The Register featured an article about the toxic waste at El Toro and gave mention to two great websites in the process.
www.eltoronow.com and www.salem-news.com
This will surely generate lots of publicity about why a Great Pork is the least acceptable use of a former military airport. During the previous El Toro debates, Emperor Agran and his merry band of NIMBYs were saying the land was "too toxic" for an airport.....but would like us to believe it is clean enough for park and residential uses. PLEASE!
Los Angeles World Airports has previously offered the Navy 2 billion dollars to lease El Toro and 300 million to the Navy to clean it up. Instead the property was sold to Lennar for pennies on the dollar and they are still bleeding money like crazy. The fact is the real estate market has a glut of housing, especially here in Orange County. Adding even more houses will not dig Lennar out of its predicament.
However, selling or leasing the El Toro property to Los Angeles World Airport Authority will reverse Lennar's downward slide. We are talking about a potential multi billion dollar stimulus package from Los Angeles. Don't look for this kind of help from the Obama administration and Washington D.C. as Orange County is Republican Country!
Re-opening El Toro International Airport will get the base cleaned up, create 90,000 jobs, result in shorter commutes, cheaper fares, and take cargo trucks off the road to LAX. There would even be plenty of land for Larry Agran to finally realize his dream of a Great Park.
In addition, there will be an increase in economic activity and these new jobs will create more demand for housing and raise everyone's property values. Otherwise, adding thousands of new homes on a superfund site no less without an accompanying economic catalyst like an airport will further retard local economic growth.
Congratulations, Vernon. You did it again with the LAWA Money Tree that will makes tons of money for Irvine and its moribund housing investors. I especially liked the name on the dog house, "Dollar." LAWA will clean up that pollution post haste, and they will save Woodbridge too. The Navy can continue to putter around with the TCE plume, while LAWA digs up the weapons grade uranium, radium, battery acid and oil and hauls it away. Your fine article even includes links to eltoronow and salem news which has knowledgable people behind them. Salem News is compiling a list of Marines who got sick at El Toro, and eltoronow is compiling a list of Irvine residents who got sick from the TCE underground. Keep up the good work Vernon and let's get those multiple El Toro owners moving on opening El Toro International Airport.
Yes, 1250, because we all know how much the owners want to open the airport. Hell, hardly a day goes buy that we don't hear how the new owners want that airport opened post haste. Ooops, no, wait a minute, that's just Vern and his merry band of mad men that want the airport opened.
I wonder, since Palmdale airport is failing and Ontario is going down the tank, if LAWA is still interested in El Toro? I kind of doubt it as they haven't made any more offers since their sneaky deal some time ago.
Nice B.S. article, Donald, it stinks almost as the rest of them.
255, you must read the articles, not just the comments to the articles. You never mention facts detailed in the articles of eltoroairport.blogspot, eltoronow, salem news and Register. I'll bet you didn't read the Register article either, which reported on pollution. Now it's the Los Angeles Times, New York Times, CNN and CBS. Those outfits were dumping on us about Hinkley and Love Canal out in the sticks. Now they can talk about polluted El Toro, with millions of people at risk, and the need for El Toro International Airport. It's a pleasure to see owners of El Toro abandon their dreams of houses and obligatory park at that polluted property, and join forces with aviation for the green El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Hey Vern, remember this? A quote from NIMBY Beach’s very own Mayor Steve Bromberg on the LAWA memo.
"In L.A.'s 37-page letter, they never laid out a plan for El Toro. Interestingly, they never contacted Newport Beach. I called three times to the L.A. mayor's office and never heard back. So without knowing what they had in mind, it's hard to say what this means. It's conceivable that a flight plan at El Toro could send planes right over Newport Beach. We had no way of knowing what they had in mind."
Be careful what you wish for, NIMBY, you just may get it.
948, I see your dementia is kicking in again. Poor thing, shit happens, huh? Like no airport at El Toro. It must be nice to live in your fantasy land.
322 and 111, well I see Len's lemmings are back after R&R, spewing filth and quotes from Mayor Bromberg who was campaigning for a judgeship appointment which he got. I love Mayor Bromberg. He's for El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Len was kicked off the airport land use advisory committee and nobody reads his website anymore. I'm for the LAWA money tree and pet dog, "Dollar."
And I see 723 is back and very rested spewing his lies and deceit once again. What a great way to start the new year, with hate and class warfare from the wannabe elite.
Too bad the NIMBY's can't get their airport built because the majority doesn't want it. I think your pet dog, "Dollar" got put down for biting nice people.
Do it doggystyle!
Vern and Donald do it anyway they can!
There they are. Back again for more re-education at this pro-El Toro International Airport website. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The LAWA money tree and its pet dog "Dollar" will save Irvine and south county from themselves.
Donald, it's difficult to understand how I am "spewing filth" when all that was posted was a quote from the mayor if the self-appointed "elite". Therefore, the only filth must have spewed from Bromberg's mouth, not mine. I'm sure Bromberg appreciates your support. With friends like you, who needs enemies?
Anyway, just passing through. My New Year's resolution is to stop discussing mythical airport at El Toro with anyone with a double digit IQ, i.e. you and Vern. So you and Vern may continuie your little two man circle jerk on this blog, as you two are the sound of one hand clapping.
Get back on the meds Donald, the loss of El Toro and your continued denial of reality have left you a bitter, delusional and hateful village idiot. Come chill out at the Great Park and thank Larry Agran for his fine leadership in killing your evil airport plan. Take a ride in the balloon, maybe some fresh air will help clear out some of those cobwebs in your head.
Len, El Toro International Airport is not a mythical airport. It exists with jumbo jet long runways ready to use. If you don't live in Irvine you won't benefit as much from the airport as those who live there. But everyone will see life enhancement and growth, including 90,000 jobs. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Unleash the power of this popular website with its millions of readers, supporters and posters. LAWA is really appreciated.
Ahhhh ha ha ha ha, millions of readers, supporters and posters. Oh my God, stop it, please, I can't breath, hahahahahaha! There are probably a total of 10 readers of this ridiculous site and fewer posters. Most of us just read it for a good laugh at the delusional airport lunatics. Those with any sense of reality came to accept that the airport went away with Prow W, that Irvine now controls the former base and nothing will ever fly out of there again, with the exception of birds.
Oh my, I can't stop laughing, millions of supporters, that's a good one.
Bring back the Marines--it's the smartest thing we could do especially right now.
There is no security in blind allegiance to antique Measure W. Irvine can open El Toro International Airport, with, or without, Measure W. Also, you don't seem to know who runs Irvine. Turn on the lights, Vernon. LAWA will clean up that pollution and haul the contaminants away by air freight.
Man, I just feel really sorry about the thousands of Irvine residents who live on the plume--they're houses are worthless!
Not according to the recent real estate reports. Better do some homework.
Air freight? Yea, right, they're going to haul away hundreds of tons of polluted soil by air. What are you smoking, 408?
LAWA will restore value to Irvine's central city which was built on a swamp. LAWA will run the great pollution airlift, carrying tons of radioactivity, battery acid, oil and perchlorate off to the dumps where it belongs. The Navy will be required to stop pushing the plume off the base, suck it back onto the base where it is concentrated and removed by LAWA by air. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Irvine needs management help to get El Toro International Airport open again.
And 226 just plain needs help. She has lost all sense of reality. We have places for people like her, with nice padded rooms and men in clean white suits to take care of them and make sure they can no longer hurt themselves or anybody else.
750, yes Irvine's central city was built on a swamp, probably should not have been built, but it is there and is hopelessly polluted by the superfund site at El Toro. But LAWA's money tree will save central Irvine and open El Toro International Airport too. Nobody, absolutely nobody, is in the noise zone of El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Lennar's stock fell 21% early last Friday.
No airport = no noise zone. No one caN be in a noise zone that doesn't exist. try to get that through your thick skull.
Oops, sorry, fact don't matter in NIMBY Beach. MY bad.
Len, every airport has a noise zone, even closed ones. That's why El Toro International Airport is such a fine airport. Nobody, absolutely nobody, is in its noise zone. Help save Woodbridge in its swamp. Turn on LAWA's money tree.
643, I recently went to El Toro to check the B.S. you constantly spew here and guess what? To my great surprise you were right. I went all around the airport, Lake Forest, Laguna Hills, Laguna Woods, Aliso Viejo, Dana Point, Mission Viejo, I visited them all, and you know what, I didn't hear a single airplane! You have been right all along, it is a quiet airport! Hell, if I didn't like living by the beach so much I'd move out there. That is probably the quietest airport I've ever visited and I don't think they should change a single thing or they might spoil it.
My apologies to you, all this time I didn't think you knew what you were talking about, but I was wrong, El Toro is the quietest airport around and I will support that it stays that way, thanks to you.
Have a quiet day!
Your CDM buddy!
P.S. by the way, how's life in S.A. these days? Just thought I'd ask.
1116, yes it's a quiet airport. Nobody, absolutely nobody, is in the noise zone. You didn't mention all the jumbo jet cross runways just waiting for the airplanes. Turn on the lights, Vernon. El Toro International Airport is safe, wanted, needed, approved by the FAA, and green. How's life in Dana Point? I hear your hotels are half empty because El Toro is still closed.
How the hell should I know? CDM is beautiful, though. Why don't you stop by some time? I'm told it's just a short bus ride form your shack in Santa Ana. Tell you what, since I know you're down on your luck I'll treat for coffee!
Too bad about El Toro, isn't it? You know, that it will never be opened as an airport because the majority voted against it. You do remember that, don't you?
736, Dana Point is beautiful, too. But it voted against El Toro International Airport, so it can not be elite. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Dana Point is irrelevant now because Irvine can open El Toro International Airport and Dana Point can watch the whales. LAWA will help re-educate this NIMBY.
I love this website. It simultaneously makes Newport Beach look like a-holes AND irritates South County citizens!
Seriously, screw 'em both!
JWA 24/7 and OCX 24/7!
I'm with you, 1104, except that there will never be an OCX. Other than that, right on!
Is this an elite website, or not? It makes south county look like bucolic slobs which they are and reminds us that Newport Beach is elite. The people in south county that voted for the airport are our friends. Only the majority are slobs. Turn on the lights, Vernon. El Toro International Airport is safe, needed, wanted, and green.
No, this is not an elite web site and Newport Beach is not an elite city. It has some very nice areas, but elite? Naw!
Now that we've established that little tid bit......................
There you are, snooping around this elite website from the elite city of Newport Beach, just waiting to pounce on anything with your anti-El Toro International Airport lies. I just saw Barbara Streisand and husband sitting on the sofa of the blue water grill. Is this elite or not? Turn on the El Toro International Airport lights, Vernon. We've got an airport to open.
Check out the contamination testimony video at www.eltoronow.com where a lady blew the lid off the contamination issue at Irvine city hall. Very compelling testimony of how she, her daughter, her son and friends who all lived in Irvine have come down with all sorts of medical issues. I also heard Hoag hospital said Irvine has an unusually high number of breast cancer cases. Even Larry Agran has now asked for testing in Irvine to see what's going on. So much for Irvine property values.
Congratulations, 1110, on blowing the lid off of Irvine's pollution coverup. LAWA will solve all of Irvine's problems. It has the financial resources, wherewithal and will to open El Toro International Airport and make Irvine safe again.
You poor losers crack me up. Our economy is in the toilet. Airline traffic is down across the board. The most liberal person from Hollywood shows up at a restaurant and 835 has a wet dream because he thinks that makes him elite, even though he lives in Santa Ana.
You poor fools really need a reality check, but please keep up your silly posts, the thinkers out here need our daily laugh.
Irvine contamination requires cooperation from everyone. LAWA will open El Toro International Airport and clean up pollution that makes people sick post haste. The most liberal person in Hollywood has her very own website That's more than you have, NIMBY. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Anti-El Toro International Airport posters are always trying to change the subject.
Lennar stock fell another 4% today. Watching that great homebuilder go down is sad. The $100 million AIG insurance policy Irvine has is not sufficient to cover potential losses. AIG already has blown through half of its bailout money. The LAWA money tree is big enough to clean up Irvine, open the airport, and allow houses to be built. LAWA has budgeted $300 million for cleanup and plans to pay $2 billion for the airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. LAWA will save us all.
What you really mean is LAWA "HAD" budgeted. Since they got shot down they are no longer budgeting for El Toro. Now they're trying not to lose their asses at Ontario and Palmdale.
Nice fantasy, though.
625, El Toro International Airport is a much better airport than the other two you mentioned. It has fuel-saving jumbo jet cross runways pointing to where airplanes need to go. People around here can afford to make international flights. LAX doesn't want you up there. Turn on the lights, Vernon. El Toro International Airport is ready for LAWA to open and clean up the pollution that is strangling Irvine, Lennar, and the Navy.
Oh 1028, you just don't get it, do you? You're still stuck on stupid. The majority of OC residents DO NOT WANT AN AIRPORT AT EL TORO! Just what part of that do you not understand?
339, El Toro International Airport is ready to serve the majority. You NIMBYs are a tiny minority in the world of infrastructure. LAWA's money tree will turn you to toast. Turn on the lights, Vernon. We've got an airport to open.
614, I may be a tiny majority (as are you) but my small majority kicked your smaller majorities ass with Prop. W, now didn't we?
LAWA's money tree is toast. The deal is off the table and El Toro is dead.
Long live the Duke!
854, yes the NIMBYs are a tiny minority in Orange County. This is good. They worship at the altar or Measure W which is antique and obsolete. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Show those NIMBYs that the effete Measure W can not stop the opening of El Toro International Airport. LAWA is too big to fail. NIMBYs are toast.
Yes indeed, the NIMBY's are a tiny minority in Orange County. This truly is wonderful. They respect the American way, the power of their tiny vote, their tiny voice. They realize that when that small vote and small voice join together with their brothers and sisters they become large and loud. With their strength in numbers they can defeat the leftist NIMBY's with a powerful Measure W, that cannot be beaten. They stand together to defeat those that wish to do them harm. They beat back those that worship at the altar of LAWA and want to further pollute our land and skies. We rise up and show those NIMBY's that we have indeed stopped the opening of the unwanted and unneeded El Toro International airport, forever!
NIMBYs are unpatriotic losers on El Toro. LAWA is too big to fail in its quest to open and run El Toro International Airport. This is where people have money to fly. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Show the NIMBYs who's boss and Measure W is toast.
Indeed, the pro airport NIMBY's are losers, and they just can't stand that they lost their precious airport to Measure W. The last think the good citizens of OC want or need is an L.A. agency running (ruining?) thieir airports.
Turn on the lights all night at SNA, Vern, and keep them on at the beloved LAX.
The anti El Toro winners know who the boss is and it isn't Vern! Long live Measure W!
LAWA money should be donated to get the psychiatric help Vernon and Donald so desperately need. Obviously their unfulfilled El Toro fantasies have driven them both over the edge.
PS. Just like the banks and everyone else, LAWA has no money. Get some help boys.
Anti-El Toro International Airport NIMBYs are the real losers in this debate. They turned the airport over to Irvine which can open it at the drop of a hat. The only way to get that pollution cleaned up is to call in LAWA, now that the Navy has stopped its ill-fated cleanup.
The only thing the Anti-El Toro majority has lost so far is the noise, pollution and filth generated by a massive 24/4 airport in the middle of a residential area. The only thing the pro-El Toro contingent has lost is their minds.
Get some help Donald, your airport fantasies have developed into full blown hallucinations. Turn out the lights and the voices in your head. It's over.
822, aha , that giant jumbo jet El Toro International Airport already is built, and all we have to do is turn on the lights. You NIMBYs speak like real NIMBYs, strangely out of step with the new responsibility government in Washington D.C. Turn on the lights, Vernon. These NIMBYs live in a bucolic environment that is just waiting to be accepted into the 21st century.
But I though your beloved leaders were all Repubs, 403. Now that your Obamamessiah is in charge have you suddenly become part of the in crowd of socialists? Figures!
Too bad your dream of an airport is deader than a door nail.
Poor NIMBY airport losers.
Hey Donald;
Nice letter in the 2/20 edition of the NIMBY Beach Pilot from card carrying all-star members of the AWG, AirFair and SPON without a single word about El Toro. You need to get in line with your fellow NIMBY's who can at least recognize a lost cause when they see one. Or has your El Tor dementia just made you completely irrelevant?
Come on, Donald, better get back in step and spout the NIMBY Beach company line or you may be exposed as not one of the "elite" anymore.
Everybody wants to open El Toro International Airport, including those who don't mention it in polite company. Join the elite, 1234, and support the opening of the clean, green, wanted, needed, safe, and FAA approved El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. These NIMBYs believe silence is not support, and responsibility is only for Democrats.
Donald, El Tor remains unneeded, unwanted and unsafe, while you remain the sound of one hand clapping. Get in line or they'll pull your AWG card.
152, El Toro International Airport is wanted, needed, safe, clean, green, ready to use, and FAA approved. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY simply is repeating lies given by paid hacks against El Toro International Airport. LAWA will open the airport and clean up the pollution post haste.
And this NIMBY is simply repeating the lies given by the hacks supporting the beaten El Toro. The LAWA deal is deader that the airport. Now if only we could clean you up, post haste.
1111, the LAWA money tree is blooming all around you, yet you are negative and pessimistic with the devine inspiration of a loser. Turn on the lights, Vernon. NIMBYs need re-education and inspiration.
The LAWA money tree died a long time ago. Ontario and Palmdale made all the leaves dry up and fall off.
Poor negative, loser NIMBY's can't ever get their beloved airport built because nobody wants it.
620, you're up early. Everybody wants El Toro International Airport because it already is built and all we have to do is turn on the lights. Ontario and Palmdale just go to show the unlimited resources of LAWA and its bountiful money tree. But you can continue to live in LAWA's dog house if you wish. Nobody will deny you the right to use El Toro International Airport when Vernon turns on the lights. The leaves of dollars are falling all around you. Pick up a few and be supportive.
928, the lies just flow from you like a fire hose. Nobody wants El Toro, especially now with our economy in the toilet. El Toro's dead, the LAWA money tree died John Wayne is being expanded as we speak. Hey, did you hear Virgin American is starting to fly there? They said they were excited to service the Duke because nobody, absolutely nobody lives in the noise zone.
Keep the lights on, Vern, we've got planes to fly in and out of SNA!
509, there you are posting from the LAWA dog house with dollars floating all around you, and you continue to deny El Toro International Airport and always you try to change the subject. This is a pro-El Toro International Airport website. What part of that don't you understand? Everybody wants El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This poster really is in the dog house. His name should be penny instead of dollar.
You are the one that keeps trying to change the subject with your lies. Nobody wants El Toro, that's why it got voted down.
456, if it's money you're after, this is to invite you to gather money at the LAWA money tree. El Toro International Airport is better than houses, cleaner than a park, useful and safe with those long runways. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Show this NIMBY that greed is gooder than phoney.
BWT, congratulations Donald on being published in the latest NIMBY Beach Daily Pilot. As usual, the letter meanders all over the place and doesn't make a bit of sense or a point. However, this has to be the first one that doesn't include your trademark "turn on the lights" or "fuel saving crossed runways" phrases. Maybe that remedial reading course is helping your compositional skills.
Keep banging away on the Smith-Corona Donald, the clown price of the airport wars will always have an audience.
I looked for Donald's meandering letter and all I found was an expository, logical and concise letter. This letter sums up the why of having El-Toro airport nicely.
Keep up the good work Donald; the airport will come soon.
BTW, I didn't know you could hook up a Smith Corona to the internet. That must be one hell a typewriter.
Keep spouting the NIMBY Beach company line Myth, and then accept the expository, logical and concise fact that John Wayne is and will always be the only airport on the OC. Babbling old fools will not change that fact.
I see the mythmaker is back. He wants us all to believe that airport are green and jets are non polluting. That must be one hell of a fantasy land he lives in.
Whenever the anti-El Toro International Airport NIMBYs are boxed in, they return to their favorite class warfare attacks on elite Newport Beach. Some of them even claim to live here, but we know them for what they are, basically unreliable, loose with the truth, and consistent on only one point. They hate Newport Beach and believe El Toro International Airport is not an airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Show the NIMBYs a thing or two.
945, I don't hate Newport Beach. Why should I hate my home town? Makes no sense. It is this site that claims class warfare, even though Donald and his fantasy friend, Vern, have no class and certainly aren't elite.
It is this site that is loose with the truth, I just post here to keep it honest. Like the little lie that there is an airport at the closed El Toro Marine Base. Or how about the little lie of re-opening El Toro International airport? How can you re-open something that never existed?
Keep dreaming, NIMBY's.
One of these days Vern will see the light, it's at SNA.
713, denial will get you nowhere. Your rant against elite Newport Beach followed by claims that you live here is very bad propaganda. Everybody wants El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. We need to put those fuel-saving jumbo jet cross runways to use. LAWA has the money tree.
1255, denial will get YOU nowhere! Corona del Mar, baby! Like it or lump it!
Haven't you heard? El Toro lost at the ballot box! Where have you been? Nobody wanted it and it got voted down once the pro airport lies were made public.
Those beloved fuel saving jumbo jet cross runways will soon be gravel and the LAWA money tree died and went to Ontario where the airport is nearly bankrupt.
Love those lights at JWA, Vern, keep them burning bright, we've got airplanes to land!
819, denial, denial, denial. El Toro International Airport doesn't care about the ballot box. It exists. You can't vote away earthquakes. Or haven't you heard about reality? Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY wants to live his lie. LAWA will put an end to this liar.
Ever notice how the word denial and Donald both begin with the letter D, have the same number of letter, and have four letters in common? The only one in denial here is Donald. Keep dreaming that elections and zoning laws don't matter, that the People's Republic of Irvine will suddenly go collectively insane (as you are) and decide to open an airport, keep dreaming that LAWA actually has money to waste on hopelessly failed ideas like El Toro.
You need a big glass of reality. Drink some tonight, and come back to the real world where no one, absolutely no one, is in the "Donald knows of what he speaks" zone.
735, there you are popping right back with your draconian denial dogma. Your faith says there is no airport where the El Toro International Airport exists. Keep hiding behind your zoning laws and elections. We've got an airport to open at El Toro. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Those jumbo jet runways are ready for use.
Keep hiding behind your dreams and fantasy, 847. There is no airport at El Toro and there never will be.
Those jumbo jet runways will soon be little more than gravel.
So now elections and laws are meaningless? Then we'll hear now more drivel from you that the pro-airport side won twice, as elections mean nothing. Thanks you Donald, another on of your non sequiturs for my scrapbook, "Quotations From Delusions Old NIMBY's".
El Toro International Airport has been in existence for 64 years on a perfect airport site, yet your dogmatic denial of reality speaks badly for democracy, the democratic process and democratic rights. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY would tear down anything good, including the empire state building and Hoover Dam.
And again with the lies, 923. Since we all know El Toro was a Marine Air Station and never an international airport, you just continue with your fantasy and lies. And the last time I checked we are a Republic, not a democracy. However, I'm sure you lefties wish it were so.
I would never tear down the Empire State Building, the people of New York wanted it and the other sky scrapers. The people of Orange County voted no on an airport, but you keep forgetting that.
844, the LAWA money tree means nothing to this NIMBY. Something more sinister is at hand. He believes in violation of Democratic rights, and that is wrong. Turn on the lights, Vernon. El Toro International Airport will rise again.
How can you re-open El Toro International Airport when there never was an El Toro International?
These airport NIMBY's are totally nuts. Poor delusional old NIMBY's.
812, apparently the money tree means nothing to you. If it isn't money, then what is that makes you oppose the clean, green, safe El Toro International Airport? We need your motive. Turn on the lights, Vernon. There's somethng sinister going on.
The LAWA money tree is just another of your delusions Donald in Denial. LAWA is broke, Ontario is a ghost town, there never was a LAWA money tree except in your and Vern's obviously Alzheimer's-ridden minds. But keep the delusions going Donald, it keeps you off the street corners of NIMBY Beach waving signs and shouting that Jesus is coming. Poor delusional old fool.
937, what is your motive for opposing El Toro International Airport? Apparently you have learned nothing from the LAWA money tree. Now we need to know what you are after. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY won't state his reasons.
No Donald, I have actually READ the LAWA annual report and the secret LAWA to DOT memo attempting to hijack the base reuse process. Since you are incapable of understanding or acknowledging any FACTS whatsoever, let it suffice that those of us who do KNOW that there is NO LAWA money tree, and the LAWA plan to run El Toro was virtually 100% dependent of FEDERAL INTERVENTION and FEDERAL MONEY. In short, LAWA wanted to order dinner and expected the Feds to pay for it.
Keep dreaming up your lies and BS Donald, this is just more of the same BS that NIMBY Beach has been spewing for a decade. Time to turn on your lights Donald, NIMBY Beach didn't get its way, and you poor NIMBY's just can't stop crying like the egomaniac babies that you are. But it makes for a good laugh, please continue your public humiliation, your job as court jester is safe.
If LAWA money is indeed based on Federal money, then I favor it.
Orange County already pays a disproportionate amount of taxes. WHERE is OUR stimulus? WHERE is OUR share?
Give some stimulus dollars to LAWA, let them operate El Toro, and create jobs and pump money into OUR economy. Besides, the great park bites and is a total joke.
Maybe Mike Stevens can get a special appointment with Barack Obama to get El Toro opened.
He would have far more clout than Calvert, Miller, or Campbell. Plus Cox had to resign from the SEC in disgrace.
As far as I can remember the "LA" in LAWA still stands for Los Angeles. This is Orange County. If you love LAWA and huge, filthy airports so much I'm sure Mike Stevens will gladly rent you a room under the LAX flight path. The rest of Orange County is happy with clean, convenient, crowd-free John Wayne, and will love it even more when it goes 24/7 in a few years. El Toro never worked, never will work, and exists only as a figment in the imaginations of two delusional Newport NIMBY's. I'll even buy you a "I Love Inglewood" t-shirt when you move north.
The great pork is a failure. John Wayne is too small. Time to re-open El Toro. Turn on the lights Vernon.
1221 you CAN'T afford to buy anyone a "I Love Inglewood" shirt. You are low income as evidenced by your hatred and jealousy of Newport Beach.
You ONLY want the Duke to grow because you are so obsessed with Newport hatred instead of doing what is best for Orange County's economy and air travelers.
1259, with your rantings you prove once again your stupidity. Me, born and raised in Newport Beach. I've lived here all my life except for college years and the first years of marriage. Then moved back to the land I love.
You, I'm guessing you were born in another state or the inland empire. In any case you certainly are no beach native. You possess the class warfare hate that us local natives dislike so much. You're a poser, a wanna be elite, a fake.
I could buy the tee shirt factory if I wanted. Trust me, there is NOTHING you could possibly have that would cause me jealousy in the slightest.
Keep up your class warfare, 1259, it seems to be the only thing keeping you warm at night.
Why would someone who purports to live in Corona Del Mar incessantly clamors for the Duke 24/7?
85% of Newport Beach voted against Measure W. You are in a tiny 15% minority if you actually live in Newport Beach as you so claim.
You must work for the Irvine Co. Only their employees and gullible great park lovers voted for W within Newport Beach.
Anyone else within Newport KNOWS that South County hates them and wants JWA 24/7.
You are either a Newport wannabe or amongst the 15% clueless within our fine city.
816, 1221, and 1259, and furthermore, wouldn't you rather have the $ billions from LAWA instead of it going to the feds? The secret proposal, which you abhor, was to send money to the feds. Now it is to send it to locals. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY doesn't know whether he's coming or going and he refuses to give his obstructionist motive.
I meant to address my comment to 816, 1221, & 751. Not to 815, 1221, and 1259 which obviously aren't the same person, as the previous three are. Turn on the lights, Vernon. 816, 1221, & 751, one lone NIMBY, doesn't know if he's coming or going.
As usual Donald in Denial at 637, you are either incapable of understanding FATCS, or simply choose to completely ignore them. Let me refresh your obviously revisionist memory:
4. “Assist Los Angeles’s efforts to secure design construction financing of a reconstructed El Toro, including a combination of revenue bonds, AIP grants, and direct appropriation funds.” (Hahn “Secret Memo to the Department of Transportation” regarding El Toro, page 3).
Even a third grader can understand that LAWA was looking to Washington to SEND them money, and not the other way around. The LAWA money tree looks pretty barren to me.
Yes, part of the memo did propose a 99 year lease on the property once the DOT had gotten the land from the Navy and funded most or all of the $2.88 billion price tag to open your “turnkey” airport (pretty expensive to turn on those lights Donald). However, the memo never addresses a specific of even general value of the proposed lease. Knowing LAWA, probably a dollar a year would have been offered, as it seem that’s about all the money LAWA has on its tree.
719, there you are, still not knowing whether you're coming or going. LAWA was to send to DOT Washington $ billions over the term of the lease. LAWA proposed also to clean up the pollution. That too is money going to Washington because the feds would not have to pay for the cleanup. Now the worm has turned. Irvine owns El Toro and the money will flow from LAWA to Irvine. Wouldn't you rather have the money here than sent to far off Washington? Turn on the lights, Vernon. El Toro International Airport is a real cash cow for Irvine which snookered the NIMBYs out of their Great Park. 719 is talking about Revenue Bonds. That's not money from Washington. He doesn't know if he's coming or going.
Hey Vern, better shine a light on 842, he has no clue what he's talking about. The LAWA money tree never really existed, it was all smoke and mirrors, much like the turnkey airport is. LAWA is bleeding money faster than anyone can believe. The only airport they control that's making money is LAX.
And you're still stuck on stupid! Irvine didn't snooker anyone, they led a call for no airport and won. Sounds pretty smart to me as everybody with half a brain knows Irvine never wanted the airport that you lie about and they will NEVER open on in their city.
Keep dreaming, 842.
758, this NIMBY doesn't know whether he's coming or going. Irvine loves El Toro International Airport. It's already built and it's over on the east side of town out of the way. It will make tons of money for its owners and Southern California will thank Irvine for El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The LAWA money tree is bearing fruit.
Still with that big fat lie, I see, 901. Show us all, we want to know, where one Irvine leader has come out in favor of an airport. You can't because it's just one more of your NIMBY lies. You NIMBY's couldn't tell the truth if your lives depended on it.
And you can also put away your fantasy LAWA money tree. Turns out the tree was plastic, they don't have the money they once thought they did.
Donald in Denial, if airports are such big money makers then please explain why Long Beach has seriously considered their airport, much as OC considered selling the Duke. Let's hear your denial economics lecture, NIMBY.
215 & 406, Southern California thanks Irvine for opening El Toro International Airport. Over on the east side, out of the way, by the freeway and the national forest. All of Irvine's leaders are in favor of El Toro International Airport. You just haven't asked them. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The LAWA money tree is bearing fruit.
Man, 435, you are one sick, delusional puppy. Just what kind of drugs do you have to take to actually convince yourself that Irvine leaders want an airport? Every single leader in Irvine is on the record as opposing and airport at El Toro, yet this silly, delusional NIMBY would like us to believe that they are secretly for the airport. He thinks that if we ask, yet one more time, the truth will be told. Careful, 435, the men in the clean white suits are watching you. I suppose the leaders of Newport are secretly in support of the expansion at SNA, too.
The LAWA money tree is a fake and so is El Toro.
Time to wake up and smell the coffee.
603, El Toro International Airport smells like coffee to me. 603 should drink some. All of Irvine's leaders are in favor of opening the airport, over by the freeway and national forest, on the east side where it belongs, out of the way. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY thinks those who aren't sick are sick, but only he is sick. It's his anti-airport religion.
1111, you remind me of OJ. You keep repeating that lie about Irvine leaders being in support of an airport so often I think you actually believe that blatant lie. If I told you that the sun actually rises in the west and sets in the east and said it often enough I'll bet you'd believe that, too.
Let go of your delusional lie, 1111, the truth will set you free and the truth is Irvine, including it's leaders, are on the record as being anti El Toro airport, no matter where you would like them to put it.
This poor NIMBY is stuck in fantasy land and can't find his way out. Maybe if he clicks his heels together three times the good witch will take him home.
"If he only had a brain."
810, LAWA dollars are dropping all around you, yet you stick with your pack of lies. If the sun rose in the west and set in the east I would believe it, but certainly not because you said it. You're a chronic liar, stuck in the past of propaganda, measure F and silly town hall meetings. If you only had a brain, a lobotomy would help. Turn on the lights, Vernon. LAWA is ready to start the flights and pay the rent. Irvine leaders are in favor of El Toro International Airport.
Keep telling that lie about Irvine leaders and you may actually believe it, 940, but the rest of that have a brain know it's just your anti truth. I think you must have already had a lobotomy since you obviously have trouble thinking and can't tell the truth if your life depended on it.
Go on, 940, dig up some more of your past propaganda so we can all have one more laugh at you.
1009, here it is. We need El Toro International Airport because it is big. Just today another jet ran into sea gulls at San Jose Airport. El Toro's long runways allow the jet to stop even at v1. Congratulations, Irvine, for opening the clean, green, wanted, needed, safe, already built, FAA approved, airline popular El Toro International Airport.
Yes indeed, congratulations Irvine for showing the truth to this NIMBY and voting continuously to keep El Toro closed and opening the Great Park.
Keep lying to yourself, 317, you're beginning to believe it. But the truth will set you free when you try to book a flight out of El Toro and get laughed at.
Cmon, 317, tell the lie again and again, we all laugh at you every time.
I think anon is really just a troll posing as someone "pro airport" just to make that side look bad.
Irvine leaders do not favor an airport. Only a NIMBY or a troll thinks Irvine has sound leadership.
The pro airport trolls already look bad.
134, El Toro International Airport now belongs to Irvine, and Irvine can use its clever clout to open it without interference from its former anti-airport allies. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The anti-El Toro International Airport NIMBYs really look bad on this website. Every time they post it turns on the LAWA money tree.
Shine that light on 539, Vern, he's got dementia and has forgotten that Irvine doesn't want his stinky airport, that's why it's going to be a clean, green, safe, approved, needed, wanted park.
See the light, 539, and take your pills.
621, anti-El Toro International Airport posters really look bad on this website. They never advanced beyond Measure W, Measure F, and Irvine's brainwashing of them. The park is toast. El Toro International Airport is ready to go. The LAWA money tree will make it happen.
817, will you ever be able to write something that is honest and true? I don't think so, the NIMBY's always lie.
1146, everything is honest and true about El Toro International Airport. That's why this website was created, to get the truth out. Anti-El Toro International Airport NIMBYs always lie. They keep repeating old propaganda from failed Measure W and Measure F. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Pro-airport tells the truth Anti-airport always lies.
Failed measure W? Ahhh, measure W passed, by a land slide. How is that failed? Oh, wait, you have this fantasy that Irvine is going to open an airport. Acid flash back?
1025, there you are believing in Measure W which fails to prevent the re-opening of El Toro International Airport. In case you hadn't noticed, El Toro is now part of Irvine, and she can open it whenever she pleases. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Measure W failed, Measure F is unconstitutional, and Measure S was defeated by a land slide. The ballot box always comes through.
Measure W passed by a narrow 4-3 margin during a low turnout election and only in 13 of 34 cities. A landslide it was not. Lets vote again. The park ain't working out so well.
Keep spinning those lies and distortions Donald. Let’s take a look at the FACTS on the airport elections:
1994 Measure A, which started it all: 51.44% Yes, 48.56% No. So NIMBY Beach almost got their way, managing to get this very vague and little understood measure passed by the narrowest of margins. Of course no one really understood the enormous negative impacts of the airport plan at this point. A victory of the Newport NIMBY’s thanks to the ignorance of most of the electorate at the time.
1996 Measure S, to overturn Measure A: 40.45% Yes 59.55% No. Looking like another victory for the NIMBY Beachers. However, as it required a NO vote to overturn Measure A, most likely this one slipped by due to many in the anti-airport camp voted Yes thinking it would kill the airport, not support it. A NIMBY victory only because the measure came from Bizarro world. At this point the county has still not revealed its real plan for the airport, once again a measure passed in confusion and ignorance.
2000 Measure F: 67.3% Yes 32.7% No. By now the war going full force and the county’s EIR and plans were out in the open and at last understood by anyone breathing with a brain (which obviously excludes NIMBY Beach). Measure F passes by a landslide, as voters finally understand the issues, and a No vote actually means No. Measure F would have provided strong protection against John Wayne expansion as well yet, blinded by their El Toro frenzy and lack of reasoning capacity, NIMBY Beach votes against it. Are these NIMBY’s really dumb enough to cut their own throats?
2002 Measure W, the Great Park: 58% Yes 42% No. Somehow the pro El Toro camp considers this the narrowest of victories. However, after 6 years even the most casual of observers understand exactly what a disaster an El; Tor airport will be, and pass Measure W in what any rational person would consider a landslide. In the finals slap in the face to the pro El Toro crowd, pro airport witch Cynthia Coad is sent packing from the BOS in a second landslide vote. Three strikes and NIMBY Beach is out. The airport is officially buried, NIMBY Beach, like the petulant spoiled children they are, still doesn’t understand why they lost. Maybe it’s because nobody likes them? The loonier ones continue to cry and wail for another 7 years (and counting) that “turning on the lights” will somehow reverse all this irreversible history. Sorry, this cat is out of the bag and not about to go back in.
Delusions, fantasies and The Duke 24/7 are all that’s left for the more pathetic of NIMBY Beach. Yet somehow they think they won.
Easy now, 331. I live in Newport, well, CDM actually, but it's a part of Newport, and I think you and I would get along just fine. You see, we both like facts instead of the NIMBY fantasy. Go easy on Donald, Vern and the other minions, they still believe in Santa Clause and LAWA and they would never let a little thing like facts get in their way.
Nice history lesson, 331, but you left out important facts. S, F, and W were sponsored by the NIMBYs. S was a really big landslide defeat for you. F was grotesque and unconstitutional. W was an effete measure aimed at county ownership of the airport. There never has been a well financed pro-El Toro International Airport measure on the ballot which would take that silly great park away from Irvine, open the much needed El Toro International Airport, and close John Wayne Airport once and for all. 404 claims to live in Newport Beach, but really he lives in one of those tract houses in Dana Point down by you and always bad mouths the town in which he claims to live. Turn on the lights, Vernon. 331 is the ultimate NIMBY and 404 is the ultimate phoney. Both will benefit from El Toro International Airport.
Measure F, Measure W and Chris Norby. Three strikes and you're out (and so are the lights).
For all the work I did fighting against El Toro all I ever had to explain to anyone was the simple fact that the entire issue was a smokescreen from NIMBY Beach to close The Duke and shove their problems a few miles down the road. The unanimous response was "Screw Newport Beach, John Wayne was there first. Let them move if they don't like the planes". Sorry Donald, but nobody likes you. But you keep on dreaming that you're somehow "elite". Rest assured that you're the only one who believes it.
332, well exalted one, you admit for all the work you did fighting against El Toro International Airport, but you fail to explain why you are against the airport. We need it. It is noiseless. It is there. So there. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Nobody likes exalted one. He fights but he doesn't have a reason.
I fought against El Toro to keep the jets over YOUR house, AKA Case de Delusional. I won. Tough sh_t NIMBY.
231, too bad your fight was all in vain. Now that Irvine is polluted and a danger to public health, LAWA will clean up that city and open El Toro International Airport. That's much better than having the Navy try to do it with tax money. All taxes are theft. Turn on the lights, Vernon, there still is a deranged NIMBY opposed to the airport and in favor of pollution.
The fight was in vain? Let me check what's flying over my house right now. Once again, just a couple of sparrows, not a jet to be seen or heard. What's flying over Casa de Delusional? The 1:40 to Dallas? Keep those earplugs handy Donald, because you're going to find out what "in vain" really means once the 1:40 to Dallas means the 1:40 AM flight from clean, convenient 24/7 John Wayne Airport. I can hardly wait to be on that flight.
146, dollars mean nothing to you, o Newport Beach hater. Maybe you could enlighten us as to why also you hate El Toro International Airport. I don't mean your lies. What's in it for you? Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NYMBY hates Newport Beach.
What's in it for me? The joy of a good night's sleep in quiet, bucolic, elite neighborhood or maybe a weekend on the patio without a 747 blasting overhead every three minutes. Maybe it's just the ecstasy of keeping the Duke open 24/7 so you NIMBY's can enjoy the noise and pollution you were so eager to foist off on South County.
Next time daddy leaves you a house be sure it's in a better neighborhood. Or just learn to love the smell of jet fuel 24/7, it's your choice.
545 loves the smell of JP-5! It makes his yard nice and green from all his beloved CO2.
1250, finally a NIMBY says why he hates the opening of El Toro International Airport. He wants a good nights sleep, lounging in his patio with out 747s roaring overhead and he hates Newport Beach. Mostly, he hates Newport Beach. That's class envy and class warfare. If the NIMBYs were smart they would welcome the airport like Newport Beach did. Citizens of Newport Beach get a good nights sleep every night because JWA is closed from 10:00 P.M. to 7:00 A.M. Turn on the lights, Vernon. There's plenty of jobs for the NIMBYs at the new airport, nobody is in the noise zone, and everybody will get a good night's sleep without smelling jet fuel. 1250 and 824 speak the truth when it comes to hate, but they don't reveal the root cause of their hate.
1032, I'm surprised you're up so early after a night of bar carousing. How's the hangover this morning, still a little blurry eyed? You must be because you continue with your lies and hate. The big lie this morning is that Newport loves the Duke when we all know that NIMBY Beach has been fighting for decades over SNA. You may fool your fellow SNA hating, Koolaid drinking airport dreamers with your lies, 1032, but the rest of us know you for what you truly are, one big NIMBY liar.
Now please go back to your bloody mary (and I don't mean your wife).
1047, I didn't say what you said I said. Newport Beach loved the opening of John Wayne Airport. Newport Beach is responsible. You NIMBYs should welcome El Toro International Airport too. Everybody gets a good night's sleep in Newport Beach, and that is why it is elite. If you would support El Toro, little details like a good night's sleep, patio tranquility, and the smell of jet fuel all will be worked out. But you must welcome El Toro International Aiport first. You must do your share in order to have equity. I love El Toro International Airport and you should too. You have not come up with one good reason for opposing it, other than hate. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Bring on the money tree. NIMBYs don't count. We just talk to them for fun.
434, when are you going to stop repeating the same lie? No matter how many times you repeat the same lie, we know the truth. Newport hated SNA as soon as airlines started flying out of it. Their hate only increased with the addition of jets to the fleet.
I know you NIMBY's aren't real big on honesty or facts, but for once, do some homework so you won't like the fool you appear to be.
648, nobody ever said they wanted the NIMBYs to lose sleep over El Toro International Airport. That myth was started by a NIMBY who quoted the federal Airport Noise and Capacity Act which leaks like a sieve with exceptions. Turn on the lights, Vernon. LAWA's money tree will clean up El Toro, run an efficient airport and give redeyes to everybody that wants one in Orange County.
LAWA's money tree was cut up for fire wood. El Toro is toast and the NIMBY airport dreamers are effete.
157, there you are bragging about burning up trees for firewood. The Great Park is toast. The pork for the Park was killed by Oklahoma senators. Too bad, Barbie and Larry. I thought she had a winner with victory gardens and water reclamation. The only thing left of the great park is poisonous TCE plumes, battery acid, used oil, enriched uranium and perchlorates. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The airport already is built and can function with contamination which LAWA will clean up. You must have looked up effete and found it was you.
No 727, it was your picture in the dictionary. Nice fantasy you spew, or are they lies? You tell them so much it's hard to tell.
Long live the Duke, El Toro is ancient history.
735, El Toro's runways are still intact....and so are your FEARS! =)
I have no fear. I'm smart enough to know that El Toro is toast and isn't ever coming back. Too bad you haven't figured that out yet.
Have you seen the huge piles of asphalt at The Great Park? Man, they're tearing things up at record pace.
803, smart, but not smart enough to see they're getting ready to open El Toro. Those ashphalt piles are to uncover the contaminated soil so some of the TCE volatile organic chemical can escape into the air. I wonder if that's legal what they're doing. Anyway, the Great Park is toast now that Senator Boxer didn't get her pork for poor peoples gardens and water control. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Keep these NIMBYs acting like sore winners which they are.
Oh, 1058, there you go again, making a fool of yourself. Don't you get tired of being the laughing stock of this site? Don't you get tired of looking like the village idiot?
In case you missed it, your beloved Senator Boxers pork stayed in. Try reading the news sometime, NIMBY.
We're just winners Donald, not sore winners. You are just a loser, sore, demented, pathetic, or just plain loony, but still a loser. Enjoy The 24/7 Duke coming soon to an airport near you.
This website is all about El Toro International Airport, not sore winners, anti-airport NIMBYs and pork followers. The news I read said an Oklahoma Senator threw out the Great Park Pork. What news can you trust? Anyway that pork was compatible with the planned El Toro International Airport. So there.
There is no El Toro airport Donald, never was and never will be. Wishing and hoping and thinking and praying won't change anything. Only two bits of news that you need to know about. The Great Park is coming to Irvine, and The 24/7 Duke is coming over Casa de Delusional. See if you can get some shill from Oklahoma to change that.
325 do you really TRUST Larry Agran with federal taxdollars?
More than I trust the airport nut cases.
1131, speaking of nut cases, would you trust yourself? Turn on the lights, Vernon. We've got a selfish NIMBY to re-educate.
Well, I sure as hell don't trust you lying NIMBY's.
502 trusts himself enough to say he doesn't trust others. It's really very simple, 502. NIMBYs always lie. Advocates always tell the truth. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY knows nothing but hate.
For once you have almost told the truth Donald. Except all the NIMBY's are from NIMBY Beach, and we hear the truth from you about as often as I see a living dinosaur. The truth was told and the Great Park was born. Deal with it.
309, Now that this website was born, millions of people are learning, for the first time, about the great El Toro International Airport which the Great Park was intended to displace. But nobody wants the great park. Instead they want to make money from El Toro and that means from El Toro International Airport. Deal with it, 309. We need El Toro for 30 million annual passengers. More if other airports are closed.
Once again 458 is taking magic mushrooms. He thinks LAX, Long Beach and Lindbergh Field are closing. Now that's what I call a trip! Time to quit living in the 60's, 458, and stop using drugs. El Toro died a peaceful death and isn't coming back. Better deal with it.
Oh, and five people (at the most) does not equal millions. You obviously weren't great at math.
908, well, lone NIMBY, haven't you heard the news? El Toro International Airport has to open to save Irvine and Lennar from bankruptcy. Turn on the lights, Vernon. It's 30 million annual passengers or bust.
No, 1052, I haven't heard, except on this liar's site. Show it to me some place reputable. Oh, wait, you can't! Oh well, another NIMBY lie down the drain.
Turn on the lights, Vern, 1052 has 30 million voices in his head and he's afraid of the dark.
126, ok here's a reputable place. El Toro International Airport has to be opened for 30 million annual passengers to save a city and an owner from bankruptcy. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
More crap from you know where. Turn on the flash light, Vern, those 30 million voices in 530's head are getting louder.
803, I see the lone NIMBY has felt the need to denounce the LAWA dollar tree which will clean up Irvine's pollution and open El Toro International Airport for 30 million annual passengers. I'll bet 803 will use it too.
The supposed LAWA dollar tree died or wood rot, was cut down and used for fire wood. Nice fantasy, though. Poor pathetic NIMBY's, can't pawn their noisy airport off on South County.
909, The LAWA money tree is alive and well even though the lone NIMBY doesn't like it. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Why are the NIMBYs on here denouncing the money tree if El Toro is so DEAD? Why are they so unhappy when they supposedly WON? We never do hear them talk about how wonderful it is to play with each other in the Great Park. They drink too much bitter ale.
Very astute, 1040. Who knows what lurks inside of the head of a NIMBY? I guess they drank too much bitter ale and that keeps them angry, afraid, jealous and possessed. Turn on the lights, Vernon. I love El Toro International Airport, and they will too after it opens.
Nice double post, 1040 and 225. What did you do, post at night, then forget you wrote it and responded to your own hate speech? Nice try.
We don't denounce the money tree. We just want you to know that it died and was cut up for fire wood. Tony V. needed the extra cash for his next pet project, taking over LA Unified.
That means his salivating over El Toro dried up long ago, just like your hopes and dreams of destroying South County. But hey, you can always keep up the hate speech if it makes you feel better.
Poor, poor loser NIMBY's, can't get their wet dream of an airport built.
758 HOW can South County be "destroyed" when much louder Marine jets did NOT make that happen? Suddenly we have quieter civilian jets and South County will be "destroyed". That is a good one. Who taught you to think that way? The Agranistas?
The only thing that will (mentally) destroy South County, will be if JWA does not go 24/7 and Newport Beach still exists. Must suck to be you and have such class envy and live in second tier neighborhoods.
451, the beauty of El Toro International Airport is that nobody, absolutely nobody, is in the noise zone of that fine airport. We love South County NIMBYs. That's why there is a re-education program for NIMBYs. The LAWA money tree is alive and well. Los Angeles is ready to move forward on this project as soon as our second tier neighbors sign on the dotted line.
451, in case you missed my previous posts or are just memory challenged, I live in Corona del Mar. Hardly second tier. What's your local, the 909?
When El Toro was open the Marine's flew perhaps 10 to 20 flights a day. That's a fraction of the planes planned for your dream of El Toro. It was said on this site by one of your Newport NIMBY buddies that destroying south county is something that Irvine should consider by opening El Toro.
Sorry to get you all worked up. Better pull that thong out of your ass, it seems to really be bothering you.
Or are you just pissed that I live in CDM and love the Duke. Those of us with a brain knew many years ago that we didn't want to live under SNA, we knew in the 50's that it was going to be a major airport. So I guess in reality it must suck to be you! Suck it up, NIMBY!
738, the beauty of the Duke is that nobody, absolutely nobody lives in the noise zone! And imagine how wonderful it will be in few short years when I can catch a red eye out of there to where I want to go.
If the LAWA money tree is so grand why is LAWA laying off workers? What happened at Ontario? Palmdale? Oops, I guess somebody goofed on those, didn't they?
Oh no, lone NIMBY. Only you can lie like a rug with a straight face and act like you mean it while you attack the truth sayers in favor of El Toro International Airport. Everybody knows there are hundreds of people in the noise zone at John Wayne Airport. But nobody, absolutely nobody, is in the noise zone of El Toro International Airport. The Marines flew thousands of those noisy jets every day, but you only remember 20? What a liar. I would drive by there while the same plane circled around and around landing and taking off and zooming over Laguna Beach, which is what they still remember and think the civilian planes would do the same thing. Too bad they were taught that lie. But it doesn't matter anymore. We can open that airport without support from Laguna Beach. Of course Aliso Viejo, Cota de Caza, Rancho Santa Margarita, Dana Point, Laguna Hills, Lake Forest, Mission Viejo and Laguna Woods no longer have any say in the matter, and that is good. They're all too far from the airport anyway. Turn on the lights, Vernon. It will be fun watching a grown NIMBY cry. The LAWA money tree is ready to go to work with all the money they're saving by laying off the fat.
Thousands of flights a day? Now that is a king sized lie even for a liar NIMBY. If you can open the airport without anyone's support, what the hell are you waiting for? Oh, that's right, it got voted down and will never come back. Now that is what makes a liar NIMBY cry.
Yes, thousands, and those were noisy jets with high power and no noise suppression. The noise came right through the roof of my car like there were no roof. By contrast civilian airplanes at El Toro International Airport will be civilized. So quiet that no one is in the noise zone. Try it, you'll love it. Turn on the lights, Vernon. NIMBYs are slow learners.
Thanks, but no. You can keep all your quiet jets at the Duke where nobody, absolutely nobody is in the noise zone. But it wouldn't matter anyway since, as you say, the jets there are civilized.
What a NIMBY!
It's not nice to rebuff the LAWA money tree. LAWA is only interested in El Toro. It's airplanes will be quiet as a cat. Nobody is in the noise zone at El Toro, and that's the way it is. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
1143, haven't you heard, Orange County is allergic to cats, that's why they said no airport at El Toro. The airplanes that are staying at SNA forever will be as quiet as a mouse, you NIMBY's won't even know they're there, and that's the way it is, NIMBY!
Keep the lights on, Vern, The Duke wants to go 24/7!
What makes the Duke WANT 24/7?
Well, 1013, I'd say most of Orange County (minus NIMBY Beach, of course) wants The Duke 24/7.
905, that was then but this is now. LAWA money tree is the solution to all of our unemployment problems. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Even a NIMBY can not turn down prosperity at El Toro International Airport.
Actually many NIMBYs freeload off of government services. If they actually had to work for a living, they might favor El Toro.
Yes, build the airport and every out of work American will suddenly have a job. What an idiot. Every word you type just makes you look stupider, 523.
And now is just like then, the majority still doesn't want your airport. You can keep the Duke.
And yes, 1010, and they live in NIMBY Beach and Costa Misery. They've been freeloading for years.
Freeloading is a popular thing with anti-El Toro International Airport NIMBYs. After the airport is opened, they'll still freeload by using it. Turn on the lights, Vernon. LAWA money tree is the solution to all of our desires, dreams and not mention jobs.
Freeloading is a popular thing with pro El Toro NIMBY's. They've been freeloading for years and will continue to do so, especially with their "boy" Obama in office. He's their last hope for an airport at El Toro. Until then it's SNA for you, NIMBY!
740, you're attacking Obama and the LAWA Money Tree in one caustic post. Newport Beach always gets its way. Turn on the lights, Vernon. It's not nice to keep the elite waiting.
Well, it seems NIMBY Beach isn't getting it's way this time, now is it. Besides, you are far from elite, now, back of the line for you, poser.
616, Newport Beach always gets its way. Even Obama knows that. Newport Beach is where the elite greet and eat. You should hear what they say about NIMBYs and BANANAs. Turn on the lights, Vernon. El Toro is for airplanes.
Hmmmm, let's test your theory about NIMBY Beach always getting it's way. NIMBY Beach, was against jets at SNA, but what do you know, there are jets at SNA. NIMBY Beach was against the Thomas Riley terminal being built, but guess what? The Thomas Riley terminal was built. NIMBY Beach is against the terminal being expanded. Guess what, it's under construction as we speak. NIMBY Beach was against the expansion of the 55 freeway. Oh no, the 55 got expanded anyway. Oh, and lets not forget that the 55 used to be called the Newport Freeway until Costa Mesa got all in a lather and had the name changed to the Costa Mesa Freeway.
Shall we go on? NIMBY Beach was against the toll roads, yet there they are! NIMBY Beach was against the state taking over both Crystal Cove and El Moro communities. Can you guess what happened? They took them over anyway. NIMBY Beach wanted the Irvine Company to turn the upper Newport Bay into a marina. Another loser as the Upper Bay was declared a preserve and cannot be developed. NIMBY Beach wanted/wants SNA closed and moved to El Toro. Uh-oh, the county voted against an airport at El Toro, another one down in flames.
So you see, loser 905, NIMBY Beach doesn't always get it's NIMBY way.
No you go back to your gin bottle and think up some more little white lies, that's what you're good at.
834, Newport Beach always gets its way. You love to revise the truth and history, Lone NIMBY. Here's a few you left out. Airplanes from John Wayne Airport must turn their engines off while flying over Newport. Airplanes from John Wayne Airport are not allowed to take off after 10:00 P.M. That's so the elite can get their beauty sleep. Newport Beach always gets its way. The Coast Freeway was cancelled by Newport Beach and BANANAs still use it to fight Toll Roads. Newport Harbor was built just for the residents of elite Newport Beach who built their houses right on the water. Any more revisionism, NIMBY? Turn on the lights, Vernon. El Toro International Airport is ready to fly.
Oh Donald, proving you wrong and a liar is just too easy. If Newport always gets it's way, why are the caps coming off at SNA in just a few short years? And we have already proven that Newport Harbor IS NOT just for Newport residents. That's why many boats say Las Vegas, or other such locations. It's also why the harbor is patrolled by the Sheriff's department and not NBPD. Newport always gets it's way? Why have the feds said no way to dredging the bay at Newport's request?
You, Donald, is the one that likes to revise history. Too bad for you everyone knows what a certified liar you are.
Keep an eye on Donald, Vern, next he'll re-write the constitution along with his boy, Obama.
825, Newport Harbor is just for residents of Newport Beach who built their houses right on the water. Pretty nice, eh. And pretty unique eh? Seems I saw Coos Bay on a boat there once. Newport Beach always gets its way. El Toro International Airport is needed for 30 million annual passengers. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Lone NIMBY lost again.
More lies from the water logged one. Funny, my out of town friends that bring their boats to Newport have never been asked to show proof of residence before. 901, do you sit alone in the dark with a bottle of cheap gin and a smelly cigar trying to think up these lies you spew? Clearly the gin has taken it's toll on you as you haven't come up with a new one in a long time, you just repeat the same old garbage. Doesn't it embarrass you when you are proven a liar over and over?
The LAWA money tree is the answer to all the NIMBYs and their enemies. Nobody ever said there aren't any visitors by boat to Newport Beach. We even have restaurants for them. But the unique thing is private houses built right on the water. Too bad you're not elite, NIMBY. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The airport is languishing over there in the country.
The LAWA money tree was cut up and used to warm my house this past winter. Nobody ever said you were elite because we know you aren't! Too bad you don't live in one of those houses on the water, huh NIMBY. I bet it makes you green with envy.
Keep the lights on at the Duke 24/7, Vern, the airport languishes in the dark.
The airport is languishing over there in the country while the Lone NIMBY spews his jealousy, filth and hate. Too bad he doesn't have one of those houses on the water. But then he admits he is not elite. Newport Beach always gets its way. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Oh NIMBY 542, many more of your lies must I correct. We already know you are not elite, Newport doesn't always get it's way, I'm not jealous and El Toro is ancient history.
Your turn, tell more lies, oh jealous one.
548, if El Toro is ancient history? Why are you on here?
If El Toro won, what are you doing on here? You can't even tell what year the airport is going to open. Six weeks after never?
444, try 6 days, Lone NIMBY. That's 6 days after go ahead. Turn on the lights, Vernon. El Toro International Airport. Today, tomorrow and yesterday.
Oh, now we're down to six days. A while back it was six months, a few posts ago it was six weeks, now it's six days. I guess if you have 30 million construction workers (aka: passengers) they might get the job done.
What a clown. Hey Donald, how does it feel to have everybody laughing at you?
224, I get the last laugh. Maybe six hours is more to your liking for first flights from El Toro International Airport after the goahead. Turn on the lights, Vernon. NIMBYs are stuck on the meaning of six.
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