Someday Orange County will have a similar problem that happened at Denver International Airport where a jet skidded off the runway. Ironically it was a Continental Airlines jet, where Chris Cox's wife Rebecca Cox works as an executive. What we have here is one spouse who is an airport obstructer and a failed Wall Street regulator, while the other works for the airline industry. That is about as strange of a relationship as James Carville being married to Mary Matalin.
Fortunately, there were no fatalities in Denver. While it is terrible that some people were injured during the holiday season, at least they are still alive. It helped that Denver has long runways and large amount of open space in the surrounding area.....kind of like what we have right here in Orange County with the now idle El Toro International Airport.
Instead we are only using John Wayne with its dinky 5700 foot runway on a mere 500 acres. It is only a matter of time before a jets rolls off the runway onto the Corona Del Mar Freeway and explodes into a fireball and there are few if any survivors.
While some nasty NIMBYs would find it amusing for an explosion to hit Newport Beach, will they find it so amusing if at least half the victims on that jet are their fellow South County NIMBYs? So you NIMBYs out there you really should rethink your irrational opposition to El Toro. After all, the life you save someday may be your own!
The fact is John Wayne is really just a blivet, a World War II military term which means "cramming ten pounds of manure in a five-pound bag".
What we have here folks is a tiny airport with nearly 1,000 daily operations with turboprops, jets, and small planes crammed into one setting.
Since I do live in Newport Beach, I will surely be accused of wanting "to shift the noise 7 miles down the road". Blah blah blah! I got news for you, there was already noise from much louder military jets to begin with. What did the South County denizens think they were moving near? A monastery? Also, I am near the Balboa Beach area so the jets at worst are mostly white noise in my area, so noise is hardly an issue to me and I have no need to move it.
I support El Toro because it would be a job creator and an economic catalyst for Orange County. Also, corporate jets with business executives whose time is precious should not be competing for airport space and air space with the traveling masses.
Small charter jets are suitable for John Wayne and commercial jets belong at the much larger El Toro. There are private golf courses for the select few and there are public courses for everyone else. That is how John Wayne and El Toro should work.
I also grow tired of the bitter hateful class warfare NIMBYs from South County who want John Wayne expanded, even though they supposedly grounded El Toro. If they had actually won, why do they keep fighting?
They never did care about the great pork. They just want to expand John Wayne so that can condemn Newport Beach homes and wipe us off the map. We are like Israel where we have hostile neighbors who want to push us into the sea. One can either spend their life being a jealous hater or one can spend their life pursuing success and bettering their financial status.
If these irrational NIMBYs actually made an objective cost analysis between using the existing 3700 acres and already built and paid for aviation infrastructure at El Toro versus sinking 4.5 billion (in 1998 dollars) to double the size of John Wayne, they would see El Toro is a no brainer economically and capacity wise. The great news is Los Angeles World Airports would foot the bill for El Toro conversion. Unlike John Wayne expansion this does not put O.C. taxpayers at risk. Let's show Los Angeles our support and finally move into the 21st century.
El Toro International Airport has long runways in a calm valley, so wise owners of that closed airport surely will learn from Denver's experience. The least the owners of El Toro International Airport can do right now is meet with Los Angeles International Airport officials to talk about the turnkey El Toro International Airport which L.A. will run. It doesn't hurt to talk. Turn on the lights, Vernon. It's only a matter of time until dinky John Wayne Airport has a disaster and the Great Park will be to blame.
Keep dreaming, NIMBY's. The noise you hear is the The Duke 24/7. Next time you inherit a house pick one not next to an airport.
330, here's an irrational NIMBY trying to change the subject. We need El Toro International Airport now, not later, and never ever never. Every day El Toro is closed the Great Park is to blame for accidents at other airports. Turn on the lights, Vernon. El Toro NIMBYs are feeling the guilt.
Thank you 1049. Unfortunately, some people would put their irrational fear of El Toro and hatred of Newport Beach ahead of public safety.
Vernon, 654, yes fear and hatred are what you get from "James Carville" types of the Democratic Party, which created crash-prone Occidental Airlines out of thin air with President Lyndon Johnson, when there was regulation, and all you needed was a route and no money, and Occidental is where Rebecca Cox works and was on the broken BRAC that evicted the Marines while her husband Congressman Chris was deep in El Toro sales scandals. Turn on the lights, Vernon. We've got an airport to open before Chris and Rebecca find out what we're up to.
Donald, your delusional rantings just keep getting better and better. Thanks for the laugh, as usual.
And for the record, Donald, I don't hate you, I pray for you. You need it!
Putting hatred of Newport Beach above public safety is what anti-El Toro International Airport NIMBYs do naturally. It's the irrational in them. Turn on the lights, Vernon, before another airplane crashes. We need El Toro International Airport now because it is green, safe, needed, and wanted. It's approved by the FAA.
206, your delusions are almost as good as Donald's. There is no such thing as a green airport. Never has been, never will be.
And doesn't the will of the people count for anything? Or have you forgotten that El Toro got voted down?
Please, for your own safety and your families well being, see a shrink.
It's only a matter of time until an accident occurs that will be blamed on El Toro being closed. El Toro International Airport is a green airport. The grass is always greener around airports. How can you say there are no green airports? The will of the people is what we say it is, and the people want El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
447, what are you talking about? The will of the people said no to an airport at El Toro, TWICE!!! Want to go for three? Sorry, but your socialist agenda doesn't fly very well here in the right leaning OC.
Denver should be very happy that they built their new airport 35 miles outside of town, away from homes and businesses. That's where a new regional airport should be built, AWAY from homes and that certainly isn't Irvine. Sorry but your crossed runways pointing to where airplanes want to go will soon be nothing more than gravel.
Poor class warfare promoting NIMBY's, can't get their airport built because the will of the people said no way.
814 may say build an airport AWAY from homes on this post. But on other posts she has likely said JWA 24/7! And that is not near any homes?
Comparing the Israel/Palestine conflict to a delusional conspiracy; really? There never was and there will never be an aiport in El Toro. The whiny Newport Beach NIMBYs can whine all they want, but the public has already spoken, multiple times. Regardless of the facts Vernon and palls will continue to spew nonsense on the internets, God Bless America.
814 hasn't the slightest idea of how the will of the people is formed. The reality is that El Toro International Airport is a perfect airport just waiting for the speeches, banner, and bunting. Turn on the lights, Vernon. We must disappoint those who live in a dream-world of imaginary parks and non-existent houses and covered up pollution. Save Woodbridge from more pollution. And tell that Newps resident to say God Bless El Toro International Airport.
No problem, 828, here you go: "God Bless the former and closed El Toro MCAS". Feel better now?
The voters know exactly how their will works and that is why there will never be an airport at El Toro. You poor simpletons!
945 is coming around. He blessed the Marines and is working on blessing El Toro International Airport. After his New Year's Resolution to support the airport takes effect, we can count one more supporter of El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The New Year will see a new president and a new initiative to open El Toro International Airport. It's the least they can do to admit the contamination that has destroyed Central Irvine and is heading towards the elite part of Orange County.
The elite part of Orange County, now that's funny. Of course I bless the Marines, my father was one you dope, remember? Too bad the airport idea will never fly though.
Happy New Year, NIMBY's. God Bless the Marines and God Bless John Wayne.
508, you NIMBYs from Dana Point are all alike. You think you are in the noise zone of El Toro International Airport but you're not. Nobody is in the noise zone of El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. 508 will turn over a new leaf in the new year.
508 lives in CDM you idiot! My new leaf for 2009 is to keep a close eye on the airport idiots that keep filling this site with their lies.
912, keeping a close eye on NIMBYs from Dana Point is a job we all take seriously. They go on and on, claiming to live in Corona del Mar, when they live in little tract homes down there. There is no question but that El Toro International Airport is needed with its long safe runways. Turn on the lights, Vernon. We've got an airport to open. Dana Point is not in the noise zone.
Yes 1235, they make the same claims you do, now don't they? You claim to live in an elite city when we all know you really live in Santa Ana. Keep the lights on at the Duke, Vern, 1235 thinks Santa Ana is elite and it's not in the noise zone.
644, no new leaf for you this New Year's. I say stop your racist class warfare opposition to El Toro International Airport. We need those long safe runways in order to prevent accidents. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Dana Point posters don't have pointed heads for nothing.
1046, I say stop your racist hate and class warfare for everyone. Those runways will soon be gravel and El Toro is already the quietest airport around and will stay that way.
What part of Santa Ana did you say you lived in?
Antonio Villaraigosa will dedicate the new El Toro International Airport. It's the new wave of the future for safe, convenient, cheap, green air travel. Turn on the lights, Vernon. We all must support the airport now. No more class warfare and racism.
Except from the airport crazies, class warfare and hatred is their mantra.
Anti-El Toro International Airport reactionaries have run their bolt, and all they have left is class warfare, racism, and hate. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The reactionaries have run their bolt.
The airport, left wing loonies have certainly run their bolt and now all they can do is scream class warfare, racism and hate and try to form a divide against those that defeated them. Poor airport loonies have nothing left to bitch about and soon El Toro will be little more than houses and park land and not even a slight resemblance of the former MCAS it once was. Poor NIMBY losers.
Talk about being divided. South County has more factions than you can count, and Irvine is the root of all factions. The owners of El Toro want to open the airport. Why don't you NIMBYs give up gracefully. The investors want out of their losing investment. The city wants to avoid lawsuits which are just around the bend over pollution and destruction of central Irvine. Even Larry Agran is worried about litigation as quoted in today's Orange County Register. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The only thing that can be built there is already built, El Toro International Airport.
More lies from 601. You have yet to show anybody where the "owners" of El Toro want to open an airport there. You can't because there is no one. As you would say, liar, liar, pants on fire.
Poor NIMBY's can't get their airport built so they get their panties all in a wad!
824, you wouldn't believe anything presented to you on a gold standard platter that supported El Toro International Airport. So just ask any of the 5 owners of El Toro if they're in it for the money, or to pander to a NIMBY's whims. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY wants more proof that the owners of El Toro want El Toro International Airport opened.
915, you are so good it's hard to tell if you are a pathological liar or suffering from delusions. In any case, get help. The owners of El Toro know there will never be an airport there, that's why they bought it, Pinocchio!
Accidents do happen, and you NIMBYs must sleep with the internet tied to your brain. The owners of El Toro bought it to make money, not to rule out a safe green airport and pander to extremists like you who live in a dreamworld of hate, racisim and class warfare. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY needs re-education and welcoming to the world of El Toro International Airport.
1104, you are the racist, hate filled, class warfare loving lunatic here. The owners of El Toro purchased it to make sure an airport was never built there. And for the record, there is nothing green about an airport, that's just more of your lies that you throw around to attempt to "re-educate" the masses to your twisted way of thinking.
Welcome to the world of free thinking with no airport at El Toro, NIMBY.
Nothing new can be built at El Toro. The owners know that now. Don't you read www.eltoronow.com? Turn on the lights, Vernon. Here's a NIMBY who believes the owners of El Toro International Airport bought it to make sure it wasn't built, yet already it has been built. Is that irrational, or isn't it? Re-education is important to our cause.
Yes, re-education is the socialist way, isn't it, 510. The owners of what was once El Toro NEVER intended to open an airport there, haven't you heard?
As for eltoronow, that's just more airport lunacy from Bill Turner, who does a nice job of twisting the facts to his liking. How typical of the lunatic left airport loonies. Socialism forever, right 510?
We need El Toro International Airport for long runway safety like Denver has. What's wrong with collective action to open a much needed airport? I love eltoronow.com because it speaks the truth and flushed out the Register with an article about pollution last Sunday. Tim King's articles in Salem News are legend. His latest article, Dec 8, is all about the nuclear weapons grade uranium pollution at El Toro that's being covered up while the Navy fiddles with the TCE plume. The owners of El Toro now know all about the pollution that prevents building anything. They want to open the airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. That was then. This is now. Re-education forever. El Toro International Airport will be a real cash cow.
Irvine is in the process of requesting bailout money from the government to develop the Great Park. I would like to see all of us oppose this boondoggle. We can call or write Senator Dianne Feinstein, President Barak Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and other elected representatives to block this needless waste of money. What we need is the development of the El Toro Airport. The land is there, the runways are there and what is needed is the will to make it happen. One to two billion dollars would construct the airport which would be worth more than 10 billion dollars. We need to let the Congress know. Actually Orange County would be for it and there must be some in Irvine who could see the advantage of this badly needed airport. There is a shortage of airport capacity in Southern California and it would be a great economic boost for southern California to have El Toro.
453, yes do block any appropriations for the great park, (also known as Great Pork,) More and more people in Irvine now reject the Great Pork. The city is large enough to have the airport in one part of their fine city as Long Beach, Los Angeles, and San Francisco do. It's only a matter of time until a horrific accident occurs at dinky JWA, but did not occur at Denver and will not occur at El Toro International Airport.
Keep dreaming, NIMBY's, keep dreaming. In case you missed the last election Irvine continues to vote for the park so your fantasy and lie about them being against the park is just more of your folly.
753, we told Irvine to vote for the park, dummy, and now we're telling the federal and state governments not to bail out Irvine. We want Irvine to go bankrupt fair and square. No bailout money for Irvine until they open the airport. Then Larry Agran can say "I tried ..."
More of your pure fantasy, 1053, even if Irvine does go BK, they will never open an airport at El Toro, no matter how bad their money woes get.
Buy hey, you and Vern (Donald) can continue your Follie Au Deux to your hearts ill conceived content.
Cheers to the Great Park and no airport!
1136, "Follie Au Deux," Ha, ha, ha, ha, Ha, ha, ha. Turn on the lights, Venon. This one actually believes in the Great Park. No bailout for Irvine. BK fair and square.
It's off to the funny farm for you, 1220. Your delusions are getting very scary and I'm afraid you're going to hurt yourself.
Gotta go now, I have a plane to catch out of the expanding Duke!
1230, we love everybody, even anti-El Toro International Airport NIMBYs. After all, NIMBYs are human beings, capable of re-education and reform. El Toro International Airport will provide 90,000 jobs, and nobody, absolutely nobody, is in the noise zone. It has safe fuel-efficient jumbo jet cross runways pointing to where airplanes want to go. Turn on the lights, Vernon. I'll fly out on the first redeye available to New York, Frankfurt, or Dubai. No park bailout for Irvine. It's bankruptcy fair and square.
Hey Vern, aren't we lucky that we have John Wayne open and not El Toro? Just think, if what happened in New York today happened at the Duke they could land in Newport Harbor and everybody could be elite. On the other hand, if the plane took off from El Toro and had the same type of bird strike the plane would probably crash into houses or businesses killing many.
Long live the Duke, it's a real life saver!
533, well that's quite the twisted thinking. El Toro International Airport needs to be opened because birds don't hang around that airport, except for a few at the Woodbridge Lakes in Woodbridge, and that's not in the takeoff path. Turn on the lights, Vernon. We need to open El Toro Internatiional Airport to prevent accidents.
Plenty of birds at El Toro, birdbrain. They built a nice big reservoir there a few years ago, the birds just love it.
Too bad NIMBY. The birds will all die from TCE poisoning. Birds are dumber than a fence post. Dumber than a NIMBY living in Woodbridge. Turn on the lights, Vernon. El Toro International Airport is inland, away from the coast, away from the birds, where it should be. LAWA's money tree will open the airport and get rid of the pollution.
LAWA's money tree died from TCE poisoning! Birds may be dumb but they are smarter than NIMBY's who still think an airport will be built at El Toro.
Turn up the lights at SNA, Vernon, we've got a curfew to do away with and an airport to keep open all night!
626, there you are hovering around this fine positive website posting silly dogma when we know El Toro International Airport will be open as soon as Irvine turns on LAWA. Remember, LAWA is too big to fail, but Irvine and Lennar are not too big to fail. Turn on the lights, Vernon. I need to catch a red eye away from the coast, away from the birds, (birds don't fly at night,) away from the NIMBY losers.
701, when you catch our red eye out of LAX then you will be taking the NIMBY loser (prop. W) with you.
Have a nice flight and when you get away from the coast, how about you do us a favor and stay there.
Oh, and one more thin, 701. In all your brilliance you stated that birds don't fly at night. Last time I checked Owls are still considered birds. Oooops!
852 & 850, I guess you're one and the same, trying to say El Toro International Airport is for the birds and that that patriotic people who want to open it should leave the area. Is that any way to treat a neighbor? Give us the red eye from El Toro. LAX doesn't want us up there anymore, and LAWA is too big to fail. It will solve the bird problem, clean up the pollution, and open El Toro International Airport.
800, and here comes more of your famous lies. Patriotic? Please! Is shoving an airport down South County's throats any way to treat a neighbor? You say yes it is, as that is what you have been trying to do. Fortunately you have failed, as the good and smart people of Orange County, when presented with the fact, have said "no way". And yet you continue with your socialistic rantings and non stop blather of how an airport must be built. You should know, an airport has been built, it's called John Wayne and in a few years you and I will be able to catch your precious red eye out of it.
And you have the audacity to say LAX doesn't want us anymore! YOU LIAR! LAX has done nothing but court us to their airport for decades. LAX wants us very much and will continue to want and court us long into the future.
Thank God LAWA was denied El Toro. Orange County has become enough like L.A., the last thing we need is them running our airports. My God, what is wrong with you?
What's wrong with Donald? Too much inbreeding in NIMBY Beach.
That's pretty long winded and effete. We need to open El Toro International Airport so that we can be self reliant. We'll pull ourselves up by our bootstraps. LAX doesn't want us up there anymore, but they sure want to run El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Open the safe, needed, wanted, green, clean, FAA approved El Toro International Airport.
Our bootstraps are up! LAX loves us as not a day goes by that they don't send me an email courting me to their fine airport.
El Toro is dead, dead, dead. Too bad the NIMBY's didn't get the memo.
828, El Toro International Airport is ready for operations. It's clean, green, safe, noiseless, needed, wanted, and FAA approved. It's only a matter of time until we have accidents elsewhere and a closed El Toro is to blame. We need those jumbo jet long runways put into operation now.
945 whines
"Orange County has become enough like L.A."
You wanted El Toro Dead. You got it! The developers are paving El Toro and the buffer zone. HAHHAHAHAHA!
Throw in JWA 24/7 and rezone Newport Mesa to have prisons, dumps, and spent plutonium rods.
Donald, did you have to take lessons to learn how to talk out of your ass or is it a natural ability?
935, you got the wrong article. That's the next article, the bull goreing south county voters in last election. 200, you haven't been to El Toro International Airport lately. The base is polluted and nothing can be built there for 1,000 yeaars. The buffer zone is also polluted from an extension of the superfund site, and it's getting worse and people in Irvine are getting sick and dieing. Marines are getting sick from TCE exposure while stationed there. Legislation is moving through congress to inform service men of their exposure. This all is covered in eltoronow.com and salem-news.com. The only use for El Toro is to open the airport and make some money for bad investors and Irvine. Irvine can do it without interference from Measure W and the NIMBYs. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
1005, just how much acid have you dripped to have such hallucinations? Every time you write the El Toro pollution is worse than the previous time. Every time you say it's going to take longer and longer. If El Toro is so polluted the last thing a rational person would want to do there is build an airport on it. And your fantasy that Irvine can open it at the drop of a hat is just more of your pure fantasy. Measure W stands even if Irvine wanted to open an airport they could NEVER do it.
Keep dreaming, NIMBY's, the airport's dead, dead, dead. Well, except in your fantasy laced little brains.
1057, of course measure w stands but it is irrelevant and Irvine can open El Toro International Airport at the drop of a hat. The land is so polluted that nothing can be built there for 1,000 years, including parks and houses. But the airport already is built. Turn on the lights Vernon. This NIMBY worships fantasy and baby boomer drugs.
Yes NIMBY, you do worship fantasy, the fantasy of an airport that will never be built. Not for 1,000 years.
1143: It's already built dummy. All we have to do is turn on the lights. You keep repeating the old propaganda of the paid hacks. You need new ideas for our new administraton. Don't you Know? It's responsibility, now. Not NIMBYism. Turn on the lights, Vernon. It's re-education for the masses, and Barrack Obama to the rescue.
El Toro would now take years to make ready. Do some homework, Dummy. You are the one that keeps repeating the old propaganda of the paid hacks, like the Donald.
You are right on one thing, it is responsibility and that is why they are expanding John Wayne right now as I write this. You can't stop progress at the Duke, NIMBY, but The Bull is dead.
You are 100% correct Donald, it's time for NIMBY Beach to step up and take responsibility for yourselves and OC air travel. JWA is convenient, crowd-free, green, quiet, loved by everyone in the OC. Since you are the one wishing for a red-eye to some distant country, take responsibility to get those flights into the Duke. No one forces you to live in NIMBY Beach, so by living where you do of your own free will you have lost your rights to complain about airplanes overhead, and all the other ills that make your pathetic life so miserable.
Put your money where your big mouth is, NIMBY. If you don't like living next to an airport, MOVE. If you chose to stay then accept responsibility for OC air traffic. Your words, Donald, put up or shut up.
Two for the price of one is what you get from anti-El Toro International Airport NIMBYs when they try to change the subject and disregard the ultra safety of El Toro's jumbo jet ready runways. It's only a matter of time until commercial airplanes are using El Toro. Private pilots already are buzzing around there, and jets into other airports are cutting the corner. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Only a matter of time? Rest assured it will be measured in centuries, Donald.
343, it's only a matter of time until El Toro International Airport opens up its huge runways for jumbo jets so Irvine can get some money to clean up the mess left by the Navy. In a thousand years they may be able to build some houses there and let children play in the then Great Park. Turn on the lights, Vernon. We need that airport open now. Sooner rather than later.
So sorry, 616, El Toro went the way of the Dodo bird. It's history! Nobody wants it, it's not needed and the county is expanding the Duke as we write. Even Vern said he's going to keep the lights on at SNA to keep the planes flying because nobody, absolutely nobody is in the noise zone.
513, there he is, one track mind Penny, from the LAWA doghouse, mouthing his El Toro lies and trying to change the subject. Re-education takes time on one so heavily bainwashed. If it's safety first, long range flights, more destinations and lower fares you want, then El Toro International Airport is the only way to fly. Turn on the lights, Vernon. We've got advance planning to do.
You are right, 530, brainwashing does take time. Oooops, I mean re-education. Sorry I won't fall for your socialistic rantings. Nobody wants El Toro so why do you keep up with your lied that they do. You can do all the planning you want but the reality is your planning is just more of your fantasy. The poor delusional NIMBY's, they just can't seem to educate themselves.
459, the only fantasy around is you, who sees a park where there is an airport, sees opposition where there is overwhelming support, sees pristine Irvine when it is badly polluted
Get back on your meds Donald, you're delusional again.
204, aha. You're the anti-El Toro International Airport poster who sees a park where there is an airport, sees opposition where there is overwhelming support, sees a pristine Irvine where there is pollution from a superfund site. El Toro International Airport will be rammed down your throat whether you like it or not. Support your new airport, poster. You can help plan the dedication.
830, if there is such overwhelming support for an airport, as you lie about, where were all these voters when Measure W passed by a landslide? Support my arse! Keep dreaming your silly little dream, NIMBY, the only airport in OC that will see airliners is our beloved Duke.
Long live the Duke!
644, Donald finds "overwhelming support" consists of the universe of Donald and Vern. This pathetic old fool has lost his grip on reality and has only his fantasy world of El Toro to fill up his empty, delusional life. Facts simply don't compute with that NIMBY.
There they are, NIMBYs who want to sacrifice the safety of El Toro International Airport simply because they hate Newport Beach. Fortunately, the airport will be rammed down your throats whether you like it or not. Irvine can open that fine airport. We need the safety of El Toro's jumbo jet fuel-efficient cross runways pointing to where airplanes want to go. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Re-education works when they know they have lost.
Sorry Donald, JWA 24/7 is going to jammed up your as*, much like Vern's bull picture. And hating NIMBY Beach is as good a reason as any to do it.
Turn on the lights and Get the Vaseline Vern, that bull has Donald in his sights!
1243, you must mean the bull that gored politicians in the last election who opposed El Toro International Airport. Sweet. Sorry, this is a pro-El Toro International Airport website, NIMBY. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Donald, the entire "Pro-El Toro" universe now consists of you and Vern. Even the most die-hard nut cases form SPON, AIRFAIR and The New Millenium Group know the battle is over.
Enjoy your two man circle jerk, we know Vern's about to burst out of the closet and smart money says you're close behind (literally and figuratively).
Turn in the lights Vern, Donald wants to set himself free.
929, you're here posting hate, lies, and sore victory speeches against El Toro International Airport. Your universe of pro-airport people must be larger than you think. Turn on the lights, Vernon. El Toro International Airport must be opened on time. It's clean, green, safe, wanted, needed, FAA approved, already built and ready for turning on the lights.
142, again with the lies! Didn't your mommy teach you never to tell a lie? El Toro is dead, it isn't needed, it certainly isn't green (it will be when the park is finished), the FAA approval is expired, it isn't wanted (did you forget a vast majority of voters slammed it down?) and the lights have been removed. And as for your comment on opening it on time. What the hell? When is the the deadline? What a joke, just like you and your simple, hate filled, class warfare little mind.
Long live the Duke!
759, those comments are quite a stretch. El Toro is alive and well and needed. The airport is green. Green park? What you see is what you'll get. The FAA approved the airport. The vast majority voted for the airport. It was an airport issue and they voted yes. The deadline for opening the airport is now. It's only a matter of time until the safety of those jumbo jet cross runways becomes paramount in our aviation planning. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Millions of people want it open.
And the lies just continue with 114. The vast majority voted for the airport? Huh? What drugs are you smoking? Measure W passed by a landslide, a resounding NO against the airport. Keep the lies coming, NIMBY, we're all laughing at you.
Millions want the airport opened? Those voices in your head are really getting to quite a crowd Donald. And sorry to tell, but in the real world the only remaining airport zealots are you and Vern, equaling one and a half men.
Yes, millions. El Toro International Airport is a no-brainer. It's only a matter of time until those safe jumbo jet cross runways are opened for commercial use. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Nimbys don't believe the truth and they spread lies on this pro-El Toro International Airport website.
The only class warfare that occured was started by south county.
Your confusion is understandable. As for the purpose of keeping the jets at SNA, you're the downtrodden proletariat. And to keep out actual airlne workers, you're the upper class ('airline workers can't afford to live here').
What's it gonna be? Or are you one of the demented ones that think we can have an economy without employment.
More myth from the mythmaker. Newport is the class warfare maker of Orange County. Read Donald's blather and you can see for yourself.
I'm not at all downtrodden. I just accept the fact that the vast majority voted against El Toro as an airport. Why is that so difficult for you to understand?
You are correct that I am in an income level that puts me in the "upper class", however I welcome anyone to live in my neighborhood that can afford it, no matter their vocation. Hell, mythmaker, if you can afford to live in my street, welcome to the neighborhood. Just don't try to convince me that airports are green and jets are non polluting, as you have said before.
Hey, how's your boy, Chris Cox doing?
Yes, flyingmythbuster, there are anti-El Toro International Airport NIMBYs who sit in their bucolic patios and think they can have an economy without employment. They started their hatred of elite Newport Beach when it decided we needed El Toro International Airport. What NIMBYs don't understand is that the vast majority voted over and over for the airport. It was airport measures and they voted yes. Irvine has control of the airport now and voting is only of historical significance. Turn on the lights, Vernon. We need that clean, green, safe, wanted, needed, FAA approved already built El Toro International Airport.
913, you forgot your beloved fuel saving crossed runways pointing to where airplanes want to go! You must be getting a bit senile.
Bucolic patio? Never heard of such a thing. I have a nice front yard, though. Lots of flowers and rose bushes. I have a back yard, too, complete with an ocean view Little Corona. I'd invite you over for a beer sometime but you're not supposed to mix alcohol with your drugs.
Nice little lie about the voters voting over and over for the airport. Measure W passed by a landslide and those voters didn't vote for the airport on that.
About the only truth you seem to be able to tell is that Irvine now controls the El Toro, but they will never allow anything to fly out of there except birds. Your little lie about Irvine wanting to open the airport is just that, another of your many lies.
Poor class warfare NIMBY's, they hate everybody.
Donald, we'll have plenty of new jobs and a robust economy as soon as The Duke goes 24/7. Maybe you could open a shoeshine stand there. It would be a big move up the class ladder for you.
720, there you are up bright and early pretending to live in Newport Beach, worshiping Measure W, and pretending to speak for Irvine. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Show this NIMBY he is three ways wrong and definitely not a nice young man.
1241, there you are up past your bed time, pretending to live in NIMBY beach, worshiping a nonexistent airport and pretending to speak for the masses.
Keep the lights on at SNA, Vernon. Show this NIMBY he is three ways wrong and definitely not a nice old man.
822, it's only a matter of time until a goose flys into the engines of airplanes by the coast. We must close LAX and JWA and open El Toro International Airport inland away from the coast with jumbo jet cross runways pointing to where airplanes need to go. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Ha! Now the delusional one wants to close LAX! That must be some acid trip, 920.
214, yes close the airports by the coast and open El Toro International Airport inland away from the coast. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY thinks closing airports is delusional.
Donald, are you really stupid enough to believe that no birds ever fly through Irvine? Or is the liquor talking again? No, I take that back, you really are that stupid.
737, listen, we all know central Irvine is built on a swamp, but if they fill in those lakes, it will save water. Close the airports that are by the ocean. We all know we can't fill in the ocean. But then this NIMBY is not aware of reality. Turn on the lights, Vernon. 737 says Irvine is for the birds.
You're right, 907, you certainly not aware of reality. You have some interesting delusions, though. Irvine a swamp, that's a good one! Did you know Newport was a swamp, too? Now it's your so called "elite" city.
And close LAX? You are a sick man.
Donald, were you chummy with Timothy Leary in your younger days? Because you are certainly showing the symptoms of severe brain damage.
Yes, Irvine is built on a fresh water swamp. It still smells like a swamp over there. Now it is polluted by TCE, and Santa Ana is drilling test wells up by the 55 freeway and Dyer Road. Remember the lakes between University and Jamboree on UCI property. Don't know if they have tested that water yet, but I know they are testing the runoff into Newport Bay by the Newport Beach Golf Course. Yes, close the airports by the ocean, where a goose can fly into the engine and bring down an airplane. Yes, open El Toro International Airport inland, away from elite coastal cities, where airports should be. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY is caught in a Timothy Leary time warp so he must be a baby boomer.
At last, 852, you admit your acid use. Finally we have a reason for your delusions of an airport that will never be. As a resident of Santa Ana I thought you would welcome the expansion at the Duke! Newport Beach, in your wildest dreams will you ever share my city.
Take another dose and enjoy Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.
909, it's only a matter of time until this NIMBY is blamed for the great stall on El Toro International Airport. He sounds like a baby boomer, but he doesn't know what a baby boomer is. Turn on the lights, Vernon. It's only a matter of time.
HOW would you know all about
Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds?
Are you Experienced? Yes you are!
Make Love Not War against El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. It's only a matter of time until everybody supports the airport.
Who's the 909er? Oh yeah, it's 208/330. Long live the 949 and SNA, OC's only commercial airport forever!
Poor NIMBY's can't get an airport built because nobody want's it.
Long live the Duke, NIMBY's.
815, forever is a mighty long time. Never ever say forever. El Toro International Airport is waiting in the wings. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY is trying to change the subject.
Yes, 915, forever is a long time and so is NEVER. Never is when your fantasy airport will open, well, except in your feeble little mind.
Shine a light on 915, Vern, he seems lost and confused.
759, Never say never when you don't know the future of El Toro International Airport. Only yesterday a plane lost an engine at dinky John Wayne Airport and had to fly up to LAX to land. Some NIMBYs will put public safety aside while sticking to their dogma in denial. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
448, I know the future of El Toro, it's called the Great Park, remember that?
So, a plane lost an engine and diverted to another airport, so what? You think that will open El Toro? You must be joking. If this was so serious why didn't they go to Long Beach with their jumbo, fuel saving crossed runways? Or how about Los Alamitos, they have a runway plenty long.
Some NIMBY's are in total denial that El Toro is closed forever.
Reality hurts, doesn't it 448.
607, some people will sacrifice safety and the public interest for a failed Great Park. El Toro International Airport makes it easy to lose and engine an survive. Turn on the lights, Vernon. El Toro is the solution to all our problems. The Great Park is toast.
1057, public interest said no to an airport at El Toro. You really have a short memory, don't you?
Safety? Ahhhahahahaha. That's a good one.
El Toro airport is toast, would you like butter on that or jam?
815, you seem to stick with your lies and hope that El Toro International Airport needs opposition, when the truth is it is FAA approved, safe, well preserved, and ready to go. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Only a hack would oppose El Toro International Airport.
Well, 957, I guess that makes the vast majority of Orange County voters hack jobs, by your standard. Of course we all laugh at your standard (or lack of).
Keep those lies coming, you only make yourself to look like a bigger fool than you already are.
Ready to go, what a crock! Ready to go to the gravel pit, perhaps.
Poor silly, delusional, liar, loser, poser NIMBY. No El Toro airport now, no El Toro airport ever.
1012, when it's safety first, this posing poster hack couldn't care less. It's only a matter of time until the prestigous El Toro International Airport is opened. Those jumbo jet fuel-efficient cross runways are ready for immediate use by jets up to 980,000 pounds, maybe more. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY posts because he has no other job. Poor, laid off, unpopular NIMBY.
And the lie just continues..........
........about the success of the great pork!
No, about the airport that will never be built.
132, the airport already is built, dummy. Turn on the lights, Vernon. El Toro International Airport will rise again.
550, the only thing rising at the former El Toro is a big orange balloon and that is the only thing that will ever fly there again.
Poor confused NIMBY's, they can't find their airport when it's right down the street. It's called John Wayne, named after an airport hater.
623, do you think the orange balloon is compatible with the jet airplanes flying into and out of El Toro International Airport? Have you had any complaints about TCE poisoning from people who have visited the orange balloon?
720, you poor dope, of course the balloon is bad for jets, that's why it's their, to make sure bone heads like you never land there.
And no, there have been no complaints about TCE at El Toro, it's too deep.
1145, more lies from the lone NIMBY. The balloon is off to the side and may not interfere with the jumbo jets coming and going at El Toro International Airport. The TCE is right on surface by the balloon. It's not too deep as you claim. Exposure to TCE is a health risk and it can kill. Do you visit the orange balloon?
TCE can kill? Please, come visit the balloon Donald.
949, here we are back before Christmas, and all 949 can do is invite his enemy to visit the orange balloon at the airport in order to be contaminated by TCE. Turn on the lights, Vernon. It's only a matter of time until there is an airplane crash somewhere and the orange balloon will be to blame.
949 wants to Donald to join him for some man to man love. Oh all the things that people can do with each other in the balloon.
TCE can kill. Stay away from the balloon. That's where the TCE is worst. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The lone NIMBY is setting up liasons.
Just wear a gas mask in the balloon and enjoy the romantic views of lovely suburban Irvine.
There's no need to fear the Great Park, read here.
840, there's a bucolic NIMBY talking about a contaminated park which is a public health menace. The land inland is for roads, rails, houses and airports. We've got 1,000 miles of beaches as parks and we don't need any more. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Tell those NIMBYs to get a life.
So sorry, NIMBY 1224, I don't live in the country so my life is far from bucolic. I've told you a hundred times, I live by the ocean.
Nice try on the health menace, but as the article says, it's all good in Irvine.
How's the gin today? Getting an early start on happy hour?
443, great park is contaminated and should be closed as a health menace. The article didn't say that, did it? Woodbridge needs vapor intrusion tests. Read all about it in Salem -news.com and eltoronow.com. Your're reading the wrong articles. Turn on the lights, Vernon. El Toro International Airport is the only thing built at El Toro.
No, Donald, what the article said was that there was no health threat. No official has said that Woodbridge needs vapor intrusion tests (but I think perhaps YOU should get them). Who gives a big rats ass what that rag Salem News says, they're as big a joke as this site.
You're spewing the wrong lies, get a clue, Donny boy.
446, I love salem-news and you should too. It speaks the truth about pollution at El Toro and off the base in Woodbridge, Tustin and Santa Ana. Of course, the best website on contamination is eltoronow.com. Check it out instead of running to the Register for your own words. The only thing built at El Toro is El Toro International
Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Nothing is built at El Toro, they're tearing it all down. What a dope! And I love the way Bill Turner says one thing to the Register reporters and something completely different on his sham of a web site. Typical pro-airport lying NIMBY.
When an accident happens at any other airport it will be all the fault of the NIMBYs. El Toro Intenational Airport is safe, FAA approved and ready to go. It is wanted, needed, clean, green, already built, tested, and sometimes referred to as the Great Airpark. Turn on the lights, Vernon. El Toro International Airport is waiting in the wings.
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