be so proud.
I take it that NIMBY wants to fill El Toro up with houses. The Great Park is not working out so well, but the airport is there. The contamination doesn't bother it. All we have to do is turn on the lights. That's 30 million annual passengers NIMBY.
No means no, NIMBY. You can keep all your super quiet jets at SNA. El Toro is toast and so are you.
806, that's not a very neighborly thing to say. El Toro International Airport is ready to go. The Great Park is toast. The houses are white elephants. The airport already is built. The NIMBY is toast.
NIMBY 1001 whats jam on his toast since he's already got egg on his face. Poor NIMBY can't get his airport built because nobody wants it anymore. Good thing SNA will soon be open 24/7 so he can catch his red eye.
811 can you please tell us exactly WHEN the Duke is going 24/7?
Expiration of 2003 Settlement Agreement is 2015 for all passenger limits and 2020 for curfew.
Nobody can wait to catch a red eye out of SNA, it will be WONDERFUL!
753, you seem to know more about dinky John Wayne Airport than El Toro International Airport about which this website is. It all depends upon what the meaning of is is. Can you tell us exactly when El Toro International Airport will open?
Six years after never. Unless, of course, there are building delays.
Then it could take much longer.
Hmmm, what the meaning of is is. I'll bet you voted for Clinton then denied it.
I'll bet you blew Clinton, then denied it. The stain on your blue dress says otherwise.
Donald doesn't wear blue, it clashes with his brown eyes.
826, there's the Lone NIMBY desperately trying to get in the last word. But he alway fails. His insults and filth furthers the resolve to open El Toro International Airport and teach that NIMBY a lesson.
There's Donald, desperately trying to get someone to believe his lies and hate for South County. His filth just can't be washed off, it's ground in.
The Duke going 24/7 will teach NIMBY 809 a lesson.
The Lone NIMBY loves to hang around panhandlers. His insults are legend and pathetic. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The Lone NIMBY wants to surrender. It's the only way out for him.
Truth be told, 445 IS the panhandler. He loves to lie and insult others, it's really pathetic but what do you expect from a NIMBY? The panhandler wants to surrender because it's the only way out for him since we all know El Toro is dead.
445 is the panhandler and 510 is the manhandler.
1136, I know you'd like to manhandle me but I have a wife and kids. Stick to Donald, I hear he'll take you on.
812, do you manhandle your wife and kids too? There must be somebody to call about this. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Panhandlers are a weird bunch. But we do need El Toro International Airport.
Yes, Donald probably does manhandle his wife and kids. But we don't need El Toro anymore, that's why it got voted down. Poor loser NIMBY's.
432, NIMBYs are a weird bunch, but we do need El Toro International Airport for the economies of scale. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Lone NIMBY is dredging up an old lie.
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