Judging by donations, the Denizens of Monarch Beach were probably the most obsessed community of any against the planned El Toro International Airport. Yet, they are also one of the furthest communities away from El Toro that actually opposes it. Go figure. Since Monarch Beach has wasted so much money and time trying to obstruct El Toro, they have literally committed economic suicide. There are not enough tourists coming to visit the St. Regis. Hence, the recent bankruptcy. As one can see fools and their money are soon parted.
Think about it. Would international travelers want to come all the way down from LAX to stay there? Apparently, not often enough. On the other hand, were El Toro open for business, millions of additional visitors, especially affluent international visitors would stimulate the Orange County economy, including The St. Regis in Monarch Beach.
Instead the denizens of Monarch Beach were out there decrying the "wealthy special interests" of Newport Beach as if wealth was somehow a bad thing. They even went so far as to display a anti El Toro fund raising thermometer along Pacific Coast Highway.
The irony is Monarch Beach is not exactly a poor place itself, and is clearly above average disposable income level for most communities within Orange County. The only rational explanation for all this RINOism on their part is they must suffer from class envy of Newport Beach to rail against us for being "wealthy". Are we in Newport Beach to stop being productive after we make our very first million? Apparently, Monarch Beach thinks so.
Monarch Beach has tremendous economic potential, but they limit themselves by their economic ignorance, NIMBYism, and class envy of Newport Beach. Instead of worrying about their coastal neighbor up the road, why they don't they simply rethink their irrational opposition to the planned El Toro International Airport. The St. Regis would then become financially solvent, and local incomes would rise. What they have got to lose? Nothing, except for actually admitting they were snookered by the Agranista propaganda machine.
MonoNIMBYosis, now that's a moniker for ultimate reactionism, and Monarch Beach is the center for that illness. They believe El Toro International Airport will harm quality of life, when flight tests there show that ambient noise is greater than El Toro airplanes. They raised money with a thermometer sign and brow-beat locals to contribute, which, for the most part, they did, dragging down the community. I wouldn't want to live there. It's not elite, but they need El Toro International Airport badly to fill up hotels which are going bankrupt because El Toro International Airport still is not open. Turn on the lights, Vernon. You have a winner with MonoNIMBYosis and Newport Class Envy that comes from a sick part of Monarch Beach.
When El Toro International Airport opens hotels will benefit from increased occupancy. Back when trains were the transit of choice, hotels used to spring up by the stations. Now they support the airports. It's good to know that mononimbyosis will be cured when El Toro International Airport opens. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Mononimbyosis will disappear when the airport opens.
Wow, Donald, only two post on this steaming pile in two weeks and they're both by you. I guess you've become irrelevant!
What a NIMBY!
Anti-El Toro International Airport NIMBYs are surprisingly quiet this 4th of July weekend and that is not surprising. They're out of work. They have been laid off. Their bucolic homes are being foreclosed upon. Hotels are closing up shop. All because El Toro International Airport still is not open. Pastor Rick Warren is doing outreach to the Muslim community because his church is right under the takeoff of Runway 7. The center of El Toro hate, Monarch Beach, is in the news because a TV star, Gail Storm, used to live there. The arguments for opening El Toro International Airport are compelling, and we can expect the airport to be opened by its owners, despite effete opposition from the citadel of hate and mononimbyosis, Monarch Beach. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The time to hit them is when they're down and out and dieing off.
1028, Lone Nimby said on another posting area that I should have said: The time to hit them is when they're down and out and dying off. Looks like I'm changing the color of the racists in Monarch Beach, but I'll buy that if it cures Mononimbyosis.
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