Judging by donations, the Denizens of Monarch Beach were probably the most obsessed community of any against the planned El Toro International Airport. Yet, they are also one of the furthest communities away from El Toro that actually opposes it. Go figure. Since Monarch Beach has wasted so much money and time trying to obstruct El Toro, they have literally committed economic suicide. There are not enough tourists coming to visit the St. Regis. Hence, the recent bankruptcy. As one can see fools and their money are soon parted.
Think about it. Would international travelers want to come all the way down from LAX to stay there? Apparently, not often enough. On the other hand, were El Toro open for business, millions of additional visitors, especially affluent international visitors would stimulate the Orange County economy, including The St. Regis in Monarch Beach.
Instead the denizens of Monarch Beach were out there decrying the "wealthy special interests" of Newport Beach as if wealth was somehow a bad thing. They even went so far as to display a anti El Toro fund raising thermometer along Pacific Coast Highway.
The irony is Monarch Beach is not exactly a poor place itself, and is clearly above average disposable income level for most communities within Orange County. The only rational explanation for all this RINOism on their part is they must suffer from class envy of Newport Beach to rail against us for being "wealthy". Are we in Newport Beach to stop being productive after we make our very first million? Apparently, Monarch Beach thinks so.
Monarch Beach has tremendous economic potential, but they limit themselves by their economic ignorance, NIMBYism, and class envy of Newport Beach. Instead of worrying about their coastal neighbor up the road, why they don't they simply rethink their irrational opposition to the planned El Toro International Airport. The St. Regis would then become financially solvent, and local incomes would rise. What they have got to lose? Nothing, except for actually admitting they were snookered by the Agranista propaganda machine.