Metro Division job loss April ‘08-’09 Metro division Job loss
Warren-Troy-Farmington Hills, Mich. -8.4%
Detroit-Livonia-Dearborn, Mich. -6.2%
Orange County -4.8%
Edison-New Brunswick, N.J. -4.7%
Chicago-Naperville-Joliet, Ill. -4.4%
"Orange County lost 72,600 jobs from April 2008 to this April bringing total payroll employment to 1,427,000. That’s the lowest since February of 2003."
Unfortunately, I am not entirely surprised by this sobering statistic. The people of (mostly South) Orange County were hoodwinked into voting for a Great Park over a job producing airport at El Toro.
The Great Pork has produced very little in the way of jobs. But it has required a lot of public assistance such as porkulus from Barbie Boxer.
An airport on the other hand, would produce 100,000 direct and indirect jobs and pump billions into the local economy. Irvine needs to come to their senses and lease El Toro to Los Angeles World Airport Authority.
El Toro would also solve the housing crisis and oversupply of houses. A surge of airport employees would cause a surge in housing demand, and therefore raise property values.
Yes, Vernon, Orange County (mostly South County) is right up there with the auto titans that lost out because of the unions. Now we have South County that lost out because of too little infrastructure. I guess they thought they could go on and on using other airports when their island of bucolia is part of the Los Angeles area and drains its services and products from them. The 405 freeway has been expanded 14 times just so they could drive to work. I heard one South County whiner complaining to the Board of Supervisors that he had to take off driving to work in Gardena just so he could speak against El Toro International Airport. Now that those NIMBYs are irrelevant, Measure W no longer rules, and just about anybody can come along and take over Irvine and its park and open El Toro International Airport, we might see some jobs for South County. Turn in their computers for shovels. Turn on the lights, Vernon. We've got an airport to open and South County NIMBYs to provoke.
Lone NIMBY is conspicuous by his absence of posts on this new stellar article by Vernon about unemployment in Orange County. Lone NIMBY bragged that he had converted his boss to be against El Toro International Airport. Maybe his boss has seen the light and has fired Lone NIMBY. El Toro International Airport will provide hundreds of thousands of jobs for Orange County, which we need. Maybe they have Wi Fi at the unemployment office for Lone NIMBY to post from his lap top. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
The Lone NIMBY is tired of talking to you idiots. The best way to kill this stupid blog is to simply ignore it. The Vern and Donald can continue talk to each other in the closet, as they have for years. It's obvious no one else on the planet is listening to either of you. Welcome to the sound of one hand clapping.
Here's to a swift and final death to this irrelevant, useless waste of server space.
1059, you being the lone NIMBY are frustrated and have officially surrendered. You cannot refute the need for the planned El Toro International Airport or defend the failure of the Great Pork!
Yes, it's unconditional surrender for South County NIMBYs who can't win an argument with their quaint anti-airport lies. They still sneak a post now and then while down at the unemployment office. NIMBYs are sad sacks. When LAWA opens El Toro International Airport they will hire more people in one month than were laid off in the last 2 years. We need the airport. We need the jobs. Irvine needs the money. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Prosperity is just around the corner.
I agree and disagree with you. First, this blog is full of crap.
However, I will not refrain from posting. I think it is so much fun to come on here and remind the Newpies that JWA 24/7 is COMING!
And there is NOTHING they can do about it!
219, it's nice to see an enemy of El Toro International Airport and Elite Newport Beach, ROFLMAO, say he can not resist posting on this website which is all about El Toro International Airport, not John Wayne Airport. When El Toro International Airport opens, there is nothing ROFLMAO can do about it. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Vern, your head is so far up your ass on this one it’s beyond laughable.
1. Farmington Hills; 20.7 miles from Detroit Airport
2. Detroit: Has it very own large airport.
3. OC: Has convenient, crowd free JWA already in place and grossly underutilized.
4. Edison NJ: 21.5 miles from scenic Newark and its very large airport.
5. Chicago; Home the second busiest airport in the US.
So you would try to have us believe that the OC lost jobs because of the lack of a mega airport. As usual, in your warped hatred of South County, you fail to acknowledge that every other area that lost jobs is within spitting distance of a large international airport, and yet these areas have also tanked economically. So one again I ask you to explain how and why building a mega airport at El Tor will provide all this alleged “stimulation” when very other area you cited in your post already has an busy international airport and yet they apparently receive no stimulation whatsoever from having one. Again why do the rules of economics change so magically when applied to El Toro? Because it’s just another round of lies, distortion and fabrications from sore-loser NIMBY Beach.
It’s the businesses and population around an airport that create airport jobs, not the airport itself. If anyone doesn’t understand basic economics it's you. Of course, facts have always been few and far between in NIMBY Beach.
you are right that an airport would bring jobs and that Larry Agran is screwing up The Great Park. However, as long as I am not an Irvine taxpayer, I don't care.
I also am not in the noise zone.
However, I voted against El Toro so that John Wayne would be forced to GROW, GROW and GROW! I simply hate NewPorsche Bitch and Republican blowhards like yourself. 2015 cannot get here fast enough.
What a silly plethora of boulderdash from 1208 and Benny, both sounding like unrepentant NIMBYs who should know better than posting hate and irrelevant statistics. Prosperity and jobs from El Toro International Airport are well documented assets of the future of El Toro. Only El Toro International Airport can meet the needs of our regional aviation demand. Nobody is in the noise zone and the airport already is built. Irvine and Lennar need the money and South County needs the service. The Great Park will become the Great El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Just answer the question Donald or Vern. Why is El Toro such an economic miracle when all the cities Vern noted as suffering the great loss of jobs already have a mega airport in place? Why don't all those airports bring their economic miracles to those suffering cities. Or is the true that NIMBY Beach has spent so much time trying to sell the Big Lie that you now actually believe your own crap?
And a typical response from you Donald. "Don't bother me with facts and real statistics, I my fantasy airport to ram down South County's collective throat". And you you wonder why NIMBY Beach is reviled? Too bad your fantasy airport will stay just that, the wet dream of a couple of senile old fools who will have JWA jets flying overhead for the rest of their pathetic lives.
1047, what fun it is to see a NIMBY posting irrelevant statistics when the truth almost jumps up and frys his computer. He notes that places with airports and without airports both lost jobs in a big way, but he does not admit that Orange County's lack of jobs is caused by still closed El Toro International Airport and too many houses. Unemployment is running high, hotels are going bankrupt, and the toll roads are raising their rates again, all because the economic miracle of El Toro International Airport is not open. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Show this NIMBY what El Toro International Airport can do for everybody. Proving a negative is for losers.
Keep ignoring the facts Donald. NIMBY Beach is ground zero for losers.
955: Why don't you give us the facts, Lone NIMBY, such as which place increased employment (San Antonio-Round Rock), and you can tell me if it has an airport or not. Turn on the lights, Vernon. NIMBYs should use facts, not emotion.
First off Orange County with its great weather, Disneyland, and beaches is a great place to visit, not to mention live. Tourists are not crazy about visiting Detroit or some parts of New Jersey. They want to come to Southern California. In the meantime, we have revenue leakage to Los Angeles County with international tourists who don't always make it down to Orange County.
Re-opening El Toro International Airport would truly be economically stimulating. It is a shovel ready project that would create a lot of jobs. First there are start up jobs to modify El Toro, then there would be the operational jobs to keep it running. Not to mention all the international tourists spending money in Orange County.
Do you care to tell us how many jobs the Great Pork has created? The plans are to add even more housing to an already flooded market. That will only further depress real estate prices.
To the poster who mentioned San Antonio, I did a little research on it and found out that Kelly Air Force base was converted into a civilian airport. Is it any wonder they have growth. Must be a business friendly climate without NIMBYs and environmental whackos to obstruct transportation facilities.
You're doing yeoman's work, Vernon, selling El Toro International Airport to the reactionary NIMBYs who don't have a leg to stand on. El Toro International Airport is light switch ready to start the flights and NIMBYs can turn in their computers for shovels. It's up to Irvine, the County, State and Federal Government to open the airport. When owners don't act, it's up to the government. Kelly Air Force Base was polluted with TCE, I believe, but that didn't stop San Antonio-Round Rock. 30 million annual passengers are queueing up to use El Toro International Airport. Excellent post on your own article, Vernon.
you just gave an elegant presentation on why we should expand John Wayne to 24/7. It is shovel ready and international tourists do want to visit Orange County for our great weather and beaches, not to mention our Great Park in progress. You have my support for JWA 24/7.
1143, Roll over yourself, Lone Nimby. This website is all about El Toro International Airport, inland away from the coast, out of the way, up against toll roads and a national forest. Just what the doctor ordered so tourists can enjoy Newport Beach, St Regis and Pelican Hills Resort. 30 million annual passengers are lining up to use El Toro International Airport. 1143 spews hate like a drunken homeless NIMBY, and he doesn't even know what website he's on. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
We can now add geographically challenged to 1208's list of faults.
If he bothered to check. Joliet is as far away from Chicago as one can get and still be in the Metro area. In fact it is in the southwest corner of metro while the main airport is in the northwest but hard by the first beltway. Joliet would be at the third beltway if they got around to building it. Of course Joliet was home to some of Chicago's worst nasty boys in the state pen. Around O'hare are some of Chicago's leafiest suburbs. While the area around Midway has risen, fallen and risen with Midway Airlines and its demise and risen again with Southwest and the terminal direct connection to the EL. The railway yards there are slowly moving out the the Peotone area but the emplyment impact is minimal because railways do not employ many people at yards.
The area described in NJ is actually the 'chemical alley' of the east coast. The area has nothing to do with the airport except to supply it with jet fuel. Trenton, is as much a suburb of Philadelphia as it is of New York but the Philly airport is clear on the other side of Philly.
Nonetheless it is served not just by Acela and Amtrak locals but by NJT and SEPTA (Philly Transit). So it begs the question: Does rail really create jobs?
Detroit? The auto industry! Need I say more. It can be said that Wayne is holding the area up.
To Vern's list of successful base conversions we can add Austin's Bergstrom AFB, Manchester NH, Plattsburgh AFB, Stewart NY, which saved the lives of a Fed-EX crew in a similiar scenario to Swissair 111.
Expand John Wayne? Where? That airport is obstacle impaired in the most critical second segment and close-in glide path areas. That is why the overruns are unlicenceable.
Keep pounding Vern; you're on the right track.
ROFMLMAO 1143 actually makes mine laugh. Of all the parks in North America, only three attract hundreds of thousands of visitors. Two have major ski resorts (Banff and Adirondack). The other one is a major true wilderness area (Yellowstone). Since bears, wildcats and elk are not likley to roam the park and snow will surely not fly in southern california. Nobody is going to take a balloon ride to see a bunch of subdivisions fill in what remains of undeveloped area around El Toro. get real!!!
flyingmythbuster, yes 1208 is geographically challenged and you sure set him straight. That "Roll Over" character knows nothing about who would ever visit a park in Irvine when there's Disneyland, Knotts Berry Farm, Newport Beach, the San Diego Zoo and Wild Animal Park close by. Nobody is going to take a balloon ride to see a bunch of subdivisions. It's time to open El Toro International Airport to bring in people to stay at local hotels which are going bankrupt without the airport as they were planned for the airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
1055, that was Austin-Round Rock that had the employment increase, not San Antonio-Round Rock. Thanks to flyingmythbuster, 759, for pointing out that Austin has Bergstrom Air Force Base converting to civilian service. Over the year employment in the Santa Ana-Anaheim-Irvine division fell 4.8%, right down there with the automobile patch and "chemical alley". Turn on the lights, Vernon. We need the airport stimulus Austin has.
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